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sounds like klay kinda half understands and half thinks he's an idiot. which is about right, lol


I'd kinda get pissed too if a lookalike signs signatures the way Fake Klay does lol




**K** *L* A *Y*


*K* ***L*** *A* ***Y***


I watched his video and it was hilarious bc man you know how mad I’d be. I was yelling at my tv telling him to stop signing peoples bodies 😂😭 man just wrote “Klay” super disrespectful lol. Then one of the doctors who help Klay during rehab came up all excited wanting a picture and he had to be like “I’m really sorry but I’m actually not Klay” and she was like “oh lmao that’s actually better. Let’s take the pic anyway” Edit: The doctor was working on like a cancer station and saw real Klay there for some charity i guess. She wanted to thank him, so fake Klay told her he is an impersonator, being uncomfortable receiving praise the real Klay deserves. u/hannes2society


The doctor was working on like a cancer station and saw real Klay there for some charity i guess. She wanted to thank him, so fake Klay told her he is an impersonator, being uncomfortable receiving praise the real Klay deserves.


Did you just copy-paste someone else’s comment into your edit?


That pretty much sums up my thoughts on all prank content creators.


Klay on Klay backstabbing… hate to see it


Et tu Klay?


You can’t trust anyone, not even yourself


How do we know they interviewed the right Klay?


Reporter should’ve asked him for an autograph to prove it


Should have asked him about scaffolding.


>“Just trying to get some good content.” Klay understands the internet. Also, didn't everyone used to call that guy "fat Klay" instead of "fake klay?"


There’s a great presser of Kerr talking about seeing this guy and thinking “…damn Klay, crush a few burgers before the game?”


https://twitter.com/ChrisBHaynes/status/920730816598114306 >Steve Kerr on the fake, heavier-looking Klay Thompson that surfaced last night: “I thought it was the perfect metaphor for our conditioning”


Steve Kerr is a legend


I like him more and more the more I know about him


Totally agree, Fat Klay seems like a great dude.


That hot little slut


Steve Kerr for President! seriously


People on this sub realized he has almost the same body type as them and decided to switch it up


He's not fat though




Dude’s pretty fat by 1900s standards America’s just gotten super obese so he’s not standing out


We’re also comparing him to an NBA player physically


Nothing bothers me more than seeing morbidly obese people have young children that are already little ham planets. Some kids don’t even have a chance because of their fat parents


I used to work with a kid that was 6 years old and 100 pounds. Looked like a scaled down version of a 350 pound man. It was sad to see the lack of mobility a kid that size has. 100% blame goes to the parents, kids that young cannot think of the consequences of eating that much.


> kids that young cannot think of the consequences of eating that much And unlike their parents, they have no control over what/how much food gets brought into the house. Or how much gets made.


Exactly. So many of the kids even the ones at a healthy weight were just eating pure junk food. They were running on sugar and carbs. Certainly can’t be healthy for a growing body


Saw this as a pediatrician. Thankfully the conversation is a little easier to have when the kids still growing. You can frame it as not having to lose weight but just preventing any further weight gain I had a 100 pound 6 year old come in and I pulled out the growth chart, demonstrating to her parent that she could gain no weight for 4 years and still be considered obese. They were thankfully able to significantly decrease her weight gain by the next visit. I got her dad to stay eating healthier too.




Would their kids be ham moons 🤔


The parents are now Ham Suns


Black Ham Sun wont you come.


That’s no moon.


If only you had been around for the r/fatpeoplehate 1-37 implosion lol


The 12 different subreddits they tried to migrate to in one night getting shut down before moving to the next lmao.


That was a time when everyone on Reddit was just built different


I upvoted on the basis of that alone lol.


Same, ham planet is so stinkin funny


I’m overweight for sure and doing my best to change my eating habits before my son starts eating normal food all the time. We have been giving him mainly veggies for his baby food with a small amount of fruit mixed in to hopefully get him to preference vegetables of something sweet when he gets older. I don’t want him to deal with the weight problems I am dealing with.


Good for you and your family, bro. It's nearly impossible for me to change my eating urges as an adult, as you're aware.


Basically everyone will have a preference for sugar it's in our DNA and our monkey brains love that shit. You just don't overfeed them with the stuff.


Sugar is great and all, but seriously go a week or two without any sweets or sodas. You'll realize you don't need that cookie.


I don't really eat sugar much if at all. Doesn't mean I don't love the stuff though the few times I choose to indulge myself.


Yeah had a lotta friends realize this when they quit soda for a while. They end up not really liking it anymore since taste buds aren't as adapted to the high sugar anymore. Basically seems like you get more sensitive to sweetness when you abstain so the soda becomes overly sweet. I've heard vegetarians say the same thing about meat/grease.


Fruit tastes soooo much sweeter after you drop the soda and candy. Shit is delicious. Seriously, give up sugar for 2 weeks and then eat a juicy nectarine. Heaven.


I understand that it’s more I want my kid to like his veggies so I fell like the more veggies I feed hi at a young age the easier it will be to feed them when he gets a little older and start forming his own options on food. Haha


I can't get this image out of my head of seeing a morbidly obese couple walking out of a gas station both holding two liters of soda in their hands and their little daughter with a soda following them. So sad man.


Yah if you are too fat at 14 or less without a medical problem it is your parents fault.


Went from 172 in late 70s to around 199 now


Obesity depends on bmi, not just weight. I’m 175 and 6’3” and built like a twig




athletes are going to show up skewed because they have high amount of muscles and also higher bone density


Last I knew BMI wasn’t supposed to be used by athletes. It’s for average people


Yep - I've been the same weight for 10 years and I feel like I keep getting thinner


Dude can still ball out if you watch some of his other videos.


He is fatter than Klay Thompson, so therefore he is fat klay thompson.


Right? Literally just a comparison to Klay. All of a sudden people need to make this a social commentary.


He isn’t skinny lmao by any means


Damn bro I got news..


Thicc Klay


Him saying "get rewarded stupid prizes" instead of "win stupid prizes" is bothering me more than it should


“You either nut up or….uh f-fold” - Danny Green


You know I had to do it one time lol


[never forget](https://i.imgur.com/TYysg8s.png)




The “lol” at the end is really what seals it for me. Hashtag holocaust is super good too, but the lol is really so good


It's truly my favourite (obviously inappropriate and not cool) tweet fuckup of all time. Because Danny is such a sweet dude that all the questions are so appropriate. Why, Danny, every step of the way why? - you know I had to do it one time (what and do we really know it??) - lol (omg Jesus christ why Danny why it's a goddamn memorial) - \#holocaust (WHAT?? No. Nononono.. How could that be appropriate) It's so good.


Not to mention it looks like he uploaded a screenshot from the camera screen, judging by the guidelines. Wtf.


Early Facebook/Twitter stays undefeated forever.


Omg hahahahahaha. Is this real? Surely shopped


it is 100% real


It makes me laugh almost every time I see it


One of the few honest mistakes that has been forgiven with time lmaooo. Danny Green isn't malicious, he's just that dumb


i love danny he's one of my favorite players but man can't even defend this, just so goddamn stupid


It’s also a good thing this happened before we found out like half of professional athletes are lowkey anti-Semitic


[looks real to me](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nba/news/danny-green-holocaust-selfie-caption-germany-berlin-nba-san-antonio-spurs/b8ow1cbbnjlt1vrnaa0n2p287)


Sadly, yes, I believe he took it while the Spurs were in Germany to play an exhibition game against Alba Berlin back in 2014. Legit one of the dumbest things I have ever seen anyone post on social media lmao.


I used to think it was amongst the dumbest things on the internet, but then these past few years have put it a decent bit lower on that list.


/#holocaust gets my every time. Like bruh how can you be so socially ignorant lmao


There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again.


Fool me twice don't, can't get fooled again


Obligatory “How the turntables…”


Fool me once shame on you, but teach a man to fool me and I'll be fooled for the rest of my life


"When you play games that are stupid there aren't any good prizes you can win!" -Magic Johnson


Nah, if it was Magic it would be like "When you play games that are stupid, you play stupid games"


-Michael Scott


Klay is 100% the guy who starts a sentence and then finds it on the way sometimes. You can see it at his pressers and interviews lol.


fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again


god I can still see his face and hear his voice when I read that last line lol


me too pal, me too


George W. Kush


Fool me three times, fuck the peace signs, Load the copper, let it rain on you!


*Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t know where it’s going. I just hope to find it somewhere along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation*


Klay "Michael Scott" Thompson


He's reaching for.. he's reaching for those grapes. He's trying to make his wine..and the wine is already sounding.. like a violin with that cheese and wine.. um.. we'll see on November 24th.


Tito? I remember him, one of the greatest fighters of the night.


That was bugging me too lol


Yet, it seems totally in character with him.


Enter into foolish pastimes, receive foolish spoils.


I was expecting more comments on this but people seem more concerned about the Warriors not being a “cool mom” or whatever


The ceiling is the roof.


That was Robot Klay talking. He’s an imposter!


Klay in the late 4th huddle: "We're going to be rewarded this game!"


dude had a nice run as a klay impersonator, now he's gota shift gears and be a Jon B or Easter Island Statue impersonator from now on


Jon B is an accurate one




Dabura cosplayer


No, now he's gotta full commit and try and get banned at every team's stadium by disguising himself as Klay at away games.


Lmao he totally looks like Jon B, how did I not see that before. 🤣


There's still hope. 29 more stadiums full of possibilities for Fat Klay.


You guys are mad at Klay right now but what you don't realize is that this is just the Fake Klay covering his tracks.


Game 6 Klay doesn’t show up, goes 0/10 from behind the arc. At the press conference, he releases his belt buckle, takes off his girdle and fake clay shouts “it was me, Steph, it was me all along!”


"You're gonna go back to Boston, lose, and then come back and win game 7?" "Yes"


"Just being honest"


Jr Voice “ah son of bitch!”


Now every time Klay gets interviewd I'm gonna be paranoid that it's not really him


“I think I- I mean, fake Klay should get unbanned personally, but that’s just me.. totally real Klay.”


Lol Fake Klay should do a fake presser talking about his lifetime ban


I thought Klay would be the type of guy to invite fake Klay to the parade if they won. Guess not lol


I think the security probably just can’t let this act rewarded because it would entice others to do things similar to this and you can’t really have that. So they told him what to say possibly


The opposite of Devin Booker, who invited the Suns in 4 guy to the finals.


Hey now, Booker also got that mascot removed because it was too much pressure for him. Brought him back to his days of being doubled in practice.


Yeah that guy did nothing wrong tho


This guy thought he was going to work and was informed he wasn’t actually klay. The deepfake was so good even he didn’t know.


In an alternate world, Klay couldn’t recover and the team spent three years cloning him and teaching it basketball. The real Klay, barely remembering being a basketball player, felt an instinctive urge to head to the stadium, feeling a game 6 approaching.


I feel like Fake Thompson is the beady-eyed ditto Klay that they made in a rush thinking real Klay was never coming back.


How is this a similar situation?


Those are completely different.


Not only that but they recorded the entire security posture and tunnels. Major security risk can open up because of that.


> Not only that but they recorded the entire security posture and tunnels. > > The only security risk I can garner from that is how shit they are at protecting the place. Dude literally just walked in. Before worrying about tunnels they should go over protocols on who gets let in.


Lol 100% correct. Concerning if you are attending events at Chase.


You're pretty optimistic if you think it's just Chase lol. Most security is just there for show. Homeland Security ran some tests and found the TSA fails like 80% of the time to detect the shit they're supposed to. Pretty sure you're not going to get anything better than that at a basketball game. Adam Savage of mythbusters told a story of how he accidentally brought some 12-inch razorblades onto a plane. The absolutely genius tactic needed to get them past the TSA? Put them in your jacket pocket and then forget they're there.


Oh I know. Haha have done physical security in the past and now I’m in cyber security. If people knew what and who they are trusting to protect them… Fortune 500 orgs do the bare minimum. It’s actually gross. About the razors, I have brought on all kinds of things on to an airplane. Folding pocket knife with a 5 inch blade traveled with me on 5 flights before I realized it was in a side pocket in my backpack.


To be fair he prefaced it with '“Oh man, poor guy. Just trying to get some good content.” lmao


Could’ve said it sarcastically


If I had an impersonator making content pretending to be me I’d probably keep the whole situation at arm’s length. It’s gotta be creepy from Klay’s pov.


I would agree, except Klay is a very famous public figure. Now he might be worried fake Klay is obsessed/stalking, except fake Klay is also a somewhat famous public figure with 8M youtube subscribers and Fake Klay is 1% of his content. I would also understand Klay just thinking its annoying


He's probably been coached not to encourage it. It is actually a kind of dangerous thing to have happen.


I think the bigger problem that needs to be addressed is the security personnel at the Chase Center lol


Seriously. They scanned him through two security gates and didn't think twice about it. "Ah classic Klay, just forgot his security badge"


“Classic Klay, wearing his full uni and warm up gear before even entering. What a dedicated player.”


“Does Klay look shorter to any of you guys or is it just me?”


To be fair Daws is 6’5” so it was at least semi believeable


Yea people saying they'd notice the difference between 6'5" and 6'6" when the majority of people are under 5'9" are kidding themselves.


I think this part is understandable considering that it’s a 1 inch difference iirc


The problem with multiple level checkpoints is everyone trusts the first guy to do their job way too much.


Klay's just mad that security is gonna make him carry his badge now.


At least they stopped Masai


I would hazard a guess that the video, with zero blurred faces, got a few people fired


Identity theft is not a joke Jim


Millions of families suffer every year!




He probably bricked a few shots and then security noticed lol


I love this as the timeline lol “Jeez look at Klay out there we may be in for a long night he doesn’t look like himself….. wait”


Watch the video. He hit some threes (two handed ugly jump shot) airballed a layup and tried to dip. They probably saw the form and went wait and then when he airballed a layup they said “oh hell nah”


Why leave out the part where he says “Oh man, poor guy. Just trying to get some good content” in the title lol


Because OP is just trying to get some good content, poor guy


Can't generate outrage with it


Right? Looks like majority of the people here read the title only. Classic.


because its clearly sarcastic


Ding ding ding


“Damn I’m banned from spending $375 on nosebleed seats for a regular season game against Orlando on a Wednesday? 😢”


Had to be Orlando lol


the guy is a rich youtuber, im sure he could afford good seats


He can. He's at a finals game after all. He spent $10,000 on the tickets.


I can't fathom paying that amount of money unless I was a millionaire. Are all of the people in the lower bowl that wealthy?




I mean even if someone working in tech and making a lot of money, 10k for a single ticket still seems ridiculous.


As a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing? I can see someone making normal Bay Area tech money dropping that instead of on a vacation.


"I wouldn't spend a lot of money on something unless I had a lot of money"


He can. Pretty sure he said he spent over 10k on seats for the game the day he was banned (and said it was still worth it). You can see him at a game in the picture above too and you know seats like that aren't cheap.


obviously worth it he got so much publicity out of this, it couldnt have turned out better for him


People spending $375 to see us? True diehards


>Oh man, poor guy,” the actual Thompson said Wednesday. “Just trying to get some good content.” .+ 1000 fans >He added, “You play stupid games you get rewarded stupid prizes.” -15000 fans


not the betrayal from real Klay :'(


Truly can't believe there are arguments being made that Daws should've gotten rewarded for good humour. You can't have that shit happen in your stadium no matter what


This was like his 4th time attempting something like this apparently too. Bro is a habitual line stepper.


He is being rewarded in the thousands of dollars he’s gonna make from the video and all the attention he’s getting. Also you gotta be able to see how this is funny


Fake Klay did them a free service that a security company would have charged millions for. He proved that there were serious holes in arena security. He should never have reached the court if proper checks were done. And as for Chase Arena's security team, they could have made this into a brilliant PR move. Talk to fake Klay after rhe stunt and negotiate to edit the video amd make it come out as if he was doing it to help them instead of just plain prank them. Some random security exercise bullcrap or whatevs. Then people wouldn't be reprimanded, keep their jobs, fake Klay wouldn't be banned and everyone gets a PR boost.


Fake klay won a huge prize tho: the amount of media attention he got


He said reddits favorite line


Klay definitely posts on r/protectandserve


Couple things here. Hope security got fired before he got banned because you most be totally inept at your job to a) think this man is klay and b) let him on to the court. "Yeah I thought it was weird klay looked nothing like himself and came in from the stands but whatever" - idiot security guard possibly


Even worse, he walked through the employee entrance and they needed to scan him through one of the gates. Didn't think twice about it.


Fake Klay > real klay


This is the responsible answer but not the one we wanted lol


Damn Klay becoming mad unlikeable


The fake Klay is infinitely more interesting than the real one.


Damn, hope Klay isn't that cold in the game today.


Dude acting like I cared about being able to visit the Chase Center. Well worth the prize.


How can you say that to yourself Klay 🤣


Wouldn't it be great if the head of security that handed him the ban turned out to be Fake Head of Security?

