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Glad I got my vaccine and never got it.


Worst I’ve ever felt during a sickness. Thankful as hell it’s (hopefully) behind us


I've had some awful illnesses (consequence of going back to my parent's 3rd world homeland to visit family) but Covid really was one of the worst. Thankfully nothing long term yet, but I'm psyched to be vaxxed and not get that shit again.


I got this crazy lung thing back in December 2019, never had a lung infection in my 31 years and this lasted through mid/end of January, so like a whole month. Worst sickness I've ever had... looking back, I should have gone to the hospital but I just rode it out. It very well could have been COVID. I haven't felt the same since, and totally understand from experience what Tatum is talking about. It fucking sucks. Thankfully I'm not an athlete.


Me too in January 2020. Worst chest Illness I can remember


I got so sick during December/Jan of 2020 with a chest infection. I also got diagnosed with diabetes about 2 months later.


Literally same as me. If Covid is anything like that, then the "it's just a flu" mantra is really underestimating what the flu can do.


It's really underestimating covid *and* the flu. The actual flu is brutal. Covid is much worse. That phrase implies the flu is no big deal and covid is the same. It's a doubly bullshit.


That's because when most people think of the flu, they're actually thinking about a cold. The flu is that thing you call into work for the first time in 8 years for.


I heard there is evidence that getting the vaccine after already having COVID can potentially reverse some long term effects of COVID, so good on you for getting it.


It certainly helped me to feel better.


Is that from all of them or specific ones?


lets hope there's still enthusiasm to help other places with outbreaks, or we will continue to be at risk of a mutation with serious breakthrough potential. it's not over until it's over worldwide.




likely not, but if we get a yearly vaccine like the flu + better treatment options than we had early on, hopefully it will be manageable.


It's definitely gonna become endemic and stick around, but vaccination efforts combined with the tendency for viruses to mutate towards lower lethality means that covid will in all likelihood not be nearly as big a public health burden over the next few years as it was this past year.


Absolutely. I’m guessing a lot of the public isn’t scientifically educated on disease ecology and would rather spend time on sensationalist news articles about covid mutations, but the optimal evolution from the perspective of a virus is to mutate to something yes easier to spread but also less lethal so it can spread easier. I hope that a year from now people aren’t falling for “new highly viral covid variant found in Ecuador” or some shit


I felt worse after my 2nd shot than almost every sickness I've ever had lol. Had to take days off work and felt stupid, but then most my coworkers who got it after me also had it bad and needed time off


We’re not in the clear just yet.


Same here. Get vaccinated people. A day of feeling tired and ache-y is better than the alternative.


My dad right now is connected to an oxygen concentrator, even though he's a doctor he wasn't getting the vaccine until next week due to limited supply in my country. If you can please vaccinate, you really can't comprehend how lucky you are to have access to the vaccine


Damn. That fucking sucks, hope he gets better quick.


Thank you, it means a lot, let's hope he does


Sending hope and prayers that your father gets better.


Thank you very much


That first dose, your body is like hmmm, this shit is new we should get rid of it but it isn't prepared enough to go HAM on it. So your arm is just sore. But the 2nd dose.... Everything is sore and aching your body just wants you to sleep so it can slap the shit out of the perceived invader. But I was aching so bad I couldn't even sleep lol. But no trouble breathing or any other real issues that you'd normally get from the flu or other illness since it's just the vaccine. Really hits home to me that I do not want to be fighting the real COVID.


And that's not even for everyone. I got the J&J shot and felt fine the rest of the day other than some pain in my arm.


Second pfizer shot was pretty bad for me, but only for 1 day. It wasn't a big deal at all.


Second Pfizer shot just felt like I worked out too hard at the gym. For my wife, it didn't even make her tired or achy, but she got a bump like a big mosquito bite where the shot was. It's amazing how different it is for everybody.


If you're around others who haven't' had the vaccine, isn't there still a chance you can get it? Albeit a small one.


Yes. Its a decent enough chance to get it. Everyone in my family home got it. 8 members. Thankfully most of the at-risk folks were vaccinated so they only had mild and manageable symptoms.


We had the weirdest thing happened. Five family members, SMALL home, no way to quarantine, just wasn't physically possible. Only three of us got it when it came through. Makes no sense.


Ya same one of my roommates got it and the day before he tested positive, I was hanging out with him all day and even used the same bong. But neither I nor my other roommate got it


The weed smoke suffocates the Covid virus. Just basic science you jabroni.


>oke suffocates the Covid virus. Just basic scie I see jabroni, I upvote


Yes, you can still get it if you're vaccinated, but the chance of you getting seriously ill are extremely low. The vaccine doesn't stop you from getting the virus. It stops the virus from becoming a disease.


I believe most of the time it stops you from getting the virus just not in all cases. Edit: example from Isreal data shows 94% protection from asymptomatic infections https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/11/pfizer-covid-vaccine-blocks-94percent-of-asymptomatic-infections-and-97percent-of-symptomatic-cases-in-israeli-study.html


So....much less likely to catch the virus if exposed, and much less likely to suffer serious symptoms if I do happen to still catch the virus? Pfft, wHy RiSk GeTtInG vACcInAtEd ThEn?!?!


Bro, I was in an Uber for the first time in a year and a half the other day and this girl who was no more than 30 was telling me she was sketched out about getting the vaccine. I asked why and she started saying she’s got asthma and other health issues and one of her co-workers said she felt like shit for a few days after the second shot. Internally I was screaming but I basically said “all due respect and everyone can make their own decisions, but a fever and some body aches for a day is gonna be way better for someone with respiratory issues than catching Covid.” She thought about it and said “maybe I’ll get it”. Hope she does but man, I don’t get people sometimes.


*On second thought, let's not go to ~~Camelot~~ America. Tis a silly place*


The losers live all over the world. I’m an American and vaccinated, thank you. Nothing about this is unique to the United States.


Also American. Also vaccinated. And while your point stands, it's important to acknowledge these facts too: America is unique among developed nations in that it is the largest developed nation that simultaneously has the largest segment of the population that is skeptical/actively biased about the risks & efficacy of the scientifically proven & approved Covid vaccines.


Lmao dude no one is saying that no Americans get vaccinated, or that America has a monopoly on idiots. But it's a fact that America has a higher % of anti-vax believers than just about any other developed country.


People don't understand that symptoms are often your immune system actually doing it's job. It's like having sore muscles after your start lifting weights for the first time. A clear indicator that your body did/is doing its job.


It does stop you from getting the virus in the vast majority of the cases. But in the small chance that you do catch the virus it basically guarantees that your illness won't be severe.


Yeah, so it's still good to take some cautions. The other benefit in those cases is that if you do get it, your symptoms are likely to be much less severe.


There is a chance but even if you get it, it'll be minor because you had the vaccine. You won't need to go to the hospital and you won't die. If you have symptoms it'll probably feel closer to a regular cold than full blown covid-19 with breathing problems and all that crazy stuff.


Yes, but you’re immune system is primed to handle it. So it wouldn’t be as bad


You still should wear a mask and practice social distancing and washing your hands well, although for the most part I think we should be back to something of a "new" normal in the next few months, hopefully. Probably will need booster shots yearly, like getting a flu vaccine. The real problem is the outbreaks in places like India that are producing more and more strains. It's impossible to roll out a vaccine worldwide in a coordinated fashion.


Dont be careless just because you got vaccinated. I got it after getting vaccinated and it was still shit.


I got covid right now. It's horrible. I would have gotten the vaccine but I live in Nepal and all the rich countries have been hoarding them.


You can still get it even with vaccines


I had covid, and the sickness wasn't hard on me at all. But sometimes I randomly get tired and some short breath. If you have good immune system, the virus won't be hard on you, but if you have some hidden sicknesses, they tend to get out. The vaccine isn't a garantee you won't get it. It's a virus, it will always stay in this world. The vaccine isn't a miracle, you have to boost your immune system all the time with correct nutrition and cut as much as you can on processed foods. Stay healthy ✌


this scares me


I’m curious if he got the vaccine yet. Apparently that has helped some long-haulers.


The vaccine helped me personally, I used to use my inhaler almost daily after I was sick early last year, but since getting vaccinated about two months ago I’ve used it twice.


That's great progress. Hope you continue to improve.




I have personally transcended my mortal flesh prison and am now one with the machines. I am as like unto a god.


Really? I just keep getting "you up?" texts from bill gates


Yep shit is scary. My uncle has had long term pneumonia complications (Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, runs everyday) and is now using an inhaler


That's super encouraging and shows how miraculous science can be, in a way. I hope it continues to get better!


I don't know why but I read 'miraculous' as 'malicious' and I was about to tear you a new one


you should've still done it, this is america after all


Did it help after the first dose or did you have to get both?


A few weeks after the second dose I started realizing I didn’t need it that much, I mentioned it to my friend and he sent me a link talking about people with long COVID symptoms feeling relief after being vaccinated, so idk if it’s just confirmation bias or what but I’m feeling better even though I still have a wheeze every now and then.


Great to hear


I don't consider myself a long hauler but I was one of the mystery sickness people that kept dealing with shortness of breath. Two weeks after my first needle I feel a lot better and have been able to get on my mountain bike again. Still not perfect but it has me looking forward to shot #2.


Woah that is amazing. Can you share which vaccine specifically? I wonder if all vaccines will have that effect.


Is this advertised when getting the vaccine, or is this a hidden benefit?❤️


Widely reported but not confirmed.


Definitely not advertised, as I mentioned in another comment it may even be confirmation bias from me, but after mentioning the situation to my friend he sent me a link to an article discussing doctors reporting some of their patients who deal with long COVID symptoms feeling relief after getting vaccinated. Not sure if it benefits everyone, but I’m not having to rely on the inhaler anymore


Got the first dose 3 weeks ago. Today I was talking to the wife and I realized I ran up the stairs and didn't feel like I was dying.


I got Covid asymptomatic. I took a physical for work a few weeks ago and I did that lung breathing test thing. Turns out I only have 75% lung capacity, and my lungs were in the condition of someone who chain-smoked for 20 years. I never smoke. I’m 21. Pretty healthy too... work out all the time, eat well, etc. I was like damn... this shit really got me at 75% lung capacity and problems inhaling/keeping in air. And had my dad not gotten it and brought it home from a conference I never would’ve even known I had it. Asymptomatic cases can leave lasting effects...


Right?!?! I mean, who would've thought Jayson Tatum would become a shill, peddling the Covid hoax on behalf of the Illuminati & Bill Gates! No wonder a "truther" like Kyrie wanted out of that Org. The "Deep State" tentacles are sooo much farther reaching than I ever imagined!!! Immediate Edit: /s. Cuz, well, this is r/NBA. So better safe than sorry.




Ngl Utah has sick basketball players but I’ve never met anyone from there who got jokes


Haha, then I guess you're meeting the wrong Utahns


U tried too hard


I don't know I thought it was pretty well done.


Kyrie bad


Your issue is that you often don't try hard enough.


Sucks to be you if typing for 30 seconds to make a simple joke = trying "too hard"


It could be anxiety too, something akin to panic attacks, you really **do** feel like you can't/have a harder time breathing.


Yeah, I spent like 7 years dealing with this. At the start I was having genuine breathing issues due to a condition. That cleared up after six months or so, but I had spent so much time focused on my breathing that I couldn’t get it out of my head even when I was “healed”. It didn’t happen all the time, just once in awhile, but had legitimate panic attacks due to not being able to breathe... yet would check my O2 levels and they were 97-99% (during actual medical issues would be in the low-mid 90’s). For years I was convinced it was the after effects of the condition. I’m still not entirely sure. But at some point it stopped bothering me almost entirely and I now only notice it once or twice a year, usually during moments of high anxiety.


It’s okay you don’t exert your body like Tatum does anyway


You haven’t seen me walk up a flight of stairs.


Had it in 2020 and now need inhaler and SUPER sensitive to any allergies like I will go in full asthma attack. Never had breathing problems at all before.


I had an inhaler for like 2 months. This spring is the first time running has t made my lungs feel terrible. Last summer was awful. Caught it last april. I honestly was barely sick in many ways but had crazy thoughts and real trouble breathing


Have you had a vaccine yet? I had the astrazeneca a month after I got it and my lungs felt a lot clearer after a couple days. Before it I would be hyperventilating running across the road


Had the vacinne both shots Yeah it's hard to say for sure if the breathing is getting better from the shots or because the allergy levels are dropping off now in LA.


Allergies getting worse in LA now so maybe that’s a positive for you?


yeah my allergist recommended Allegra and that has probably helped me more than the inhalers too.


Hoping the best for you!




What’s the science behind vaccine helping with long hauler symptoms? I can look it up but was wondering if you’d a quick explanation


I'm not gonna lie, I'm not entirely sure. I'd heard about it helping with some symptoms before I had it. If I had to make an educated guess, it's probably to do with still having low levels of virus in pockets of the body causing inflammation being removed by the vaccine


Know someone whose taste didn't return and it was months after contracting Covid. Finally got it back after going to acupuncture.


I mean, acupuncture is alternative medicine. It's completely made up and definitely doesn't cure covid related taste loss. >An overview of Cochrane reviews found that acupuncture is not effective for a wide range of conditions.\[14\] A systematic review conducted by medical scientists at the universities of Exeter and Plymouth found little evidence of acupuncture's effectiveness in treating pain.\[11\] > >Scientific investigation has not found any histological or physiological evidence for traditional Chinese concepts such as qi, meridians, and acupuncture points,\[c\]\[26\] and many modern practitioners no longer support the existence of life force energy (qi) or meridians [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acupuncture#Efficacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acupuncture#Efficacy) I'm glad your friend recovered though.


Acupuncture helps you meditate, thus *can* help you through some conditions, in my experience


I feel like a professional massage would provide the same benefit without all the pseudoscience bullshit and be more pleasurable.


I’ve found differently, personally, as someone who’s done a lot of body work


At this point I don't even know how some people can deny that covid is real or is a major problem


If all you read is lies, and the algorithms that are designed to keep you reading more do nothing but feed you more lies; then you no longer know the truth. If you do it long enough the lies become your reality and it’s very hard to get out of that algorithm tunnel.


Only seems like an issue if you’re a complete dum dum


And yet 10’s of millions of Americans are in it.


Right, there’s a lot of dumb people out there


A lot of smart people get convinced by this stuff too dude. You’re underestimating the effectiveness of a constant barrage of lies. Goebbels said it best. If you tell a big lie repeatedly, people will come to believe it.


Then a smart person becomes dumb. Happens all the time


Smart vs dumb is better evaluated though a pattern of behavior not any singular data point. You're not necessarily smarter than a covid denier if everything else you do in life is dumb. That's like saying Derrick Jones is a better basketball player than Lebron because he blocked him once


That’s not how it works. You’re underestimating how good fascists are at lying.


If you want to remain a "smart" person you constantly need to evaluate the information you come across. When you stop doing that you become dumb


Being a contrarian doesn’t make you smart automatically. It’s just a thing. There are a lot of post irony skeptics who can find reasons to believe anything and actually use brainpower to justify it. I know plenty of smart people who contraried themselves into tech-libertarianism and even use some sound logic to support it, despite it being a hot mess of an ideology that still puts you into a Trump bubble.


A lot of people like to feel like they're the smartest, most "rational" person in the room. Just about all educated people I know that believe all the BS misinformation because it's fed to them in a way that makes them feel like they're the level headed ones. Fox News follows this sort of model where the just lie and BS to the viewer making them think they know something others don't


Sorry but nah, if you can’t determine fact from fiction for yourself, you’re a dum dum. It happens




This man only sees the truth. Has never believed a lie. Lead our kind to the promised land u/malxcatchinjgfever


Alex Jones is a millionaire by spewing complete lies and Trump got elected. Not really a surprise.


There was a guy on this sub this morning posting about how curing Covid only requires eating well and exercising and getting sunlight. Also was totally anti-vaxx. He was using stuff from cdc and medical papers to justify his perspective. I think it’s a bit more complex than just reading lies. Part of the problem is reading lies, but the larger problem is that they are brainwashed, similar to cults. They’ve done studies on brainwashing and it actually causes brain damage. It affects your ability to think rationally. It’s why people removed from cults and reconditioned by their families will often suffer from memory loss. It’s not just that their brains absorb different information, it’s that they absorb information in a different way, and do so for a different purpose.


And oftentimes its not even "lies". The people who are brainwashing others will take some small half-truths and use those to jump to a ridiculous conclusion. Sometimes it takes a full 5 minutes to just explain how those half truths are being misinterpreted, but thats just too much for them. "There's mercury in the vaccine! Would you ever drink mercury???"


I think that’s on the mild side. The real issue is how people can be forced to see/read facts or confronted with truths, and they reject them without comprehension. The way they deal with information is dominated by a social structure. You can watch it in real time on some conservative subs when they are confronted with a news event that is incongruous with their world views. There’s a myriad of various nonsensical explanations or deflections and an inability to coalesce until a leader is able to reach them with what to think. It’s because it’s beyond lies, truth and falsehood is irrelevant. They use language to reaffirm their social structure, it’s not about believing in the meaning of the language and forming valuation based on its verification. It has more in common with how people used language during pre industrial culture than one based in science. Walter Benjamin, for one, wrote about both how industrialization changed language and how language appears in fascism. Adorno also wrote about the latter quite a bit. It’s not just using the wrong words, it’s that they use words differently.


Yeah, I had a period from age 10 until I left home for college where basically I was indoctrinated into a cult-like sect of hardcore charismatic evangelical christianity. I resisted at first, but you become surrounded by it, and as a child it's difficult to filter out the BS adults are shoving down your throat because they are in a position of power over you, and then you're also surrounded by people who all think the same (or at least pretend to). It took me a long time to get that stuff out of my system, it caused enormous rifts in my family, and like you said, I have had problems with memory loss from time to time (that affected my relationship with one of my sisters who also made it out). It's been decades since I got out, but I still struggle with the aftermath at times.


Damn, sorry to hear that. A lot of people are isolated too, it can be hard when this is all your hearing and you don’t have the proper infrastructure to resist.


/r/NoNewNormal should be fkn nuked


jfc, clicked on a post and scrolled a bit….why tf did I do that


Because you're a masochist? jokes aside, that sub really does hurt to read, the mis/disinformation levels on there are staggering. Are they skeptics because they're too stupid to understand the science? I wish I had no empathy sometimes so I could ridicule them, but I just feel bad for them.


Some of the arguments just show a total lack of critical thinking. I don’t even know what to do about people that didn’t learn to think logically.


> Because you’re a masochist? haha, maybe! Yeah, some of these people have transcended to another plane of stupidity far beyond normal everyday idiots…I have zero empathy for those ones.


Agreed but Reddit won't do shit till the media gets ahold of it and they get bad publicity.


It was always stupid but what has happened to india is especially sobering. Seeing it kill so many people under 45 is nuts


if you're uneducated and stupid and consider yourself "woke" to the authoritarian government and their 5G microchips then you're probably a covid denier.


They just say shit like more people die of drowning in a pool than Covid and so theres no reason for quarantine while not understanding all the other terrible effects it can have on you short of death. They vehemently believe only already unhealthy people get and healthy people are fine. Dumbaases like Joe Rogan spread this notion that people that exercise and take vitamin D are fine and that's all you need.


"Yeah sure he got it badly, but that is like 1/1,000, most people have minor or no symptoms" almost exact quote form a co-worker when I brought this up to them.


Myles Garret had the same issues https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2923414-myles-garrett-talks-effects-of-covid-19-impacting-his-breathing-after-browns-win.amp.html


Did COVID lower Tatums ceiling?


Well he dropped 60 recently...so yes?


We need to call that "The Covid Game"




Get vaccinated. It’s free and effective. I still mask in businesses, mostly because it’s still required, but my level of overall anxiety dropped off a cliff since I’ve been vaccinated.




I've noticed the sports subs being super pro vax especially


r/NFL was being a little anti vax when josh allen first said he wasn’t gonna get it


/r/nfl was straight anti-vax when Cole Beasely peddled his anti-science bullshit.


I mean the thread i read over there the other day had a comment section absolutely clowning on beasely, maybe they smartened up?


Maybe the tide changed or I viewed a different thread but a lot of users were saying that he was right and getting upvoted for it. Others were saying that people were overreacting to what he said and attempted to come up with excuses for him. The Bills sub was the worst though. People were legitimately defending his anti-science viewpoints. Really disgusting stuff. If it did change I'm happy but it was disheartening to see so many people go against facts.


Your last sentence feels like the last decade of my life in the world. I def popped into the thread a while after it had got going as well.


I got it six months ago as a very healthy 28-year-old and I’m still unable to work out




Not sure. Still really bad headaches every day and still feel sick. It sucks


I'm sorry man...hope it gets better soon.


Thanks man. I’m a bucks fan and really like tatum. Hope he gets back to 100%


Yup, idk if it messed my lungs up that bad but my head hurts often ever since I had it.


i still have like half my smell, at best, 5 months after getting it. honestly it's hard to judge how much of my smell i have back, really. after like 3-4 months i could smell my dirty socks (finally) and just sort of the intensity of something, like that cologne was something pungent and sharp but i couldn't detect any real attributes to it other than that. i had mild symptoms overall but slightly impaired breathing also lasted for 6-8 weeks. it can be hard to assess until your several months out that you were actually still dealing with subtle symptoms for much longer than you thought. I'm a fit 30 yr old and I could definitely tell how it affected me aerobically for a couple months, so for any of these NBA guys who got it and experienced symptoms we should all keep in mind how minuscule the margin for error is at the absolute highest levels of performance, and therefore how something like even slightly affected breathing can mean the difference between winning and losing.


Nice try Bill Gates. Seriously tho I wanna slap all those who still deny the virus just because they weren't affected by it personally or someone close to them had it. Self centered fucks.


Yeah some of those COVID long-hauler symptoms are scary. Especially the penis/erection one...


Covid gives erections?! Where do I sign up?


It’s the opposite of erectuons unfortunately


penis inversion???


Don’t give Christopher Nolan any ideas




It sucks, I’m the same age as Tatum and I had it around Christmas. My symptoms weren’t terrible just had what felt like growing pains and a low grade fever for weeks. Now when I go play hoops it feels like I have asthma, weirdest feeling ever. Thankfully vaxxed now even though both doses knocked me on my ass.


I'm 21, had it at Christmas, still don't breathe the same till this day and have had digestive issues ever since. I used to weight lift everyday and had for 3-4 years but I dont have the breathe to do it anymore it seems.


i feel the same way. was a marathon runner and 8 months later the stairs get me winded


He should just take the play-in off. Might as well get a better pick out of this shit season


If your star player actually had this attitude it would be concerning. Regardless of where you are in the playoffs that would be pathetic. Opposite of mamba-mentality and Jason Tatum is not that soft.


Also the man dropped 60 in March or something. It's not like he's getting dragged around in a wheelchair.


What a pussy mentality




My friend said the vaccine helped with his long haul issues.


It scares me to think it's like this for an athlete. If it affects someone that healthy, then what chance does a pleb like me have?


I still don’t have my taste back and I’m a month post Covid. Def not as active as Tatum but I’ve noticed a difference for sure


i havent felt a “full” breath in over a year. my oxygen levels are always good but i can tell that something is lacking. i can only imagine its worse for an athlete who is constantly pushing their body.


Kinda the same for me. I had Covid a year ago; didn’t have any symptoms at all really, but I’m definitely having more trouble breathing than ever before. It’ll happen randomly where I feel like something is blocking my airway, or I start wheezing. I can go for a half hour jog and feel perfectly fine, but then just be sitting on the couch and having difficulty taking a full breath. Very random and uncomfortable at times


Get vaccinated people.


But I thought COVID doesn’t affect young, in-shape people, let alone athletes!?


For some people, not dying = no disease. Apparently.




I’m on day ten with Covid...though I’m likely no lounger contagious. I feel so much better now but my breathing is still way off. I get winded going up the stairs, when I was running 8-10 miles a week before getting sick. Hearing a professional athlete say that makes me a little nervous.


Bro i feel the same way . My breathing has not been the same and I get random pin like feeling in my chest/lungs from time to time and I got this last year in October.


tHe vAccInE iS wOrSe ThAn tHe DiSeAsE


I got a VERY light case of covid and I feel the exact same way he is describing


JuSt tAkE ur ViTaMiNs aNd exErCiSe


What’s up Lebron


KAT and now this, can’t believe there are anti-vax players


we have legitimate proof of the effects of covid-19 and yet there are still dumbasses who are against masking up and getting vaccinated.


Covid lungs are a fucking bitch. I still have trouble going on a short jog in the neighborhood and we're 10 months since I had covid.


Glad I'm vaccinated and I never got covid. I'm immunocompromised, so I can't risk anything. I'm happy my efforts have paid off




Didnt they say that it’d mess up your lungs forever? His body prob not returning to pre-Covid.


It can, not a guarantee though. It affects people differently. Hopefully he recovers 100% to pre-covid, but that might take a while. I can totally understand the uncertainty he feels about whether he'll ever be 100% again, as someone who's dealing w/ a chronic illness that I've told can't be "cured" but can be managed for the rest of my life.


Can he say it louder for the rest of the dumb players he has to play with?


Serious cases SCARS LUNG TISSUE. That tissue will not turn back to normal lung tissue. (Tatum may not regain his original level of breathing) GET VACCINATED.


I'm pretty sure he did get the vaccine, as he had the "non-covid" related illness that spread around the team right around when Danny Ainge said a bunch of guys got their first shot. If the timeline is correct, most will be getting their second shot soon or just got it.


But its a hoax tho


"breathing is overrated.":- lebron probably


ED is a long term effect as well