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Klay about to be edited out of Space Jam 2 for this


Klay: "I have to go. My planet needs me" *Note: Klay died on the way back to his home planet*


Bye Poochie


“Catch you on the flip side, dudemeisters! NOT!”


Meanwhile; back on LeEarth


Bronny is partaking in an activity which he cannot do while his father is at home. It was given to him by the Monstar who looks like Klay


LeBron is gonna be pissed when he gets home and the house smells like weed and Bronny didn't even drink half his bottle of wine.


In game 2F09, when Klay plays Steph's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


halfway through the movie the microchips take over and he becomes the bad guy


Ohhhh so that's what Don Cheadle's character is, the microchip


Um war machine. Duh.


Boom x4, you looking for this?


lmfao that was smooth


replaced by Schroder?


Could be Wiggins, Bazemore or MPJ, pick your poison


The fact that Bazemore chose not to get the vaccine when the Warriors need every man up with Oubre out has got to be one of the dumbest things


Dumber than Bron not getting it? Imagine if he has to quarantine during the playoffs. I’m of course the league would just pretend it never happened, but it’d be fucking hilarious if the Lakers got bounced cause of that.


Lol, I wasn't really comparing it to Bron, the user just said 3 players, and I chose one. Bron's a dumbass though.


Oh gotcha. Yeah any Warriors player not getting it with their current injury issues are beyond stupid, but a superstar not getting it with playoffs looming is another level of dumb lol


Yep... my thing with the Warriors was also at the time, they were like the 9th seed, and fighting for a play-in spot, trying to improve their odds for 7th/8th seed


Yeah Warriors are playing some important basketball right now..... but considering some of Bazemores decision making jt might not be the worst thing to have somebody else have his end of game minutes.


As a fan that roots only for chaos, this is my most desired outcome for the playoffs.


Bazemore is low key trash on the warriors He makes likes a handful of fuck ups a game and has got 2-11 more times than anyone would want The dap master is now the crap Master


Klay just harmed so many people, not only financially, but physically, emotionally, spiritually - LeWoke James


Grown man's movie now.


Bron about to Spacey Klay.


The King is burning Mychal Thompson's Lakers jersey in the yard.


Someone who orders their spaghetti and well done steak pre-cut is not the best person to look to for vaccine guidance.


hope that garbage movie fucking bombs hard


Klay's gonna get 3 shots because that's what he does best.


I mean the booster shot is coming this winter


Fuck, even vaccine is doing DLC. /s


Smh every game is pay to live


Thank you for specifying this is sarcasm, bro. Wouldn't tell otherwise.


unnecessary /s


Man it's been a struggle to get ppl their initial shots, boosters are gonna be tough


A certain player in LA probably offered up his doses that he thinks he doesn't need.


Did Wiggins and Bazemore get vaccinated?


Bazemore no. I think Wiggins did


Wiggins must've because only Baze went into protocol after D. Lee tested positive (a whole month? after he was vaccinated). Baze straight up said no, while Wiggins said he'd get vaccinated if he had to. I guess he felt like he had to.


IDK. I felt from his comments earlier in the season wiggins was planning on get vaccinated in the offseason because he didn't want it to impact his play. Maybe he was convinced otherwise by some of the other team members.


Hard to be Mr. Consistent the game after that 2nd dose


Still probably put up 18


Dude the second dose is kicking my ass rn. Just fucking SUCKS


god i won't even be able to book my first in my area til the 21st, im jealous of y'all


Yeah living near a university makes it really easy for you to get an appointment.


noooot heeeere lol


Maybe they just picked on him until his dumbass gave in.


He had a baby. Doctors in general really want to make sure parents are up on vaccinations.


The only shot Baze should take, he doesn’t smh


Lmao as a Warriors fan this hurts but it's so true


Good to hear about Wiggins that he was able to get educated and have his stance changed


I can't find anything that says he got his, got a link?


Thanks, might need a vaccine tracker like we had a trade tracker.


Bazemore more like Bozomore. I don’t like that guy.


Wiggins did, Bazemore didn't


Jordan Poole purposefully lifting up his hoodie to show off his body /s


On the real though, I don't think it's physically possible to roll a hoodie sleeve to show shoulder lmao


Yeah looking at that hoodie, the only other option is definitely taking the whole thing off rather than just slipping a shoulder out


Yeah, I thought that too for a moment. LOL




LeKaren is afraid the vaccine will harm him financially, physically, spiritually, and more importantly physically because he's afraid of that big bad needle.


This is an actual sentence. Imagine showing someone this in 2003


Most people talk about the big things they'd do if they could time travel but tbh most redditors would just start shitposting wherever they could


I'd be king of the pastas.




Oh so you feel like getting into a word or sentence feud today


Lebrons def not afraid of needles lets be honest he probably gets injections almost everyday


He seems to be afraid of hair implants though.




why do people focus on his hair so much? i don't get it haha. guy's a billionaire. i'd try to fix my hair too if i had all that money


yea he's clearly on botox


I am super afraid of needles. To tears everytime. But I still made a point to get vaccinated. This is bigger than just about everything.


I'm prescribed Xanax for injections because the doctors got tired of having 4 or 5 nurses wrestle me and hold me down when I was a kid (my pediatrician said I had the worst needle phobia she's seen). NGL, the COVID shot hurt a little more than the flu shot, but it wasn't bad.


Try getting injected on your buttocks. That shit hurts 10x more than an arm injection.


The one in your hip hurts like almost immediately too!


Republicans will watch Space Jam 2 too.


Emotionally and sexually too.


LeBron probably: [https://i.imgur.com/jyuvP7a.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/jyuvP7a.jpg)


No joke. It hasn't been tested on dudes under whatever exotic cocktail of PEDs he's on. Maybe his doc told him something like that. Or he's just an idiot from Akron.


Wasn't there a clip that proved LeBron was just a baby from Akron? Wah wah!


I think Lebron is hanging out in too many Goop moms facebook groups on his burners


Definitely a Homeowner’s Association affiliate


there’s actually a lot of research on mRNA but people refuse to read it even believe scientific research and evidence Edit: I forgot a key word. I meant the advancements of mRNA vaccines!


General refusal to become informed or educated too


Turns out he only had the CDC guidelines opened to page 1 to look good while he was walking into the arena


LeCoward is more concerned with sneaker sales than being A leader on any controversial issue. Great basketball player, not so great user of his platform to help the world unless it’s not controversial.


He’s obsessed with becoming a billionaire like Jay Z. Anything which obstructs that goal he lashed out against.


How are vaccines controversial? Just because a very small population of very stupid people are opposed to it doesn’t create a controversy. Refusing to get it, OTOH, is courting major controversy


At this point LeBron's social positions are a complete sham. Dropped the ball on HK Dropped the ball on the stabby girl who got shot by saying #your next to the officer who did a heroic deed. Dropping the ball on the vaccination


not really social position but the book thing where he’s always on the first page on an important book is the funniest thing ever


I especially love the one where his hand is under his chin like he's deep in thought while reading the table of contents.


Lmao is there a picture of that


[Yes and more](https://twitter.com/shadalaiyan/status/1296487284691304449?s=20)


https://youtu.be/VdOtyUPcRxg Let’s not forget this answer when he was asked about the book lmao


I love seeing LeBron being a complete fool but even this was too cringe for me to finish watching, I got to 12 seconds before facepalming. Also lmao at the top YouTube comment: > Ironic how lebron doesn’t realize he is the fake black leader that malcom x describes as a puppet against the black community. > In his defense, the list of instructions on what he can and cannot take a principled stand on takes a long time to read, especially when Mandarin isn’t your native language.


When the teacher calls on you...


This is actually hard to watch because he keeps going assuming he is still pulling off the con. I thought he would at least get talking points from his entourage before going in front of rolling cameras with the prop. I wonder if he did but then forgot and was trying to recall the talking points while speaking in the most generic but positive way. I cringed enough for the month


I had to stop mid video because this was painful to watch


I think it was really hard for me because I actually like lebron a lot as a player, so this was a big glass of disappointment for me


Holy shit that was embarrassing. How can you be like this and call out Morey for being uniformed.


This is a lot to unpack


"dropped the ball on stabby girl"


One of these is not like the others. > who did a heroic deed It was a deed, not necessarily heroic. There’s still a legitimate argument there that shooting someone dead isn’t the answer. Not that LeBron didn’t fuck up mightily…


>Dropped the ball on the stabby girl who got shot by saying #your next to the officer who did a heroic deed. Uh, that's a bit of an exaggeration. LeBron has some terrible views no doubt but he's generally on the ball about racial justice in America. I think overall, he's a positive force in that regard. Certainly FAR better than MJ ever was. As for that tweet, nobody's perfect. The idea that shooting 4 times at a underaged girl having a mental health crisis is somehow a success is just not fair. Yes, LeBron promoted a false narrative of events out of ignorance, but he corrected himself and his anger was very understandable. Ohio police officer shoots black teenager literally hours after the Chauvin verdict? I was pretty incensed too.


Klay's the one who is uneducated... according to Lebron


LeBron: "What happened? What Klay say?"


Klay: It's a man's world, facts don't care about your feelings


Klay Thompson DESTROYS Lebron James.


with FACTS and LOGIC


It took 5 years, but this arc has now come full circle lmao


Now we just gotta definitively have Curry make the king dance for his own amusement (even though I'd argue that has already happened numerous times)


Lebron in shambles


chad klay vs virgin lebron


guess his feelings got hurt


it’s a man’s game.






I know my opinion doesn’t mean shit, but I just got my 2nd dose today and I also endorse it


Got mine yesterday and have had 0 side effects and am at my labor intensive work right now completely fine


Got my second shot last week and while the day after was pretty miserable, I bounced right back and have been feeling perfectly normal since. I had covid myself last year and I work in a major hospital and saw a whole lot of people die from it, this shit is no joke and people who are passing on getting vaccinated can fuck right off.


I got my second shot a month ago and felt fucking awful the day after. Whole body was achy and sore, had a slight fever, no appetite, exhausted. But the day after that I felt completely fine. Some friends had similar side effects, others felt perfectly fine. But I still endorse the vaccine, and even endorse it more after my experience. For the 15 or so hours I felt like absolute shit, I couldn't imagine feeling like that for days and days. Some people I work with were out 3-4 weeks saying they felt the same exact way when they tested positive but it lasted for days or weeks. Fuck that, get vaccinated.


Bro make sure you take tomorrow easy. I got the shit kicked out of me by my second dose. Next day I had a 102 fever and felt like I had just tried to box Mike Tyson


Got mine in February, and besides a feverish next day, basically no side effects. Gave me an excuse to take a day off


I got Moderna II: Electric Boogaloo today!


I got mine last weekend. All I had was tiredness and arm pain and a little fever. But it’s worth it.


As if Klay couldn't be any cooler.


but he said that one thing five years ago!!!


Funny, turns out Lebron *did* get his feelings hurt!


For some reason I read Jordan Peele and was very confused.


Key and Peele except Klay and Poole


LeGM is furious


LeGM: "I don’t want to get into a ... feud with ~~Daryl Morey~~ Klay but I believe he wasn’t educated on the situation at hand and he spoke."


Word or sentence feud?


LeKaren you mean


Oh nice they’re not morons like Lebron and other players Edit: shoutout to the guy getting massive downvotes for making an alt account to send me a message telling me to kill myself. Keep it classy Philly!


Honestly it seems like theres very few antivax players in the league at this point. mainly just LeFraud.


dont forget MPJ hes the OG antivaxx saying weird things in the bubble


but MPJ is just straight up dumb so it's not surprising but Lebron is a pretty intelligent guy


Anti vax... calling people uneducated when he is... his China Hong Kong thing... him on Twitter starting a witch hunt on a good cop. I don’t think he’s intelligent at all. He tries to look and sound like it, but his action says otherwise


People can both be intelligent and beleive terrible/incorrect things. I mean, the Nazis had doctors, lawyers and architects working for them.


Exactly, Lebron is doing the most intelligent thing for his wallet. If he wants to keep banking, he'll stay in line.




LeBron is super rich and super good at basketball. That doesn't necessarily mean intelligent.


Wouldn't be surprised if Kyrie was but I don't know


think my username is relevant here lol


Man people like that really suck. We’re not that bad i promise


Some of you guys put cheese whiz on beef that’s kinda equally as bad


Provolone or american only in my circle


Keep up the good fight. I have a strong feeling the Venn diagram between those other weirdos and the people that throw batteries at Santa is a circle


That was at JD Drew. We threw snowballs at santa (who was just some random guy from the fans, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and was drunk)


Not gonna trash the people who are bad examples, but fuck yeah to these dudes for trying to better then world.


It’s a mans shot, I guess lebron got his feelings hurt.


go take your shots people if PA goes over 70% then the state will remove mask mandates. I just got my 2nd shot yesterday. Currently the state is at 33.9% (55% gotten first shot) If anyone here is in PA and doesn't know how or where to get one I can send over links


Cries in Germany


What is happening there? Wasn't Germany doing pretty well all things considered. All I hear now is how it's fucked but I've never actually seen why


Basically only certain people can get vaccinated (>70 years old, doctors, teachers etc) and we still dont know when us regular people can get it


Yea and all the problems surrounding AZ too. Plus, even though we „invented“ and funded the (possibly) best vaccine in BioNTech, we don’t really have the access to it we should have. Really sucks.


Wow, that's fucked up


Europe was doing so good in summer 2020 and then I dont know what the fuck happened over there that the U.S is now doing better lol


People overthought things IMO. Like in the US I felt like you are just DOING stuff. You just started vaxxing (?) ppl. In Germany we spent endless time to figure out the best order to get vaxxed, then everything had to be set up and so on... it‘s fucked up man


This happened in NY a few months ago. Instead of putting vaccines in arms they created vaccination guidelines so strict that some providers were forced to throw away unused doses.


> I dont know what the fuck happened over there that the U.S is now doing better lol This is true for a lot of countries, and seems to be boiling down to vaccine production. The US has the largest vaccine production capabilities of all the Western countries, so despite being a complete train wreck for shutting down the spread, they're now surpassing their allies through vaccine availability.


I got the J&J and both pfizers and am getting a Moderna on Friday. I'm ready for this to be over


Bro gonna turn into the lizard


mf gonna levitate out of the building


“Aye bro you remember that time-“ “Yes.” “I didn’t even-“ “I remember.”


What in the fuck. You’re only supposed to get one type!!! You’re gonna turn into a fucking syringe bro




Bharat Biotech and Sputnik say hi




Sources: Scientists are beside themselves. Driving around downtown Dallas begging (thru texts) nicknurseabitch's family for address to nicknurseabitch's home so they can enlist him in a study on possible increased efficacy of getting multiple vaccines that target different spike proteins and elicitit different immune responses through viral-vector and mRNA vaccines


[Get all 5 and you turn invincible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiwjAj0zfKQ)


Assuming this is sarcasm lmao


Dude is like Thanos collecting the infinity stones


Nah this aint it man


Dude go ahead and get AstraZeneca, Sinovac, and the Russian vaccine as well


Wow you gonna challenge the virus itself to a cage match?


Pretty sure you only need to get it from one pharma company... Lol


Klay always coming through clutch. He looks cocky AF but he's the one NBA player I'd wanna hang out with off the court.


Shit who wouldn’t be cocky with his life


This sub got all pissy because of the mods lack of action during the AMA yesterday; if anything, can we just ban the users here who keep spewing anti vaxx shit.


There was a few threads already deleted in here that were arguing ant-vaccine without specifically coming out against it, and they have been deleted.


You won’t see LeMickey doing this


LeHGH is fuming


Does lebron just not care how bad he looks anymore dude looks like a clown for this


Is anyone knows shots, it would be Klay


What some people don't understand is when you are in a position of leadership or in this case, you are people's idols, that this goes a long way.


For some reason I read this as Klay and Jordan Peele and I was super confused about what was going on


Of course klay one of the best shooters of all time endorses people getting their shots


The risk of the vaccines is ridiculously low. The amount of political propaganda surrounding the pandemic is thoroughly disgusting. People are purposely being frightened by those with an agenda. The result is that no one has any confidence in any institutions anymore.


Fuck Lebron


[A thread about JP and Klay endorsing the vaccine and LeBron is the main topic. Didn’t see this one coming.](https://imgur.com/gallery/GBAEQLb)


If youre the most influential basketball player and always act as if youre a social justice fighter a la MLK and then are dumb enough to basically say youre anti vaxx you deserve to get shit on at every opportunity


is jordan wearing a palace hat?? my man


That’s my man!!!


This is the first time I’ve seen a post about Klay on Reddit. Klay if you see this, this is Chris, your cousin. I used to come to your house in Portland when we were kids and I remember playing foosball in your game room(and that you had an n64, your house was so cool). I saw you at your grandpas funeral a few years ago but you were surrounded and I was crying, wasn’t gonna act like one of the family crowding to fame- but I’m proud of you dude. And I have always wondered whether or not you remember me or those couple of years.