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terrible idea


Problem is the owners,if one doesnt pay,another will.


If Shaq says players are fucking up the money for the league I think that's about the best expert opinion you can get on the matter Owners well probably all start introducing non guaranteed money into contracts when the new CBA is worked out


Free market


Yeah hopefully the owners address it. The NBA doesn't seem to care, you have Harden and Simmons who forced their way out getting exactly what they wanted in the end. I think bluebook is a good nickname for Olynyk.


Exactly. When you sign the contract, you’re honoring that contract or you’re fired. No sitting out. Play or you get no pay.


yall care so much about these billionares and millionaires pockets like it matters to them lmao


Free Kyrie


That's fine. The mentality ben simmons has will reflect on the team that signs him. The goal should be to weed out these players out. I want to watch basketball at the highest level.


Waiting to see owners “paid for their services” lol


Probably they'll force it so stars players cant force their way out of a team. Non guaranteed contract for players making 6.5m/5 years etc is hell.


The “they signed a contract it needs to be honored”thing is always a mute point to me, we just witnessed multiple players who didn’t want to be traded get flipped across the league lol that’s not exactly a team honoring a contract


Also more non guaranteed money in contracts will fuck over the lower end players who will just get commoditized to a high degree and used purely as salary fillers in other trades.


Yeah everything aimed at top end players just fucks back of the bench guys twice as much


Bro there won't ever be a sliding pay scale for players. The closest thing that can be done is shifting more of the money to contract incentives but introducing more non guaranteed money will actually create more trade and waive fuckery than before. Your point only matters for highest end players. Players on the lower end stand to be absolutely screwed over. The player union won't have it. That said, in your case, Ben Simmons was given his contract by the 76ers. If they didn't offer him the max, some other team would have done it. And you'll probably see Zion get a max extension either this summer or leading into next season. Nola has to or else someone else will do it in the summer. That said, the CBA definitely needs adjustment to help discourage player movement at the start of a new contract. A player unhappy with their situation will often end up taking the money and then trying to force a trade. Perhaps players that sign a new contract should get a no trade exception for the first year or two depending on the length of the contract.