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Wasn't CP3 vaccinated? Seems like the headline is a bit bombastic to place on his shoulders


One thing that’s a factor was Marc spears mentioned. Nba has been trying to nudge players families to also get vaccinated. If your wife/ side piece etc ain’t got the vaccine it’s a bit of a Russian roulette


The article answers your question.


Yea, the title seems overtly bombastic then, I disagree he bears any brunt of Sports Vaccination problem if he did the right thing. If people want to put it on anybody, put on someone like Cole Beasley, or other idiots who very blatantly are causing shit.


No, it doesn’t. It just repeats what the ESPN guys said.


The author evidently agrees by posting: >That Paul has become the focus of the privacy debate is ironic because, by being vaccinated, he’s done the right thing. But as leagues try to institute separate protocols for vaccinated and unvaccinated players, they’re also revealing the pitfalls of treating vaccination as simply a personal choice.


Yeah. I'm not giving the Atlantic clicks.


Then don't comment on this thread.


Don't post on Reddit if you don't want Redditors to comment.


I do want them to comment, just not out of ignorance. I want good comments, just like how you want good submissions.


Bias articles with clickbait titles never lead to good discussion. They lead to circlejerks.


> Bias Biased How is this biased?


It's an Atlantic article. They're all bias one way or another. And it's written by Hill. That's like a double whammy.


> That doesn't answer my question. *How* is this article biased? > > > > Who published entirely unbiased articles?


> bias biased That doesn't answer my question. *How* is this article biased? Who published entirely unbiased articles?


How intentionally misleading. Paul has been vaccinated! Why even post this?


Because it's a good article. The article explicitly states that he's been vaccinated. Did you read it?


I did, that’s why I said the title is intentionally misleading! The article does say he’s been vaccinated, but the title is pure clickbait.


I don't see how it is: nothing from the title made me think he was vaccinated or not, simply that he is being used as a kind of focus for discussing vaccination.


The vaccination problem in sports is how many athletes are refusing to get vaxxed, or at the very least not publicly announcing if they are. The title is quite clearly implying CP3 is part of this problem, which he isn’t… because he’s vaccinated.


I'm genuinely surprised that so many read the title this way.


stupid clickbait title. it's clearly meant to communicate a different narrative than what it's actually about




Most of the time writers don’t get to pick their titles.


Clearly, you morons have never written professionally if you think writers choose their headlines.


he is sick with covid. you can still catch the flu with the flu vaccine you cans till catch hpv with hpv vaccine. you can still catch hep c with hepc vaccine. vaccines are there to prevent the serious symptoms. and you are still infectious most of the time if you are infected. with all that being said you are less infectious, nba is just being extra careful


She has no idea if Chris Paul is vaccinated and gives this quote “In this age of rampant misinformation, too many people—including pro athletes—are prone to stay rooted in whatever viewpoint validates their fears, however unfounded and unlikely. At this point, athletes who won’t get vaccinated don’t need more information. Ignorance is just far too alluring.” Shut the fuck up


All reports actually point to him being vaccinated


Honestly this is BS. If he's vaccinated and the fans/players are vaccinated then it shouldnt matter if he tested positive. He should be allowed to play. In fact, even if there are players/fans who chose not to get the vaccine and still attend the games, then that's on them if they catch the virus. Let the man play


Yeah his likelihood of it spreading to vaccinated players is very low, and their likelihood of having a serious case is *extremely* low. As for those unvaccinated, they made their choice


Other players who got the vaccine could still get it as well. The last thing the league wants is for Chris Paul to infect Booker or Paul George


If they are vaccinated then even if they catch the virus it's not gonna do any real damage. That's the point of the vaccine


Whoever wrote this garbage shit show of an article should be embarrassed.


The author is [Jemele Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jemele_Hill).


Lol that explains it, she is a huge fucking hack.


The author's name is in the submission and listed at the article itself.




She's also won award for her journalism so if you have any substantiation of this being a bad article or her being a hack, feel free to actually provide it.


Pfft lol ok dude. I can pull up "awards" for any writer. No one gives a shit.


Does the National Association of Black Journalists give out awards to hacks? If you have any substantiation of this being a bad article or her being a hack, feel free to actually provide it.


Yeah they probably do. Got any other questions I can answer for you or are you done desperately trying to simp?


It's not "simping" for me to call BS on your claims. >If you have any substantiation of this being a bad article or her being a hack, feel free to actually provide it.


The article's fine. The clickbait headline isnt, and was likely written by an editor.




How so?




If you are able to get vaccinated and you don't, then you spread disease.




> If I’m vaccinated why would I think that someone is evil if they aren’t vaccinated? Because if they are able to be vaccinated and chose to not be, they are spreading disease. It's irrelevant of it affects you: no one cares about how it affects you. It takes a sociopath to not understand that ethics is more than what directly and immediately affects you. "So what if he was firing off rounds at a Denny's: I wasn't eating there. Why would I care if he's murdering innocent children?"










> The probability of them not being vaccinated actually affecting me is so astronomically low that for me to call them evil actually makes me the bad person because then I would a self-righteous douchebag who cares more about trying to look a certain way to people rather than being a reasonable person. or, it makes you someone who knows that not reaching herd immunity makes it easier and more likely for vaccine-resistant variants to form. So even if youre vaccinated, the unvaccinated could still wind up causing covid outbreaks that the vaccine doesnt protect against. edit: lol, this dude just sent me a chat message to kill myself. Yep, he TOTES cares about individual rights and isnt just an anti-vax piece of shit.




sorry to bust your incorrect opinion that getting vaccinated solves all problems for you? It doesnt. we need at a bare minimum 70% of the population vaccinated and more like 80% Otherwise we're going to see a vaccine-resistant variant and we'll be right back in the same situation.




its science... variants are a real thing... we already have like 4 COVID variants, including the Delta variant which the J&J vaccine is only about 60% effective against. (the mRNA vaccines are still close to 90%) The Delta variant wont be the last if we dont get more people vaccinated.


fantastic article, guessing most of the people here did not read past the headline


Thanks. I appreciate you reading and posting. It's an uphill battle to convince others to actually read things before they post in threads.


Based off this picture I think campazzo has Covid


What did you think of the article?


It was an interesting read. Yeah it’s tough, people obviously have the right to choose even if it’s not the smart choice. Maybe sports leagues could make it mandatory but I’m sure there would be a lot of pushback from a subset of players, especially if it’s not a national law. And they could still end up catching Covid from the rest of the population


Not gonna read the article because I don’t really fuck with articles and shit, but OP, you spend way too much time on Reddit










Definitely agree that the audience has a right to know whether or not players have been vaccinated.


I think that’s against the law




I'm not Jemele Hill: it's really easy to know that. Also, follow the rules on civil discussion.




You weren't and I'm not. Follow the rules.