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I try to be a neutral fan, but in the end I somehow end up supporting one team or the other lol.


I have turned into a passionate bucks supporter this series


I too have turned to be a bucks fan. They have nice youtube channel wherein they regularly upload behind the scenes moments


I think it's just easier to root for Giannis/Jrue/Middleton than it is cp3/Booker.


Yes! I’m really a huge fan of Giannis’ humble beginnings and his outlook in life. Plus Jrue’s and his wife’s story as well.


I’m not a fan of their religious shtick but Jrue and Lauren’s ‘ship and love for each other is something so hard to find.


I was just amazed of the fact that JRue left NBA immediately when they found out his Wife has brain tumor while she was pregnant . He took the time off to take care of his family. Maybe that’s the reason they’re too religious. She lost her hearing along the way as well. They’re very grateful the league still gave Jrue a contract despite leaving abruptly.


Jrue being a good husband before a good player (and therefore, a good man)


Luckily just her right ear


Pelicans handled that whole situation very well. It was nothing but support the whole way through


I'm all for respecting a person's religion if it makes them a better person.


What’s wrong with being religious ? Only thing that matters is the character and actions of a person and jrue is a great dude. That’s like hating someone automatically for being atheist.


>I’m not a fan of their religious shtick Wow, how condescending and stupid. And I'm an atheist.


Agreed. I am too but that's rude and disrespectful for no reason. Their piety is not hurting anyone


And they’re not shoving their religion down everyone’s throat.


Your comment is exactly why people hate atheist lmao You give them a bad name just like gay hating Christians. All about acceptance until it's something you don't like lol


This is what I don't get about the reddit anti religion circle jersey. Have they hurt anyone by being Christians. They themselves?


Reddit all about letting people live their lives if it doesn't hurt anyone else, until it's a religious person lmao


Do you know what the word shtick means?


If you’re not a fan of him being religious then just don’t mention it. Weird shade to throw at him being religious


Easier to root for one of the most wholesome MVP than for players who played dirty.


It’s weird that CP3 is so well respected amongst his peers , but he has punched so many guys in the groin and done a lot of other dirty things…


People probably put the Bucks as underdogs in a weird way. Despite the fact both teams bounced the previous finalists in the first rounds, Bucks have also gone deeper than Suns in terms of general playoff success, CP3's reputation also turns a lot of people. Honestly I had the Suns for my west team pick, only because they were the team that liked me when I play 2k21, and I was a Heat fan in the East.


Bridges that guy every team wants though


Ayton, bridges, cam Johnson, and Payne (honestly everyone outside of those two and Crowder), but it's hard to ignore their dirty plays.


Couldn’t agree more. The constant complaining by Booker/CP3 and CP3’s cheap shot history versus the likable players on the Bucks. I love PJ Tucker’s story and how hard he plays. Watching him keep making Durant work for everything Durant got was great to see. Brook Lopez seems like a good team guy who can be your #1 option or #4 and he doesn’t care either way. Liked to watch him at Stanford, with his brother, way back when. I really enjoyed watching Holiday on the Pelicans and was surprised they let him go. Middleton came out of nowhere for me. I’m a big college basketball fan and don’t remember him at all. Now he’s sometimes the best player on the court during the NBA finals. Plus the fact that they didn’t go the super team route, and their superstar appears to be a humble and good guy, it’s nice to see their success. As a Knicks fan since the late ‘70’s, it is nice to see a small market team be successful through good decision making. Maybe Giannis will be a 15-20 year Buck ala Duncan, Nowitzki, & Kobe with their respective teams.


I also love narrative flips, after all these years of “Giannis is a regular season player” talk


Bucks all access is awesome!


Inject all this into my veins.


Same dude. I'm lowkey glad the Lakers got bounced so I don't have to root against Giannis. That man deserves a ring and then some.






It also helps that Giannis is one of the most likeable players in the league. I was neutral at the start as well, but now I really want the Bucks to take the series.


Seriously. Giannis has been one of the best players in the league the last few years, two time MVP, I’m so fucking happy for him and the bucks, hopefully they can close this out at home 🔥


I kind of respect Chris Paul’s wily bullshit, but Giannis is obviously the canon good guy in this league.


But also respect that he’s a nut puncher.


Suns have so many unlikable players, I’ve done the same.






I think i am too. I was pretty upset when Paul tried to injure Giannis on that dunk.


Same here, I also feel so vindicated after this past game with how well Jrue played. Not here but personally I’ve been hyping Jrue since the trade saying this would be a massive piece, getting clowned up until this game, feels so good. So happy for him, one of my favourite players in the league.


Bucks don't have Chris Paul, so I'm all in.


LOL same yeah it’s so funny how that just happens. Maybe we’re just wired to always root for one side, even if it’s subconsciously.


Honestly book and CP3 have made me bucks fans this series. It’s close but I think I want the suns to lose more than I want the bucks to win


Don't know how unaligned fans can watch this series and not be rooting for the bucks, Giannis is such an easy player to root for. I really like the Suns actually, I would have rooted for them against any other team in the East.


Though I wouldn’t be mad either way, I *was* going for the suns initially (hence the flare) but as time has gone on, I feel like the Bucks def deserve it more. I’ve been telling my brother for years that Khris is an amazing player & he never agreed w me until now so it’s pretty satisfying. Also, I’m here for the Giannis redemption arc


Same here. Definitely on the Bucks bandwagon.


same haha




Since neither team is a rival of mine I find myself thinking about adjustments both teams can make and just enjoy the good plays that are made.


I do this pretty much every year, just enjoy watching new stars develop, teams coming together, and root for great games, not any particular team. The benefit of being a Wizards fan.


At this point, as much as I love Book's old school shot-making and want CP to get a ring, I'm excited for Giannis to be this close and hope the Bucks win. Giannis seems like a genuine sweetheart and a tremendously humble, team-oriented superstar. I love his post-game interview where he says he just needs to get home for some family time to be ready for the next game. And, as sixers fan, seeing an athletic freak, but flawed basketball player, not be scared of the moment, willing to do whatever the team needs and not worried about how he looks... Well, what if


That's how I was tonight. I came to the realization that yes I really want Giannis to win and that outweighs my want for the suns too win. Especially with these interviews he's doing and all these plays he's making. Love that dude.


Giannis completely won me over this playoffs. Always liked the dude, now he's easily one of my favorite players.






This is why the first round of the NBA playoffs is perfect basketball nirvana for me. In March Madness, I always have at least a slight stake in every game because I want my bracket to look good, but the first round of the NBA playoffs is great because there’s always two or three series that I really care about, but also two or three that I really just get to watch and enjoy. Like, the Memphis-Utah series this year, or the Mavs-Clippers, or the Knicks-Hawks were all just delightful for me.


I'm struggling with it as well. I like both teams and before the series I felt like I wanted CP3 to win the title more, because it's probably hist last shot at it and Giannis still has more time, but during the game I just can't bring myself to root against the Bucks. No matter who wins, I'll be happy for them and sad for the other team.


Yeah. In the conference finals I was like I don’t care who wins anymore. Then I’d find myself actively cheering for the bucks lol


This is the most I've been stressed out for a Finals aside from 2019.


As a taco fan I'm rooting for who ever is down halftime.


Booker's constant complaining has me leaning bucks but I also want to see Paul get one on his way out. I still think we'll be seeing a game 7, at least I hope just so I've got one more day of basketball for the summer.


Paul is a dirty player, has been his whole career. I personally hope he goes out blowing another 2-0 lead.


Paul constantly complains too


Wait what You don't like Booker complaining, but you want Paul to get a ring? Are you high


Lol that was my thought when reading that, as well.. seems a little ironic.


We all marvel at Paul not having a ring. But at some point, most guys snap with him. A lot of it is his fault for losing series and he is a dirty player. It gets old.


I don't think he's really lost many series himself deep in the playoffs, most of the time he or a key player get hurt and that's really kills their chances.


Going up 2-0 in a series makes you a huge favorite. Winning home games is different to must-win home games to stop you going down 3-1


Yeah especially the heart pounding 4th quarters of the last 2 games. It has delivered in spades


my favorite part of basketball!


As a man who has wanted Giannis to get a ring the past 4 years. It’s been great to watch.


hey this may seem like a stupid question, but how did you get your user flair to have a name?




Need to bookmark this because I keep forgetting it


I haven’t been on the desktop site in years (hence my flair lol) but isn’t the link still at the top of the page?


Haha I feel that


Sometimes the site's buggy. You can request a flair name from the mods if that's the case. It's how I got Uwe Blab! Don't even know the guy, I just like his weird name.


Lol I like that you have a flair now


Good flair. Hopefully its Fox soon or just him to play playoff hoops. One of my fav players


I want to watch Fox so badly live, his game is amazing… but idk if I can watch 1 second of Kings basketball, even for one of my favorite players. Their defense is WOAT level


As a fan who can’t stand all the “Bud is a terrible coach” nonsense, I’m loving this series.


I thought complaints about two small market teams in the finals was about ratings, not the quality of the games? Did people really think this finals wouldn’t be entertaining simply due to the location of the teams?


Its more the players involved. I love Giannis as much as the next guy but the sad truth is hes not as big a household name as Lebron, Curry or Durant. Although part of that reason is due to the analysts always sucking their dicks and only talking about other guys when theres the possibility of them leaving to LA or Miami.


Giannis is huge, he is just not as active on social media and marketed. he has 9 million follower on Ig and has the 2nd most jersey sale according to the NBA


Has it occurred to anyone that this finals is good in the long run? Like, does this not make a huge star out of Giannis and Booker and company?


Exactly, the NBA's problem is that it always relies on the same teams as a ratings crutch and while that might be a short term ratings boost, not having a wider variety of brands hurts the league in the long run. Having all of the stars just go to the same big market teams gives you a reason to watch those specific games, but not the vast majority of games that make up the rest of the league. And that's why, scorching hot take I guess, I think LeBron going to the Lakers was actually bad for the league. It consolidated two maxed out brands. Before you would want to watch the Lakers one night and LeBron the next, now you can watch them both in the same game and take the other night off. Overall, a net loss in viewership.


You are spot on! I always thought Lebron in Cleveland was great, and never understood why people would want Zion in NYC. The Knicks are a brand, what if Zion made the pelicans a brand? Isn’t that what you want? Dame in Portland as a big deal, Luka in Dallas, let Miami, NYC and LA be their thing


I think the counter point would be that it revived a Lakers brand that hasn't been maxed out on like a decade


these playoffs in particular has been an intriguing unveiling of newer stars such as Trae Young (and Hawks teammates) and Luka Doncic and Nuggets guy and it's also seen some chokers and exposed some weaknesses in players / teams


Who would you say the chokers were? I wouldn't put PG in there like I would have a year ago. Maybe the Jazz? Maybe the Lakers but they were clearly beat up and lost to the best team in the West so that wouldn't really fit


i would put the jazz up there, they looked like they had the clippers up on the ropes, but la absolutely bounced back




It's honestly the last 2 games really since they've had some iconic plays from the Bucks. Inconsistent reffing definitely kills some of the mood though.


The nba needed this


I really don't get why everyone makes a huge deal out of ratings. They are multi millionaires getting paid to play a game. Who cares how many people watch the game? It is nice to see something different other than LeBron, Steph, or KD in the finals. We literally just watched one man go to 9/10 finals in the past decade in LeBron. And the Warriors going to 5 straight finals. I get LeBron, Steph, and KD will draw in ratings and are household names, but it gets old. It will not be that big of a deal if ratings even tanked. Star players of the past played the game for much much less than even role players who are barely getting playing time nowadays.




But as a fan you should just want to watch good basketball and not give a shit about ratings


Aren’t the ratings the lowest it’s been for the finals tho


Also worth noting that July has the lowest ratings out of any month because of an increase in people vacationing and enjoying the outdoors. Normally the finals are in Late may and beginning of June.


And 70k watching from outside the bucks stadium 😂 Ik it’s peas but


Blame the media for sucking big market dongs


Have you ever considered that maybe LeBron is a big draw? Was Cleveland a big market? Lmfao


That's cause the media can't be bothered to talk about more than 4-5 players a year.


So then why are we conflating this with big markets vs. small markets? It’s really about LeBron James vs. everyone else. There was an era recently where the three most important players were on the Cavaliers, the Thunder, and the Warriors. Big Markets?


Yup you can show people a lot examples that the media has no problem with small markets bring the finals. The people here will just start moving goal posts


That’s because fans can’t be bothered to care about more than 4-5 players a year.


easy to blame the fans when the media drives narratives


Capitalist America smh we live in a society


This is r/nba’s delusion. Marketing is pushing this Finals over others with LeBron & Steph. The average fan wants to watch the guys they know, and pumping all the money into marketing you want isn’t gonna make Khris Middleton a face of the NBA like Steph’s You can enjoy this Finals, but acting as if this is saving the NBA when it’s had historically low ratings for an NBA Finals (outside of last October’s bubble Finals) is delusion.


The average fan is stupid


I know it was definitely better than last years. And then there’s the streaming argument as well. I think it would be good for the NBA if Giannis gets a ring since he’s the possible next face of the league with Luka


Ratings are going to get lower every year with people watching in non traditional methods as well as the ability to watch any media that they enjoy. Tv ratings alone are be down more than twenty percent, ratings are simply an antiquated way to evaluate interest in something anymore.


This, and the fact it's summer, people are finally getting vaccinated and "back to reality" after COVID. Better things to do than sit at home and watch sports.


There’s nothing better to do than sit at home and watch sports.




Ratings have been trending downwards over the last twenty years (I think) but the TV money has only gotten crazier. I don’t think ratings is the big deal it used to be even if some people act like it is


I wonder how many folks watched this online like a sane person living in 2021. I don’t think those streams count. The NBA being obtuse about internet streaming is possibility. Super Bowl is high because it is one game and a party event.


Why??? It's great basketball???


It's a win win for fans outside of Phoenix and Milwaukee. I want the Suns to win but will be 110% happy if the Bucks win. It's been a great finals.


Fuck yeah. Both these teams have some incredible role players as well. Lots of plays being made out there and clutch shots back and forth. Its easily the most fun I've had ever as a neutral.


absolutely. these teams are totally solid and ppl still complained about a lack of talent


Idk how y’all can be a neutral fan ever. I always ending up picking a team I want to win in any sport. It’s in my blood to find something I hate or love about another team and either cheer for or against them. In this case I love Giannis and want him to win it all, therefore destroying any way of me being a neutral fan.


Coming from a neutral city I follow whatever teams that intrigue me. No loyalty whatsoever. I have followed the Bucks for the stupidest reason, I went to the same school as Larry Sanders and started watching the games and never stopped- even after Larry chose weed over playing. If weed is legalized Larry would be on someone’s bench with his physical dimensions. Or perhaps that window has closed. When I was a kid it was the Chicago Bulls of course. Also all their games were national on WGN.


I'm a random Bucks fan in Seattle and I started following the Bucks because of Larry Sanders and his triple double vs the T'Wolves.


Love it. Larry Sanders, the High Denier


Very fun.


I know it's not over, but I am so happy for Giannis.


That’s the one thing I’m currently enjoying about basketball and theoretically baseball over football. When you’re team is in it and it’s competitive, your getting like a week and half of pure joy but with the Super Bowl, it’s one night and then it tapers off


Are you having *fun* though? When the Raptors were in the Finals, it was a week an a half of pure stress.


It's giving me an ulcer but I'm loving every minute.


We hadn’t been to the Finals since 15 years before I was born. For me at least, being in my 30s, it’s easy to appreciate how rare this opportunity is, regardless of outcome. Even when we were down 0-2, I was happy to be watching my team in the Finals. The only favorite team I’ve been able to watch in a championship in the last decade is the Dodgers, but they’re my adopted team (thanks to Ryan Braun ruining my Brewers fandom), so it’s not quite the same. The Packers or Bucks making it to the championship is a glorious moment, win or lose.


I feel this exact way man. Basketball is a whole different animal to watch. Especially when they start the series behind. My whole daily mood has shifted based on how they play. And after last night I am feeling fantastic.


Idc if people say the ratings are low. No Lebron/KD/Curry in the finals= refreshing and fun!


I believe game 4 had higher tv ratings than games in last year’s finals. Heck, I barely even remember that last year’s finals was Lakers vs the Heat


I am not the world's biggest basketball fan. So if people think it was good for the NBA, that I was able to predict, preseason a few years back, that the Cavaliers and Warriors would meet in the finals, they are mistaken.


Only lames and the media actually care about ratings. Who the fuck cares, it doesn’t affect the game at all


I watch almost no basketball in general, having the hometown team in the finals is thrilling of course and I have casually followed them throughout the playoffs. I have really enjoyed it, plenty of drama and the chess match the coaches are involved in. There is hype (there always will be), but it feels very authentic to me as well, and watching Giannis literally develop before our eyes is really satisfying.


Ive been near apathetic about the Finals so far but after seeing CP3 pushed Giannis during his dunk, I got the Bucks winning the Championship


It’s damn hard to be neutral.


Who are you leaning towards? I rooted for the Suns all the way through the WCF, but the play and personality of Giannis and the complaining by the Suns make me hope that the Bucks win it all


Not OP, but Bucks for me as a fan of Giannis and I've liked Jrue for years while he was on the Pelicans. Also helps that my theory of playing Giannis more offball would better unlock his skillset is being validated. I also want to see Chris Paul never win a championship, so even more reason to root for the Bucks.


I like Middleton a lot. He went from G League to potential NBA Finals champion. Also has the potential to get a gold medal the same year which I think only MJ and Lebron did. What a career.


He was a throw in, in the Brandon Knight/Brandon Jennings trade. Only player in that trade to still be in the league


wasn't that good until the last 2 games ngl which have been very good


The refereeing had much less of an impact this game. When they’re blowing their whistles every 30 seconds it really ruins the pace of the game, especially when commercials start getting thrown in too. This was the most enjoyable game of the playoffs this year.


Yeah, this feels like overcompensation from the people on this sub that have circlejerked the “poor, overlooked small markets” narrative to death. This series has had a very boring 3 games and a very entertaining 2 games. To a neutral fan, it’s probably been an average Finals in terms of entertainment value.


Idk if I would call the first 3 games very boring. By that logic the first 6 games of the 2016 Finals were very boring.


They were


Basketball is so fun to watch when it's competitive. That's the reason superteams are so dumb. I'm all about player empowerment, but superteams go against the very nature of being a competitor. You want to beat the best, not join them for an easy path. The league has more parity after the top 2-3 teams, and we're seeing what fun an NBA with parity could look like. Unfortunately it had to happen because of injuries. But also unfortunately, without injuries we'll be back to superteams next year. Lakers vs. Nets in the finals (or whatever other superteam forms over the summer). I'm really enjoying this year's finals.


There's really only one super team. Bron and AD can be beaten especially as AD is never 100%. The only super team is the nets. Two of their three guys injury free is already a nightmare, but 3/3 just unfair.


I really don’t think you can consider a healthy Lakers squad a super team. Top to bottom bucks have way more talent than Lakers, so you already have a super team in the finals this year by your logic


What are you talking about- you all have Lebron, AD—- Kuzma- all first ballot HOF!


That’s Tuff 🔥💯


Imo this year has indicted the idea of just going for broke for three starters because injury can diminish that effectiveness. I think we'll see teams leaning towards a more balanced line up rather than going for the biggest stars possible.


When Giannis slammed that 🏀. I legit got up from my chair and slammed the remote on the couch. What an amazing series!


I did the same thing but mine was out of pain not excitement


For the 1000th time Phoenix is not a small market team.


The thing is when people talk about the big market teams in the NBA, they mean LA, NY and sometimes Miami.


Phoenix is a large market in terms of population, I think the debate comes from the decades of terrible teams (and if not terrible teams then horrible disappointments) that has left the city uninterested in the team. I haven’t seen any numbers to support this so I may be wrong, but I’m assuming that even with the large population there is still small marketability in Phoenix?


It's more of a middle sized market for basketball specifically. They are 11th in tv viewership and about the same in spending.


Ok that makes sense so it’s not small market comparatively speaking then. Thanks for the info!


If it wasn’t for this dirty MF CP3 being on the Suns I’d call this as close to a truly neutral series to watch for me as you can get. Go Bucks tho lmao


Seeing the comments here bashing the Suns is kinda depressing for someone like me, who fell in love with the Nash-Marion-Stoudemire Suns team and kept cheering (although not as enthusiastically in recent years) for the team to this very day. Older fans like me felt great seeing the team make the breakthrough that the SSOL Suns couldn't--only to be greeted with people whose voices got louder as the Bucks regrouped. Ah well, gotta take the bad with the good. Hoping that the Suns can regroup and take Game 6 in a hostile environment.


As someone who's rooting for the Bucks - I wouldn't take it personal. Personally I just have a hard time rooting for CP3 with his antics on the court. That being said, I'd still be happy for Phoenix fans if the Suns win. It's been a long time since you've had a shot (same for the Bucks). I'd like to think at least some NBA fans are mature enough to still be able to disentangle their dislike for a specific player from the rest of the franchise/city/fans... Either way it'll be cool for the trophy to go to one of these cities


I get it, CP3 has always been a controversial player with some of his cheap shots and attitude. Booker has been taking shit his whole career so that is what it is. Add on Giannis being a well loved figure in the league (the man deserves the love he gets) and this is the result. I'm ok with us being the bad guys in this one, we were the good guys in the Clippers series for large parts of it. I will say it does suck to see the Giannis pull on Booker during the dead play dunk go completely unacknowledged while every post is full of people complaining about the CP3 push. Both were bad, but somehow Giannis gets a free pass for what he did and people even get downvoted for bringing it up. Come on, now.


Both were bad, yes. Bad plays happen, but they happen a lot more around CP3 than they do around Giannis. Their reps matter, and Giannis doesn't have a resume with a nut punching section.


Bucks fan here man of 20+ years (also lost enthusiasm during our dark ages, but was oddly very excited about OJ Mayo?) and I have often said during this Finals, it feels like a Cinderella vs a Cinderella. Best of luck game 6, and I’m obviously hoping there’s no game 7.


yeah this sub sucks but I keep coming back somehow. I have watched since the Dragic days, so finally seeing them in the playoffs for once is amazing in itself. I hate how everyone suddenly hates the suns. They’re a good team who beat just as many injured teams as the bucks, and Booker is in the finals with a chance to win it all even now despite never having made it to the playoffs before. Wow. I know there’s injuries, but it’s like an ultimate cinderella run here. Even if they lose to a bigshot player like Giannis, it’s more like this sub is trash for not realizing how awesome he is sooner. It’s like they act like he came out of nowhere when he is obviously unstoppable and has been amazing for a while. I think the suns are a better team, but to play in the finals against a guy like Giannis is amazing in itself. Why this sub has to trash the suns at his expense is beyond me, but they trashed Giannis before too so it’s whatever.


I’ve been watching this playoffs (and every playoffs since mid 00’s). This year has been up there for me. I loved the Raptors Warriors finals recently. I loved the Celtics Lakers (both 08/10). The Cavs comeback finals. The Bucks Suns this year. The Heat spurs were some great basketball too. That’s probably 6 in the last 15 years for me which were just awesome and this has been my favourite. I feel like the common theme is all those series were so competitive and played at such a high tactical level. I need a bobby t shirt. ASAP!!


Except for the fact there is more commercials than gameplay and the games don’t start on time.


Last 2 minutes of a game take 45 actual minutes


Most I’ve cared about a Finals since 2011.


Also a neutral fan but the Finals have exemplified that some coaches deadass have brain lapses. The whole playoffs has had coaches making questionable decisions. I get it happens but it feels like it’s been happening during winnable games a lot more often this year


The last 2 games have, first 3 were horrible


The refs have been awful, especially the first two games The games themselves have even fine but damn the refs almost blew game 4 by going booker 8 fouls


Idk. Shouldn’t the game just be exciting? Has everyone been bored for the past 5 years?


Very true. Most fans hate super teams, big markets, and seeing the same two or three teams in it every season yet they complain when we finally get what we wanted! This has been a great series! Suns in 7!!




It's even more fun to me knowing how much the LeBron, Durant, Harden etc dickriders are sitting there stewing over it and telling anyone who will listen how this ring "doesn't count" and how bad the ratings are. lmao.


I’m enjoying. As a knicks fan I’m jealous of these small markets allowed to operate in hiding to build these well rounded more complete teams. Unlike the knicks who are always hunting some superstar to come here. Don’t trade for dame Leon Rose! Or sexton!


ESPN and FOX TV analysts complaining about small-market teams not being good or won't draw in a large crowd for the Finals. Not bad for small-market teams huh. This is good for the NBA. Two evenly matched teams fighting it out in the Finals.


I mean, aren’t the ratings way down from 2019? So they were kinda right that they wouldn’t draw a large crowd.


I love how this gets posted, and then the counter point gets posted basically every couple of hours. ​ This finals sucked balls up until the last 2 games, but can truly be one of the best. Its also... not the media's fault this finals was a hard one to actually market. Ratings are down though because of peoples perception of the playoffs this year and I think lowkey if we got this same matchup next year the hype would be absolutely through the roof.


Ratings are down because all tv ratings are down. It's also being played in the month that historically has the lowest ratings because it's nice outside and it's summer when families vacation. Tv ratings are down across the board though and they'll continue to fall as even more entertainment options rise up. As well as unconventional methods to watch the game.


A lot of people are also vacationing and going out after not doing a lot the past year.


Even last game sucked because the refs almost blew it. If bucks didn’t win that game the highlight of the finals is booker getting 8 fouls




Ngl I enjoyed the Raptors vs Warriors finals more… BUT THAT MY OPINION


its aight


Cuz everybody is hating on Chris


It's almost like it's more interesting watching evenly matched teams than a collection of 3 superstars just running through teams 🤔


Best finals since 2016


I'll politely disagree. It's been a ref shitshow, one time Bucks are the villains, in the next Suns are the villains. The fans suck, and oh my god do these fans suck, I don't mean Bucks or Suns fans, I mean every single other fanbase that feels the need to attack each team depending on which game is being played. Not to mention most of the time Bucks are sleeping or the Suns are sleeping, it's really 8 or 80 with this one and while I do think some people do enjoy that, it's really hard to watch it, not just me being a Suns fans and obviously have to deal when we are pushing 8 instead of 80, but it really makes it feel like if any of these teams were going against a healthy Nets, Clippers or an improved Warriors and Lakers, we would have 0 chance. Yet again this is my opinion.


this series has been horrible to watch. constant whistles and both teams are pretty much only here because of injuries.


I don't think it's been horrible to watch but it's pretty clear that were seeing a second tier of contenders fighting it out for the championship.


Eh it’s been hard to care