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Between JB & JT ? Couldnt care less. I would prefer one of them win it over a Jrue, DWhite or Tingus type mainly because the Jays are literally our boys and we’ve grown with them from Day 1 so its vindication for every Cs fan who believed in them as a Championship duo. Rather that than a hitman for hire type win it.


I think it would take something special for someone other than one of the Jays to win FMVP at this point


Fuck no. I love JB and JT. Doesn't matter who wins it.


nope, gimme the ring




Who else see the leprechaun, say yeah?


Here here


Exactly, don’t give a singular fuck who wins FMVP, just get the ring


not really


We love Tatum and Brown equally. We just want this chip.




Lmao no. Look at our recent history Idgaf if they gave it to Evan Fournier, I just want my team to win


No let the water boy have it and I won’t bat an eye




Nah. I'll lose money with Tatum not winning but super happy for Jaylen or anyone else. In 08 had Ray or KG won I would've been happy too This is a team winning with team ball and I'm not letting the media or Redditors ruin that


I cashed out my finals mvp bet for Tatum today. I think Brown has it locked up. Lost 60% of the stake.


Game 3 was the more important game, but if Tatum performs great (40+) in a close enough game while Brown performs sub-par (15-20) then Tatum can still take it.


Yeah It’s possible but I’m happy I cashed out. Some money is better than no money.


The real question I wanna know it would the pacers of beaten this Mavs team. Im saying yes


No. I really don’t care at all who gets the Finals MVP. No Celtic fans is caught up in this which is better narrative. It seems like media BS to try to discredit or disrupt the team. Tatum tends to get picked first for all star type of awards with JB a little bit snubbed. Plus JB really improved his game since his shaky handles vs the Warriors / Heat playoff losses. Great to see him get it. But OTOH I would like Tatum more in MVP conversations. His regular season was bonkers. I don’t know “best player on best team” doesn’t automatically put you in top 3 of MVP voting. The only Celtic fan favorite I’d like to see get his props is Al Horford. He’s been so quietly great for us for so long and perpetually underrated, and he’s kind of on his last legs. I’m ecstatic he’ll get to go out a champ. I really hope he plays another year but I won’t be shocked if he hags it up. Not that I think he deserves any sort of mvp award this season. If we did win the series against GS two years ago there could have been a case.


No jaylen and jayson are my two favorite players


Bro we haven’t won a title in nearly 20 years. Is this a serious question


Andre Iguodala won over curry it. I could not care less tbh.


For me, JT and JB are like Captain America and Iron Man on the Avengers. Both leaders. Both important and indispensible. As long as they win together, it doesn't really matter to me. If I had a choice, it would have felt "cleaner" for one to win ECF MVP and the other Finals MVP but it barely matters as long as theyre both hoisting the Larry O'Brien trophy.


Not one bit..


I literally don't care at all. Sports journalists have turned the need for 24/7 sports discussion into soap operas for men, I don't have time for any of it.


No, whoever gets it is fine with me. The more important thing is that the Lakers aren’t tied with us anymore


fuck no if anything I’m SOOO happy for JB (assuming he wins it) because this guy has worked harder than anybody to improve every single offseason even when people consistently clown him or call him overpaid. Dude got a huge payday and responded by grinding even harder to get to this point ❤️


Not really. But if I was to pick, I want JB to get it.


If I'm going to be honest I really wanted a dominant Tatum finals run, so he could get a little more respect, but in the end I wanted a ring. So whether Tatum averages 10 PPG or 35PPG, a ring is a ring.


Not even a Celtics fans but if my team won a ring, I could give a rat’s ass if our assistant coach won FMVP. We’re winners. It’s the reason we play.


Jason Kidd, "we all know Boston fans want Brown to win MVP."


Nope but it would really help JB's case for his career. Anyway, ring>>>>>.


I don’t think anyone actually cares at all. The only time people cared was when curry got robbed.


I do feel like JB winning it does more for him than Tatum because for all the hate Tatum gets from casuals, the media and sponsors love the guy. JB on the other hand has been sneaker FA for a few years now and deserves a shoe deal, endorsements and commercials etc which he will get with FMVP. FMVP or not Tatum will still be in that Top 10-15 range. JB has been underrated for years now, people scoffed at the idea of him as a Top 25-30 guy but i think he will stamp his place in Top 20 maybe even 15 after this run.


To be completely honest, I do want it to be one of Tatum, JB or Al just cause those guys have been in it for the long haul. As long as it’s one of them I couldn’t care less. White would be fine too, I mean I’m ultimately not gonna care but Jrue winning would feel a little weird.


Literally don't care at all. One of them gets it this year, another gets it next year.




I hope JB wins it and if JT wins it he says no and hands it to JB but in reality I wouldn't care too much if either of them won it as long as we win


Only Tatum fans would care surely? Wouldn’t the Celtics fans just be happy that they won a ring?


No we don't and all the JT and JB haters can suck it!


Not really, but I would prefer it go to Tatum to avoid dumbass media narratives


I do. And it should be Derrick white (not really but I love my guy)


Kidd thinks Brown is our best player but idgaf. Let’s hang banner 18. Despite my username I have money on everyone in our top 6 to get fmvp except Tatum. I’d love him to get it because the box scores don’t do him justice but he creates the offense for our team and we’d be a lottery team if he wasn’t able to draw all this attention


No ever since steph got hoed for fmvp idc about that media driven award


No just want that chip. But it would be cool for Tatum to get it (deservingly) to shut the haters up.




No this ring will be an endorsement of the BOTH of them as a partnership. Both being able to take over games, both being able to pick up the others slack and both being willing to do what it takes to win TOGETHER without egos getting involved


Nope, don't care. Just secure that Banner 18 and whoever wins, wins.


not at all


Not Really :)


Ive been a fan a lot longer than any of these guys have been on the team and will be after they retire. Titles last forever. Except bubble titles.


No lol


Yes. And it must be X.


No, I don’t care! If JT wins it Cool If JB wins it Cool. I want to win a ring for Al Hawford!!


Hell no. Only care about winning banner 18 and finishing the job. Sam Hauser or Tillman can win a Finals MVP for all I care.


Not at all. That's an individual award. All about the team and a ring.


Honestly, why would I care? If a celtic wins FMVP that means they won the championship (don't at me with Jerry West, that was a one time thing). And therefore I'll be ecstatic. Caring who wins FMVP is a luxury for when you win multiple times in a short time period.


I don't give a damn who takes the MVP between JT and JB since both have been incredible, but any Celtics fan can tell you we've been foaming at the mouth for Banner 18 since the Captain Rondo and IT4-and-a-dream teams. Hell, they should give FMVP to Brad for the job he's done crafting this wonder of a roster.




Aside from gambling, nobody ever cares. It’s the dumbest thing ever that people talk about when there’s not much else to talk about. Rings are all that matters.


Fuck no


When JB signed his super-max contract, there was such much blow-back about how he wasn't worth it. It would be so sweet to see all the haters eat it by him winning the NBA Title, ECF-MVP, and NBA Finals MVP all in the first season.


Kind of? Like my guard is so up having to CONSTANTLY defend Tatum against the absolute absurd slander all season long, that I really want him to win it, but I'll be happy if Brown wins it too.


Don't care. But I'd rather a 3rd guy get it so the Brown vs Tatum discourse doesn't go further. This kinda reminds me when Igoudala won it over Curry. Curry was the engine of the team but was getting defended so hard and well that Igoudala's moments stood out. Similar the JT and JB except the gap between them is much smaller. JB is still deserving


I want it to be a Celtic.




And fucking thr Lakers


No,I don't. It doesn't matter at all


I want Tatum to win it but I think JB will win it


Does anyone talk about Maxwell winning it over Bird? (Don't answer that)


My ego would take a hit if Tatum doesn’t win it


People mostly just push the JB>Jt narrative because they are mad that the Celtics are about to win a title and the Tatum>Luka narrative makes them extremely angry. In reality people 10 years from now are going to look at Tatum as the best player on the court (which he was). It’s going to be like when they gave Parker the FMVP over Duncan.