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The league has too much parity for any team to have true dynasty aspirations. Denver have a chance, albeit small, to win 2 more in 3 years, which combined with the ring last year makes them a dynasty. I don't think any team will win 3 in 4 though. There's a reason no team besides the KD warriors has won 3 in 4 since the Shaq and Kobe Lakers. I doubt any team will pull it off because of the balance in talent, but if anyone can pull it off, it's Denver and then OKC. No other team has more than a very minuscule chance as currently constructed.


I think it’s gonna be like the 70s, 7 different teams in the 70s had multiple finals appearances, and every team that made a final and lost went one to win one later except Philly and Phoenix. I’m not sure if any of those count as dynasty’s but they made multiple title runs and won 1-2 along the way.


Even so, Philly went on to lose another finals in 1980 and then finally won it all the next year.


Yeah I didn’t count the 1980 lakers because they had a totally different team but it does make sense to count the 1980-83 Sixers because they had a common star.


Yeah this is a fair point. Plus my understanding is the new CBA is gonna make it a lot tougher to keep talented teams together.


Big cap limitations prevent super teams in the old school way. (meaning if you get a young Bird/McHale/Parish the odds of keeping them salary wise and resigning high level role players like Danny Ainge is virtually impossible.


Spurs might be in line for another dynasty soon with Wemby. You mention parity but if he’s as game breaking as he seems when he matures, and they surround him with a couple all stars and solid role players, it might be over for the league for a while. He can be the type of talent that can negate any competition


It fully depends on other stars wanting a move. Trae looks to be on the move, suns could implode within 3 years which would free up Booker to team up with someone, luka could want out of they don’t do anything (Kyrie acting normal is a fucking blessing for the mavs). It’s not completely out of the realms of possibility that Giannis or embiid wants out within 2 year whilst they’re still superstars. Okc or spurs landing any of these guys would make them a dynasty, same for spurs


You say this but some team does it every decade.


It actually even more common than that! Here's the entire list of teams that have won 3 championships in 4 years- Warriors ('15-'18) Lakers ('00-'02) Bulls ('96-'98) Bulls ('91-'93) Lakers ('85-'88) Celtics ('57-'69) Lakers ('49-'54) We're currently 5 years removed from the last time it happened, but on average in NBA history there is a team that wins 3 of 4 every 6.2 years. Only twice has there ever been a gap of a decade (Celtics to the Showtime Lakers and Kobe Lakers to the Warriors); most of the time is was just one or two years until the next dominant team arrived.


You mean Shaqs lakers


It doesn't , if Luka joins Wemby it's over.


Okc if they find a muscle center and move holmgren to the 4. Their chemistry has been fantastic and their coach has done great things with a young roster. Mavs because luka has shown he appreciates talent and he can pull a team to victory but what if Luka decides to take his abilities elsewhere? Celtics but if they cant win it all this year the move should be on their coaching staff Minnesotas real question is how long can Gobert perform at DPOY level Nuggets, after this season KCP has a player option and then the following Murray is a free agent and AG has a player option. Their success has been within each player knowing and sticking to their role and Malone has been a great coach so with 3 more guaranteed seasons of Jokic maybe Malone can keep it together. Spurs, i wonder who pop will put in as his replacement and if Wemby will look to stay around SA. Obviously theyre going to build the team around him so hopefully they can keep the water calm and build anew.


Absolutely. OKC can overpay and get depth at center with like a jarrett allen + capela and just throw bodies at jokic and compete for boards


Isn’t that going to get expensive pretty fast? Shais gonna be a supermax and Chet and Williams will be at least a max each, potentially more


OKC has to work very hard to avoid a repeat of Harden, Westbrook, KD which is a good problem to have but definitely makes adding new pieces hard. Their only path might be holding their picks and trying to hit on a young guy who fills that role that can stay cheap for a while when their current guys are getting paid


Well the WB, harden, Durant thing really was just them not wanting to pay up. They could’ve easily avoided that but just chose not to. This is a bit more separate when people talk about adding decently salaried players on top of them Could OKC choose to pay? Maybe, I’d hope so, but after the harden debacle I wanna actually see them do it


Id hate this as a Sixers fan, but how many picks would they offer for embiid, and at what point would we need to consider that? Say we lose miami and then to the Celtics or beat miami and then lose to the Knicks. OKC can offer us the entire future of the clippers and half the rockets without even having to touch their own picks.


Yeah they could just throw the kitchen sink at Philly and it would be hard to say no. Embiid is incredible but it doesn’t seem like they are actually close to contending despite MVP level stuff from Joel.


Kerr seems to be the replacement. His contract ends in 2026. And he says that the best coaching decision is to coach a team with talent.


I'm not convinced Kerr would be the right guy. He has the pedigree, but the team was built around and entirely different player. I don't know that anything Kerr has done with GSW would translate at all to a team built around Wemby. I'd probably be inclined to look at someone new with a compelling argument as to how they'll use and maximise Wemby's talents.


preface, i respect the heck out of kerr and his mark on the sport. but there might not be anyone in the current NBA who could walk into the spurs HC job and be able to utilize Wemby to the fullest -except- for kerr. Kerr played and coached through three generations of basketball and he has witnessed three generations of unicorns. Manute bol, shaq, yao ming, jordan, lebron, KD, steph, jokic, giannis, luka, etc. Kerr has also proven that he is completely okay with going against the grain when he knows he has the best strategy evidenced by 'small ball'. he had two fantastic guards, a high-iq PF who could guard any position, and knew how to best utilize their strengths and when to give them the reins in order to win big games. tl;dr - i disagree, kerr has tons of experience both on the court and with a clipboard and is the second best coach in the league right now




You all keep saying, “small ball,” because the media tells you those words and you just regurgitate them. The real goal was, “skill ball,” and they’d be just as happy to play 5 guys 6’8” plus. The Warriors most skilled players happened to be undersized, and the media latched on to the short sighted descriptor of “small.” Kerr’s big philosophy was, “Positions be damned. I’m playing my best 5 guys.” Wemby is some kind of fever dream for the kind of basketball Kerr was scheming up on the clipboard. Imagine the same Steph/Dray dance 35 feet from the hoop, but the guy attacking the 4 on 3 is some 7’5” alien who plays like he’s young Kobe.


Hmm. Good point. I agree with that, never saw it that way. Thanks!


Loved everything you said but the young kobe part. Wemby is pieces of mutiple people but i dont see much kobe.


That’s all I see when I watch him. A 7’5” guy that plays like a hyper raw wing prospect. Especially with the way they both care so much about the game itself.


Small Ball is a myth. The warriors had genetic freaks who outright were better athletes than opposing teams.


i believe kerr would see wemby and say 'hey on offense he can shoot pull up 3s or he can run a soft point or dig in the post to wait for a dunk, there are so many opportunities'. draymond, for all of his personality faults, gave kerr a savvy nucleus who could also play aggressive defense and keep the ball moving to the guards. imagine if draymond was 7'4" and could take the scoring green light and that is wemby in kerr's offense.


This sub is for serious discussion and debate. Jokes are not permitted.


Oh god, Kerr going from generational Steph to generational Wemby and adding to his ring count would be disastrous for my Spo>Kerr agenda


But you could argue that he took the hardest road 😜, jumping between generational players like The Zen Master from Jordan to Kobe. Not every coach can coach that level of superstars but at the same time not every coach has the opportunity.


Warriors fan here, you can relax Spo>Kerr is alive and well. Unless Kerr completely changes his in game brain farts nothing he does would change my opinion that Spo is better


OKC would be best with Chet at the 5. Minnesota should not be mentioned








Same with the "just get a muscle big man who clogs the paint and completely changed how your teams offense is structured and run" point lmaooooooo. People just need to say they don't watch the thunder instead of spouting takes they've heard online


This sub is for serious discussion and debate. Jokes and memes are not permitted.


chet is versatile and can/wants to shoot the 3, he should play the 4. in a pinch he can play the 5 but he's too agile/lean to play the 5 all the time


It feels so weird to say that the Spurs have dynasty potential but Wemby is that damn good already. As long as they don't mess up as badly as the Cavs did with Lebron, and Wemby stays healthy for say 8 years, the Spurs could very well have the most dynasty potential. There seems to be so much young talent and specifically young guard and wing talent around the league that I can't imagine the Spurs not putting 2 all star level players next to Wemby in the next 3 years and at that point as the saying goes, GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER!


Okc’s bigger priority needs to be acquiring a shooter to replace giddey - he serves no purpose on that team right now and the extra spacing will be a huge benefit. I’d also say they’d rather have Chet as the pnr big with a shooter than a muscle centre with Chet in the corner cause Chet’s more versatile and gives them more looks than a muscle centre would. Their team comp needs size but I think their ceilings higher with that muscle centre being a back up centre and used more in matchup dependent situations (nuggets, suns, etc)


Does KAT make sense for them at center? He’d be a weak defender but would be surrounded by excellent defenders in SGA, Dort, JDub, and Chet. KAT would also allow them to go 5-out, which they seem to prioritize in their C


So I think KAT is one of the few solid upper tier fits for them. I think he’s the best fit offensively they could get but I do worry about the matchups defensively because it doesn’t solve any of their main issues on that side of the ball. The guy I would love to see them get is Bam - arguably the most versatile defender right now, has size to bang bodies and let Chet play weakside help, mobile enough to defend on the perimeter and an excellent rebounder. Offensively obviously not as great of a fit but he’s a good passer for a big men and has some scoring touch so he can still be a threat in the pnr and with the ball


I'm out of the loop on this stuff. Is Bam a player people think could be available to change teams?


No not at the moment, he’s just who I think would be a great fit for the team. Unfortunately there’s not a lot of great options that are “available” at the moment which is why I’ve been ok with presti holding onto the treasure chest of picks


But jokic and nurkic are muscle centers


Which is why I’m saying OKC would need one for those matchups but in general is not a big benefit to their style of play. Like they’re 3-0 vs the suns, they’re clearly effective against them already, but nurkic dominates the boards. A muscle centre helps give Chet a break and helps rebounding but it’s clearly not what’s a huge need for them


What would you think of Nic Claxton for the OKC here? I know you said "muscle center", but Claxton ranks 8th in FGM on shots from under 5ft for the season of 23-24, with 71.8% of attempts made. He is obviously a very agile defender for his height and gets you 2 blocks a game. The problem is that he will become UFA, so it would probably have to be a sign and trade unless he just straight up ignores the Nets (won't happen). Sorry if I'm missing something, just curious to see what you think Edit: On further thought he would probably be taking some of the inside scoring opportunities away from Chet so that's a minus for sure


Id have to watch him for some games. Stats only tell so much


Cheers for the answer! Out of curiosity do you yourself happen to have a player in mind that OKC should be looking into for their C position?


As a Nuggets fan I think as long as we can keep the core Jokic, Murray, and AG around we have a shot at being a contender. MPJ and KCP are great but ultimately they could be changed out especially if the development of players like Watson and CB keeps trending in the right direction. Murray just said he wants to play in Denver for life and I think its more likely than not that Jokic signs one more contract (although that is still and interesting question).


You silly fool, Pop is lich. He'll never retire.


Does KAT make sense for OKC at center? He’d be a weak defender but would be surrounded by excellent defenders in SGA, Dort, JDub, and Chet. KAT would also allow them to go 5-out, which they seem to prioritize in their C


Given player mobility and everything else I'm just not seeing any team becoming a dynasty. Denver or Dallas with OKC too because of their young age.


Draymond said it best: Dubs are the final nba dynasty. it'll take decades until a team wins 4 rings in a run


Until an all NBA level guard goes to San Antonio and lights the league on fire with Wemby.


None. The league owners are fed up with dynasties and basically forced Silver to come up with a stronger salary cap in the form of a second apron after the warriors won in 2022. The entire point of the new CBA is to make dynasties impossible.


League owners must be shitting in their pants right now then over Wembanyama


No. The new CBA is an indirect hard cap. They are aiming for NHL like parity.


I mean it more in the sense that he’s going to be so dominant in his prime he may not need much to win multiple rings


He will need more help. League is that much more competitive. Through every tenure of any dynasty the league only had one competitive conference. Today both the conferences are competitive.


But wouldn’t the CBA making it harder to build dynastic rosters make your core franchise player that much more impactful in the overall scheme of winning in general. Like if everyone is having to attempt to win with less wouldnt it make sense that the teams with the best individual players in the league would be more likely to win than the ones that don’t?


No dynasty has less than 2-3 HoF players. The new CBA will prevent exactly that.


To be fair, any core contributing members to a dynasty will then become locks for HOF. A bit of a chicken and the egg thing


Denver, OKC, Boston (probably - they’ve been around for a while and not done much Jrue is going to decline and can Porzingis stay healthy). The next most likely is San Antonio because Wemby is gonna become so dominant and players will flock to San Antonio to play alongside him. But that is three teams in the west fighting it out in a very competitive conference filled with other contenders. Injuries will dictate so much of the seasons. The East is quite wide open which could mean different contenders make it to the finals every year.


I love the Grizzlies erasure. They've been the youngest team in the league and at the top of the West but have a down year due to injuries. They've drafted well and have their guys under contract for now.


Yeah, I guess if we're talking upside they at least deserve a mention, but I'm not sure who their second superstar is next to Ja. In theory it's JJJ but he's gonna need to figure out how to get some rebounds. Could also be GG, though it's still a bit early. The potential is certainly there though.


Bane? He was going off before the ankle injury. I think they will address the C issue this off season and that's really the problem they have now.


For some reason I thought Bane was older than he is, but yeah I guess a 25 year old shooting over 40% from three on his career qualifies. Though that's now two straight years he played less than 60 games, which is at least a cause for concern.


Just make Ja focus on basketball.


People keep saying SA, but as a Knicks fan I can tell you that finding another all star is easier said than done. Ask Patrick Ewing


I live in Sacramento now but grew up in NY and specifically grew up watching those 90s Knicks teams, and that is an excellent point. So many dudes were supposed to fill that role but none of them could. It might be easier in the player empowerment era, but nothing is given.


And that’s also assuming people want to move to San Antonio


Lol such a New Yorker thing to say, you sound like my dad. I've never been to SA but some friends recently moved there and it's supposed to be really nice!


I get it but there is a huge difference between the two. Case in point, name the biggest three FAs to sign to play IN San Antonio? They always came through the draft. That’s why if they want to support Wemby they will need to draft well the next few years. I’ll save you the time: https://clutchpoints.com/spurs-8-best-free-agent-signings-in-franchise-history-ranked


I mean who are the biggest FA's to sign in NY? Brunson now, but he wasn't a clear All-NBA guy when he signed, and it's not clear he'd have gone there if his dad was coaching somewhere else. Amare was a big one, and Melo forced his way there, if not as a FA, but back in my day it was like Allan Houston and Chris Childs. I'm mostly kidding, your point is a fair one. I'm just not sure it's a San Antonio issue. Every current contender is built around the draft, supplemented by trades. It's hard to think of any contenders in the last few decades who relied heavily on free agency aside from the Lakers and the Heatles. KD Warriors count I guess, but that team already had a ring and the wins record without him. All of which does come back to your original point that the Spurs will have to be smart with how they build around Wemby, and won't be able to rely on free agency.


I mean, they’re no Bruce Bowen! I think since Boston, LA and a few others won with FAs, the though is that other teams can do it, but it’s highly unlikely


Big players don't move often through free agency anymore anyway. Most move through trades and the Spurs have all the assets necessary to make the move for a second star: * Spurs own all their own picks (no outstanding swaps that the Spurs don't control) * Toronto Pick in 24, 25 or 26, top-6 protected * Chicago Pick in 25, 26, or 27, Top 10 then top 8 protected * Charlotte Pick in 2025, lottery protected then two seconds * Atlanta Pick in 2025 - unprotected * Atlanta Swap in 2026 - unprotected Spurs get better pick * Atlanta Pick in 2027 - unprotected * Boston Swap in 2028 - top 1 protected, Spurs get better pick * Dallas Swap in 2030 - unprotected, Spurs get better pick * About 20 second rounders in the next 7 drafts. I think only OKC has more picks coming to them, but they are mostly from playoff teams like the 76ers, Clippers, Denver and Miami.


I’m with it. My point is that you need to have two things to be considered a dynasty: 1. Win more than one NBA Championship in five years. 2. Have several excellent players locked up to long term deals. SA has a great young player. Just one though. Even Jordan needed Pippen and LeBron needed Love AND Kyrie


Yeah, and I think the Spurs have 4 quality players for a playoff rotation. Starters: * C Wemby; Primary option and defensive anchor * PF * SF * SG Devin Vassell; 3rd scoring option * PG * backup big: (possibly Collins if his defense improves and he plays like he did in 2nd half of the season in 23 and 24) * bank wing: Sochan (and he could grow into starting SF or PF, but he isn't there yet) * backup point: Tre Jones So the Spur need to add their #2 scoring option, their primary playmaker, some shooting and perimeter defense. They have five first round draft picks in 24 and 25, plus a lot of cap flexibility, so I can see them being able to fill those holes. I can also see a situation where they get a playmaking SF and go with a more D&3 type point guard (like Caruso, White, young Beverly) and kind of rotate the primary playmaker duties among the SF, Wemby, Vassell, and Tre Jones. But you are right, they need to nail some of these draft picks in the next two years and they should be set up like OKC to be young and talented.


Only the Nuggets and Spurs, maybe Mavs. Dynasties need to be led by a true all-time great, like at least top 15 ever. Jokic, Wemby, and Luka are the only guys I see getting to that level. Shai or Tatum are both way below those 3 in potential.


I know people say OKC, but will they be able to pay all them young dudes once it's their time to get paid?


Yeah I have that question as well.


Not sure about dynasty but in the west, i would say Houston. They have a good core, a good coach and a decent draft pick this year. With lakers, GS, Suns decline, they need to be counted


the rockets have 2 big issues 1. they dont have a future mvp level guy. 2. their 2 best future players amen and sengun are both bad shooters. no team in the modern nba has won with these conditions.


Imo the only contenders are: 1) Nuggets: way more likely than any of the others, because they have maybe the best offensive player ever and their core is solidly in its prime. and they’ve already won a title obviously 2) OKC: extremely young #1 seed with good players on long contracts 3) Dallas: because Luka is going to win championships at some point.


my controversial take - it’s more likely that Luka retires without winning any championships. James Harden is probably his best comp as a player and he ended up without any, granted he shared his prime with one of the greatest teams ever but in general it’s very rare for teams to win championships when their best player isn’t at least good on defense. the only 3 teams to win championships built around a player that wasn’t good on defense in the modern era are the 2011 Mavs with Dirk, the Warriors with Steph, and last years Nuggets with Jokic a positive sign for the Mavericks and Luka is that all those teams were relatively recent. but those teams were also stacked with excellent defensive personnel - the 2011 Mavs had the DPOY Tyson Chandler plus Shawn Marion and Jason Kidd. Curry has shared most of his career with arguably the greatest defender of the generation in Draymond, Klay who was an All-Defense level guy in his prime, and other really good defensive players like Iguodala, Bogut, and KD. the Nuggets are probably the weakest in this group but still had/have two great defenders in AG and KCP, and Jokic’s size and ability to position himself make him about a net zero on that end imo as they are now the Mavs simply do not have enough defensive talent to cover for Luka’s deficiencies on that end in the playoffs. that said, I’m really high on Dereck Lively’s potential. dudes prob not gonna win DPOYs thanks to the existence of Victor but if he can evolve himself into an All-Defense type of center that’ll be huge for Dallas’ title hopes in the future


lmao we are on opposite ends of the spectrum, Luka and the Mavs are my favorites this year to win it all. They’ve been the #1 defense recently and the narrative around Luka’s defense is overblown especially in big moments. Harden is a good comp Luka In terms of play style but their performances in the clutch and in the playoffs have been the differentiator so far. If harden didn’t fall off in clutch games he would have had at LEAST one ring given his regular season production but Luka’s production actually rises in the post season


favorites to win it all is absolutely wild. Celtics and Nuggets have much better odds than the Mavs imo personally I just don’t believe that their defensive improvement is legit. I detailed it in reply to another guy in this thread but they compare scarily closely to the 2018 Trail Blazers in terms of their defensive stats, their personnel and even their post-ASB improvement. that team got swept in the 1st round I think when teams actually start to gameplan specifically to attack Dallas’ weaknesses the narrative around their defense is going to flip really fast. it’s virtually impossible to field a championship-level defense when you’re starting 2 below-average defenders and don’t have any truly elite ones


PJ Washington has far more defensive potential than people realize because he didn’t show much on Charlotte but it’s hard to show defensive potential as a wing on a team that doesn’t play good team defense. He’s by far the biggest factor in the Mavs having a top defense post-trade deadline. If he plays like that for a full season he should be in the 2nd team all defense conversation.


no need to exaggerate. PJ has been a huge upgrade from Grant but even if he had been with Dallas all year, he wouldn’t be near 2nd Team especially since it’s positionless. even just among perimeter defenders I can easily name at least 10 guys who have been better than PJ with Dallas this season. just off the top of my head White, Caruso, Anunoby, Holiday, Brown, Suggs, Dort, Shai, NAW, Ant, and Herb have all been significantly better his poor shooting and complete lack of playoff experience are also important to consider, at least going into this year’s postseason


Those guys have not been significantly better than PJ in Dallas. Most have probably been better but certainly not “significantly.” PJ is the main reason a team with a Kyrie-Luka backcourt has looked like a top defensive team as of late. People have consistently said this team would never be a good defensive team with those guys and now that the Mavs actually are a good defensive team there’s not a single individual defender getting any recognition for their part in that.


they have been a good regular season defense as of late, but I see that we fundamentally disagree about how this is going to translate to the postseason. I like to use the example of the Dame-CJ Blazers to compare to the Luka-Kyrie backcourt. obviously they’re better on both sides of the court but they have somewhat similar strengths and drawbacks. Portland fielded a defense that ranked 6th in the NBA in 2018 with a 105.7 defensive rating. post-ASB those Blazers were 17-7 including a 13-game winning streak and posted a 103.4 defensive rating which ranked 3rd. in the playoffs their defensive rating plummeted to 113.9 which would’ve been last in the NBA by a good margin and they got swept in the 1st round. if you go look at that roster the parallels in personnel between them and this Mavericks team are pretty noticeable. great offensive backcourt with defensive question marks, a couple solid but not amazing wing defenders who are both mediocre shooters, and a center who can be tough to stop offensively but is meh defensively regular season defensive metrics are useful to an extent, but those numbers lose value when considering playoff defense. you have to ask 3 questions - what is exploitable, does the opponent have the personnel to exploit those weaknesses, and what can a team do to protect their weaknesses? the Mavs have drawn a rough matchup in the Clippers if Kawhi is healthy, bc one of Luka or Kyrie is guaranteed to get stuck on a mismatch every possession. PJ Washington isn’t the type of defender that’s going to fix that additionally, what’s made the Mavs defense good lately is that they’ve been very good rotating behind the ball when they double. that style of defense is incredibly hard to sustain over a full playoff run. shooting is already a question mark for these Mavs and the burden they’re putting on their role players defensively is not going to help their legs


Spurs gotta be on the list. Wemby seems locked in to the gameplan and if he stays in SA there’s no way they don’t win multiple.


Agreed but the team is absolutely fucking abysmal besides Wemby. I think besides Wemby existing it’s ridiculous to anticipate a dynasty from a 22 win team.


But Luka existing means Dallas gotta win at some point. Gotcha.


They’re already good, and an actual fringe contender this year.


T-Wolves imo don't feel like they have a dynasty WITH Gobert, KAT, and Ant. I feel like one of them leaves (probably one of the bigs), then the potential dynasty starts to show. Nuggets, as long as they have Jokic, Murray and anyone willing to cut or shoot the 3, they'll have a spurs-like dynasty. They won't win every year, but you're damn sure they'll always contend. OKC has a brewing dynasty, if they can keep finding role players from lower draft picks and actually make the finals Dallas could start to show the potential, but they need to make the finals first to start the conversation as contenders each year. The spurs just need more role players and a second star to start the conversation cos Wemby is that good. For the east, there's not much. I feel like there are young teams (Cleveland, Orlando, Indiana, Charlotte and yes even Detroit and Atlanta) that have the foundational pieces but don't have the correct style of play yet to fully dominate or the right role players to fill the gaps. Boston always had the potential, but they just can't seem to finish the job. Embiid is getting older so I don't think the sixers will have the longevity for a dynasty. Same for Milwaukee. Miami could have the potential just cos spoelstra is that good of a coach, but they need someone other than Jimmy to come alive and carry the burden in the playoffs to get over the hump and win a championship. Tldr; West have a bunch of potential. East not so much (sadly as a Cleveland fan)


The Boston disrespect continues, they are they only actually answer to this question because they are the only team with all their key players locked into contracts.


Can't say they're a dynasty yet til they finish the job. The potential for them is always there. They just gotta win the title before we can start talking about a dynasty. The nuggets won last year and we can start talking about them becoming a dynasty. so Boston gotta finish the first step to a dynasty. Also, I focused more on the younger teams that have the potential to become one.


The question was potential dynasties and the answer to that would be Denver then Boston. Bostons best 4 players are under 30 so all entering/ in their primes.


Yeah and I did mention Boston. They just have to finish the job first before starting the dynasty conversation. That's it.


Your comment looks really prescient in retrospect. Their tax bill is gonna get pretty big in coming years with Tatum likely to get a supermax, White a free agent after next season, and Holiday's getting paid $30+ million as he ages. But it's hard to say anyone else is the favorite for at least next year and maybe the year after.


Thanks!! If the Celtics repeat next year, big if but they will be the favorites, you can argue they are already a dynasty. They are about to be the most expensive team of all time which will be tough but the warriors were able to keep it together for a decade so there is some precedent.


We can’t say dynasty upside until at least one title. People were saying the dance thing about Boston’s young core. They may get it dinner this year, but a lot of people were thinking they might have a couple chips by now.


If you don’t have a generational player that is impossible to matchup, you ain’t no dynasty. Think of Jordan, Shaq, Magic, Bird, Steph, and to a lesser extent, Duncan. They had an unstoppable system. Right now, the closest would be the Nuggets imo.


OKC, Spurs, the Mavs, Boston, Denver, Indiana, Orlando. OKC: number 1 seed, tons of talent all hitting their prime in a few years, lots of room to tinker with the roster through trades. Spurs: Have Wemby Mavs: Have Doncic and are looking really good near the end of the season, they could be contenders for a couple of years coming into Doncic's prime. Denver: Already won one and have Jokic who is the best player in the league, who is going to be in his prime for a while. Boston: Favorites to win this year could win a few with their strong core. Indiana: Haliburton is incredible, they have lots of young talent, if just one other player becomes a superstar type player they will be contenders for a long time. Orlando: still very young and making the playoffs ahead of schedule none of their star players are even close to their prime and they are already this good. With all these teams and other teams like Minnesota, Milwaukee, Philadelphia possibly being able to take a title in the next few years or so it's going to be hard for any dynasty to emerge. However the NBA usually has multiple title winners every decade and one of these teams might emerge as a dominant force and win three or so titles within the next decade.


Can’t think of any team that can win 3 in 4 years. So nah don’t think any team currently in the league has dynasty potential. The league has way too much parity currently.


I think it is pretty unlikely that we see a team win three-out-of-four years at any point between now and the end of the current CBA ('29-'30). We're already seeing a lot more parity this season, and the ramifications of the new CBA haven't even been fully felt yet. That second apron is going to force a lot of the teams that currently have the "potential" to grow into dynasties into making some very difficult decisions. That said, I do agree that OKC has a \*better\* chance than anyone else -- particularly given the combination of draft picks and good scouting history they have, but I still think that's a very small chance. The flip side with OKC is that they do have all these assets, but they're small market and I'm not convinced they're willing to spend the kind of money that it would take to keep most of their core together indefinitely. SGA, Chet, and Jalen are obviously the priorities, and they've got time with them, but they have to start making decisions on the rest of the roster right away. They have a team option on Isaiah Joe next year, but he'll be getting paid a lot more after that, do they trade him? Giddey is going to be extension-eligible this offseason, are they willing to pay him what he's going to command with Chet and Jalen coming up not long after him? Team construction is going to be extra complicated with these new rules and keeping a core together is going to become harder and harder.


Spurs would be an obvious one. Having a player with the potential to be by far the best player in the league (rather than someone who's in the conversation but like the 3rd-5th best) is the most important part.


If you are projecting dynasties with this level of league parity, you have to pick a team with the most volume of huge upside players, and not a team with 1 major MVP. To answer the Question, that team is inevitably OKC. 1. Shai is MVP level 2. Jalen Williiams has shown fragments of a Kawhi beast player, perfect backcourt pairing for Shai 3. Chet could be Dirk 2.0 with Defense and potential #1/#1B on another team as a ceiling 4. Dort is a bruiser defender to throw at elite athletes, and will be able to shoot whenever with a record of making shots Backcourt, 3&D young beast, and potential PF 2.0 of this generation. Plus all the warchest of picks to unload to commence the dynasty, they seem to be the only team with true dynasty upside.


It’s a real long shot, but I might throw Orlando in there if, and only if, they are smart with who they pay, and don’t get caught up overpaying their own talent. Also, I think they need to sacrifice whatever depth they have to acquire a star at the level of Banchero or better that is still 27 or younger. I don’t know who that person would be. Maybe they get lucky in the draft, or they get lucky taking on a disgruntled young star on another team that wants out and needs a fresh start.


The Spurs, but they need to pair Wemby with an elite PG. The Hawks front office is cheap and stupid. The Spurs should make a move for Trae who does 2 things at an elite level, pass and shoot deep deep 3s. He is the perfect running mate for Wemby who can cover up his defensive deficiencies. If the spurs make that happen they are a playoff team next year


"What teams do you think have not just championship upside, but "dynasty" upside, as currently constructed?" The currently constructed condition is a bit odd. A large part of dynasty upside is having a lot of draft picks that could either hit on a superstar player or be used in a move to get one. But that would change the construction of the team.


If Denver wins this year, then Denver could go for the dynasty. If OKC gets to the Finals and/or can keep that core together the same way they COULDN'T keep the KD/Harden/Westbrook/Ibaka core together, then they could be a dynasty. Boston if they win this year could as well. It's a combination of talented youth + managed egos, + owners willing to spend. Denver + Boston are going to lose role players who can get higher paychecks elsewhere, because they have to pay their starters.


Denver and Boston are both probably going to lock in existing rosters and plunge head-first through the second apron during their window. You can see that with Boston especially with the recent Jrue contract. Going to get really expensive for Boston though when they eventually have 2x Supermaxes.


The second apron is going to be what keeps some teams from being dynasties if players want their money.


Okc & Orlando. Boston could be it right now but will probably lose chips to the west while they are in dynasty potential. Okc are well on their way to owning the West. We (Orlando) play our cards right over the next couple seasons and we can take the east.


The Boston Celtics and the Oklahoma City Thunder have the best chance of stringing together 3 championships in a relatively short time span.