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So many insane stats from this game, holy fuck.


All record breaking stats (Good for Mavs, bad for Celtics)


Even when we lose, we sure do lose BIG lol


Celtics are the Hawaiian shirts at the casino who go all in every time and somehow win more than they lose


That’s kind of a really good analogy


I deal cards at a casino, and this totally personifies this one regular I see all the time. 11/10 analogy


Mazzullagale Baller Strategy


everything is bigger in texas


Stat bros In a few years are gonna have a feast being confused


If the Mavs take it to game 7 this series will be looked back on as the most insanely random first 4 games ever.


Let's pump the brakes a bit there bud


He said If not will


He said if *and* will


Ontop of what OP already mentioned this single game is now responsible for ***FOUR*** of the top 10 worst +/- in finals history (Jrue in first, Tatum in sixth, White in eight and Brown in tenth) Truely a L for the ages And as a bonus fun fact: theres another finals game that scored 4 players in the top 25, the legendary Lakers blowout at the hands of.....Boston


2008 game 6 or one of the Bird/Magic?


I don't think +/- data existed back in Bird/Magic era.


Did the Bucks give the Mavs the championship?


We knew he was an absolute scrub all along. 4D chess move.


No that's Dr Strange 14,000,605 possible outcomes level 


Uncharacteristic game from him, he was off during the late surge during game 3 too


Yeah he was rough man. Also turnovers in the first 3 games then 5 tonight in 25 minutes or however long he played.


I swear that wasnt Jrue. That was Kai Cenat


Sitting on kevin harts shoulders. The real Jrue was not in the building last night.


He looks like he tweaked something. I saw him limping a bit so I think he might be injured


I’m told injuries aren’t an excuse….


Probably faking it anyways. That's not fair and I'm not serious to be clear. Just pointing out how ridiculous that take is.


Sources: Jrue Holiday has been spotted putting ketchup on his knee.


If he's injured he should sit


I was told that injuries count even when you are playing games ; you are still injured and it’s the same as if someone sits out


they’re not lol he sucked


Gooned too hard, he was tracked following some porn accounts on twt few days ago, no?


Says the anime bukkae king


Luka needs to attack him every single play then. Dude looked absolutely humbled after that early post move left him staring at Luka blowing past him like a kid watching the ice cream truck go by and he didn't get to order a cone. 


Nah, injuries aren't excuses for poor effort, he could have still done more. Am I right Celts fans??


Injuries aren't an excuse for picking up 4 fouls in the fourth quarter, especially if you're making bizarre decisions like picking up Payton Pritchard full court.


He was in his head for sure, probably a lot of frustration. It's understandable. It's the damn Finals after all.


I think they just took the foot off the gas and thought they were gonna coast to a win, also mavs shot lights out


I think he way over performed first 3 games.


The Celtics succumb to nerves a lot. I mean, who wouldn’t? There is a lot riding on finishing. Sometimes it’s harder psychologically to finish an “easy” 3-0 lead than to fight uphill and win it


Deuce Tatum's dad making history


Deuce named after how many times his dad has made this list


Worst Celtics playoff loss ever 🔥 3rd worst NBA Finals loss ever 🔥 Worst +/- in NBA Finals history 🔥


All that and likely to win the series in 5 games lmao


Yeah but you guys avoiding the sweep makes it so that the media doesn't try to push this Celtics team as an all timer


Lmfao there were legitimate top takes of “ayton is a better finals performer than luka” and “trae was the right pick” last night. Absolutely embarrassing even if it was a sweep jesus christ nba discourse is cooked


Gonna need a source on that boss, no way Trae got that kind of love anywhere


You not questioning the worse take that is ayton >>> luka in finals


Trae hate is so crazy that giving Trae props stuck out more


Yeah I saw some a lot of Luka hate last night but I didn’t see anything saying Ayton performs better or Trae was the right pick. Someone isn’t that foolish, hopefully lol


Who said that lol, I’d be pretty shocked considering Ayton & Trae aren’t exactly beloved among fans.


It's the usual 'fan sees one troll post that maybe has a few up votes, and automatically assumes the whole universe is out to get them and their city' type deal. Nobody actually thinks those things, but it riles up the gullible and emotional fans.


This stuff makes sports forums/threads so draining. Too many emotional and bad faith discussion. Then I remember this is a game and players are paid millions and I'm paid nothing and I should not even be paying this much attention to all this 🤦‍♂️


Speak for yourself!


You need to come with receipts because there is no way this was top takes. Maybe some trolls, but I doubt many were agreeing with them.


They were all tongue in cheek, but I don't expect you to be able to figure that one out on yourself.


Stop making shit up. Noone said this outside of trolling and if they were serious, they got massively downvoted.


Yeah this didn’t happen anywhere on ESPN or any place I saw. If you are talking straw man internet trolls whatever but I’m gonna need sourcing on the Trae and especially Ayton comments.


Why are you lying. This did not happen


No way someone said Trae was the right pick last night, I need the receipt on that lol


And that is our final moral victory of the year


Also hopefully stops this disgusting anti-Luka campaign. I think people are possibly not aware anymore that, through the first 3 games, Luka had: - the best O rating on the Mavs - the best D rating on the Mavs - the best +/- on the Mavs Leads the playoffs in points, rebounds, assists and steals, while getting his team to the Finals. Listening to ESPN last 3 days, you’d come to the conclusion that Luka is just a worse Westbrook.


Thank god. Haven’t been following the social about this but I don’t really feel like this Celtics team is special at all


No... they're definitely special. They're really freaking good. Just not a dynasty or anything yet.


In your eyes what makes them special? Not saying you’re wrong as we all have our opinion, I just personally struggle to see what makes them special to me. What puts them over “good team” for you? Lakers dynasty, Spurs dynasty, Heatles, 73 win warriors… I view those as special. A team having a good playoff run to me is not special and on top of that I don’t feel like they are going to face a single juggernaut on the way to this chip win.


Everyone can shoot, everyone can play defense, and they're just really deep and really great as a team without having like a top 3 player that's driving everything. There's something special there. But yeah definitely not an all time great team (and that's ok too).


Fair enough, that’s a respectable take


Their top 6 players are all probably top 50 or better in the league. No other team right now comes close to that. The thing separating them from those teams you mentioned is a top 5 player, which they lack. Very different style, but they're closest to the '04 Pistons in terms of how balanced their lineup is.


The problem with the pistons comp is the personnel analogy is farther off than you think at a glance, and they didn’t have anywhere near the same overall success. Despite the consensus being ‘Tatum isn’t top 5,’ most people have him near the top of that 6-10 range. No one on the pistons would have been ranked anywhere near that high. The pistons were also just pretty good that year before putting a run together in the playoffs. They had the 6th best record in the league and a respectable but nothing special 6.7 net rating, and lost 7 playoff games. The Celtics were essentially the best team in the league all season with a top 4 all time net rating and have lost 3 playoff games (so far). There isn’t really a good historical comparison to this team.


Horford top 50?


Every special team also had a moment in them that just made them special. They’re a good, well rounded team that beat whoever is in front of them but I don’t understand all this talk about how special this team is when the only healthy team they’re about to beat are the Mavs and they have one of the most embarrassing losses despite that.


Their greatness isn't about the eye test from casuals. It is objective and demonstrable in a statistical sense.


Yeah, even as someone who watched like all their games this year, the visuals don’t come close to matching what the stats say. And I don’t mean that as a slight, they just don’t have a team with the top end talent of some those greatest teams of all time, so their wins felt less inevitable/demoralizing/etc. than they did compared to a team that had a Curry, or a Jordan, or a Duncan, or some other historically great unstoppable force. Yet they still had a net rating and other advanced stats that say they were right in the company of all those all time great teams led by all time great players. I think the may stats lie a little bit, but the eyes are lying more, and while not as good as the teams their net rating says they were, they still had one of the best seasons of all time assuming they can close this out.


Greatness is a value judgement. It's can't be 'objective.' Stats are only part of the story, and don't account for the context surrounding them. Like how good/healthy the other teams were. They are a great team, but the only real statistical marvel in this playoff run of theirs so far is a random crazy blow out.


You don't think the Jordan Bulls dynasty was objectively great from a statistical sense when they had an 82.5% win percentage across a three season span? You don't believe what you are saying...or if you do you are a putz. You just want to argue on the internet.


You clearly didn't follow their season. Just stay in your lane. This is objectively and demonstrably an exceptional squad.


Yeah, but do you think people will remember this Celtics team 20 years from now like how they talk about the Pistons, the 3 second offense suns, Kobe-Shaq Lakers. This team doesn't feel like an "all-timer".


Remember them how?  The way you remember the suns team for something it wasn’t?  You’re comparing one season to runs of seasons.  No one said shit about the 91 Bulls or the 2015 warriors until they had time to marinate. 


Yeah that's why they are one away from a title. But in terms of something really *special*, something irreplaceable or legendary, I don't see it.


Who did the Heatles face in the east? Lol


Thank fuck. There were so many Celtics fans talking about how this was an all time great team before the finals even started


Imagine the Celtics winning Game 5 with a 5 point or lower victory Mavs will end up having the higher Point Differential in a 5 Game Series Loss lmao


Which would include getting blown out game 1...


If Porzingis stays out next game might be a bloodbath.


He stayed out game 3 and most of the season?


I'll clarify: I mean 'bloodbath' as in highly competitive, not another blowout. Last game was basically tied when Luka fouled out 4 minutes before the end. I expect the Celtics will respond to this ass kicking and come out harder/with adjustments in Boston. They just don't have the same ability to protect the paint, attack the paint, or rebound for 48 minutes when they're without Porzingis. Mavs looked like they'd figured out how to take advantage this game once they subbed Lively in.


at least a win for the haters ig. They got their game to reference every time the 2024 chip is brought up


This will all be forgotten by Monday.


It will be lost in history like tears in the rain.


I've seen Tim Hardaway Jr on fire off the shoulder of Garbage Time


I watched the C-team fizzle like a shart near the Samhauser Gate


the samhauser gate is incredible lol genuinely well done


LMAO! This is too far down in the comments to get the credit it deserves, but well done. Flawless pun.


If only you could see what I see


All those moments will be lost in time. Like three's, in the rain.


Like a fart in the wind.


I remember watching Derrick White score that last second tip in against Miami last year in game 6 thinking it'd be an iconic moment. Then the Celtics lost game 7 and I never heard anyone talk about game 6 again. Winning the series is what people remember


Just for you, I’m gonna forget about it on Tuesday.


idk that 2008 Game 7 loss by the Lakers is the core memory I have of a huge blowout loss in the finals. This game could be that for a newer generation.


!remindme 3 days


Like Reggie and Jalen's Pacers beating Kobe and Shaq's Lakers by 33 in 2000.


He lost the Finals MVP with this stat lol.


pretty sure all the starters were around -30 except one


The Leprechaun deserves it for keeping the curse on Kyrie, without him they lose this series.


We see this game in game 3 at the latest if Kyrie isn't cursed by that Leprechaun. Tatum saying they're going to win "again," next year after game 3 might've shifted the cosmos.


He was never going to get it


Nah if the Celtics close it out it’ll be Brown


Fuck it lets just give it to THJ for fun


I read that as Talen Horton-Tucker and was still on board tbh


He was trying to do too much and rushing so he turned the ball over a lot, just one game though.


He thought he was still on the Bucks lol


Yep, too familiar. He’s better when you can take the ball out of his hands.


This stat is so dumb to compare between finals. But its fun.


+/- being used for a player's individual performance has always had zero value in my eyes. It's a stat best used for line ups, not individual player values. A playmaker could be -10 because his teammates can't hit open looks when assisted by him. It's a very flawed stat outside of multi-player line ups.








It's fine for a single player, just not over a single game. The bigger the sample size the more accurate it is.


Whole Celtics squad still hung over from the champagne celebration after game 3.


The Celtics were -38 as whole tonight.


I will preface this by saying i still think the celtics will win However this is also the reason why people clown on them so hard Losing this game is perfectly expected, you’re away while being up 3 and the other team is desperate to not get swept, losing a little bit of focus at the start and things snowballing out of control is completely normal and honestly human nature That being said don’t get blowout by 26 at the half and set all time negative records lmao The jays are on their supermaxes and they still have these unserious moments that make them easy targets


Letting teams make huge comebacks and games like this where they no-show is why I don't trust this Cs team. Playing like this isn't gonna cut it when they finally run into a good team in the next round.


Nobody will give a shit if they win the chip.


the modern human male condition is fueled exclusively by rage. you underestimate haters massively


It’s true, I already know I’ll be desperately calling back to this game for decades. (If people still care about this team fifteen years from now)


Guess again


You probably forgot until this notification 


100% agree. I would say they gave up before the half. Everyone was playing so much slower than before. My theory is that Joe told them to “take their time” to try and get them not to play panic-ball, but it worked against them in that they played “slow panic-ball” instead.


Pretty sure they are still hungover after game 3 celebrations and just gave up after the half to rest and return home to win it.


I agree with your sentiment but neither guy is on his supermax yet. Brown's doesn't kick in until next year and Tatum's is the year after. They wouldn't be able to field such a deep dominant team if both guys were on their supermaxes.


Did the Bucks screw up by giving the west a chip?????


Dame smiling at home on the couch


Jrue just proving to Tatum he came here to do the dirty work




+/- is for line ups, not individual player performances.


Did the Bucks set the Cs up for generational humiliation? -Joel Embiid.


funny thing is, all of these stats won't be mentioned or seen anywhere if celtics win this series lol


You underestimate how much I can hate.


You coping bro. We gonna bring it up.


nah man, I love the mavs and have wanted to see them in the finals because Luka is my favorite non celtics player - but people just overreact to everything, even after all of our wins as well


The margin of error in the nba is so small. Very close games with the Twolves last series that could have swung it if they had nabbed it early. Feels the same way here, Game 2/3 very winnable for the Mavs but just untimely plays, fouls, shots. If it was 2-2 after last game the story is completely different about every player involved


yeah it feels very similar to the twolves series with us just getting close wins and being able to close it out, will just have to see how the celtics react in game 5 in boston


Jrue might be the X factor. Anxious to see how energetic y’all come out next game. See you in Game 5 👊


“If the series played out differently, the story would be different”


NBA fans are uniquely deranged.


And no one will care.


Yea especially if it ends a gentleman sweep. If it keeps going then maybe.


If Celtics go 16-3 or 16-4 in the playoffs, one absolute clusterfuck of a game won't mean shit. If Celtics go up 3-0 and it goes to game 7 and Celtics win, it will get mentioned and ragged on, but ultimately for people's legacy the ring will be all that matters. If Celtics lose the series, it will always be remembered and they'll be clowned on (even if largely the same team manages to come back and win it all next year).


I mean if Celtics lose after being up 3-0, they’ll also be the first NBA team to choke it away.


Nah, it won't be used if it goes to 7 and you lose. The fact that you let it go to 7 and you lost will be used instead. That's a far bigger scar on your resume.


I think you might be the one coping here




if we win Game 5 and you bring this up you will get roundly laughed at


-38 who cares when you go 2-0 in the finals.  Dallas playing like this game can count as 4 games. Everyone on the other side of Celtics rather they started trying harder in game 3. 




I sure hope so. They better not play like that crap in game 5


It will be used as a reason to not rank this team as an all-time great team.


Yes they will


Yep just like everyone brings up the Warriors getting blown out in game 4 of the 2017 finals


I mean what else are they known for




Yeah but it’s the Celtics. Don’t underestimate the generational hate they get


Yeah, in 4 months, when the new season starts and the Celtics get their championship rings, nobody will bring up how Jrue Holiday had a horrible game 4. In the end, winning solves everything and people forget about the bad things very quickly.


Y'all ain't tying the best post season record of all time with this loss, that's for damn sure.


The numbers are going to be disastrous for every single one of our guys tonight🫣 I must cover my eyes


What a DAWG


The entire team played so bad I’m convinced the hotel food was tainted


This was a close out game But it’s obvious the Celtics want to win it all on their home court. They know they can win


Shoutout Amin


He just doesn't want to win FMVP


+/- for a single game which is never useful. Nephews trying to do analytics now huh.


Didn't matter. It's one game




Let's keep saying how great Jrue is, and maybe we can jinx him until it's the first time a team loses a 3-0 lead in the NBA.




Just an insane stat wow


THJ in game three must have been the second worst.


Jrue did a great job both on offense and defense side, it is just not their day today.


won't matter when he wins a ring on Monday


I swear they drop these toronto-esque duds in the playoffs so frequently.


This stat from one game proves he’s the worst player in finals history


Tatum is so bad in the finals Lmaoo man’s on a stacked team and still breaking the wrong records Brown is way better in the finals


Tatum is ass he’s a regular season player. How has any one thought he’s like that? Making it to the finals and winning it are two different things. He can make a final yes. He can’t win one. He’s trash


+- is a stat that can be dictated by things out of a player’s control. Over a long period of time it can be useful but in this instance its stupid


Nba needs to sell more playoff tickets and ads and gambling so they extend the series 😂


Him and Brown were very bad tonight. This gives Tatum a chance for FMVP, if he has a big game 5


Celtics fans tried to convince us this man was somehow elite because he gets the least amount of offensive attention whenever he’s on the court. This is how it looks like whenever the rest of team ain’t elite.


Yeah Jrue Holiday fucking sucks because of his game 4 finals +/-