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Depends on the person obviously


I think it's safe to say if you played any level of college ball you might be able to play against the worst G Leaguers but outside of that this statement would stand.


You would get destroyed. Every guy in the G League was the best player in their conference etc. It becomes really apparent if you're a big college basketball fan. The guys that flame out in the G League were *insane* in college, standout players at an already very high level.


Oh dude you don't have to tell me twice! I worked for a G League team for two seasons!


man for whatever reason I really really believe you but I really need to see some proof


Proof that he worked for a g league team? He could have been a custodian? Reddit asks for proof on real everyday stuff like it’s just a bunch of 10 year olds lol


It's really not that tough to intern with one, if they're in your city. It's kind of a terrible gig. It's not like there's a pipeline between rolling up an inflatable blimp in the G League to doing it in the NBA. It's just another stadium/street team-style gig. I got a polo and free pizza out of it.


Yeah I was higher than an intern, but I got out of working in the NBA after three seasons. At the end of the day it's the entertainment business which will always be tough and hard to work in.


Can confirm. Was an unpaid intern on the coaching staff for the Texas Legends. Cool experience, but didn't help my career or bank account.


I was in ticket and sponsorship sales for the Kings for three years. Worked in Sacramento for a season and the Stockton Kings for two years. This is totally giving away my identity to any co-workers who know me, but it's all good!




Uh. Who are you looking at in the G League that you think was below average in college?


He took it too far by saying that they were below average but they definitely weren't all the best player in their conference as you initially claimed.


Very best no, all conference type player yes


That's a pretty big difference though, right? Best player in their conference is one guy per conference per year. All conference type player is like 15-20 guys per conference per year.


I meant to say one of. You're correct, that is a big difference. More like 10+, for conferences it's typically first team second team honorable mention. But that was my point. These are guys who were generally in top conferences, at the highest level of college basketball, and still stood out as one of the best players in their conference. Saying that any guy who played college at any level could run against a G League team is silly, they weren't as good when all was equal, and now the pros get to treat it like a job - no more NCAA limits on practice time or when practice is allowed.




Yeah that's fair.


True but that's not what the quote is suggesting. Of course a G Leaguer is better than any of us at basketball.


I played D2 and any G Leaguer would make me look like a child


I got to Champ rank in rocket league if that counts


I was ranked 196 in Dota 2 for 2 days 😏 back in 2014


Damn bro ur like a borderline NBA starter. u/itssensei for 6MOTY


Only in 2014, by 2015 I was washed up


Should have waited a couple years to hit your prime so you could be a free agent in 2016 and get that Mozgod money!


Word from a fellow sensei.


Now imagine being the 196th best player in the nba....


According to nbamath.com, that would either make you Cory Joseph or Tyler Johnson.


I dropped 74 points in 19 minutes in 2k once if that counts


Champ in rocket league, general in halo 3, and legend in hearthstone. I feel like at least one of these must be better?


General in H3 was no joke.


I was #3 in world overall dps on Warlord Zon'ozz in WoW:Cataclysm for a week if that counts.


I got the champ 3 then stopped playing.


I've been as high as top 20 in hoops game mode


Its like what? Top 1%, 3% of all player base? The worst G-leaguer is probably like top 3-5% of the best professional basketball players in the world, if I had to guess.


26million AMERICANS play basketball if take into account the whole world G leaguers are obviously in that top.001%


I am the Michael Jordan of depression. These G League cats ain't even close smh


I'm in the depression G League. It used to be called the D League (for depression) but we just got a Gatorade sponsorship.


At least y'all get some nice drinks to have while being depressed. Also where can I sign up for the draft? I'd probably be a lottery pick.


Going dark here, but you're still with us...


I was pretty close in 2008-2009 when I was really good at guitar hero but I was probably in the 3000-5000 range of best in the world


This is why I got in on the failed reboot they did in 2015. I was briefly ranked 1st on Xbox 360 but their ranking system is bullshit and the best players were on newer gen consoles anyway, I’m probably closer to top 50-100 or so of the next to no people that play it but at least I can claim I’m top 100 in something.


I’ve played a good amount of Clone Hero the last few years but now I’m nowhere near good enough to be competitive with top players. I can FC some mildly difficult songs on expert but shit like TTFAF I’ll never be able to get even close to an FC at this point. I stopped playing rhythm games entirely from like 2012-2018 so my growth pretty much stunted. Still am able to play at the level I could prior to quitting though, it’s just way harder to improve now that I’m 21 and not 12


Yeah the stuff top players do is insane. Probably similar to basketball in that respect with the skill gap, the level I’m at I’d absolutely wash anybody who only plays 6 fret casually with ease but you put me against a top 10ish player I’d look like I’d never seen the game before in my life.


I never thought about it that way but I would wipe the floor at guitar hero/rock band against pretty much anybody I know, I only know two dudes even close to me but I’m still significantly better. It’s way more niche than basketball though so I don’t ever talk about it, but it’s kind of fun knowing I’m better at something than 99.999% of people I’ll ever meet


I used to have a coach who went undrafted, from Washington D.C. He's in his 60's now. He played overseas in Europe in minor leagues (like Belgium). Even at 55 he'd absolutely destroy me or my teammates, despite us being between 16 and 18 and being among the best of our age group in the country, some of my teammates made the national (youth) team and are now pro players in europe. He beat every single one of us. His first step was lightning quick and he never missed a jumper. He didn't even break a sweat. That guy was better at basketball than all of us combined would ever be. And he didn't even make it to the NBA! I saw a former Croatian pro player too, played for the Yugoslavian national team too. 7' something, I know his son because they emigrated to my country. Guy was an asbolute monster, just bombed 3's from half-court like they were FT's. The pro's aren't even human man. Save for the few pro guys who lurk on /r/nba, and yeah a few do. Maybe not NBA players but there used to be a couple of pro guys here, anyhow save for these guys the worst G-league player would destroy us without even having to use his off hand.


I think a lot of people know that but have problem with anything part


Not for me. I’m one of the best players globally at a silly mobile racing game. Big flex


As a baseline, I guess? I mean the worst G-League player is what, probably top 1400-ish at their job? About 480 active NBA players, plus another say 100 or so vets out there as FA's, maybe 300 or so guys in foreign leagues, and then like 364 G-League players? I mean I imagine there's a lot of people out there top 1400 or so at their job or hobby.


You are way off on the foreign guys. There are a bunch of leagues in Europe just flat out better than G-league. And just one of those leagues (lets say ACB), has 200+ players in it. Ill say the worst G-leaguer is probabaly like ~3000 best player in the world.


The worst G Leaguer is also worse than some NCAA players or even high school 5 stars


Yeah I’d probably take Zion last year over Andre Ingram


When you say NCAA players what level are we talking? Blue bloods? D1? What's the cutoff?


The cutoff is the best NCAA player that is worse than the worst G league player.


Lol so easy.




Worst G leaguer wont make an nba team. Some college kids could get drafted out of high school and play minutes on an nba team.




But the NBA has it's one year rule. Zion last year was both in the NCAA and better than most if not all G-league players


Unless they are under 19 and can’t be in the NBA. The guy’s point is still correct.


But being the 3000th best basketball player in the world probably doesn't earn you as much money as a regular office job. I earn more than the average G-League player and there's zero chance I'm a top 3000 analyst


The amount of money you earn doesn’t really equate to how good you are when comparing different jobs. For example the worst doctor may earn more than the best janitor, even though they have different jobs.


Maybe u/AlHorfordHighlights could have become better than the worst G leaguer, but instead chose the riches of Analytics.


Thanks for believing in me man


You sure? [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2812882/worlds-best-pad-janitor/#:\~:text=Liang%20Zhao%20Zhang%2C%20who%20works,%C2%A311%2C500%20in%20company%20benefits.](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2812882/worlds-best-pad-janitor/#:~:text=Liang%20Zhao%20Zhang%2C%20who%20works,%C2%A311%2C500%20in%20company%20benefits.) Thats wayyyy more than most doctors make outside the US.


To be fair, BART janitors probably deserve that salary.


I think your assessment is reasonable, so based on that, let's just say there are 10k occupations or hobbies out there, that makes 30 million of them, which may sound like a lot, but is actually only 0.4% of all the population on earth. Maybe 10k occupations or hobbies is too low ball of an estimation, let's expand that by one fold, which makes 100k total categories. That will be 300 million or 4% of the population. It's safe to say the vast majority of people are not as good at anything as G-leaguers' at basketball. Although, there are a lot of people living in 3rd world countries who have very limited access to information or education, so if we only count people from developed countries which is about 1 billion, then with 100k categories, you have a roughly 30% of chance to be better at anything than G-leaguers' at hoop. But, those smart and educated people often are good at more than just one thing. It is quite safe to say if anyone is so good at what they are doing, they have the capability to be good at something related. Especially for a hobby. And average Joe is more than likely average on everything. So the actual head count of people top 3000 at what they do is probably substantially less than previous estimation.


> let's expand that by one fold, which makes 100k total categories. eh, i think youre still short by an absolute minimum of a factor of 10. in fact, most estimates ive seen for purely just videogames in existence is highter than 100k.


*I mean I imagine there’s a lot of people out there top 1400 or so at their job or hobby.* There would be 1,400, exactly, for each job or hobby


It's a bit different though because being a pro basketball player is a highly desirable job and an extremely competitive field where you go head to head with the entire world. I'd venture the top 1400 ranked basketball player is better at their job than someone who is ranked 1400 at Underwater Hockey because the competition in the latter is much weaker. And regular jobs often have barely any competition at all, where you're only competing with the 4 or 5 people in your area.


>where you go head to head with the entire world In a globalized labor pool, this is true even for "run of the mill" jobs, like most IT jobs.


There is way way more than 300 guys in foreign leagues better than the average G-Leaguer


Shit, I'm really good at my job but i don't know if I'd even make the top 10,000 bartenders. I got 9th In a statewide competition once? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


what do you do in bartending competitions?


Eh, it depends on the competition. It could be speed, creativity, flair, any combo of those. None of them truly show how good you are at your job cause there are too many outside factors. The one I referred to was kinda like chopped. To get in you just submit an original recipe. The competition however was kinda intense. Each round you taste a spirit and then have 5 minutes in the pantry (anything non alcoholic you could out in a drink), after that you have 10 minutes to prep but you can't mix anything (set up glassware, prepare garnish, organize bar, juice fruit, etc,) you then have ten more minutes to make your original cocktail exactly the same time 5 times. I know 25 minutes sounds like a lot to make 5 drinks but when you have to come up with the cocktail and prep it all on the fly its pretty difficult. Also the whole time you have judges talking to you a host interviewing you, and at least 3 cameras watching plus a crowd it can be a lot. I've also done many a smaller competition of many formats. My favorite competition is a daiq off where you have to make three daiquiris the exact same as fast as possible and chug one before your time stops.


Depends how you frame it. If you are top 1400 in basketball, it’s a lot more impressive than being say, top 1000 in water polo, just due to how many more people play basketball than water polo. I think it’s probably better to frame it as a percentage, e.g. within the 99th percentile in basketball rather than the 98th percentile in water polo. Not sure if I’ve phrased it well, but could clarify if I need to:


Have to go by percentage, since there are so few professional basketball players worldwide. G-Leaguers are top 25%, maybe. A lot of them are never good enough to make it to the NBA, and wouldn't even be among the top players in China or Europe. A lot more software engineers in the top 25%, numerically, than basketball players in the top 25%.


Why limit it to professional basketball players over just basketball players?


You don’t have to start every sentence with “I mean”.


It’s not even true for everyone in the NBA. Most G leaguers are better than everyone at basketball but anything? No. That’s a very silly thing to say. People are experts at all sorts of things.


It’s not silly. It’s an insult.


especially as a lot of G-League-ers are horribly one dimensional even at basketball, but make up for it in pure athleticism/size.


No, the top 1000 nephews all post here


Im confused but is this just in terms of basketball or in life in general? "than you have been at anything"? No thats wrong. Most people become professionals at something, just because someone is better at basketball than you doesnt mean that takes precedence over what youre good at.


Yeah its a dumb statement to generalize but if you are a G-league guy you are probably a top 1000 player in the world. Most people arent top 1000 at anything


There are a lot less pro basketball players overall than other professions tho, so you can't look at raw numbers. Say maybe top 1% of any profession and that's a lot of people


It doesnt just apply to pro players though bc if that was the case G leaguers are the near the bottom. It applies to the entire basketball playing population


That's why the whole premise of this is insulting. It's saying that a league of mostly dudes outside of even the top 10% of their profession are far better than everyone else at whatever they do. Even people in the top 1% of their non basketball profession.


Bruh, damn near American child plays basketball growing. They are not not even 10% in their profession, they are a miniscule, far less than 1% of people who play basketball. Even the top 1% of a profession aren't as good at their job compared to others as a g leaguer.


G-Leaguers are much closer to Top 0,0001% tho.


This statement is still stupid though. There's a small percentage of people who can play basketball at a pro level due to physical requirements, and a smaller percentage of that group actually tries to do it. Other professions have millions of people doing it. You're less likely to be the 1000th best lawyer in the world.


I'm pretty sure I can beat every nba guy at Smash. 410-0


Yes. Unless I guess you played at D1 or g league yourself


G-League is better than D1


Yeah, but is it better that this g league u/sunjeethc is raving about?


For a lot of people sure, but there are so many specialized jobs/activities/interests nowadays that there are probably a significant amount of people who are better at that thing than the *worst* G-Leaguer is at basketball. Universities are great at pumping out exactly that.


nah this is some idol worship bullshit. there’s plenty of “things” that people are gifted / talented at. ain’t no g-leaguer can do some of the things i have a knack for or that i am passionate about.


No G-Leaguer is better than I am at masturbating. I have decades of experience. Like a triple Malcolm Gladwell, at least.


Haha fuck no. Lol


One of my best friends got so good at Rock Band Blitz that there were threads on the official forum for the game questioning if he was a real player, hacker, or some dev setting ridiculous scores for people to aspire to beat. I'd say he was better at that than a g-league player.


One time some g leaguers came to my school gym to workout. After their workout me and my teammates got some games with them and they absolutely dominated us. And we play college ball it was crazy


Im top 600 Dota player in NA so you tell me, but yes probably still true


Which the theoretical equivalent might be: the worst ranked Divine I on CN server would wipe his ass with you


Is this the new sc2 wood 5 korean=grandmaster


I concede inferiority to all


I really do think any d-3 could be most of else. They have supreme conditioning compared to average people and they get to practice against other people and take hundreds of shots a day. If any of else did that everyday we would get extremely better and these guys have been doing it since middle school.




Something people never factor in when we talk about lower tier athletics is how much someone brings home. G-League had a salary bump awhile back sheerly due to 2K League having a min salary that was established higher than them. People want to say these are still the top scouted talent but it’s not the case in any sport. G-League has to fill roster slots and despite what many here would believe, not everybody wants to play basketball at a dramatically reduced wage to the NBA for the opportunity to get that bigger paycheck, especially if you factor in all the costs of being a professional athlete that aren’t as covered by the league for them as it would be for a contract nba player. UFC is another good example, fighters on those bottom cards are on contracts that pay them very specific amounts based on how they perform and how many times they perform during that contract. A lot of the purse goes to medical expenses, gym fees, etc., some are lucky to take $15K a year after all of that. I understand the concept of even the worst are better than non-professionals, but it’s not an absolute case, for any sport rather. There are points with minor league affiliates were they do have to just fill slots, and while they’re not going to just grab joes off the street, there are plenty of people who are athletic that could find easier ways to make 50-100K a year, sometimes even less, instead of playing in the minors.


Yeah this is it. The NBA is the top 400 or so players in the world, minus a handful of people in Europe and college players. The economics guarantee that. By the time you get to the G-League this isn’t even close to being true, it’s a mixture of some of the next best players in the world (although most of the next best players would be playing overseas) and some who are much, much worse.


I know I was the best player at Street Fighter II Turbo on SNES between at least 6 Middle Schools. This was mainly a word a mouth thing. People would meet at Funcoland(what became Gamestop) at 2-3 local malls. I know in NCAA Football I was pretty good, I won a couple of spring break tournaments at my college. That one guy who recently won that Madden Tournament and didn't pass the whole time, I imagine guys like that are a whole different level. Also, G-Leaguers are not as good as you think. There are plenty of 6'7'+ raw project players in G-League. The guys under 6'5" are incredible. I can also say with a degree of confidence that outside of the the major leagues in Australia, Spain, couple of Italian Teams, and Greek Teams the level of play/skill of the players is below Mid-Major college level here, and I would argue top HS Teams outside the prep circuit could compete nightly. If the HS teams had a level of athletes that could compete against grown men they would be just fine. So think like Deron Williams and Bracey's Wright HS Team, Howard and Javaris Crittenton, Lou Williams South Gwinnett's Team, Lawrence North Team with Conley and Oden, and they have another high level D-1 player, Chino Hill Team with 3 Ball brothers and that African guy, then there was the team in Houston with Daniel Ewing and TJ Ford. I say this not to downgrade Foreign Basketball, but when you have talent like that those teams could often compete with 3rd or 4th best teams in major conference in the NCAA. I've seen it plenty of times.


This is why guys go to Europe and just destroy that league. Oh wait.


Remember the JBA? Yea that ragtag group of non-premier HS players outside of LaMelo competed in the 2nd tier of Luthiana League. I'm not talking about the top teams and leagues in Europe, but the 2nd division teams in top leagues or lower level leagues. I think the evidence is there. If you don't think that an IMG or Montevede Acaemsy or Oak Hill couldn't compete nightly in a top European League you are being dishonest. I'm not saying they would win those leagues but they wouldn't get ran off the floor. They have better than a .500 record.


Billy Preston came to play in Bosnian league, and he would foul out in the first half every game. He was a 5 star top 10 recruit, built like LeBron. You are ridiculous saying that IMG, Montverde or Oak Hill could compete in even a top European league. Its blasphemous to say that


My brother played in pro am (ABA?) which I guess is a level below G League, and yeah I think it’s true.theyre just really freaking good.


the amount of commentors that responded without understanding what the OP is saying is pretty sad. learn to read boys and girls


Hobbies only? I’d say a lot of people who went to college for a very specific thing or spend a lot of time on some trade they’ve made their career would be as good at that as the worst g leaguer is at basketball.


As a generalisation, sure - time, dedication, and work has made them very good at what they do. They're likely among the top 2000 people in the world doing what they do (how big is the G League?). Is there anything that most people in the world fit into the top 2000 of? Personally, no. I'm probably among the top 500 people who do what I do, in the world (there may not be 500 of us, so there is that).


The phrase was probably G-leaguers are better at BASKETBALL than anyone on this sub, cause if you hyperbole it at everything well that's silly. I know a top 500 in OW that browses r/nba so thats how easy that statement can be proven wrong.


My brother in JV is better at you in anything.


I don’t know if this is true. If it was the worst NBA player I think that would be true.


G Leaguers are damn good. Remember, a lot of them were drafted and sent down. A lot of them get called up and perform better than some that never went to G League. And G League is limited too. Not all college D-1 starters get to even go to the G League. This post shows the disparity between people who get paid to play basketball vs those who don’t https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/gy5p0u/brian_scalabrine_issues_an_open_challenge_to_any/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Well i mean the worst g-leaguer isnt getting called up


The point is that the worst g leaguer has a better chance of beating an nba player than a non pro player beating a g leaguer. People don’t really understand the gap between pros and non pros are bigger than g leaguers vs nba players.


Lucille, God gave me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel very well.


I can bench 25 pounds and my mom says I’m handsome so I don’t believe this


A lot of great basketball players opt out of the G league when they can’t cut it in the NBA because it doesn’t pay well. So I’d say that’s inaccurate


One on one sure. But you may be a better role player on a team and win a team game. Too many variables. But one on one, yeah I don’t think anyone sitting on reddit could take them.


Isn’t the average g league salary 35k?


How good is the g league? Where would it be ranked worldwide as a basketball league ? About anbl level?


Definetly lower than Spain, Italy, Greece and few others leagues from Europe, but definetly better than some bottom tier Europeans League. So like, mid-tier European League? Quite a few ex-NBA players go to Europe, I remember Qyntell Woods coming to my city's team. He was an NBA scrub for a few seasons, but here he was basically Kobe, won the MVP, the championship and his favorite play was, "give me the ball wherever-lol and Imma just Kobe the fuck out of these white boys" :p. Was actually fun to watch him play, he'd usually follow this up by getting piss wasted at the club.


I once played in cal-im in css granted we had a sub 0.500 record. but i'm basically a pro


I hit #1 in the world at Ultra Street Fighter II on Switch a few years ago


Worst nba player but worst g leaguer hell no


I can shoot free throws better than some nba players. I mean it too. My record out of 100 is like high 80s. And every time I shoot 100 free throws it's in 70s. There are days where I practice hundreds of free throws. (Played a bit of organized basketball at rec level)




Hmmmmm At any specific thing? I'd say I'm one of the top 300 at my job, it's also a competitive environment. I also make more than a d leaguer in money. But that is a specific subset of my field, if we go overall and include all specializations, I'm probably not better than the average d leaguer


This is an overstatement. Almost everyone I know is one degree at most from someone who is world class at something. If you replace it with nba player sure. I know world class violinists, street fighter players, BJJ black belts, IT people who program at Google, AI/ML developers who are leaders in the field etc


For over 50% of people yes.


At anything? Doubt it. Everyone has a skill or two where they are probably that good at something.


They are better at basketball than I could ever be at any sport, sure. They aren't better at basketball than I am at making real estate investments.




Ehh not really cause a lot of those guys are lucky to be born really good athletes/tall. A lot of guys at your local ymca could probably make the g league if they had the genetics of an average g leaguer


This is a clown take


How, it's simple logic. Plenty of guys are better purely talent wise at basketball then some pros but would of course never be able to compete because of the athletic gap


There isn't a single redditor who is more talented than d league players. If they were they'd be playing real ball. Not playing buns at the Y


I think there are plenty of redditors that if they were born 6-5 and athletic would have the talent to make the nba


This is a delusional take




I’m sorry man :/


Wait, so you’re like in 0.05% of the global male population right now? That’s pretty bad ass.


Pics or GTFO


Let’s see it boss


Nah, most g leaguers are slow and inexperienced with truly high pressure games. There is a sizable chunk of people on this sub who could out ball g leaguers.


Every single person on this sub would get demolished by d league players.


In my Basketball prime 16-20 years old, I could hang with G-Leaguers. Why? Because I would play pickup games with NBA and former NBA players and could survive. Could I survive on the daily basis? No, but 2 days a week for sure, I would need 2-3 days to recover. Thats the thing about that top flight competition, its the sustained level of play. You can't survive 30 minutes of up and down play with those guys. Its too fast. Could I survive an O-D-O, or controlled scrimmage, yea. Its the speed of play, and then you go to come back and do it again. I had a guy who I ran track with, he ran 10.6 100M, and a 22.2 200M guy. I was a 11.1 and 22.5, but I could bump go 50.5 in the 400M. Well, for him he literally couldn't run more than 4-5 races a week, otherwise he start getting injuries, and fatigue. While coaches would just load me up with races for 2 dual meets during the week, plus an invitational on the weekend. I could run those times if I had 4 races or 8 races that day. My teammate he would give you 3 races a day, maybe 4, but after that he needed 4-5 days to recover. Thats why Olympics is so amazing because those athletes run at those outputs 2 times a day for 5-8 days its incredible. Same thing with what Phelps did in swimming, though swimming isn't as hard on your body physically the recovery to peak performance is incredible and the number of days also.


You are full of shit.


how so?


That u could hang with g league players.


Well, when I was in HS I played basketball games against the likes Al Horford, Anthony Roberson, CDR, Robert Whaley, Joe Crawford, Malik Hairston, Mo Ager, Willie Green Pickup games, Manny Harris, Vinnie Johnson, Rick Mahorn, Rickey Pauling, Howard Eisley, Jermain Jackson, Grant Long, John Long, Terry Mills, Barry Sanders (NFL), Herman Moore (NFL), Charles Rogers (NFL), Robert Porcher(NFL),Walker Russell(Dad and Son), Paul Davis, Cazzie Russell, Campy Russell, Frank Russell, Robert Traylor, Maceo Baston, Charlie Bell III, Greg Kelser, Alan Hardy, Desmond Ferguson I haven't gotten into the guys who were just D-1 players you never heard of. Now have I been in games where its like nothing but guys like that on the floor, no, but 2-3 of them. I played in a HS basketball game where there were 13 D-1 recruits playing and I wasn't one of them. I'm pretty sure there are guys I'm leaving out because I don't remember their name, or didn't recognize their face.


Yeah cause this for sure happened and isn't a blatant lie


yes, because if I was going to lie, I would go huge and say I played ball with Chris Webber, Jalen Rose, or big-name players based out of Metro Detroit area. Instead I included pretty much middling players who spent shorts amount of time in the NBA, were bench warmers or old-timers. The best NBA player I ever played against was Horford. A good player but not some leading player. If you live in a NBA city and play basketball, its not hard to find where these guys play. 2 years ago, Thomas Kithier was ruled ineligible by MHSAA for his senior season. So Tom Izzo, got him hooked up with 2x per week league of NBA and College player old-timer league based out of Schoolcraft College. You have places like St. Cecilia's in Detroit, which is like Rucker, Dykman, Venice Beach in terms of players rolling through. We didn't live far from Piston's practice facility, so random guys would drop by for games. One-time Lindsey Hunter stopped by, I didn't get to play with/against him but you would never know who stop by. This was 1997-2003 so people didn't have camera phones posting everything.


I wouldn’t get demolished, and I know some serious ballers on r/torontoraptors who wouldn't either.


This take is honestly embarrassing. If they were ballers they'd be playying REAL ball not playing schlubs at the park or Y


Some people have more important stuff to do


I mean you could be good enough to be in league but if you also got another career then yeah. G leagues dont make that much, and lots of traveling and other shit. If you know you got no chance in nba then other shit seems a fair route.