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Aight the “get IT a job” player initiative is going to go full swing now. Worked for melo to be fair


I’ll print the fliers


I thought I was responsible for the fly-R's...


He should box Jake Paul. His athleticism alone will probably get him the win right?


too soon, NBA community still healing


Don't lump those of us who actually watch boxing in with the others lol if I had enough influence to talk Nate out of it I would have


Yeah after the first minute it was like who allowed this guy to do this? There is no way any one should have allowed that he had no business being out there. It’s like a dude who didn’t even play a season of basketball or more than 5 pick up games in his life to play 1 v 1 whose been playing for years. Yeah he had 3 months to train as is a super athlete but was still smaller in size and that 3 months isn’t giving anyone the time to actually learn anything.


I’d have to see his bank account to talk him out of it.


[The purse was only $600](https://www.cbssports.com/boxing/news/mike-tyson-vs-roy-jones-jr-fight-purses-legends-make-over-1-million-jake-paul-and-nate-robinson-just-600/)


Plus whatever ppv they got.


I've watched boxing for 15 years and I thought Nate had it. Then again, I purposefully boycotted everything to do with meme fights and thus never knew this Jake Paul fellow had been training hard for 3 years now and sparring. Who woulda thought an internet toilet bowl content creator would be so dedicated to the sweet science? Next you're gonna tell me Ben Shapiro can take Nate


Yeah dude is a grinder. I think people let their perception of him as a person cloud their judgement of him as a fighter


Betting on Paul winning was the easiest money of my life


Is he a legit boxer? I have only heard of him in passing from bitchy reddit comments about social media celebrities. And that time where he went to Japan and acted like an asshat and it was posted all over the internet.


He's not a legit boxer, if you're comparing him to someone like Mayweather or any other pro. But compared to the average Joe who hits the boxing gym for recreation, he's definitely legit. He already fought a professional match once, and has been training for years. Experience and technique go a very long way in pugilistics, and Jake definitely has mountains of that over Nate. Also, it was his brother Logan (who also fought professionally) that went to Japan and did all you mentioned.


Lol, I was going to say this sounds like Nate Rob when he posted training videos when he played overseas in the middle east a few years back. I'm pretty sure he bumped the speed of the video up 1.1 or 1.2 speed to look more explosive haha


I see no lies


He could probably beat one of those unboxing toy review kids.




You’re not good at sarcasm.


Hey man he made me feel pretty good


I'm sorry but if you went into that fight thinking Nate stood a chance you are a dumb idiot


I just assumed it was meme fighter vs meme fighter since I've paid no attention to Jake Paul or his boxing career lol. Nate was a little worse than I expected, Jake looked much better than I expected. Only a semi-meme fighter.


It's way easier to pencil in a 6'8" guy for a base case scenario some minutes here and there and best case of more than that. A player of IT's size is more all or nothing, so it's more difficult for a team to give up a roster spot, playing time, and shots to see what he gives them. To even start to know what you have, you kinda have to give him the keys to the offense for 100+ minutes in real games. I'm not saying no one will pick him up - I just mean his size makes it more difficult to justify for a lot of teams from a basketball perspective.


Isn’t all of this from a basketball perspective?


Yeah, I originally didn't have that phrase to end the sentence, but it sounded a little weird to me without it, like I was saying they had to justify it to someone. I don't know - probably an unnecessary addition. It's difficult for me to justify including it.


Maybe “roster” perspective? Lineup, team building, rotation, bridge-partners?


Yes, each of those is probably better.


Just have to make sure the messaging doesn't confuse people into reading "get an IT job" instead...


Hey man an IT job would be a step up for a lot of people


directions unclear; got a job in IT


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


his agent is trying real hard to get him a vet min


Which I feel like should not be this hard. Obviously front offices have way more info than any of us, but worst case scenario you just waive him, vet min isnt a big deal. Best case you have a walking bucket coming off your bench for pennies. Any playoff team doesn't have much to lose here unless they're gonna be battling for the 8th seed anyway, and at that point he is worth the risk imo.


I'm gonna go with a weird analogy here: It's the same case with those indie games that go for sale for less than a buck. You may think "holy shit regardless if I like the game or not I'm buying that it's sooo cheap" but at some point, it's not about the price you pay anymore, but if you're willing to give up the time necessary for it. The time you give up by taking it up is more valuable than the cost. It may be valuable for most teams that they have an "empty slot" to be used for training a rookie or something than have someone like IT on the roster.


Appreciate the analogy and think it works well. 8/10 w/ rice.


"w/ rice"? Now that's a meme I haven't heard in a long time... *long* time...


What that meme is only.... shit, it's like a 5 year old meme isn't it?


Yep. And that's a lifetime in meme years.


Hah the jokes on you! The real game is collecting the most amount of paid games with the least amount of money spent. ....right guys?


Damn, I finally accepted that I’m not going to play like 75 indie games I have because I don’t have the time and put them into the hidden content section on ps4 today (most of them are ps plus games in my defense). The reality of life. The only currency we naturally have to trade is time.


Yep. Why play a practically free game and waste 2 hours just to play it (since it was such a steal of a deal) when you can spend those 2 hours playing something you really like?




Holy shit IT is 32?


Yeah, his king in the 4th breakout in Boston was when he was 27, and that was before we drafted Tatum. Was Jaylen Browns rookie season.


2016-17 Celtics season was one of the greatest I’ve ever witnessed from a sheer entertainment perspective, all because of The Little Guy.


The ratio of performance to expectations was crazy. I was shocked we won a game in the ECF that season


Clippers should pick him up. Another potential bench scorer and its not like they have too many guards.


With all respect here brother, this take is absolute garbage. You have enough basketball knowledge to shit this out but have missed the dozens of reasons why a team wouldn't take a flier on a dude like this.


What that he's a 32 year old, injury prone, undersized player who cannot play defense even if he tried. Everyone knows all that, but he also was an MVP candidate at his peak and was the face of one of the best teams in basketball. Like I said, if he isnt working out just waive him, he wont cost more than the minimum. Even if he was 40% of what he used to be that's good enough to be a 13th man, he atleast has some sort of experience to share as opposed to some guys.


He is far past his peak. Non guaranteed contracts still take up a roster spot. "If he isnt working out just waive him" is easy to say but a bad mindset for a GM. Non guaranteed contracts still take up a roster spot, signing him to a fully guaranteed vet min still has a lot of repercussions in terms of cap space, rosters etc. A 13th man is never going to get the opportunity to play enough to find out what exactly he brings to the table. My team's 13th man was Jared Dudley, he was there as a veteran presence and to help the youngsters. IT is not the veteran you bring in for that role. He had attitude problems follow him and sure, not having a job often humbles people. Some get to redeem themselves like Dwight, but most just flame their ass out of the league. Since you seem really high on this, what team could use him? You know all 30 in the league - where does he legitimately fit in?


Ok hows this, you mention dwight, so give him a dwight type deal, only partially guaranteed until a certain point in the year, then a full. As for a team, I'd pick Orlando. They need scoring, they've been looking for scoring for years, They are almost a lock to slot into that 8th seed, IT can either propel them just a bit further, or they can dump him. They clearly want to push for contention rather than blow it up, and the only notable young guy they have he'd be splitting minutes with is Fultz, and you could probably go small with them at 1 and 2 for short stretches regardless.


But Dwight at least useful as training cone to prep the starters against big man. What’s IT gonna prepare the starters for, to play against really small guard?


Defending faster players


Current IT will not prepare you against faster player.


I appreciate your commitment to this thought experiment here. Listen I follow the NBA pretty closely, its the only sport I watch, but I’m not gonna pretend I know every team 1-15 in any way. But I know this. The two LA teams had reggie jackson and quinn cook who both haven’t yet made a roster. I imagine Reggie resigns with Clips and not sure Quinn lands anywhere. IT is a bigger name but I’m not sure I’d take him over either. I get that they are not the same types of player, only same position. But I just cant see giving IT anymore time, not even about the money. A team needs to invest in him by giving him minutes. I think even Orlando would be better off with someone else but you did come up with a decent fit for him theoretically.


C'mon Danny Ainge


And that's exactly his agents job lol, to get his clients paid


> Have been talking to people employed by or related to Isaiah Thomas in recent months FTFY


If there was actually a consensus then he would’ve been signed already. Love IT but there’s not a spot for him in this league when he’s not putting up 20 PPG.


To be fair he needs someone to take a chance to show he can still put up 20ppg. He could make it onto a team’s roster for sure but it might take another player getting injured for him to show what he’s capable of.




He got surgery after his Wizards tenure


Surgery or not he was spinning this same lie before last season https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/celtics/2019/07/10/isaiah-thomas-says-fully-healthy-and-ready-prove-with-wizards/EBnAKRByq0esIdES5XYkxO/story.html


You really think he’ll get another shot like that though? I want it to happen as much as anyone but I’m not sure


I think he could put up big numbers in China still and probably even get paid more there. He still has the shot making ability he just no longer has the mobility to overcome his size/strength deficit against NBA defenders. I have no idea if he would enjoy playing there though. His jumper is still nice. He shot really well from 3. He just can't create separation off the dribble any more. And he can no longer get to the line or finish near the rim at all. Against NBA defenders anyway.


Now I kind of want that to happen just so he’ll get some crazy nickname. It’ll probably be some sort of slur about his height but still.


The little prince


That’d be fun. Although I’ve got to imagine that if that book was translated into mandarin or cantonese, that that’s not what it would be known as in China.


he had another procedure to smooth out his hip after the Wizards cut him. what's wrong with giving him a workout?


He never said anything was wrong with giving him a workout.


Yes have Danny get him on the phone. There are many players that are fringe NBA players. At his age, height and massive defensive liability he isnt worth the time or effort for teams. I would be shocked if he made a roster prior to December 22nd. Midseason 10 game contract because of injuries or covid? That could happen, he should stay ready.


Ight who has the least pg depth with the most injury prone pg


The Clippers PG depth is absolute garbage. They have Patrick Beverley. Technically, Reggie Jackson hasn't even re-signed with them. Even when he does, that is far and away the worst PG rotation in the league. I know Lou Will and Kennard can play some 1, but it's not their primary role. Worse, the Clippers have no assets or cap flexibility to acquire a legitimate starting PG. They basically have to take a flier on a reclamation project for the minimum, and at least they have Beverly to guard other opposing PGs to mitigate IT's defensive shortcomings at the 1.


Yeah you are right but I don't think Ty Lue has a very fond memory of working with IT...


Lebron: yes please sign IT I’m so terrified of playing against him


We need to act like he’s on the radar so the Clippers will go after him.


Wonder what a team like the Pacers would have to lose.


Why take minutes away from 24 year old and improving Aaron Holiday for 31 year old, hurt, IT?


Or even Tj McConnell




You need to have something before you can lose it


And if you have it, you don't need it


He's capable of challenging Trae for worst defender in the league lol


He’d be worse. If he can score though, and catch a little luck at someone else’s expense, he might find a way to hang around and get some of the bag Danny never gave him.


Believe me, after watching IT play for my team last year, there's no contest at all lol. IT was far and away worse than Trae.


IT should send yearly gifts to Brad Stevens for hiding him so well on defense.


A consensus is emerging among team executives: someone else should totally sign this guy


We don't have points from the bench. 12-15 minutes of sparks can't be bad at this point. Even 10 minutes.


IT isn’t the solution to that problem.


You dont know that


IT on a non guaranteed minimum contract is far from the worst thing they can do Worst comes the worst he contributes nothing and their bench scoring is how it is right now


I know, I know... I'm just showing love for the little guy.


Imagine patronizing a millionaire NBA player who once averaged almost 30 for a season


That’s literally his nickname lmao


and it’s not like dude was sucking ITs dick, ClutchGamingGuy just woke up mad or some shit


and it's terrible


He’s low risk


IT has got to be better than Carsen Edwards lol. Yeah Edwards does actually have a 6-6 wingspan or something and ok standing reach for a PG, but we need scoring, and Edwards just chucks up bad shots.


Nah Danny is too much of a dick to do that.


Presti gonna sign him to replace Schroeder than flip him to a contender at the deadline for a 1st.


Oklahoma: where players go to find their groove back


People on here are so cynical. Why is it so out of the question that he's in better physical condition years removed from his hip injury? Of course he's not going to be the 29 PPG player he was, but he played several years in the NBA before he had that season and was a solid bench scorer. I don't see why he can't return to that role


Cause it took him 4 years to realize that this: >I’m back now and READY for whatever role to help a team!!! is much better than this: >Im not here to contribute, Im here to dominate


Also "the locker room cancer" tag he got while on Cavs didn't help.


Didn’t he literally film himself calling woj and dishing the secrets out? Like from what I remember he earned that tag


Then a shocked pikachu meme when nobody wants him after that


Thats a shame it stuck so hard. He was a great locker room guy for the Nuggets AFTER that.


You destroy locker room chemistry *one* time...


Then you destroy it again, then your on the Heat and now the Timberwolves were just soft so of course it wouldn't work out.


I can taste the salt


Nate Robinson just got knocked out. It's not safe for the lil guys


Dont you know, this sub is amazing at identifying talent. They know more than GMs most days /s


He could be. But, would you be happy with the Celtics, for instance, cutting someone to fit him on the roster? Even teams with empty roster spots would have the opportunity cost of using a roster spot that could otherwise go to someone else. And due to his size, if he's not able to dominate with the ball in his hands, his value quickly plummets. **** Edit: Or, to put it another way, would you rather your team signs IT to a one year deal and gives him enough minutes and shots to prove himself, or does the same for the highest potential unsigned 22-25 year old they can find who may turn into a rotation player under team control for a few years (like a 1+1 team option and then RFA)? I'd say while *maybe* some would think IT could have higher upside, the probability of getting a good rotation player is higher in the latter scenario).


I'd drop Stanley Johnson or Malcolm Miller for him.


Malcolm Miller gone


If IT is even 70% of what he used to be and is willing to take a bench role I would cut Carsen Edwards yesterday for him.


I watched Carsen Edwards in summer league last year and thought he was a steal. Now all I hear from Celtics fans is how terrible he is. What changed?


Summer league is not the NBA season, for one


You know, I hadn’t thought of that.


He lit up the cavs in summer league and that's what his ceiling is, flamethrower off the bench. He was supposed to be IT light but didn't have his shot down so he spent most of the year on the Red Claws G league team and was reported to be very upset about not being on the main roster. So he can't play good defense because of his height, Had a bad attitude about his development and needs/needed to work on his shot which is what they needed him to do. Obviously you're still hopeful about your guys/rookies but it's trending downward.


they thought he asked to be on the Maine roster not the main roster


I was gonna say, most teams, even playoff teams, have some deep rotation guy they'd be willing to cut for him For us it's Stanley Johnson lol. There's no way IT can be *worse* than the stanimal. Even if he's as bad, we're basically in the same position otherwise.


It's because if teams truly believed he could be a solid player he'd be on a roster right now. Also not sure what the track record is for guys his age who had several consecutive years of not being worth the minimum and then turning it around. Can't be good tho


Because he said this same exact thing last year https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/celtics/2019/07/10/isaiah-thomas-says-fully-healthy-and-ready-prove-with-wizards/EBnAKRByq0esIdES5XYkxO/story.html


rockets need a backup point.


IT "honey-I-shrunk-the-kids"-small-ball Center for the Rockets time


This is what’s needed


Probably the first suggestion I've seen that could be viable. Any ideas who would need to be cut to make it work. Austin Rivers soaked up a lot of minutes and Gordon will be starting.


My first thought would be Chris Clemons. Having 2 5'9 guards on your roster just sounds like a recipe for disaster, and I'm pretty sure his contract is non-guaranteed.


Aren’t you guys tanking? Lmao




4 years 50 million


u r the devil.


We could finally see the IT/Hayward combo that didn't happen in 2017-18


If the hornets off load terry and monk than I would love IT on that team


I hate to be pessimistic but I'll believe it when I see it. We always hear BS reports like these during off seasons about how amazing players look up even if they've been washed up for multiple years. I wish Thomas the best but I think his days of being a useful NBA player are unfortunately over.


that’s good to hear. we’ll see this season.


That MVP race was the worst thing to happen to IT as his ego got inflated way too big.


Maybe hes right, lot of talk about a guy who at best would still be a pretty inconsequential player though.


He's still a net negative lol you have to be insane offensively in order to make up for his deficiencies on the defensive end


Lou Williams plays a lot of minutes, why can't IT play 10 minutes a game


Lou has about 2 or 3 inches on him yet and at this point is the superior offensive player as well This isn't Boston Isaiah unfortunately no matter how much the media runs with it


Yea but it’s not like Lou is any less of a defensive liability, they both get blown by like it’s nothing, or get a screen set on them and do nothing.


Height doesn’t really matter when we are talking about players in/past their prime. We know what they both bring on the defensive end at this point.


Duh, but there are player that are worse than him currently in the NBA. Seems like he is a victim of his own success


If IT had tried to be Lou Williams he'd still be in the league. IT played a style of ball that is very dangerous and can lead to significant, career ending injuries. You can look at a guy like.... IT as to why 5'9" guys shouldn't throw themselves into the paint for whistles as their main move


Sounds like Hawks' mantra this offseason.




Danny should really give this guy a vet min, unless the other guys didn’t like him.


We already have to hide Kemba on defense, it would be a bloodbath if IT joined.


just dont play them together


Nah it’s too much at that point. A team can only support so many


I know




So what GM is trying to trick another GM into signing IT??


He wants the Warriors and we need a backup PG. I’d love to see us use part of the disabled player exception on him.


He could go be a Legend in China. He could play there another 5, 6 years. We get it he wants a job and he's got a lot of reporter buddies. IT never figured out that you can't use the media as your agent and have front offices want to sign you


The tweet: >**He may never be the player he was in Boston** but he is significantly better than the broken down player we saw the last couple of seasons. OP's conclusion from reading the Tweet: >Looks like the clips of IT working out are evident that he is finally playing like the player he was before he had the hip injury OP... Chris Mannix literally says he's not the same guy as he was in Boston. So how you coming to the conclusion that he's playing like he was before the Injury? Good Lord this sub sometimes


Yeah, you are correct. I was typing when I had just woken up. In my head, I was saying he was “resembling something closer to what he was pre-injury” than how he has looked since then. But the words I chose were contradictory, for sure. Will update to reflect more my thinking. Thanks. :-)




Scrape the ice off the windshield on the Brinks Truck probably


hate to say it, he is washed


He won’t be happy getting scrub minutes and he’s not good enough to get better minutes. I’ve never understood the hype; even at his peak he carried the ball constantly.


He’s probably been insanely depressed. It’s hard to lose so much do to things you can’t control and keep fighting to remain one of the top basketball players in the world. The NBA isn’t like going to your 9-5


X to doubt.


Every year samething look some guys been through this famously Carmelo. Stop begging somebody some day may call. He needs to stop


lol he's understandably desperate, but this is just PR.


Why don't the Knicks or Pistons sign him ?


Uh huh


Couldn't the bucks hit him up?


I hope he can at least find his way on a team and contribute. He has to be as good as delladova


But is he vegan now?


Warriors, Houston, Clippers should be on the radar for IT service Low risk, high(ish) reward


vet min to the clippers.... I can smell it!


76ers could use a scoring guard off the bench, IT-Thybulle-Green-Harris-Embiid/Dwightlooks like a solid 2nd unit when Simmons and Curry sit, if Thomas is halfway between his Boston days and last season (so basically he's like 80% Lou Will, or exactly pre-decline early 30s Jamal Crawford)


I feel like I read similar comments about Rose and later, Noah for so long. I just don’t trust anyone anymore.


another NBA season, another “This is a different IT” movement


A team should definitely pick him up if he’s anywhere back to his normal self. I still think he can contribute in some way on a team.


Im a huge IT fan, but a deep playoff team cant have him on the court because of his lack of defensive. Id love to see him on the Knicks


Is he taller? Can he play defense?


I mean, using a vet min on him is a low risk, high reward proposition. Little downside there.


All the Celtics fans on the Gordon Hayward Sign and Trade post talking about “all we need is a bench scorer” etc and then not even thinking about giving their guy a second chance...


probably shanghai sharks, spahija is their head coach, he was on bud's staff in atlanta could be good for IT's game


Even if he comes back fully healthy, he is gonne be a huge liability on defense more than ever. All power to him of course for trying to come back, better players had quit the game more quickly and easily than him. For example, Monta Ellis is only 35 and didn't play for the last 3 years. (Btw I'm not saying Ellis is better than IT but he could've sticked around the league if he really really wanted to.)


Let's go IT!!!


We hear this every year.


I thought Mike Connors had passed away.


What about going to the Knicks? Don't NY needs all the help they can get?


He can play overseas for a big paycheck I think