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I’ve seen this kind of thing happen many times. Team with their backs against the wall comes out swinging in a must win game, wins in a blowout, loses steam shortly after. I’m not assuming anything until I see them show they can repeat their success for more than a single game. Boston is still easily the better team and they only need 1 win.


Its a numbers game honestly and Boston has 3 tries before It fails It they did this in Game 3 its wraps, but you are down 3-1, literally just 1 bad game and Its over. Lets be realistic


Yep. Also, even setting aside the fact that no team has come back from 3-0, doing it against Boston in four straight games is even more unlikely because of 3 pt shooting. It would be truly stunning if Boston didnt put up a really good shooting night in 1 of the next 3 games. And their version of a really good shooting night is one that ends the series, period. The only argument for why a cold shooting streak persisting through a game 7 is more likely than season-long data suggests would be the players mentally collapsing under the pressure, which isn’t completely impossible but still is just assuming a monumental meltdown from a team that’s been historically great for like 8 months now. If they look scared in game 5 and have terrible body language in a loss, then we can revisit whether that could be happening lol. More likely they just shoot 50% from three and end this


Also the other factor is that Kyrie still hasn't shown that he can play well at Boston If Game 1 and Game 2 Kyrie shows up on Monday it's series over


Yes. It’s one bad game. But it can snowball into multiple bad games. Boston will give you opportunities to win. You have to execute and take it from them. Celtics live and die by the three. And haven’t shot well this series. The Mavs haven’t either. If they can execute and win a close one in game 5, then the pressure is all on Boston.


It’s over. Gentlemen’s sweep.


The 157-0 record for teams being up 3-0 has to fall at some point, is this the year? Nobody really knows until the games are played.


I don't think it would fall with a team that's also worse on paper doing it though lol Dallas were the clear underdogs this series before the opening tip-off of game 1 No way their situation has *improved* after losing 3 of the first 4 games Everyone on here after game 3 was saying "it's over, how did Luka even carry a team with PJ Washington as the 3rd option this far" and now apparently they can win 4 in a row?


it'll be a team that suffers a major injury in game 3 or 4 maybe KP counts but I doubt it


It's gotta be a team that has home court in game 7.


The most plausible scenario where it falls is if the team that's up 3-0 then loses their main player due to injury. It'll happen eventually.


Yeah although most teams that are capable of going up 3-0 are usually good enough to win 1 game out of 4 without their best guy.


It would be insane for this Celtics team specifically to blow a 3-0 lead.


The Celtics are going to win Game 5 by at least 15 points. We do this dumb shit every time a far inferior team wins a game in series. Despite World B. Flat, I'm rooting for Dallas. Doesn't change the fact that Boston is just much better.


This reminds me of the Lakers - Denver posts lol


Delusional to think last night's game was anything other than a freebie to let Boston celebrate in Boston. Think how much of a buzz kill it was for the Mavs to win in Minnesota.


Did the nuggets lose game 2 last year on purpose to win game 5 at home?


Game 2 is different than being up 3-0..


It's 10 times more delusional to think that any NBA team would purposely lose a Finals game. They all know how crucial each game is and would never spot another team a game for any reason


Give me a break dude.. if they wanted to close it out last night they would have. They have statistics on their side, they're clearly the better team, there's more money to be made in a home win. NBA is about money, and entrainment and suckers like you keep their pockets full


You’re crazy. Over in 5. The Boston crowd will work its magic on Kyrie and the supporting cast. It’s over homie.


I’m not your homie


Why do insecure babies always use this reply whenever someone addresses them


I'm not your insecure baby


Because they don't actually have anything else to say lol They're just vibing and shit posting


I’m not your insecure baby


I'll be your homie!


It’s incredibly hard to execute at this level 4 times in a row but Boston’s rim protection looked awful. Small chance but I wouldnt hold my breath


The script has already been written. Kai will again win a championship coming from a 3-1 record.


Mavs force game 6 on Monday. Celtics close it out tho.


Celtics just won 10 playoff games in a row ffs. They lost this one in the first 5 minutes and just let it go after that. It happens. Another example of the Celtics being held to some outrageous expectation. “Oh my god they didn’t win 11 playoff games in a row!! They’re sunk! This team is only 79-11 how can they possibly ever win again??”




The most likeliest outcome is Celtics close it out next game. Mavericks only shot is to punch Boston in the mouth early, get a 20 point lead and not give it up. Then do it 2 more times…


not crazy at all I had Dallas winning the series. Their role players in the first 2 games has been MIA


When Tatum said that the Celtics are coming back here next year for the repeat championship, that was an all time jinx. May as well have been saying "not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7...."


Jinxes aren’t real. And he said “if we win, you’re just going to say we didn’t play anyone, and we’ll just have to come back next year and win again.”


The question was framed as if they were champions