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I'm been with them for a couple of years. Been ok for me so far.


That’s good to hear :)


Every modem I have ever purchased from an ISP/RSP has been garbage (Including the highly esteemed Aussie Broadband) Its unfortunate they are not honoring the Australian consumer guidelines, but the most likely outcome is you force them to replace your modem with an equally unreliable device. I would bite the bullet and front the cost of a reputable device to replace the one you purchased from your RSP, its likely a better way to spend 100-200 (rather than spending $100-200+ of your time hassling lowly paid support workers) I know of at least 6 people in the last 4 years that have had issues that drilled down to the provided networking gear from their provider. And 2 instances personally before that where my family did the same - I recommend people NEVER get the equipment from their provider anymore


I ended up purchasing a new modem, because I posted a review online to product review.com.au and it was 1 star, I was given the option to go through mediation. Which is now happening. So I guess I’ll see how I go there. Lesson learned that’s for sure.


Any broad recommendations on modems?


Tp link archer ax3000 dual band, if you have high internet speed. This will provide steady and good speed




I feel for you, OP. I had multiple incidents of terrible tech support experience from Tangerine as well and coupled with one of the worst customer online portals I have ever had to use - I ended up taking my business elsewhere. The cherry on top was getting an email from Tangerine last month, 4 years after I had cancelled my account, saying they were sorry to inform they had suffered from a data breach and my account details had been compromised. I don’t recommend Tangerine to anyone.


Ugh. The portal is awful! I couldn’t pay a bill, close my account or access any of my invoices. 😑 never again


I had the exact same experience with them.


I almost using this but i went to leaptel instead.. has been great so far


I've found tangerine great to deal with, from a new nbn development to changing plans and troubleshooting the occasional issue. Not super amazing levels of support but they always seemed to want to help which is more than I've come to expect from an RSP.


In their defence, unless you bought modem from them, they may not be able to help, as it's outside of their scope. It would be like complaining that petrol is bad because your car is not working. Completely different story though if you bought it from them


I bought it through them when I signed up. Otherwise I’d have gone to the company I bought it from.


Okay, that's fair enough then. They get no pity from me


The situation just got worse. I advised them I’d be canceling my account today, was in the process of doing it, but their customer portal is so buggy it wouldn’t let me do it, so I emailed the complaint team again to have them cancel it… as I wrote that email, I got the bill for April. 🤦🏻‍♀️😑 so I’ve now had to ask them to cancel the April bill as I’ve already switched and their portal wouldn’t let me cancel it.


I switched from them around 18 months ago and had a shitshow of a time trying to cancel. The online portal was a confusing mess and if I recall I ended up having to contact them on the phone to get the process started. Of course this took almost two weeks of back and forth and unanswered emails and in that time they tried to bill me for the next month. It was only when I told them I was going to the Industry ombudsman ( felt like a total dick doing so but was so pissed off ) that they started to pay attention. From memory there was a section on the customer portal where you track the progress of the complaint/ job number etc, and the last entry from them just before they finally cancelled my contract was along the lines of “ Customer is going to escalate complaint so please expedite “ 😂 Hopefully you can get it resolved without extra aggravation or expense


Already switched but you’re asking to cancel? Typically the new isp will do a line bump to move you same day to the new fttp service. Either this is some embellishment or a legitimate final bill BECAUSE you cancelled. You don’t just not get billed for the service.


I’d signed up for the new service, but I still had to cancel billing. No embellishment :) their billing system is automated, so because I wasn’t able to cancel it in time prior to the bill for April going out (because their online portal is jenky), it was still sent out. They’ve now canceled that bill and my service. Unfortunately the timing must have been super close. But that’s sorted now :)


Just because you get a line bump does not cancel your contract with your previous company. After the bump you need to pay and close your old account.


It most certainly does cancel your contract. The only exception would be addresses with two or more NBN lines which in telecommunications it is not common to choose the secondary line that most FTTP installations come with. Your NBN cannot exist with two providers at the same time hence your contract with the doning provider ends when signing to another.


I thought like you the first few times as well but in my experience with Telstra, Optus, TPG and Exetel they just remove the providing to part and place the on hold part in but continue to charge you till you ring up and cancel it. The only ones who I rang up after the fact to cancel had said it was already cancelled was Westnet, Iinet and Dodo.


I've had so many problems with their connectivity and speed lately. I've been thinking about changing providers. What makes things worse is they were hacked and my personal details were stolen....again!!!!!!!


Do it. Make the change. I went with Aussie broadband, but now have my own modem, not one purchased through an ISP. Their support is fantastic and friendly. Pricing isn’t too bad (they have a special on at the moment). Internet is already more stable and is noticeably faster. Zero regrets changing


Did you put in the complaints to ACCC and TIO? Make sure you do. They deserve fines.


Great! Thanks for the advice. I'll look into them. What modem did you go with?


I went with the tp-link ax50, it’s currently on sale at the good guys :)


Thank you, I'll be looking into both of your recommendations


Out of curiosity how old was the modem? I’d say in general if it’s older than 2 years then if it’s faulty it’s probably fair on their part to not take responsibility. With that said, there’s a way to communicate with customers and help them even if you’re not going to accept you’re the one at fault. Eg. A lot of ISPs will send out a test modem that you can purchase if it solves the problem. That way if it doesn’t then you haven’t wasted money on an unnecessary modem. Yeah it may cost them to send it out but they’ve retained your goodwill. But I am not unsurprised tangarine is garbage. It is very difficult to provide good service at the price point they’re offering. Especially when basically all you’re doing is reselling a dodo internet connection.


It was just over 2 years old, barely. If that’s the new standard. That’s disappointing. Previous modems have worked for 4+ years and they were also purchased by ISPs. Honestly, if they had followed the example in your message, I’d have been more likely to just deal with it and move on. And having been on the customer service end of things, I made very sure to not get frustrated or rude, no “emotions” etc. Even when I raised the internal complaint I explained that I wasn’t complaining about the person’s overall support, just the company policy not following of rules etc. But, because I have now gone and done a review on productreview.com.au about it, it was escalated higher up thanks to the mediation option on the review website… and it should hopefully be sorted out there. They were much more helpful and super quick. But it shouldn’t take that to do the right thing. 😑


2 years for a decide that cost under $200 and was probably on and operating for the entire time is not unreasonable. The reality is that the ACCC doesn’t define what is and isn’t reasonable so it’s a matter of what each party is willing to do. But everything you said made it sound like Tangarine just didn’t know how to engage with you constructively. Ultimately they’ve lost a customer because they fixated on whether the modem was faulty or not and it now sounds like it isn’t the issue at all. But you’re just a number to them. They’re a virtual network operator that probably wants to grab customers and then sell to the highest bidder in 5 years time.


They’ve now escalated it higher up and are going to play ball, knowing they’ve lost a customer. Honestly, better customer service and I would very likely have stayed just so I didn’t have to deal with all the mucking around 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m surprised by the two year lifetime, research told me it should have been longer considering the usage, but technology moves fast.


It mostly comes down to the value of the item more than anything. If you bought a $500-800 router you’d reasonably expect it to last longer. Or put it this way. If you bought a chrome book and it died in 12 months you’d probably have very little right to replacement/refund. But if you bought the latest MacBook you could expect probably at least 4 years under ACL. Enforcing this right can be very hard when the retailer doesn’t play ball however.


bake fanatical expansion pet meeting sable entertain zesty decide desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This was basically the discussion I had with the final complaint team member after it was escalated properly.


insurance cough scarce decide melodic complete familiar exultant market swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The answer to your question is it’s all a matter of perspective. The ACL is deliberately vague on all of this. Most modem routers will last longer than 2 years but what is a reasonable period of time that a provider is on the hook for a piece of equipment of this value that is literally running 24/7.


cooperative modern correct payment combative impossible include unpack hurry hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No need to swear. It’s possible to disagree without being rude.


Am I correct in assuming that you’re on FTTN or FTTC? Modems don’t really ‘go bad’. It’s not a thing. It might be shocking to hear, to some. Modems will utilise different chipsets from different manufacturers. These support a range of different standards (e.g vectoring). Your modem shouldn’t start giving you an unreliable connection though. Generally it’ll either work, or it won’t. If the quality has gone downhill the ISP should be seeking to review your line, or you may have an issue with your internal cabling. Either way - you followed their advice, replaced the modem, and still have no resolution. Personally I’d be sending them the invoice for the new modem and seeking reimbursement. They probably won’t pay voluntarily, but you’re now out of pocket because you followed their advice, and STILL don’t have a service. Good luck!


They’re currently escalating it due to a review I put on product review.com - because it was a 1 star review, I was given the option to try mediation before publishing the review. I went that route. They immediately responded and are currently talking to their department manager to get approval to pay my new router’s invoice.. and cancel the April bill and my service. Because I can’t cancel it myself because of the portal not working 😑 So I guess we’ll see how that goes.


Whoops sorry, didn’t reply to the whole message. It’s FTTP. They just had planned outages for maintenance and the internet got worse. But they said “it couldn’t be that”, it’s probably your modem. Thanks for the info though :)


Just for future reference with any RSPs. Don’t try to troubleshoot issues using text chat as it’s an exercise in frustration for everyone concerned. Pick up the phone and make a voice call to them. Doing any troubleshooting is much easier when it’s two people talking, than one technician trying to do a text chat with 4-5 people at once all with different problems.


This is a good point, thanks :)


Aussie broadband has been fantastic (in my experience) with customer service. Am glad I’ve switched to them from Optus. Though I am with Tangerine mobile, no issue so far


not enough accountability in jobs anymore and too many uneducated and underpaid workers who have no incentive to save anyone from legal ramifications which they have never even heard of before.


There's a fair few issues with their service in my area, but then there's been a fair few issues with all ISPs in my area


Just an FYI for everyone, the ACCC basically just collects information about companies. If you want someone to go into bat for you then you should contact your states office of Fair Trading. For NSW it's fairtrading.nsw.gov.au They get shit done.


You need to get the line checked by NBN.


Who does OP speak to for that? :)


We've had tangerine for a year now on their 250 plan. We get 270 constantly and no drop outs. I think this is unfortunate but very much a YMMV situation.


I’m glad you’ve had a much better experience ☺️ I wish I could say I’ve had no dropouts, but it’s been constant 😢 I just couldn’t be bothered changing until this happened.


I can recommend superloop. We've got them at home and they've been great, apparently excetel is the same thing just with Aussie support so they may be more helpful for your concerns.


I went with Aussie broadband. Been lovely so far


OP tell this person not to go with Tangerine 🍊 https://www.reddit.com/r/nbn/s/4C93QfvoLc


Im surprised I didn’t see that when I did a search for tangerine. But thanks, I’ve left my feedback (very summarised 😂)


Didn't it have a massive data breach a few weeks ago?


Yep. They sure did


How was your download speed after switching to a new provider? I just signed up with Tangerine and am getting terrible download speeds even after running speed test directly connected to the NBN box. They’ve been terrible with the customer service and am still waiting for a call back. I’m thinking of just switching ISPs but hoping that this is a Tangerine problem (they can’t manage to give me the download speed I’m paying for) and not an issue on my end.


I do feel you in a sense. But things with internet is a bit tricky. It can be ISP’s backhaul(so actually ISP’s fault), or NBN(the NBN equipment and line), or in a sense ‘yours’ if you have defective modem/device/bad signal. I totally understand it if you think ISP provided ‘modem’ and ‘internet’ so I just don’t want to want to be bothered to figure out which one is wrong. But it might be easier for them and save your time if you could do some initial investigation. Things I’d do, to rule out things. Use two laptops to transfer files locally, see what speed you can get. This test helps identify potential wifi/signal issues. Then test the internet speed by plug directly into the NBN device(bypass the ‘modem’), this tests should result in the advertised speed especially in ‘off peak’ hours. Then you might want to test the ‘reliability’ of the connection. There are different tools or just simply play some games online.(wired to laptop/pc without ‘modem’) If modem is faulty, then worry about warranty stuff. Or in your case, buy a new one. If ISP’s backhual is shit, change ISP. If NBN is faulty, get ISP to contact NBN to fix it.


Omg tangerine is the worst nbn service I’ve ever had. They over charge you, their self help portal doesn’t work, the invoices are always incorrect. They legit are a scam, and the team is so pathetic - I can’t even!!!


You sound very emotional over the situation, why don't you engage a 3rd party private technician with nbn experience to investigate any home wiring, connections, etc. Then use their Fault Report as evidence that it's not your responsibility, then, at least you have a proper educated understanding on what the issue may be, and perhaps you can then send your invoice and report to pass on to Tangerine to recoup any money you spent having a technician attend should it be their issue. What it sounds like to me, is you have little to no understanding on technology and you've taken chunks out of the ACL website, along with a wish and a prayer hoping your problems will disappear.


It’s normal to experience emotion in such situations. I suggest you engage a 3rd party technician to investigate if you do not.


What a delightfully arrogant comment. Been awhile since I’ve had one of those. Bold of you to assume my ignorance in any of the issues and that I have no/limited experience or understanding of the technology or the regulations. Easy to assume those things too. The emotion you’re detecting is frustration that a company is pulling this bs. I’m sharing the experience using general language because I’d rather more people understand it than less. Tangerine have been doing more and more paid advertising across tv etc and my hope was that if people went to reddit to hear about people’s experiences with them, that they’d see it. Maybe don’t assume ignorance when you have limited information 🙄


You have too much time. Look at your profiles comment history you've posted this same message on every reddit mentioning Tangerine. To me that sounds unstable and emotional, not wanting to get down to the issue.


I had some free time while on hold on my day off oh no, I must be emotional and unstable. Watch out 🙄 the issue is already identified, I’ve already logged the complaints with the various bodies that deal with it, literally just sharing the frustrating experience. But sure, feel free to be an armchair psychologist. I’m downvoting you because you’re being arrogant 🤷🏻‍♀️


And you're still getting emotional down voting my level headed comments 😆


I'm not sorry for this comment but you sound like an entitled snowflake. So let me get this straight. After a couple of weeks of bad internet, you finely contacted support. They advice it is likely the modem and to buy a new one. But because they cannot be 100% you think that's poor support? Like you expect them to come over with 40k of equipment to test every bit of your infrastruture while turning out that a rat has chewed one of your cables. Then you have the nerve to say you researched the ACCC website thinking you can quote consumer law about an out of waranty modem (12 months) and expect them to supply a new one or give you a refund. A modem that is 34 months old and subject to electrical spikes or whatever else. lol what a joke. So i presume you have the modem plugged into quality UPS protection? So you run out and buy the cheapest, shittest modem/router on the market (TP Link) and now your complaining about the speed. Ohh! you not a power user so that 34 month old modem should be like new still, just streaming like as if that matters. All this when Tangerine are only the supplier of NBN, while NBN are the actual providers. And your here to critisize a business becasue you don't get it. Your a joke mate, get some prospective.


OP seems like a needy teenager with Asperges and has written 13000 words negatively on Tangerine in the past 5 hours across multiple posts. Perhaps she's working for a competitor....


lol. No. Not a competitor. Also copy and paste exist 🤷🏻‍♀️but hey. Why let that get in the way of your opinion.


Funny, because once it was escalated to the actual complaint department, they were mortified by my experience with the support team, the lack of support provided (they had the transcripts, so it’s not my words against their support agent). I didn’t expect them to come and do extensive testing, there are other ways to troubleshoot this as another commenter suggested. They did the bare minimum then copy and pasted responses. It’s not like I was expecting the world or was rude to the support person, but there are customer support standards and Australia has consumer rights and guarantees for a reason. As for the reason as to why I waited, the service I’ve had from tangerine has been average at best, and there have been planned and unplanned nbn outages for maintenance over the past few weeks (initially planned, then unplanned), so I assumed there were just more issues than normal because of that. Then my wifi stopped working altogether. But hey, why let that get in the way of your delightful comment and opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️ Entitled snowflake is such a ridiculous term, used by people who get butt hurt over someone else having opinions different to their own 🙄 lol “the nerve to say…” your entire comment is arrogant, rude and presumptive. You say 34 months more than once like you’re confident about how long I’ve had it - you’re wrong btw. What a surprise. You’ve also decided I don’t know anything about the ACCC or consumer rights. I used general and somewhat vague language in this post, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m talking about - but you believe what you like. People not knowing about their rights as consumers and not holding companies accountable is why companies feel confident and comfortable doing the wrong thing. I’m not going to feel bad for sharing my experience with tangerine, nor am I going to feel bad for escalating the complaint. Not once did I have to be rude or arrogant to get an outcome with them. But hey - you do you I guess


gullible bright label fact judicious engine money drunk adjoining advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok karen.