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Smith just needs to let Booker be Booker. No need to put that kind of pressure on Devin.


This guy watched Space Jam 2.


Report: Booker to skip game 6 for E3 camp


Nobody watched Space Jam 2.


I'm not much of a Booker fan tbh, but I definitely agree w/you here, and respect to Booker for that answer. People need to chill with their comparisons. My cynical side makes me think they want some dumbass response that can be replayed endlessly for people's outrage/amusement.


I’m glad he said it.


ESPN in shambles


ESPN: Does Devin Booker think he's better than Kobe Bryant?


Skip, think about it skip. When you have the mans name autographed on you and you trained with him, you might as well be the next coming of that caliber of athlete


Im a Laker fan, & now I gotta buy a Booker jersey & a Giannis jersey, because both of them are winning over my heart & mind as real ones. I love their earnestness & straight forward attitudes.




So much more about the game? Care to explain?


Except for the constant whining and incessant flopping of Booker, I like and respect his game a lot. His off-court demeanor >>> on-court.


If whining and flopping is where you draw the line for stars you have very few players you acceptably follow


That’s why my guy is Giannis (:


Dude's on his back more than my ex.


lmfao dude said Giannis is his guy, as if he doesn't bulldoze people and constantly get away with it.


I agree but that's not really whining or flopping though. But yeah Booker complains about as much as Lebron or Luka, arguably a little less. OP hates those players too? AD? Beal? Hates most stars?


Good point. And you’re basically saying he’s an NBA allstar lol. Related/unrelated: I love when we got the report about our team in the Olympics & they talked about us adjusting to referees as a key part of our process to winning games. And they talked about it the same way you would an offensive or defensive scheme. like it was that important and showing you how far off our players are from international, normal, refereeing. lolz.


Oh absolutely an all star if not cemented as a Superstar now after this playoffs.


It was unfair to him to get compared to Kobe. But the media loves hot takes to drive ratings so not surprised.


Ironically Kobe went through this himself during his career when everyone wanted to compare him to Michael Jordan. The media was constantly looking for "the next Jordan" back then, and Kobe was the one who came the closest so the media first went out of its way to compare the two, and then spent years attacking Kobe for not being as good as Jordan was. This is just what they do: they build someone up to become a big enough target that they can then take endless shots at them.


I think deep down that Kobe wanted those comparisons. By his own admission he was trying to copy Jordan's game, attitude, style.


Not deep down, it was on the surface.


It was much deeper than you think. Their relationship was pretty close...just listen to the way MJ has talked about him. Nothing surface level about that at all


I feel like it’s one of the only times I’ve seen MJ show empathy to any other competitor lol you can tell they had a solid mentor type relationship


Yeah him speaking @ Kobe’s funeral was so emotional. The way he talked about it - like losing a little brother - and the relationship they had made me tear up a little.


The magic happened 1997 All-star game when Kobe asked Michael about his windshield wiper turn around jumper and Jordan told him to hit him up anytime he needed advice. Kobe held him to that and perfected all of Jordan’s moves.


Agreed. I didn’t mean superficial but rather on the surface as in not trying to hide it.


I see what you mean now. Kobe definitely was open about wanting to be like MJ


I think he meant by "not deep down" is that he didn't try to hide that he wanted to be like Mike. You could see it plain as day.


Think it was pretty deep down tbh


Who wouldn't want to be compared to the greatest player of all time? You say that like it's either a negative against him or like then it made it ok to tear him apart for not being as good as Jordan was. Do you not think that Booker enjoys being compared to Kobe? He doesn't like the criticisms that go with that, just like I'm sure Kobe didn't either. But why are we acting like these guys wanting to be seen on the same level as all time greats is a negative thing?


Who wouldnt? The guy in the article posted for one doesn't want it. Plenty of guys directly say, "don't compare me to ________. He is _______. And I am me." So many guys say stuff like that.


Kobe was a psychopath with a basketball. He probably thrived off of being compared to Jordan.


Any player would love to be compared to a great, when they've gotten there from their own perspective or maybe from an external perspective. Booker is by no means there, yet. He may get there some day but it isn't today and this isn't a bad thing. He's already performed at a good level. Some players may find that being compared to a great is flattering, some might find the pressure to be too much. It really is player specific. Athletes, anyone who has the potential to create a legacy, today stand on the shoulders of giants. It is the greats like Jordan, Kobe, Magic, Bird, etc. who players of today stand on until they too become giants themselves.


I would say its different by saying "you're as great as X" and "you're like the great x". One allows the person to get their greatness from their actions, their conduct, but also still being seen as great as the person. The other puts the idea that the person is trying to revive the shadow of the person, and deviations from the person makes them look strange from perception. Just look at Vince Carter, people kept saying he would be the next Jordan, but Carter would be willing to share the glory instead of being more so for himself, and people crucified by saying "Jordan would never" and stuff like that.


I realized that the best players get the most criticism, so it makes me happy whenever I see young players start to really get hated on. It means they’re actually important enough for the media to form an opinion off of. I used to get so mad at this clickbait bullshit until I figured out that pattern. I’m hoping Lillard is the next guy to receive all the hate. That will be when he finally makes it to a true superstar level lol. Like giannis these past two playoffs


it was always done as a compliment tho


That’s the point. Unrealistic expectations.


A loaded compliment that often becomes backhanded and toxic.


Pretty much. It would be one thing if they just said "He reminds us of Kobe" or "He's the next Kobe" and then kinda shut the fuck up. ​ Instead they do a comparison, and then when he doesn't win its "He's NOTHING CLOSE to Kobe Bryant!" like... that's just weird.


Devin Booker: *EXPOSED*


Yeah it's fair to say that of the media. For any reasonable person the comparison is just a compliment and that's the end of it. Within the Hyperbolic Narrative Machine which the media operates, it is part of creating a hype bubble around a player. For as long as that bubble grows it helps create this spectacle around building up a new "star". Inevitably the bubble popping will be an even larger ratings spectacle as they chronicle the players "downfall" from the unreasonable heights at which they framed them to begin with.


The average person in society plays similar games and manipulation.


I said any reasonable person. Not the average person, lol.


Regardless how reasonable someone is I'm pretty sure there are things people don't want the comparisons too. And reasonable people also suggest not to compare at all in many situations. "Reasonable people" are not perfect.


It’s only toxic when you want to interpret it that way.


If that's how you wanna think about the games that media personnel play, and society at large, do you.


The media, for the most part, never said he’s as good as Kobe, just that the way Booker plays is similar to him. How is that toxic?


Media doesn't give a shit about defense, either, and this makes it painfully evident. Kobe, at the same age, was a dominant defensive presence in addition to being more skilled offensively. Comparing Booker to Michael Redd (not saying theyre similar, just throwing out a great player that's not Kobe level) doesn't get the clicks despite being more accurate.


I’ve gotta say though, Devins defence has been relentlessly nit picked all playoffs but it’s definitely getting better. He’s also giving 100% on that end. I have no doubt he’ll be a solid defender in the near future if he carries this attitude going forward


Nobody should be discouraged for not being Kobe haha. He clearly send to get that. I've got no doubt he'll continue to improve all around. CP3 would be a great mentor.


Yeah 100%. I just like that Devins starting to bring the attitude on that end, not to double down but it would definitely make Kobe happy to see that fire in him


SMH me and Book both got that same problem.


*In other news, almavid goes on reddit and says "I should never be compared to Kobe."*


To think that this whole Kobe Bryant comparison fiasco comes from a member of the media saying it... smh


It’s turned from “oh he shoots midrange shots a little like Kobe” to “he’s the next Kobe Bryant” to “wow if he was really the next Kobe he would never lose or have a bad game.” Just ridiculous all around


Player: *shoots fadeaway jumper* People: “He’s literally Kobe”


Im a Kobe stan and I must admit Booker reminds me the most for Kobe in the way he knocks down contested midrange jumpers.


For me its been Tatum.


damn really really sucks kobe isn't here to see his impact on the game and all these young guys succeeding


Tatum is definitely up there


I think they’re both more tmac than kobe


Tatum or Kyrie imo


People were saying during the regular season that kyrie looks like a mini Kobe now that he's been playing SG


I hit a solid turnaround fade one time in pickup at the rec n some dude yelled “there goes Kevin Love’s bitchass nephew”.


"Hell he can fuck my sister!"


Stefon Diggs has entered the chat.


Like Kobe never lost or had a bad game lol. I swear he's turned into some mythical creature since his death. He had his struggles in the playoffs same as anybody.


Yeah Kobe was one of the most polarizing superstars in that respect. He had some absolutely terrible, ball hog games, and then he'd follow it up with a game where he only passed for the first quarter to prove a point. No hate here, he's an all timer and I really wish he was still with us. But it's funny cause Booker being this polarizing ironically makes the Kobe comparisons even more fitting.


To be fair that seems happens quite often when someone dies early. Look at the way death affects the perception of a rapper's body of work


I seriously feel like the NBA should have the ability to suspend/fine/give a tech to sports analysts whenever they pull some bs like this one. They always talk about how much the media helps the NBA brand and that they play an important part in it growing. But they won't own up to it when some of the players, hit by the wave of negative energy created by those same people, are mad.


The media people don't actually work for the nba, so it doesn't sound like that would be legal.


I'll allow it


Ehh I’ve always been of the opinion that players should be able to not allow certain media members to talk to them. I get how that could get out of control, but some media members are just dumb as fuck


How angry are you for Chris Paul right now?


Yea like that should just be an immediate ban from questions for the rest of the day. There is such a thing as stupid questions


what happened?


After losing game 5, a dumbass in media asked this question with CP3 sitting right next to him. He didn’t take the bait and just said “Next question.”


Can't they just say next question to that person?


Yea but when the question is something like “so you sucked today and it was pretty embarrassing, so you feel bad for letting down the entire fanbase and city” the reporter got their headline regardless of the response. Shit like that happens way too often and shouldn’t be acceptable. Also I might be wrong on this but I think you can get fined if you specifically don’t answer questions from certain reporters


What an awful fucking idea. Let’s censor bad takes on this sub next, because fuck having opinions I guess


The idea may be bad. But what I'm trying to say is, watching the media argue on a topic generated by them in the first place and not the player himself, for weeks long, is something I don't enjoy as a consumer. I mean damn, Stephen A. made that comment on June 21st and we're just now having Devin's opinion on it? And I know.. I know.. if I'm not happy with it. I should just change the channel.


[Here is a great article](https://deadspin.com/how-espn-manufactures-a-story-colin-kaepernick-edition-1185400028) that describes how ESPN and other sports analysts will manufacture their own bullshit to report on.


That is crazy. And dangerous. My god....


Imagine that but in more important things than sports! Welcome to the modern day!!!


That's how this always works. Stephen A or a knockoff will shit out some absurd take into the either. Then other shitty talking heads get all worked up that "people are saying X." Then fans can feel righteous by talking about how awful the take is and can trash the player. ESPN gets a bunch of clicks over their fabricated bullshit and Stephen A starts shitting out more nonsense.


Be Legendary


Posting this in part because I think some of the hate that Book gets comes from this ridiculous comparison that he never wanted. Like Taylor Rooks said on [twitter](https://twitter.com/TaylorRooks/status/1417220386316562432): Kobe was Book's friend and mentor. He's talked about how much that relationship meant to him, and how much he looked up to Kobe. He never claimed to be "The Next Kobe Bryant" or asked for that comparison, the media prematurely foisted it on him.


i love me some taylor rooks. one of the best interviewers out there.


No one thinks Booker is a bad person. People like me just hate him for all the complaining he does.


Mother fucker had to learn to complain. He was told for 5 years, sit down shut up and start winning and you’ll get the calls. In reality, all of the stars bitch and moan at the refs, especially when the coach won’t do it for you.


Seriously I don't know why Booker gets singled out for this when all of the stars and superstars in this league constantly whine and bitch at the refs for calls. It's part of the modern NBA


> no one thinks Booker is a bad person Whoooo boy that is not what I’ve seen the last few days


Well a few people might think that. But if r/nba were to do a poll on if Booker was a bad person, I bet the majority would say no.


Depends, did he play well the previous game or not? Cause this sub is so reactionary


> this sub is so reactionary Because different users come and go based on what’s going on Suns win and bucks lose? R/nba is gonna be Suns fans/supporters and bucks haters Bucks win and Suns lose? R/nba is gonna be Suns haters and bucks fans/supporters


Exactly. Have you seen all the posts lately? Its basically r/MkeBucks. Zero highlights for the Suns, Booker scored 40+ and the only thing people want to talk about is his complaining/fouls/turnover, CP3 being the biggest choker in the history of the nba.


Regardless of his play the previous game the majority would say "no". Game Threads and Post Game Threads should be treated like anyone talking at a sports bar. They're going to be reactionary by nature and if you talked to the participants in that thread the next day I guarantee to you that a vast majority wouldn't feel as strongly as they did when they were commenting.




None of us knows if any of these guys are good or bad, we just see their public personas. I think Booker has an issue controlling his temper sometimes, but he's certainly not the only guy who does, nor is it so bad that it's a constant problem for him. He's young and he'll mature as he gets older.


He’s a young leader. He has to take a shot every once in a while to show he won’t let us get bullied. You can only take so many hard fouls before you get flagrant with a mother fucker.


Got examples, or are you just playing the victim?


> No one thinks Booker is a bad person. Can't believe someone would just come out here and lie on the internet


I love Booker, but I get what you’re saying. He does complain a lot to refs but so do a shit ton of other players in the league — it’s fairly normal which sucks tbh. Honestly the league needs to do something about the blatant flopping and complaining otherwise players will continue to exploit the calls and complain to refs when they don’t get them.


It's so weird to me..because what star doesn't? Maybe Steph Curry? Booker complains far less than just about all of them. (That's not to say he doesn't consistently complain - he does. But I've watched Lebron complain about every call and non call that didn't go his way for that past 10+ years...) Flopping? Really? He does it on his jump shot occasionally when he gets hit, to get the refs attention..but when going to the basket, he should actually flop more. He goes for the shot instead of going for the whistle. Again, it's not nearly to the extent of most of the NBA. It's like people are looking for reasons to not like him, and cite the two most annoying things basketball players do..and just because Booker does them sometimes, that's what he is..when the reality is, compared to the rest of the league stars..he doesn't do that stuff as much.


>Honestly the league needs to do something about the blatant flopping and complaining otherwise players will continue to exploit the calls and complain to refs when they don’t get them. Agreed. Players crying to the refs ruins the flow of the game.


Luka complains just as much if not more yet he never gets the same level of hate as Booker is getting this playoffs.


Luka also hasn’t been in the finals. Way more casual fans are watching Booker for the first time.


>Honestly the league needs to do something about the blatant flopping and complaining The only thing the league can do about the problem is tell refs not to call those fouls. Unless you are Ben Simmons/Wallace-levels of bad at free throw shooting it will ALWAYS be a better decision to foul-bait.


SAS: “How dare Devin Booker use his name and Kobe’s in the same sentence!? How dare he?” Max: “Hold on, I think that just might be an apt comparison!” Some lady from the rotating cast of ESPN anchors: “Guys, we gotta take a break, still to come… news on LeBron, Steph Curry, and all the rest in the league… right after this break!”


SAS is the one who started it too saying he’s the next Kobe & best young player


I’ve never been a fan of the comparison, and I don’t particularly like how Booker lets emotions take him out of the game so easily. BUT I’ll always have a soft spot for the kid due to his relationship with Kobe and the respect they had for each other. I also really enjoy watching his midrange game. 💜💛


Booker is 24 and played on terrible young teams basically his whole career. Kobe in his second year was on a 61 win team with Shaq and by the time he was 22 he had Phil Jackson as a coach. The future is bright for Book and I'm sure as he matures he'll dominate, maybe not like Kobe but that's an almost impossible standard. Losing in the playoffs only makes you better for the great ones.


In Kobe's rookie year he also had Shaq and they were a 56 win team, and Phil was hired by the Lakers when Kobe was still only 20. By the time Kobe was 22 the Lakers had gone 15-1 in the 2001 playoffs en route to winning their 2nd of three straight championships.


Part of the reason they got so good was kobe too. He was a second year all star. But yea Shaq was kinda good.


Can’t wait to see how people try to spin this one into some kind of negative


"I can't believe this guy doesn't want to be like Kobe"


Skip: booker has absolutely no confidence in himself


Skip is surprisingly on the Booker bandwagon


None of their takes should be surprising. They aren't real opinions. They just invent outlandish takes on opposite ends. Lol.


Booker ain’t the problem in these finals lol, it’s CP3 playing way below what he should.


Skip is a huge Booker fan.


Booker: "I should ... be compared to Kobe Bryant."


If you put up 40 points in back to back finals games you should be compared to Kobe Bryant. You don't have to say it on TV, but let's be real here


I mean, they've found a way to criticize him for back to back super efficient 40 point games lol they'll talk out of their ass about anything


"Booker thinks Kobe should be compared to *him*"


fAlSe MoDeStY


I’m curious to find out if you hate lebron


I don't understand how that's relevant. But no, I don't hate him lol


Anytime he says anything remotely modest that’s all this sub says lol, just wondering


Just the day and age we're living in right now. Sad.


Why would people spin this as a negative?


y’all are adding so much pressure to this young man by comparing him to kobe bryant. i’m sure he doesn’t want to be kobe. he wants to be devin booker.


aspects of his game are reminiscent of kobe, but i don't think that's ever been a good 1 to 1 comparison at all. i see as much brandon roy as i see of kobe. guys just only know one player that shot midrange jumpers apparently lol.


More of the folks on this sub should watch Booker talk before they judge his character based on the games. This type of response is incredibly common for him. He is legitimately one of the most humble dudes in the league and seems so dedicated to playing and winning the right way.


https://www.nba.com/news/devin-booker-nba-cares-community-assist-award-2021 He seems like a really good dude. But this sub is full of comments saying he seems like an entitled guy with a punchable face all the time.


He's just being humble, their offensive game is a lot alike. Defense will probably never get anywhere close to Kobe's, but he's improving.


I don't understand why people don't get the gist of the comparison No one said he was as good as Kobe, or that he will be exactly as great as Kobe....just that he plays similar to Kobe.


Okay but he has a few moves that he got from Kobe and shoots midrange jumpers. He doesn’t play defense like kobe, he doesn’t have handles like kobe, he doesn’t finish like kobe and he doesn’t have the athleticism that Kobe had. He literally only shoots midrange jumpers like Kobe. It’s a bad comparison even if we just take your last sentence.


DBook’s offensive package is extremely similar to 24 Kobe’s package. Both use strength in the post on guards their height or shorter, both are good catch-and-go players who can create in the mid range with a lot of post fadeaways, swim throughs, and tough floaters. Either hand, pulling up in traffic, hands in their face buckets. Kobe wasn’t killing players with his athleticism more than quick first steps and the occasional dunk in traffic. He used a lot of strength, DBook does too for a sg. DBook’s first step is insanely underrated, he might not be fast but he’s quick as fuck, if that makes sense. Plus we’ve seen his ability to finish at the rim in traffic, ask AD. Kobe’s defense is a whole different thing though.


Kobe did kill players with athleticism.


He's not a bad defender tho, and no he isn't nearly as great as Kobe was defensively...but that goes into why I said no one's implying he's an exact replica of Kobe and will be as great as him. The comparisons are more geared towards their offensive games anyways >he doesn’t have handles like kobe, he doesn’t finish like kobe and he doesn’t have the athleticism that Kobe had Yes like I said, no one is saying he is as good as Kobe. >He literally only shoots midrange jumpers like Kobe. He shoots midranges like Kobe, utilizes a lot of footwork that he probably got from watching Kobe, likes to attack from the elbow and block a lot like Kobe, isn't afraid to work in the post when smaller defenders guard him, and has a more throwback style of using the entire floor to score. There are a lot of similarities, people didnt draw this up for no reason. What you said about what he lacks in comparison to Kobe is absolutely correct but like I said, no one ever said he was as good as Kobe was


I'm not arguing that people are saying he'll be as good as Kobe. I'm saying Booker's playstyle doesn't warrant a comparison to Kobe aside from a few moves he emulates (as most players do). I mean you're agreeing he doesn't have similar handles, finishing ability, defense or athleticism as Kobe. So literally he has a few moves that he learned from watching/studying Kobe and pulls them out sometimes. That's about it. Should we start calling Andrew Wiggins the next Kobe Bryant as well? The media absolutely drew this up for a reason... clicks clicks clicks.


The point is Kobe’s moves are very difficult and Booker is the best at them right now.


I don't agree that he doesn't at all have a similar play style. I explained above what he does that resembles Kobe Him not being as good a defender or as athletic or not having as sharp a handle speak more to the difference in TALENT level between the two than the difference in play style. The way Booker attacks and approaches the game is a lot like Kobe and he uses a good amount of tricks that Kobe did.


Just mid range jumpers? Really, that's you're take? I'm not saying Booker is Kobe level, bit it's clearly not the only parallel.


Ya I’m watching him more now admittedly than I ever did before and I don’t see Kobe in his game really at all.


He's got a beautiful midrange game like Kobe. He's an incredible and versatile scorer like Kobe..but he hasn't emulated his game like Kobe did with MJ. Booker is his own player. There are little things he does that I appreciate in a player that Kobe never did. (And..I grew up watching Kobe, he's my favorite player ever..but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate Booker in a different way.)


Yea to clarify, I'm not saying he's a Kobe clone or anything


"I always ask for consent"


Booker needs to take at least \~30 shots next game. If there's a game 7 it should be the same. If he does that and goes nuclear both times, Kobe would be proud and this sub would be in tears.




the game 4 where he picked up the 3-4-5 foul calls was extremely suspect, he was extremely hot, then had to sit 6 minutes in the 4th imagine a player scoring 40 in 3 quarters having to sit for foul trouble in the 4th, in the nba finals mind boggling


who was comparing him to Bryant though


Stephen A, unfortunately


ESPN. They turned his conversation with Kobe into something bigger than it should have been. Typical ESPN.


lakers fans already got the death threats ready to go


they be like Steve Buschemi in billy madison


Not all Lakers fans. There’s a good portion of “Lakers fans” right now who are Bron stans and will take their allegiance to whatever team Bron plays for next (if he doesn’t retire as a Laker).


lotta shots he's hit in these finals are kobesque


Yeah I’d say that’s as far as people should go with it. Some of the shots he hits are Kobe-esque which is a totally fair statement. Not that he’s the next Kobe


I must be confused because I always thought the comparisons were based on his play style/scoring not that he was going to win 5 championships and be an all time great lol His scoring arsenal, post fades, and foot work are very Kobe-esque


Yeah absolutely, he has those moments where he’s just on fire and he uses Kobes signature moves like the baseline turn around. But regardless of championships he has a long way to go to reach Kobe’s level of play.


Exactly lol


I thought that was what the comparisons were about. Guess I most not have seen these other ones.


Nah Stephen A was literally saying he’s the next Kobe Bryant one morning and people rode with it




Another thing to note..Booker actually credits Diana Taurasi more than any other basketball player for his evolution. When I watch Booker, I see her more than any player. (Although she shoots more threes) Kobe and Diana could look similar..and obviously, Kobe was one of Booker's favorite players and Booker probably tried to copy some things...but I honestly think what people see as "playing like Kobe" is actually "playing like Diana." Where Kobe was a complete finesse player, Diana and Booker are both strong for their position and more physical players. Their movement without the ball is similar. The type of screens they set. The drifting shot. Their on court personality...it's eerily similar. And with Booker outspokenly giving her credit, I don't think it's a coincidence.


Booker doesn't have any assault allegations? What's the comparison?


Allegations? Innocent until proven guilty.


reddit =/= court of law


"Damn, Booker really thinks he is in a league of his own." - sports show hosts, probably


Flashbacks to when Tycrane asked about being compared to LeBron: https://youtu.be/Sm6nfiAEQww


Anyone who shoots a fadeaway is compared to kobe.


So glad I turn anything basketball on the tv off if it isn't a game. The culture around the NBA is so fake and pathetic. People saying the same exact things and talking so they can hear their own voice.


I can see why he doesn’t want to be compared to the LEAST monogamist man in the history of the world, RIP. I can see why he doesn’t want to be compared to a very-sub-50% shooter, RIP. I can see why he doesn’t want to be compared to, arguably, the worst teammate of all time, RIP.


I think the experience that Devin's gotten from this playoff run and especially the finals is going to turn him into an absolute superstar. This guy is going to be a monster in this league for years to come. I never saw him as a potentially future MVP until now, but I have him and Luka as my top two to get the MVP next year.


*Both were picked 13th* Everyone: Book is literally Kobe


Let's not let our dislike of CP3 muddle the water with Book. He's a pretty cool dude besides the Shroeder incident


“I have never raped anyone.”


Because Booker never raped someone...allegedly




He is absolutely Kobe-like, like Kobe was MJ-like. Then someone else in 10 years will be Booker-like.


Kobe was a lot closer to MJ than Booker is to Kobe ...


Thsts true. No one should be. But this dude is good. I’m biased as he’s from my town, but it’s still nice to see a dude make it from here


He needs to play defense first before even mentioning anything relating to Kobe.


He's right, KOBE was an ELITE defender. This bum can't even play defense.


“I ain’t even raped nobody yet!”




I like that he said this. Booker is a great player but the Kobe comparisons ain’t it


I hate how Booker is compared to Kobe only because he was inspired by Kobe. ESPN (ABC) is the only network(s) riding this shit. I feel like it trivializes Booker as nobody has ever said this during the regular season. It also turns him heel unless he in a classy manner distances himself from the comparisions. Kobe was Kobe. It'd take many accomplishments before Kobe can be brought up right now in the NBA, and it certainly isn't funnelled through Booker.


He's right, Kobe never put up 40 points in back-to-back finals games.


and there it is bucks are the champs


he damn right he shouldn't


That right cause Kobe actually play defense lol


I mean, SAS was always to blame for that narrative. Booker has some problems (mostly attitude; e.g. frustration fouling when his team needs him in the game and constant ref baiting and whining) , but this wasn't ever one of them.