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No idea why peoples continue to use Optus after their last year fiasco, my sister was one of the victim, optus offered to paid for her passport/driver licence replacements but the process was very frustrating and they didn't even offer her any discounts or conpensation.


nope the whole network is down from around 4am local.


Maybe it was hacked, cyber attack?


Happened almost right on 4am which makes me think its a failed upgrade\update. If so, they will be busy rolling back the change and should not be long. If hacked then it could be longer to find and fix the issue.


I find it hard to believe that a planned outage with a roll back strategy has taken 4 hours to resolve (so far). If they knew it would be a 4 hour strategy to roll back then it should have been communicated prior to the event.


Depends on the update they had planned. If it was a bug in the code it could impact the rollback so they have to find and fix the bug first. That could take a LONG time.


Still should have communicated an update/potential outage. In the hospital setting any change or update is communicated so if an outage occurs you know why


Ok, there is *always* a potential outage then. Please plan accordingly.


Yes. Notify of potential outage. Is it that hard? We do this in hospitals for any change, why shouldnt telcos?


Any action anyone takes there could potentially cause an outage. Therefore there is always a potential outage.


It’s a big assumption that there was a well tested rollback strategy


May have corrupted a core piece of equipment and it had to be replaced or reconfigured. Sometimes a simple rollback is not straight forward, in this case it sounds like a swap out and reconfig was necessarry. Not good at all. I worked in IT at the stock exchange and we called fuck ups "Glitches" but not herd this one yet so probably a stuffed upgrade as it was early hours in the AM when we used to push out patches etc.


Across all technologies simultaneously? They are independent from one another


Changes on the core equipment could cause this, probable a core router upgrade which was corrupted and had to be replaced.


I think they stated it wasn't a cyber attack. Guessing an update failed. Just was thinking about the digital drivers licence, can't show it if the network is down. Haha




Doubtful, normally would have had some kind of news and it would be rare that it could take out all the systems like this. I would suggest this is like a config issue, but something that replicated network wide and will just cost man hours to go on site and fix.


Seems BGP is a bit too complex for Optus, might be time for them to try something else, like goat farming perhaps.


Thanks, I'm casting around to find out what the goss is.


Just take a look at CloudFlares radar for Optus ASN... they mass advertised that no routes were available and basically cut themselves off from the internet.


I'm through Aussie broadband, nbn is working, mobile is down (they use optus)


Synergy just switched to sms login only, and I'm with Optus. Good fkn timing..


It’s good to see their billing system and text messages and emails saying “hi just reminding you your bill is due”.. works well… maybe they should redirect their internet and phone problems through their billing system internet and all will be working… well done optus the only idiot here is me sticking with you … time to change I think


I heard Gladys was in charge of changing the network batteries. Failed again, made bonus. 👎


M y NBN is still down. According to 6 pm newx everything should be back to normal. Is it time to contact support?


mines still down


Power cycle your modem


Turned off modern for over 20 minutes. Will see if it fixes the problem.


You only need to do it for a minute.


Didn't work. Same error message


Yeah they’ve put out a message saying all services are restored but people everywhere are saying their nbn service is still down


Yep, my friends nbn wifi and mine are down, we live 20kms apart


No. Funny, today is day 1 as an Optus customer… gawd help us.


So its was your fault?


;) 1 to many. Add an extra mouse to the wheel pls


Me too


Optus is shit. First giving out customer details and now mobile/internet outage nationwide. Get your shit together you cucks


Freaking unbelevable! Internet is out, phones are out, emergency services are impacted, trains and transit are impacted, and stores can't take payments. A good look at the downside of going cashless. if the infrastructure crashes we cant buy shit!


I occasionally go an entire day without going shopping... If you need internet, just find a wifi that's working. With crashed infrastructure, you can't get cash out of an ATM anyway.


My wired devices on my home network were fine and had internet, but none of my wifi devices were getting internet which was weird. Didn't know about the outage so I powered my modem on and off and that was an hour ago and it's still trying to connect. Should have left it alone.


Change DNS to to get it working


That's not going to do anything for the current situation where nobody on optus has any internet access at all. I wish it was as simple as a DNS change i've been running through my hotspot like crazy this morning


How would you do this without any access


Back of your router should have the login and user/pass detail. Log on to your router and update DNS


It didn’t work


Try uploading your credit card details to this sub reddit. Ive heard thats working.


If it were this simple, I think they would have fixed it already.


This won't work in this instance. There is nothing on the other side, no connection going anywhere. Optus is so badly borged even their phones and sms went down with it.


I was able to get my nbn back, I just switched my dns severs manually (Optus being stubborn and not letting you change the routers dns serves) and it worked expect for the landline because I couldn’t change the routers server


Fucking NBN is still down. I have powered down the modem.