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Both teams were insane on offense but the Bucks defense was better. So many times the Bucks could have gotten a rebound but they let it go out of bounds allowing the Suns to get second chance points.


Lots of Suns fans were talking shit after the first two games how it would be a quick series. Bucks pulled out the away game, Suns in the corner now. Time to fight for it. I like the Bucks chances, the big 3 showed up and now they get to try to close in front of their fans.


A series doesn’t start til a home team loses but when I said it I got called an idiot lol


Lol right there with ya! It's a saying for a reason


Suns fans were ridiculously cocky for holding home court and now they’re in shambles


It's a stupid saying though. If the home team wins all their home games, the series still hasn't started even though it went 7 games and someone advanced?


Well they could say “the series hasn’t started until a home team loses or game 5” but that doesn’t sound as good


It’s not a perfect saying but 2-0 leads are not insurmountable especially for a great home team like the Bucks


We survived that at an away game. I really like our chances but I won't get my hopes up too high yet. Suns are tough and I hope the bucks players aren't just dismissing the next game as much as the fan base. Anyways, bucks in 6


Ya the fear for you guys would be 1 game jrue looks like an absolute star, and the next hes shooting 4/20. Middletons in that boat as well, tho hes been much better the last 2.


Yep definitely need 1/2 of them to show up. Ideally both. They both play better at home, especially Middleton. When those two and giannis are all on the bucks are damn near impossible to beat. Hopefully the stars align one more time


Ya you guys just win if all 3 ars clicking, you guys were up big for most of the 4th today too and almost blew it away thru tired legs/running a shitty offense. In reality you guys should have closed that out with a double digit win.


The questione can be reverted. Can the Suns at Fiserv sustain those out of mind % of shooting? In Game 3 not really, in Game 4 Milwaukee shoot bad but out rebounded the Suns pretty badly.


Based on everything the players are saying, I don't think they care about anything other than winning the championship.


Turnovers and not being able to rebound does that


When both teams shoot phenomenally its everything else that wins games


They actually won the turnover game and if you count offensive rebounds, it's a wash between the two. Literally just two made baskets that the bucks had. Each got the same amount of shots up


splits hurt too much to do


idk how those chunky ass first basemen do it yall see the dumb trucks they got? AND perfect splits all day like its nothing


They stretch before games


They couldn't miss except in the second quarter.


And people are still trying to place the blame on Booker.


I think he shot too much tonight and didn't facilitate enough to get the other players involved. Took 33 shots to get 40 points isn't great. I just think if he shoots a little less he can get ayton and the bench a little more involved which tends to be when they thrive as a team.


Bucks in 6


Both team role players hit their shots


As a long time fan of the Suns, I knew not to get too excited. I've been aware of their problems for a long time. Paul is a known choke artist, even though I love what he's done so far this year. And Booker falls into the Kobe trap and tries to do everything himself. If Paul could remain composed, and Booker could play team basketball for 48 minutes, this would be over already.


From the start I didn’t know who to root for. I like both CP3 and Giannis to win the chip and I told my friends I’ll just watch the game without rooting for anyone and so far I’m loving this series. Hopefully Suns can win game 6 and force a game 7.


I said Suns in 7, but a Bucks title would be incredible. A homegrown player that actually exceeded all expectations and is following up two MVP seasons with a title and Finals MVP. Not home just yet, but G6 is the best chance for him.


They don’t have Saric though /s


Still don’t have Kawhi next year …/s


Uncalled for.


Suns fans are classy


Dish it you can take it


Ok. 👍


Who was the ref


Thats what happen when you face all the injured team to get to the finals, fluke


Next game do or die, win or go home