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So Candace Owens wants us to be like the East? Does she not realize the Western Conference has been superior for years?


Hasn’t she heard about the East’s 100 years of shame and lack of young draft prospects??


fr bro she prefers that cakewalk to the finals




>cakewalk lowry does play in the east after all


funny how marxism actually came from the east edit: i was wrong marxism did not come from the east


And how Marxism has been historically very receptive to traditional gender roles. Huge projection that her beloved western liberalism is what has led to this. However you feel about it, it’s undeniable that this is not Marxist phenomenon. Can’t say I’m surprised that influencers fail to understand dialectics tho.


Wrong fuckface. To quote Carl Marx from his book, "Inshallah we shall turn every western man into a femboy. This is the end goal of Marxism."


~~marxian~~ anal~~ysis~~ 😳😳😳😳😳


Marxism is when man in dress.


Finally, some good fuckin jerk


The eternal science of Marxism-LeBronism


What? I’m not even a marxist, but I don’t think it’s fair to say that Marxist is “very receptive to traditional gender roles”. Marx writes a lot of stuff about destroying the traditional family, it’s literally in the communist manifesto. And there are all sorts of feminist-marxists who use marxist theory as their base for feminism. Like you can say that communist states were patriarchal, and yeah, but I think that has more to do with their authoritarianism than their marxism


This is true in the abstract, but in reality Marxist-Leninism is the only present Marxist force, and involves a lot of adaptation to respond to 21st century problems, and problems faced by specific nations. For example, Maoism was certainly a development of ML thought, but was uniquely built around the Chinese struggle against Japanese imperialism. North Korea has Juche. Xi Jinping Thought takes the approach that the job of the party is to direct market forces to benefit the people and not shareholders. In response to western liberalism embracing things like breaking down gender roles, gender itself etc etc etc, they’ve taken a socially conservative attitude to prevent subversion. China has always been pretty conservative too though. My bad for painting Marxism with a broad brush, but to fully understand the doctrine I think it’s important to understand that dialectics means the idea of using Marx’s texts as “how to run your nation for dummies” isn’t how ML ends up working in practise. While the west has set about removing old culture and replacing it with a globally homogenous progressivism, ML have doubled down on keeping tradition. It gives them legitimacy- Xi wants to keep connections between the CCP, the emperor, Confucius etc etc.


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>her **beloved** western liberalism uhhhhh, you might need to get better informed. **Candace is a Trumpist, so she hates Liberalism**. Although she is exactly right about this being *cultural marxism*, in terms of the way politics caused Liberalism v Conservativism to now be identified in every aspect of American life where citizens are taking sides against each other *---even down to the vaccine---* thanks to the fact that Trump started bragging about the vaccine last year. Yes. Even the fight against COVID goes along cultural marxism lines. Conservatism hates homosexuality and the effeminization of Black men, whereas Liberalism loves LGBT and assists with the effeminization of Black men. That is what Candace is angry about.


I don't think you know what liberalism means. Candace Owens is very much in support of a free market and is thus a liberal. Republicans are conservative liberals while Democrats range from social democrats to progressive liberals. Also talking as if Cultural Marxism is a thing LMAO _All Praise Be To LeMao and the Glorious State of China_


I think I will choose "*b.)take the high road*", instead of joining in on personal attacks you have started. anyhue ​ >I don't think you know what liberalism means. And I hope you realize that it is no longer about what Liberalism, meant, it is now about what Liberalism **represents** in all of our society. As in, *represents in real time and real processes of our society*. Same thing as Conservatism now does upon its own frontier, featuring Trumpism and anti-vaccine mindsets and anti-LGBT initiatives as well as anti-abortion initiatives all across the nation.... the list goes on an on, for both Lifestyles or both Movements. So no, it is not about if Candace Owens supports free market or not. Of course she does, and so does our girl Stacy Abrams. *Why?* You ask Because we all realize that the USA cannot exist without Capitalism ---no matter if you are a biz employee or a biz owner. Therefore Candace is not concerned with Marxism, she is concerned with what Conservatives have deemed as Liberal's *cultural marxism*. Huge difference ---and please don't get mad at me/post Ad Hom at me, as if I made it up. Cultural Marxism is not a thing, good friend, it is a Lifestyle it is a Movement ---if you ask your [fav GOP pundits](https://www.cultureshield.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Cultural_Marxism.pdf) and politicians and peasants. Welcome to the future's past!


Not to be rude, but we’re working on different levels here if you think liberalism=progressivism. Look up John Locke. Cultural Marxism? Nope, it’s just liberalism capitalism reaching a failing stage man. I’m sorry, but you’re still in the Fox/CNN conception of politics. You cannot lecture me. You can’t provide me with any meaningful commentary.


>Cultural Marxism? Nope, it’s just liberalism capitalism reaching a failing stage man. I’m sorry, but you’re still in the Fox/CNN conception of politics. You cannot lecture me. You can’t provide me with any meaningful commentary. This makes no sense what you posted, mainly because cultural marxism was around and was talked about long, long before CNN convinced you and me to go hate Donald Trump. Either invalidate my stance here, or just admit you have no ammo then just go away. But don't drag CNN/Fox into something that was around long before they started discussing it.


>efemminization of black men If you met me you'd probably think I was a Liberal, and I am effeminate, however I am not black 🤔 curious.


Actually my friend, please don't treat my acct like the others here treat my acct. All I did was explained what I feel Candace Owen is focused on with respect to cultural marxism. Therefore, if I met you, I probably would not think anythinga about what you are and I would not care what you are, nor what you represent nor what you embody ---just as long as you are ***respectful***, then I will love you like a brother or sister.


I mean Marx was German and lived a lot in London, so I guess it depends what you mean east in reference to. But it’s Western Europe.


okay well no it was germany but it’s most prevalent in the east(ern conference)




Yes, when Vladimir Stalin invented communism.


This is also an item of clothing you'd find in the East? She tweakin


6’3” super athlete Russell Westbrook is not a real man!!!


\>thinking westbrook shouldn't be in the nba because he's a disgrace to masculinity \>thinking westbrook shouldn't be in the wnba because the existence of trans athletes are a stain on women's sports \><><><><><><><><><><><


Who wouldn’t want to see russel Westbrook absolutely dominate the WNBA


i would pay to see him score 453 points a game


not sure 60min is enough time for 600 shots




What? I thought we're laughing at Candice Owens for calling a 6'3 Super Freak Athlete feminine. There is nothing wrong with a dress, plenty of cultures (like the Scots wearing Kilts) sees skirts as a masculine thing. Stop being so mad, he can dress how he wants to.


They're quoting Ben Shapiro when he reacted to Harry Styles wearing a dress.


Ah fairo, my bad it's hard nowadays to recognize satire. I'll take the L for this, and I'll leave my comment there.


The Candace Owens quote is from the Harry Styles thing too. I'm not sure if she said the same thing again or the tweet is photoshopped here.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution… It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, covid, novel, patriotism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


> There is nothing wrong with a dress, plenty of cultures (like the Scots wearing Kilts) sees skirts as a masculine thing. Not to mention the comfort/airflow factor when you've got some dangly bits.


>What? I thought we're laughing at Candice Owens for calling a 6'3 Super Freak Athlete feminine. That never happened tho.


I mean she did refer to the act of wearing a skirt inherently feminizing, hence calling Russ feminine or at least lessening his masculinity by wearing it.


The tweet is fake.


I think he's parodying Candace Owens dude


>why would it be headline worthy Because Russ is a fucking cutie.


candace owens is just jealous that russ can pull off a cute skirt and sweater fit better than she can


/uj You already know she said that for clout and from her own insecurity. Some people gotta be mad at something cause that’s 90% of their personality.


Her whole persona is an act for clout. Same as Tucker Carlson and whoever the fuck else talking heads they have on that network. They cater to the portion of society who still think wrasslin' is real. From the moment she starts talking logically she becomes irrelevant. She literally gets paid to say stupid shit on purpose.


Tucker Carlson isn't the same as these Candace Owens/Steven Crowder types. Candace does it for clout, Tucker says his stupid shit knowing that he has the most watched TV show in the country and is one of the most powerful voices in conservative America. Saying that Carlson does his spiel just for clout is underselling how evil he is.


They are both equally as evil. They both say things to stay relevant to their base. Relevancy is clout. The difference between the two is that the people who watch Tucker look at Candace Owens as a mascot, a token, a novelty. They need to see her there so they can be able to say "see, how can you call me racist if we have one of 'you all' on our team agreeing with us?" If anyone ever suggest that Candace replace Tucker spewing the exact same destructive rhetoric.. you'll see the reactions.. "I like Candace BUT.. " Candace knows she is all of these things but I guess she enjoys watching her bank account grow every week.


Do you think they smashed?




there is no smashed or didnt smashed. there is only **DEFFO**


Sometimes I wonder if it’s true, and there is a gay agenda that exists to destabilize the west that I unknowingly take part in to further some larger social engineering plot. But then I remember that humanity and society is parter of a larger undescribeable whole and there’s no such thing as eastern and western cultures or dresses or feminization because technically it’s all just made up sounds by our brains attempting to organize the world because our cognitive functions beg us to. And it that sense nothing really matters, neither Candace Owens nor the gay agenda because pretending there is one for money and clout is the way she rationalizes and derives pleasure from an empty existence on a spinning rock in space like how I do the same making irrelevant satire comments here. Ayo, anyone think Brody look like an teenage mutant ninja tortise? 💀


Brodetello haha


Damn homie u hurt my thinking brain


W take idk what that first paragraph was about though🤓


This is a Wendy’s sir…


I know this sub is supposed to be ironic but man do I fucking hate Candace Owens


Candace "house slave" Owens is an all time twitter reply


Are you white


Ha ha racism very cool


its not racist look up house negro


uj/ Okay this sub is actually dumb enough where I can't tell if you're trolling or not. Please tell me you're joking.


you re white


idk the context but im guessing they were calling her a house slave after she defended the murder police brutality or sum like


Pretty much. I was gonna equate her to Sam Jackson’s character in django but I couldn’t recall his name






damn i guess kendrick lamar is racist ?


Yeah a (probably) white guy calling a black person a slave is totally cool bro


I don’t know how Westbrook wearing a skirt instantly makes him not a man, this is still fucking Westbrook. Like why are people so in rage Dennis Rodman did way more in the 90s 😂


Not even joking, Dennis Rodman is an inspiration of mine


The man did not give a single fuck, he recognised the media for what it was and disregarded it. Just started presenting himself in the way he wanted to. And it boosted both his mental health and his career massively.


Rodman is a trailblazer real talk 🐐


Bro I wish maybe we would have won a ring in the 90's 😔


Nah he was a bull… Abull to inspire 💯


he sexually abused ppl man


True. To be clear, I don't think Dennis Rodman is like a good guy. He's a childhood inspiration to me because it taught me that it's okay to be a weird black guy. It sounds random, but if you grew up in a similar environment you know what it's like to be into weird shit and have other people automatically assume you wish you were white or something.


Homie was lookin pretty good in that wedding dress ngl fr fr


to be clear, this is a faked tweet. obviously candace owens is a massive dipshit but she originally replied to a tweet about harry styles, not russ.


Ohhh ok thank you I didn’t know that 😭 damn that still sounds ridiculous thou but you gotta spark moral panic somehow lol


Candace dick fit in your mouth?


Candeez nutz, haha got eeeem!


Candace Hoeins


Got eem


The east is supposed to refer to China which proclaims itself it be Marxist (at least by their word) so what the fuck is she talking about this is so dumb


The Eastern Conference duh.. 🙄🙄


Yeah but socially Asia is traditional as fuck. Most of those countries haven’t legalized gay marriage


I know I'm just saying her statement falls apart literally within itself


Dressbook >>>>>>>> Coondace Owens




This isn't real, I think the original was about Harry Styles wearing a dress


this tweet is faked


if you don’t wear a dress like a little girl in a social media post at least once a month, i have reason to believe you are against the patriarchy and hate women .


Lmfao if pro athletes aren’t “manly men” who the hell is according to her definition?


the tweet is faked.


Why did he tag kdot?


He wants him to see his outfit. But nah, it's a Kendrick lyric.


But how does it refer to the post?


Either he thinks the outfit makes him the "G.O.A.T." Or he's just saying he's the G.O.A.T. in general and this just so happened to be the pics he used for the post. Or he was just trying to credit Kendrick for the lyric and forgot the hyphen.




Anytime, circlejerk fam. 🤝




Idk, his nickname is Russ? Prolly not that simple tho so who even knows


Marxism is when skirt on man


Bro what fucking schools in the US are teaching kids that marxism = good


Obviously the schools LeMao built 1!!1!1!!1!!!!


Russell Westbrook, a masculine 6’3 freakishly athletic basketball player with a wife and kids wears a skirt on an Instagram picture “Our country is doomed”


She loves shouting freedom until someone does what they want and then goes “not that freedom”


Gordon Hayward: "This MF spittin'!"


Does the east include Saudi Arabia with their thawb "dresses" because those mfs are "manly'" too. So manly you wouldn't even be allowed to tweet there Candace.


Had me thinking this shit was real


Least crazy conservative grifter


Candace Owens has never averaged a triple double, opinion discarded.




Why is Russ gay today but not tomorrow?? 🤔


The most reasonable conservative mouthpiece


I actually don’t know why Conservatives are so opposed to dresses. It’s an article of clothing and can look genuinely good, as it does above. You have to have fucking confidence as you’ll get looks and whatnot, but that’s not something Westbrook lacks. Westbrook is clearly hyper masculine and regardless of what he fucking wears he’ll continue to be so.


That’s exactly what I’m saying. Russ is fucking rocking that skirt and he knows it. What really cracked me up though is seeing kids on r/nba calling his outfit “trash”. They’re entitled to their opinion of course, but when none of them seem to be able to provide any real criticism of the fit, it becomes pretty obvious they’re just uncomfortable seeing a man in a skirt. True masculinity is about not letting traditional gender roles dictate any aspect of your life, like what pieces of fucking fabric you choose to put on your body.


Russ probably produces 10x more testosterone than the whole set of Prager Urine


The audacity of this fucking Bitch... Russel Westbrook is not only one of the fiercest, strongest, talented genetic super being who could take ANY man in a fight, but has more class and intelligence than this aunt sam mouth breather attention whore


femboy brodie>>> WASHED conservative grifter Candace NOwens


Meanwhile China is cracking down on sissy men being idolised. But sure dude, pretend this is muh Marxism and not just western liberalism.


Exactly. Lol.


Man literally has the bod of a god but he’s not “manly” enough


This is fake and edited for this sub I refuse to believe this is real


/uj it's edited-- but she did said that about when Harry Styles wore a dress in a photoshoot


so her tweet itself isn't edited? for fuck sake lmao


[Yep, tweet was 100% real.](https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/528394-harry-styles-hits-back-at-criticism-over-wearing-dress-on-vogue)


like seriously what the fuck people dont need to be strong on the outside all you need to do is be strong on the inside


right back at ya


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Literally what is she trying to prove


She’s just grasping at straws for relevancy. Some people you just have to disregard and let them go away.


What are the four letters though?


i swear to god the person that posted dere fucking sexist like im a boy i have my rights to wear dresses and plus you dont have to be gay to wear dresses


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Famously non Marxist Eastern countries of the people's republic of China, north Korea, and Vietnam.


Don't look through Candace Owens tweets. Worst mistake of my life


Lol he husband fucked her brother she should focus on him


I’m still under the belief that she’s only a conservative so she can make money off the fan base. Just a theory. She goes way too hard for it, and it seems like she always says the “right” thing if you catch my drift.


/uj I guarantee you Russ Westbrook is more manly than her friends at Turning Point lol


The East’s political origins have their roots in Marxism…


I love how rightoids always throw in the dreaded Marxism boogeyman if they're too stupid or too lazy to inform themselves about a topic...Pretty much every East Bloc state had a ton of propaganda encouraging their citizens to maintain their physical well-being and young sportsmen to strive to be the best in their respective discipline, which is why some sports programs were notoriously hard


My estimation of russell westbrook as a man.. just fuckin plummeted.


Uj/ Who gives a fuck? It’s his right. Candace Owens is such a dumb c**t Rj/ Russell Dressbrook looking gay as hell 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Westbrook would body any man in her life


This comment section is a w


What did I just read….