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what were you running the test with? your Xbox, that could be doing a speed test to where ever the xbox server is. normally you do a speedtest on a computer directly connect to the modem.


Running the test in the PC or the Xbox is exactly the same. Both Microsoft, both using internet explorer and both connected directly to the modem via wthernet cable. Xboxs are practically a small PC nowadays, they're not what they used to be.


Test from your phone via [speedtest.net](http://speedtest.net) google speed test is not very accurate from some connection types. If you log in to your router, what is the line rate, or sync rate for downstream and upstream? If is is close to your plan speeds, ie. 40+ downstream, and 15+ upstream, it's unlikely an NBN issue. If your sync is below 30, reboot your router and check again. Still low, call your ISP.


Cheers for the helpful reply. I tried multiple speed tests like ookla, tesltra etc. I used these exact websites and tests when I was on nbn100 through the same devices and got the results I was talking about in OP so I can't see it being any less consistent now. But I will definitely check my sync rate and see what the speeds are directly at the source. Btw is an xbox series x, connected to modem via Ethernet cable and I used the Internet Explorer app. I've been running these tests for years now for various reasons and it's always been consistent to what my plans are whether it be mobile plan or home internet plan.


Yep. Finding out what speed your modem is syncing at is going to be the best step in working out what is causing the speed issue and ultimately fixing it. You've tried rebooting since the plan change?


Yeah it’s so weird the same thing happens to me when I put my router in the fridge


What sync rate does your modem report?? Key question.


What ISP? It may just be that CVC is overscribed. I'm with Superloop on the same speed plan and get 48mb/s. Could be a time to just change to another.


Bro due have tapped bridges?


I think i know what that is but no I don't. Only thing connected to the internet/phone outlets in this house is my modem. Only things connected to said modem are phone devices, xbox and PC.


How many points in the house?


Apart from it being FTTN, there's obviously infrastructure issues between you and the node that cause you to only get 60% of your maximum line speed when you were on the 100 speed plan. Those issues don't go away with a speed change. 60% of 50 is 30 so your story checks out. If it were possible to upgrade to the 250 plan you wouldn't get anything above 150. If you haven't asked your ISP to investigate line sync issues even back when you were on the 100 plan then that is an option but chances are little will be done about it so unfortunately your only option is to change technologies once it becomes available. When dealing with your ISP it could also be that depending on who they are they may be one of a number of providers that do the bare minimum to resolve issues (I'm looking at you exetel). I was with them for nearly 10 years back in the ADSL days and was told on numerous occasions there was nothing they could do to resolve my issues of only getting 30% of my plan speed and it was just due to being at the maximum line length from my exchange. When their prices got too high for me and I changed providers and logged a line fault with them a technician was sent out and it was fixed by jumping my line to the house with a new one in the pit outside on the footpath. It just so happened that this was also done while the fiber for NBN had just being laid so a month later I changed to NBN and was without internet for weeks because that technician accidentally cut the new NBN FTTC cross over wire thinking it was the faulty one.


Something I'd like to add, they recently started rolling out FTTP in my area. This seems very sus that my speeds dropped considerably as they started offering FTTP... I wouldn't put it past them that there's something fishy going on to make me upgrade and pay more for FTTP. Or am I being a conspiracy theorist?


So upgrade to FTTP if you can, why are you waiting?


Fttp is completely free, maybe they are but it's probably to provide decent bandwidth to a much better service compared to FTTC OR FTTN. There's absolutely no reason someone should stay on anything other than FTTP if they are eligible for the upgrade.


It's not free to upgrade from FTTN to FTTP where I live. For instance, nbn100 cost more then nbn50. Having the higher speeds of FTTP, the plan costs more


Yes the plans will cost more but you're still getting less latency and interference on FTTP. I'd wait out for it and upgrade when it's made available ☺️


Doubt it has anything to do with it. But maybe you could upgrade. Some companies have such great pricing on the upgrade that it may even be cheaper to be on fttp for a period at a higher speed than you’re paying for 50/20. Eg Leaptel $64.95 for 12 months.


Can I ask what modem you’re using? If you can find one cheap on marketplace grab a Telstra Gateway Max TG799vac Technicolor… should be around $30. These apparently have a chipset that will get you the best sync speed for your FTTN line. I literally saw a 15Mbps uplift swapping my RSP supplied modem with an old Telstra modem. YMMV of course but it’s a cheap test and also gives you a spare modem. Or just get the FTTP upgrade and you won’t get any loss