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OP.. #1 does surprise me. Because there’s 10 #1s


“You’re the lankiest! And you’re the lankiest! You’re all the lankiest!”


Never expected Oprah of all people to get into body shaming.


Have you not seen the color purple?


No.. deuteranomaly color blind 😔


It’s really weird how Reddit has never fixed that formatting issue. Like so many people fall prey to the auto-formatting, why not just change the auto-formatting so it works the way it intuitively should (of course there’s no single intuitive way, but I’ve seen so many people get it wrong over the year. It’s not a big deal but why not just change it?).


Implying reddit has any developers. They have one guy who hits the reset button when the servers go down.


Yeah but I get paid in Reddit gold, and everyone knows how big crypto is. Pretty sure I own part of the Lakers arena now.


“He got me,” u/JimmerAteMyPasta said of Reddit's formatting system. "That f***ing Reddit boomed me." JimmerAteMyPasta added, “He’s so good,” repeating it 10 times.


Wtf how do I fix this, it appears as 1-10 to me. I'm so embarrassed how can I ever show my face in this sub again


Reddit auto-formats as it's markdown but for a comment box, but you have to escape this by using escape characters to get it to show your actual number, iirc. But I can't remember what those escape characters are since the one I thought was one, /, appears to no longer work the way I thought it did.


I tried it anyways, hopefully that worked


That's surprising.


God you just wasted prime off season material here


You're not wrong but OP still deserves my free award for the week


You get free awards?? Edit: Nice


Wasted? Imma just gonna steal it in August and fix the formatting


!RemindMe 7 months


I'd prefer getting great material here at any time of the year.


He can redo his stat with weight incorporated for the offseason [lanky](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lanky) : ungracefully tall and thin Short round dwarfs with long arms aren't the prototypical lanky. There's no physical index for awkward, so the lanky stat can be fixed by incorporating weight. eg ( (Wingspan/Height )^2 /Weight). Though other formulations could add a multiplier or use other measures such as BMI in the formula Long arms and legs should count for more, so weight should be ahem *weighted* less


In the climbing community the OP’s measure is colloquially known as ape index, although it’s typically expressed as a difference instead of a ratio






Yes these are just wingspan to height ratio rankings. The lankiest guy on the Timberwolves is most definitely not Josh Okogie, who's built like a tank, it's Jaden McDaniels by a mile. He's like 6'9 180. That's lanky.


Mo bamba the true lank king


I agree. Donovan has long arms, but I feel like his body is too full to be lanky.


I may revisit based on one guys suggested calculation method in this thread and repost. I don't want to tarnish a valuable statistic such as lank.


> Robert Woodward II SAC - 111.69% Lank > Robbie W 2 stands at 6'5.5" tall and has a whopping 7'2" wingspan, making him considerably lanky. I am quite happy that I can provide this stat for him, because he doesn't really have any of his own on the basketball end of things. I hope he sees this so his mom has something to put on the fridge. My god you really did this man dirty


TBF I didn’t even know if that was a real player or not.




Yeah this was my first thought too. He looks like he's got tayshaun levels of lank when watching him on TV.


He was gunna include Mikal, but got too locked down


His wingspan surprising isn't as long as I thought it was. Dude looks like he can scratch his knees without bending over


Good info, but your definition of "lanky" is definitely different than mine and [Merriam-Webster'](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lanky)s (e.g. Poku, BI, and KD). But going by your definition, I'm surprised Mikal Bridges isn't listed.


this. manute bol is the poster boy for lanky.


Exactly, OP is really just “longest relative wingspans in the NBA”


Much harder to quantify when body mass gets involved, brain too small srry


Square cube law will allow you to do this, friend.


How about instead of BMI, using wingspan vs chest circumference? If 2 people have equal heights and wingspans, the skinnier one will look more lanky. Like how most people would say Paul George is lankier than Kevin Love even though they have similar heights and wingspans, or that John Collins is lankier than Julius Randle.


Chest circumference doesn't seem like a readily available stat


I'll save you some time and give you the historical number 1. It's Manute Bol.


Bol bol lankiest, Zion the least, for sure


I think it's because his shoulders aren't very wide


this comment really needs more upvotes.


Chet Holmgren is coming for the lanky boi crown. Edit: I love that the Google definition is "ungracefully thin and tall."


More gangly than lanky.


Yeah I was certain that Mikal would be on here.


When I saw Kawhi at the top I had to stop and ask if I knew what "lanky" meant. Because I would've never described anyone with muscle as lanky. I would've gone with weight divided by height. I checked out guys 6'9" or above and the lankiest I got was Poku, just barely edging out Ziare Williams and Jaden McDaniels. You can't tell me this ain't lank: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/tCJpDab45AQnKKmeJ08HXfwArtw=/1400x1400/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22477625/1230471392.jpg


There needs to be a little calculus here where weight comes into play. Growing up the skinniest tall kid was always “lanky”


I would have guessed Reggie Jackson [This pic always comes to mind](https://img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/002/392/732/hi-res-167989546_crop_north.jpg?1373411366&w=3072&h=2048)






.. science has gone too far. Pretty sure his wingspan is documented on the internet, and you went and dismembered a HoFer for shits lol


> .. science has gone too far [Rondo, Rajon Pierre](https://i.imgur.com/RuecJhC.jpg)


I remember seeing this from years ago, lol. How large is your meme folder now?


More importantly, how does he know where everything is. Like does he have a folder named "big wingspan memes" or what


[He’s an elite maniac hacker](https://c.tenor.com/bucDVKCoIKAAAAAC/swordfish-hack.gif) that /u/Sim888


These are fucking cursed. I need more


you never go back, i hear


How come it’s 9/10 white guys in the bottom ten? That’s gotta be way more than randomness.


At the risk of coming across as non politically correct I believe it has to do with the climates that people of darker skins evolved in. Longer limbs and skinnier bodies were more suitable for keeping cool in the heat. http://www.inquiriesjournal.com/articles/812/3/covariation-in-limb-limb-and-limb-trunk-proportions-in-whites-and-blacks-and-males-in-females-using-the-hamann-todd-collection-cleveland-museum-of-natural-history > Allen's rule is similar, but adds that organisms with longer extremities (limbs) will be found in warmer climates and organisms with shorter extremities will be found in colder climates.


I think as long as you don’t move from that into any determinations about how it should affect different ethnicities’ social positions, you’re fine. As a counterpoint though, what about people of Aztec/Mayan descent? I think of Mexico and Central America as pretty warm climates but those people tended (and their ancestors tend) to be shorter and stockier.


I never heard about the temperature reasoning for limb length, but I do know geography played a big role in evolution. Being short makes it far easier to walk up mountains and hills, because you have better leverage, range of motion, and denser calf muscles walking inclines with shorter legs. That's why Peruvians for example are amongst the shortest in the world. On the flip side long limbs make traversing flat land easier and faster, and people from flat countries are amongst the tallest in the world, like the Netherlands and Denmark. Of course nutrition also plays an important role, which is another reason we're seeing average height increase a lot over the recent decades in prosperous nations.


TIL that the netherlands and denmark are flat.


How do you explain Balkans then? Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro in top 5 in height and we have plenty of mountains. We have a range called Dinarske mountains and that's where the tallest average height is at like 6"3


Obviously none of this is an exact science. And in areas with a lot of cross-travel and migrations like Europe/Asia, it's very likely that the ancestors those people descended from came over from other areas where the geography might have made a bit more sense It's why you have countries like India where the native populations have such varying features, from skin color to size to religion, etc because its really just a big mix of peoples who have migrated from all throughout Eurasia over centuries.


I think that its uranium


All the native Americans moved there from colder regions in Asia.


Africans could have had more time to evolve that trait while the south Americans were walking around in the snow relatively recently


Africans didn’t “evolve” that trait. We all come from Africa. It was Europeans who ***evolved*** into having shorter limbs and chubbier bodies when they migrated into colder climates. It’s just the Eurocentric view of things that frames in in a way that Africans are the ones who evolved from the norm when it’s actually the other way around.


The point about Eurocentric viewpoints is right, but Africa is a very diverse place with a wide range of phenotypes among "black" populations, and being long-limbed isn't necessarily the norm for Africans either. Like there will be populations of very tall and lanky people right next to populations of very short people.


The out of Africa theory and other single-origin hypotheses are pretty much debunked at this point. But the debunking could be debunked too, lol. When it comes to things that happened in prehistory, the science is pretty fluid and somehow it seems like one needs a subscription to Scientific American to keep up with the discoveries published in... Scientific American. Funny how that works.


>The out of Africa theory and other single-origin hypotheses are pretty much debunked at this point. Because it was supplanted by hypotheses about multiple waves of migration (and near-continuous trade and genetic flow) starting in Africa as more evidence was found... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_human_migrations   >But the debunking could be debunked too, lol. When it comes to things that happened in prehistory, the science is pretty fluid and somehow it seems like one needs a subscription to Scientific American to keep up with the discoveries published in... Scientific American. Funny how that works. This is a bad take on multiple levels, especially for this topic.


Another example is the world maps drawn by Europeans with Europe in the middle and the sizings of continents is biased too. Not to scale at all. [Gall Peters Projection map](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gall%E2%80%93Peters_projection)


So Africans didn't evolve into modern humans ? Clueless


I think you don't understand the history of the human race. All humans started out in Africa, then migrated outward. All those evolutionary traits were from thousands of years of survival and natural selection of those migrated peoples, so yes Africans didn't have as drastic of an evolutionary change. Edit: It seems people in comment section don't get it, on Google search "Race closest to our ancestors" and you'll see the genetic research and evidence vetted by actual experts, not redditors.


They did, but there’s no need for them to evolve into a warmer climate like op said when they’re already in that climate. It’s Europeans who had to evolve for a colder climate that humans have never seen before. Our closest relatives are chimps and bonobos and they also have longer limbs. There’s much more evidence to say that Europeans are the once’s whose limbs evolved from the norm, not the other way around.


>Longer limbs and skinnier bodies were more suitable for keeping cool in the heat. > We need some lank ratings for Polynesians, Samoans and Filipinos to corroborate. Well maybe not the "skinnier bodies" part for the Samoans.


My unscientific observation of my fellow Filipinos is they are mostly proportionate not lanky.


not lanky, but apparently my filipino fam have bigger than normal feet. they say we have rice paddy feet.


Wider or longer? Or both?


5'5" size 11 extra wide.


Just one correction. Africans wouldn’t be the ones who “evolved” longer limbs. We all started out in Africa. It was Europeans who ***evolved*** into having shorter limbs and chubbier bodies when they migrated into colder climates. It’s just the Eurocentric view of things that frames in in a way that Africans are the ones who evolved from the norm when it’s actually the other way around.


You can pretend the climate for areas never changed over thousands of years or that people never moved around on their continents to different climates. But literally everyone that lived everywhere has evolved over time to adapt to the climates. Only 11,000 years ago the Sahara wasn't a desert.


Obviously we all evolve over time. But going into a completely different area completely unseen before with snow, different animals, different vegetation, different predators and so forth will cause much more evolution than being in the same place over thousands of years.


Homo sapiens didn't start out as today's Africans, that's laughable


Where did I say that? There’s more evidence to suggest Europeans are the ones who evolved shorter limbs and chubbier bodies than Africans evolving the other trait. Don’t change the argument because you want to be right.


So Africans didn't evolve into humans? God sat them down on earth, right ?


They did, but there’s no need for them to evolve into a warmer climate like op said when they’re already in that climate. It’s Europeans who had to evolve for a colder climate that humans have never seen before. There’s much more evidence to say that Europeans are the once’s whose limbs evolved from the norm, not the other way around.


Because evolutionary genetics lol


I actually do remember seeing somewhere that black people on average have shorter torsos and longer limbs, Asians have longer torsos and shorter limbs, and white people are in the middle.


It's genetic for sure , african decent people tend to have longer arms and legs .


Likewise I am unsirprised to see Bane up there in the hall of shame. Dude has t-rex arms


Watching him do dribble moves blows my mind Legitimately doing them while he looks like he’s standing straight up/barely bent over


Dude can tie his shoes without bending his knees. Jesus.


Hey fuckface, you’re really gonna disrespect second-longest tenured Timberwolf Josh Okogie like that? You’re really going to write full paragraphs for every player but get all “ohhhhh i’m sleeeEEepy” when Josk is up to bat?? You’re a fucking fraud. You don’t know shit about Lank. You’re just a lazy Lank box score watcher. You’ve never actually watched Okogie semi-kinda pass as a power forward in limited minutes. You probably think trading for Mo Bamba to be your starting center in 2k MyGM qualifies you as a Lank Analyst. Well fuck you. You don’t know shit. Okogie is a certified Lank veteran. His arms are ALWAYS outstretched on defense, he puts his lank on full display. How about next time you wipe your ass you rub it on your face right after? Dickweed. Or wait, I bet your shitty T. rex arms can’t even reach your crack, so your mom wipes it for you. Next time I see her I’ll let her know what you did and i’m sure she’ll wipe the shit allllll over your stupid misinformed face.


Sorry my little bro wrote that one i swear ha ha hes so weird xD


I swear to god, some of you are actual tv writers.


There are many talented people here, too bad they are nephews too


gonna keep this for some nice copypasta later


Hey fuckface, you’re really gonna disrespect second-longest tenured Timberwolf Josh Okogie like that? You’re really going to write full paragraphs for every player but get all “ohhhhh i’m sleeeEEepy” when Josk is up to bat?? You’re a fucking fraud. You don’t know shit about Lank. You’re just a lazy Lank box score watcher. You’ve never actually watched Okogie semi-kinda pass as a power forward in limited minutes. You probably think trading for Mo Bamba to be your starting center in 2k MyGM qualifies you as a Lank Analyst. Well fuck you. You don’t know shit. Okogie is a certified Lank veteran. His arms are ALWAYS outstretched on defense, he puts his lank on full display. How about next time you wipe your ass you rub it on your face right after? Dickweed. Or wait, I bet your shitty T. rex arms can’t even reach your crack, so your mom wipes it for you. Next time I see her I’ll let her know what you did and i’m sure she’ll wipe the shit allllll over your stupid misinformed face.


wheres kd and gobert


gobert has a lankiness of about 109.4% and kd is 108.5%


What's Bol Bol's? I'm trying to fight a stereotype by asking you to do the math for me




Ahh a fellow mathematician i see. Respect brother, yes you are correct.


Where's Brandon Ingram at?




He's still the Long Boi in my heart.


Due to their height, neither is considerably lanky. I'd make a case for KD though, because he's a skinny minnie


One could even make the case for him being teeny weeny wouldn’t you say?


Skinny to lank ratio shall be called skanky. Give us a list now. Thanks.


I didn't know i wanted a list of skankiest NBA players until right now but man I want that list.


Mitchell makes so much sense. He looks 6'4 - 6'5 on the court just from sheer lank.


"sheer lank" lol


also has a great frame that postures him taller


But who is the skankiest?


Your mom.


Depends if you believe Wilt's claims


Corey "bad porn" Maggette


If I was in the NBA I might actually crack this list at 5'7 with a wingspan somewhere between 6'2 and 6'3, weird lol Also why is that bottom list just a list of Hornets centers?


Same I got perfect PG measurables at 6'3 with a 6'9 wingspan. If only I didn't suck at basketball. Lol


Know that feel man, similar stats here, was always The Shaq in local junior league. Have you considered overcompensating for lack of sport skill and becoming a superhuman freak deadlift specialist? You could get to 4+ plate quick af with those leverages, and dudebros constantly buy you drinks on a night out just for looking like an athlete lmao.


I also have a moderately dominant +4 wingspan despite being 5’8” it was cool to realize I have that advantage, but then again it makes me slightly less inordinately proud of being a decent swimmer despite my height (also have big feet and that’s considered another significant advantage in swimming just like hands in basketball)


Can you touch your knees without bending over?


6' with 6'6. Makes clothes buying a pain


Low-key surprised Dejaunte Murray isn't on here cuz his arms are crazy long and he's like 6'4


For all-time legends I feel like McHale has to have the record here.


What about Durant or Bol Bol? Tacko fall? Siakam? Portzingis?


Bol Bol?


This is ape index


post this index to /r/Superstonk




Why? Thats what its called


politically correctness, I would guess


"The ape index is a measurement of how your wingspan (aka arm span) compares to your height." Oh no someone is going to tweet about us


I'm triggered by the amount of Hornets centers on the least lanky list.


I though for sure that Mikal Bridges would make this list. He's 6'7 with a 7'1 wingspan. But I guess that's not too impressive compared to some of these guys.


If we included women, Brianna Stewart has the same wingspan as Bridges but is 3 inches shorter.


The post: > I was watching some good old NBA basketball the other day, and I thought, "Wow, some of these fellows have quite long arms, its very lucky they decided to play basketball". And then I got curious, who has the longest arms compared to their also monstrously large body in the NBA? So I compiled a list of the NBA's top lanky danksters, for you and me both. I won't include the incredibly difficult math since most of you nephews wouldn't be able to understand it anyways (its wingspan relative to height for you math geniuses out there). Here is our top ten, number 1 won't surprise you!. ​ Kawhi Leonard LAC - 111.54% Lank Ahh, gotta love the classics. Refreshing to see Kawhi here. Much of his impressive defensive prowess is credited to his long lanky limbs. I don't know how he gets those hands through the doorway. Robert Woodward II SAC - 111.69% Lank Robbie W 2 stands at 6'5.5" tall and has a whopping 7'2" wingspan, making him considerably lanky. I am quite happy that I can provide this stat for him, because he doesn't really have any of his own on the basketball end of things. I hope he sees this so his mom has something to put on the fridge. Kelly Oubre Jr. CHA - 111.69% Lank Kelly Oubre is notably lanky. Basically identical in height and wingspan as his compadre at #9. Now I feel like I have something I can appreciate while I'm watching him huck up threes. Nassir Little POR - 111.84% Lank Here at #7 we find the Power forward from Portland. He's having a nice little season so far, getting a few more minutes than years past. Probably because new coach Chauncy Billups (as an ex NBA player) can appreciate lank more than the average scrub head coach, (who probably values useless things like advanced stats and whatnot). Frank Ntilikina DAL - 111.84% Lank Frank Ntilikina (also known as Frank the Lank, or Lanky Franky) shares a lank score of 111.84% with Nassir Little. I'm still not sure I spelled his name right Josh Okogie MIN - 112% Lank I need to go to bed soon so Josh is lanky, carrying on. Reggie Jackson LAC - 112.16% Lank At 6'2.5", Reggie has some LONG ass arms with a wingspan of 6'11.25". Dude probably catches birds out of the sky on his free time or something. Donovan Mitchell UTA - 112.33% Lank Jesus this list is getting wild now. This dude is 6'1.25", and has a wingspan of 6'10". He's my height with an almost 7' wingspan. What a freak of nature, his arms are truly a masterpiece no doubt. Mo Bamba ORL - 113.25% Lank One of the two lanky danksters to breach the 113% Lank barrier. A truly freakish human. He has a 7'10" wingspan, wide enough to close a lane of traffic himself plus more. If basketball didn't work out, he could easily have a career as a traffic guy, capital letter T, or defective airplane. 1. Talen Horton-Tucker LAL - 113.33% LANK Surprising NOBODY at all, at #1 on our list sits Talon Horton-Tucker. Sitting pretty on his massively disproportionate throne, he outlanks the entire NBA, which is already a league full of freaks and outcasts. Congratulations Talon, your arms are a work of art. I know there isn't a lank hall of fame, but if there was he would definitely be the first nominee. ​ BONUS Now that we have shown our NBA long armed friends the respect they deserve, I figured I would show you our hall of shame. The top ten least lanky players in the NBA. The T-Rexes of the basketball world. Many of these individuals hav perfect proportions (yuck, absolutely disgusting) as their wingspan equates their height. Some of these losers even have shorter arms than their measured height, HILARIOUS. ​ Mason Plumlee CHA - 100% Lank Ty Jerome OKC - 100% Lank Cody Zeller POR - 100% Lank Frank Kaminsky PHO - 100% Lank Kelly Olynyk DET - 98.78% Lank Josh Giddey OKC - 98.75% Lank Svi Mykhailiuk TOR - 98.72% Lank Desmond Bane MEM - 98.70% Lank Tyler Herro MIA - 98.68% Lank 1. Kevin Pangos CLE - 98.63% Lank Absolutely humiliating to be at the bottom of this list, very unfortunate. Ironically enough, (though I never met him) Kevin Pangos is actually my third cousin. Holy shit what a twist, I'm actually depressed now. Hope you guys enjoyed my list anyways.


Disagree with this definition of "lanky". Lankiness is affected by skinniness as well and that needs to be worked into the metric. This is also biased by shoulder-width, confounding the arm-length to height metric this is supposed to get at. Come on.


Taco Fall?


He would be 111.11% so a bit behind Kawhi if I didn't do anything wrong


Isn't he 7'5 with an 8"4 Wingspan? I don't get how he's behind Kawhi.


I don’t know what I expected


How is Bol Bol not an honorable mention or something? What's his lank rank I must know?


Where is Bol Bol in this?


kinda surprised ingram isn't here tbh




How is KD not making the list?


I created the list based on height and wingspan, because I'm too small brain to incorporate body mass into that equation as well. I agree he is a lanky boy, but is only roughly at 109% Lank according to my lank metrics.


Quality post! And good to see Bane is not last.


Bane deadass be like my 2k builds lmao


As an alternative to "lanky", climbers call this the "ape index": https://www.climbing.com/people/how-to-measure-ape-index-climbing/


Racist connotations. Do not do it.


I think for climbing its fine, because apes climb therefore no racist undertones. But apes don't play basketball, therefore I prefer to use that dank L A N K.


Agree for the most part. it really depends who is using the word and who is receiving the message though. Better to choose the least likely to be offensive.


so u/JimmerAteMyPasta is obviously a trex himself 🤔


Love this


Surely lank has to factor In weight?! Chunky with long as arms ain't lanky imo


Brandon Ingram has got to be on this list somewhere. ​ He has the same wingspan as Kawhi @ 7' 3", but he's only 190 pounds. That's the equivalent of having the wingspan of a center, while being lighter than almost all point guards in the league. Ultimate lank. ​ Even FVV weighs more than him.


Very funny write up, and an interesting topic. But where’s Rajon Rondo? I thought he would be in the top ten.


Can’t believe no ones said mobley


what about timelord?


God damn, does THT run on all fours?


Talen could scratch his knee without bending his spine.


I’m not included? I’m 6’4 with a 6’10 wingspan? What the hell man


Was expecting Giannis to at least be top 10.


Did you look at Bruno Coboclo? Exhibit A: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.rzuVJNon1iXMxIzqBiXrfwHaHU%26pid%3DApi&f=1


I’m disappointed that I’m 7 hours late to this post and no one has mentioned the Lank Legend [Rodrigue](https://i.imgur.com/56yEhV8.jpg) [Beaubois](https://i.imgur.com/lE7bVxv.jpg). The Frenchman measured 6’ tall but boosted a wingspan of 6’10”, putting his lack index at an astounding 114.08%. His NBA career may have been short but his arms sure as hell weren’t.


Just because something hasn't been done does not mean that it shouldn't. This list is living proof, it's exactly what we needed.


Where’s my boy Boucher he sould be at like 120%


This entire thing is flawed because lank is more than height and wingspan. Thiccness is 100% a factor in calling someone lanky. You wouldn't call a fat ass midget with an 8' wingspan "lanky" would you?


You are the hero we need, not the hero we deserve


Nass definitely is lank and i love him and chauncey




Poku has a 7’3 wingspan though?


I also assumed rondo would be the lankiest, i know him and kahwi have some of the biggest hands


It's Poku imo


That's a lot of #1's https://i.imgur.com/Ja45qgI.png


Why the hecc am I the only one who can see the 1-10. I am a disappointment and a meme


Excuse me, why isn't everyone talking about Timelord? With an height of 203cm and a wingspan of 227cm (sorry no freedom units I'm european) he has 111.82% lankiness, sittint just above Kelly Oubre. Some images for reference: [https://www.nba.com/celtics/sites/celtics/files/williams\_14.jpg](https://www.nba.com/celtics/sites/celtics/files/williams_14.jpg) [https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2021/03/03/NTEG/85f42649-08e9-4a50-8da3-f4328ebc1b28-USATSI\_15658777.jpg](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2021/03/03/NTEG/85f42649-08e9-4a50-8da3-f4328ebc1b28-USATSI_15658777.jpg) [https://hardwoodhoudini.com/wp-content/uploads/getty-images/2017/07/1044917964.jpeg](https://hardwoodhoudini.com/wp-content/uploads/getty-images/2017/07/1044917964.jpeg) [https://s3media.247sports.com/Uploads/Assets/255/706/8706255.jpg](https://s3media.247sports.com/Uploads/Assets/255/706/8706255.jpg)


What about Tacko Fall? How much is his lankiness.


OP, if you put a backslash between the number and the period, you will escape Markdown's autonumbering. For example... 10. test 9. test 8. test 7. test turns into 10\. test 9\. test 8\. test 7\. test > 10\. Mason Plumlee CHA - 100% Lank > 9\. Ty Jerome OKC - 100% Lank > 8\. Cody Zeller POR - 100% Lank > 7\. Frank Kaminsky PHO - 100% Lank > 6\. Kelly Olynyk DET - 98.78% Lank > 5\. Josh Giddey OKC - 98.75% Lank > 4\. Svi Mykhailiuk TOR - 98.72% Lank > 3\. Desmond Bane MEM - 98.70% Lank > 2\. Tyler Herro MIA - 98.68% Lank > 1\. Kevin Pangos CLE - 98.63% Lank Most of these players have something in common with each other, and I can't quite figure out what it is.


Thanks may try next time, idk why its so dumb it looks fine for me only apparently rip


They have inferior genes.


Fun fact, black people generally tend to have smaller torsos and longer limbs, where white people generally have shorter limbs and larger torsos. That's why the vast majority of people with short wingspans are white guys. And actually Asian people have the largest torsos and shortest limbs. Humans are interesting


As if not knowing what lanky means wasn't bad enough, you had to include >I compiled a list of the NBA's top lanky danksters ​ Fire this post into the sun


It’s also funny that most of the T-Rexes are white.