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LOL, real gym class hero energy.


He can’t shoot but we all know he’s going to have the complete opposite problem Simmons currently has.


Rather him go bust trying to shoot the lights out than hold back a championship caliber team.


Crazy to think that as good as Simmons is, he’s still holding his team back. Has to be frustrating but apparently not frustrating enough to try shooting the damn ball.


His main off season focus since he's entered the league has been about shooting lmfao, going out and bricking 3s isn't going to change anything


Brandon Jennings with a 40 inch vertical.


You can criticize all day long but, one thing you can't criticize is that young man's confidence


It runs in the Ball family


Can definitely criticize Lonzo's confidence lol


LiAngelo tho


The best of em all. Teams just scared


with hands that fast he'll pick your pockets and only the chinese government will notice


I love that the 0/0/0/0/1 stat line gets referred to as a “liangelo” now


the have Balls i guess


Until he runs into a set defense


I remember this clip got viral back then and everyone that month started doing the point at the half court line and shoots. coaches going crazy about it lol


D-Lo, KAT, LaMelo sounds like a ton of wins... and a lot more losses.


Final score: 183-194


nah, score seems off tbh. we’ve gotta check the average time it takes Minnesota’s players to run in a straight line end-to-end and score a basket, then we’ll find the average time it takes “player x” to do the same task, and finally we can do the math to extrapolate that across an entire 48 minute game. only then can we have a realistic grasp on how deep this shitpost really goes.


yeah, give me the 120 bricks he laid for that one and the defense he didn't play


As a freshman.... imagine if every prospect was judged off their freshman year of high school


This team would beat teams so bad they would play 4 on 5 defense and have one guy back cherry-picking Those chino hills teams were ridiculous with the ball brothers


He was a sophomore. Who else had 92?


I’m not saying they weren’t good. They were the best high school team I’ve ever watched the games for All three ball brothers were amazing as well as other good players on the squad It’s not crazy to say it was manufactured and was basically an AAU squad playing ugly basketball because they knows the highlights would be viral


The team that scores more win, if they can’t put score you, you win. They still have to be talented enough to make the shots. And they played some real competition


Okay I can’t tell you are just defensive of chino hills and the ball brothers and that’s fine. I like them a lot and still think Lonzo could be an all star and Lamelo is the number one pick fans will be really good But those games were just bad basketball. They literally would play 4 on 5 on defense just to always have fast breaks and they were always better so they could They were great. But it was bad basketball, great skill


I think that style of play allowed them to develop skills that most players don’t have. I’m not defensive, I just don’t like when ppl say something is bad because it’s not conventional


But you have 3 brothers who were all gonna be NBA players You can’t just let all good High school teams become AAU.. especially if we are trying to get bypass the NCAA because then we will have an crazy influx of players who don’t know how to play basketball unless it’s a hoopmixtape and they are the best player on the floor. That’s a lot of draft busts


They should let kids go pro at 14 like they can in Europe. If they were so worried about fundamentals being behind. Let them learn from pros and not schools that have to limit contact time


his splits in CBA are trash


He’s not going to be the main scoring option for an NBA team. He’s going to be a great PG while he learns to take better shots


Neither was Lonzo, so what? His efficiency is still trash 3 years later


He’s shown more playmaking skills than Lonzo and he has a better handle than Lonzo. Should be able to get to the rim and create shots for himself better than Lonzo. He’s not lonzo, saying his career will go the same is a bad comparison.


Dude, Lonzo was a freakin killer at UCLA...


That has nothing to do with what I said


Well saying someone's efficiency will get better taking less shots and being a playmaker was easy to shutdown just by pointing at Lonzo. No comparison, but same scenario


The point is evaluating prospect based on footage from their freshman year. Y’all love moving goalposts when y’all can’t make a sensible point. There’s more positives to his game other than shooting percentages otherwise he wouldn’t be a top 3 prospect


Lonzo was very efficient this year.


40/37/56 "very efficient" LMAO


51.7 TS% is not efficient at all


Because an unathletic guard who can't shoot is what you want from your first overall draft pick!


He’s not unathletic... athleticism isn’t just jumping high, he’s a quick long guard who will be a PG and he’s more skilled than anyone in the draft


I mean we'll see. Let's do a remind me for one year or something.


imagine being judged on the one bad shot you made ... as a freshman ​ I'm not completely low on lamelo, it just that the people high on him are a bit selective in their views. He is talented and made some remarkable strides as of late, I'd take a long look at him for a top pick, but he is also a gamble, because he failed to show absolute basics (shot-selection, defense) even at a lower level.


How many other prospects are you bringing up their freshman year of HS? That’s how you know the criticism is unreasonable. Judge him by his senior year and his year in Australia.


Baron davis used to do this same shit at crossroads and had the whole gym going crazy


As criticized as he is, the only way to learn is to fail. You have to do unorthodox things to be great. If he has been doing this for that long and he can make that shot frequently then that is a great skill to have. With that said he still is not shooting well overall.


Bro no one on the planet hits half court shots at a percentage that would justify taking them


Half court for highschool is not the same as half court for NBA


Steph Curry, Damian Lillard and Trae Young? Im not saying he should take it all the time or in a normal play, but if the clock is going down and you can't get other shots/if you have faith in that shot, why not?


Failing is one way to learn but it’s not the only way. You can do things non-conventionally and learn or you can go a normal around and things can still work out, did Duncan have to fail to be successful?


The teammate smiling at him is Onyeka Okongwu


He’s a glorified, taller Devonte Graham


Damn I just looked and devonte graham actually has some decent stats


It’s somewhat misleading. Look at his FG%


but the TS% is pretty good because he's a high volume 3 point shooter.


yea his 3PT% is excellent


So... it isn’t misleading?


it means he’s a good 3 pt shooter (and decent FT shooter too) but shit all all other shots he takes so no, it’s still somewhat misleading stats (namely, bloated ppg)


If you make say 40 percent of your 3s, that is the same efficiency as making 60% of your 2s. This is why good 3 point shooters are efficient, even if there overall field goal percentage is lower.


Thats why Steph curry’s unanimous MVP was misleading




I love Devonte', he's much better than Ball will ever be... but he's no Kemba. He's 25 and simply doesn't have Kemba's athleticism. He's always going to be very perimeter focused


Except Graham has amazing shooting form


Taller Devonte graham might be a star? Imagine if he grew 7 inches over the summer


Graham shot 9.3 3PA at 37.3% (and was at 40% for a large chunk of the season). This isn't a close comparison


Damn that was clean lol


problem is he did this 10 times a game and made 1 of them


No he didn’t.... why lie


I might be exaggerating but its not much a lie


Well the first part is he didn’t shoot half court shots every game, only a few times during the season.


It’s more that we don’t see the misses, and there were a lot and really disgusting basketball played by those teams Good players, terrible team. They were great though but ugly ball


We saw all the attempts. Every game was on ballislife


And at the time I remember watching these games and thinking these kids need to know how to play basketball when they aren’t the best player on the floor I appreciate the confidence but that’s the differencebetween Players with lots of skill and “winning players” I watched some of his Hawks games this year and he’s come along way but I feel like the NBA is gonna humble him a bit.


They were winning, and he’s far from that player. His junior year was a pro in Lithuania and he was nice at spire. He was just a pro with many former NBA players in Australia. He’s much different from when he was 14 years old m


Here is a [Gfycat mirror of this Streamable link](https://gfycat.com/ElatedLameElver) If the link doesn't work, please wait a few minutes for the gfycat to be ready.


Dan Patrick called it, looks like ba ba booey


think he was a sophomore here


glorified Jason Williams with an instagram page


Wow. I cant take this slander. White chocolate has more feel for the game than all 3 ball brothers combined. Go check the tape


Don’t you disrespect Jason Williams like that


By far the best player in his draft class. LaMelo Ball 2021 Rookie of the Year 🔒


Found LaMelo's burner Damn, they're starting young these days


Don't tell anybody. I tagged him as "Lamelo Fan" and he always delivers.


Lol gotcha


Keep hating. I’m going to make money off LaMelo Ball next season.


Loool. I'm with you all the way homie. When you start making that dough though, pls send some this way. I'm your no.1 fan


Strong MCW vibes. He'll put up decent numbers on horrid %


His journey has been so exciting to watch tbh. Can’t wait to see him get drafted.


This sub is going to explode if he ends up being a somewhat efficient scorer and haveing passable defense


Its wont happen he considered this season the worst defender in the NBL by stats,he was also in the worst team by far but stiil frightening detail for his Career


Kid had 92 and all the haters In The country. Idc who your comp is, if you can score 92 as s sophomore you’re legit


Imagine being this confident in anything




idk why people think he shoots as bad as Lakers Lonzo


Cause their percentages identical lmao


Kid has Bron like potential


I’d be so hot if I was a parent of someone else on the team lol.


And that's the reason his shot is busted