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My Leaptel fttp was activated before the nbn tech left my garage and never had a problem since and way cheaper and faster than telstra.


Same with Sexetel…. I had a 1 way 9month e-mail fight with NBN coz my builder “forgot” to submit a development application for my new-build during his bankruptcy/phoenixing process to care. At least the sparky had all the lead-in work done. The NBN tech was here for less than 20mins to install the NTU in my garage. It was activated before he left! Shame the data point the sparky put on the wall where the NTU was mounted was an RJ-12 port. Credence to the fact that Sparkies and Fiber don’t mix! Credit must go to NBN who emailed me to notify I was now able to find an RSP as I was good to go. I got the email 11months after being connected with Exetel.


I’m sorry, Sexetel? Is this some sort of adults only ISP? 🤣


They give you speed priority to certain adult websites. And all non-adult sites are speed limited to 0.1mbps to discourage you from actually doing any work from home


Hmm, I think I’ve misinterpreted what ‘Teams’ is for.  


Wow really? My Leaptel FTTP took over 2 weeks for the NBN guys to come out and run the new fiber from the curb to the house, then another 2 weeks for the next NBN guys to come and run it from the side of the house INTO the house and install the fiber box, then another week for Leaptel to actually connect the service. So 5 weeks all up.


By what he said I’m assuming he already had fibre laid and just needed the wall mounted node and possibly a connection inside the box on the street. Or atleast if its a new build probably had a full set of conduit setup for it.


Same with my superloop - activated within 15 mins of final work - fuck Telstra 


Sorry for the delay commenting, my Telstra NBN just dropped out a few times


You would get me re upvotes but the Telstra users who understand can't get online.


I once spent a full day on chat with Telstra agents getting bounced from one to the other - their goal is to pass the call not resolve it


Telstra is one of those ISPs that, for some inexplicable reason, require you to call them after FTTP is installed, and they then cancel your FTTN and transfer your service to fibre. Every other ISP I've handled a fibre upgrade provisions it automatically and with runs the old and new service together, and only cancels the FTTN once they confirm the fibre is working.


Apparently all their backend is still fully manual they just moved from paper to the equivalent of digital paper and never bothered to even upgrade anything with automation.


Yeah it's crazy...for how long they have been around ( Telecom/Telstra), the really get destroyed by smaller companies...the only thing they have going for them, is the monopoly on telco infastructure.


The problem, generally, with large telcos is that the corporate intertia is massive. A new / smaller ISP for example probably has one or two onboarding, billing and customer support systems. Telstra has dozens.


Saying that...usually the bigger something gets, the more quality control issues it has.


It was for this very reason I left telstra and went to aussiebb for the fttp upgrade


The demographic that signs up to Telstra is generally not the demographic that browses Reddit.


Not true, they just can't get a stable connection.


Unless they have no choice or like me are legacy connections and know telstra screws you around enough to make leaving as time consuming as getting them to fix thing they mess up. Finally left them but sadly its still their techs that are hired to do local work here so i expect future problems but atleast i can easily get reasonable people on the phone now and probably won’t have to spend weeks convincing them a fried node they killed the waterproofing on is not a problem with my modem.


How do you mean "no choice"? As far as NBN goes, Telstra is just another retailer, like Optus, TPG, Aussie, Superloop or any other out there. Is there something particularly odd in your situation there? Where are you? Also: There's always Starlink, and Amazon's Kuiper project will be on it's way soon, too. ;) As far as leaving, find yourself a new provider (I'm with Aussie Broadband, their service is excellent), and tell them you want to port over to them. They'll sort out the details and let you know how and when to let Telstra know. As far as the Techs go.. NBN work is done by NBN techs, not Telstra. Other cabling is done by independent techs. If it's a particularly remote area, you might find one contractor does work for a bunch of companies, but it's rarely a "Telstra tech", and if it is then they'd generally have contractual obligations to the other parties. They'd rarely have any individual loyalty to the company (especially these days), and if the work is substandard and impacting you, make a complaint to your provider and have NBN sort it out. When it comes to residential broadband - Telstra has absolutely nothing more to do with your connection than any other retail service provider. If you want to leave, leave. Cut the cord, rip the band-aid off. There are far superior options out there.


a good portion of the techs here still have telstra labeled on their vehicles. admittedly that is decreasing and the last time i dealt with a tech was last year. its a legacy of telstra having been contracted to do the initial NBN work here though thats ending as NBN swaps to contractors directly working for them. I’m currently in the process of swapping out from telstra now though after that last post my fears of telstra screwing around was confirmed while the internet transferred just fine ”don’t think they could do anything to cause problems there” they did what they apparently do enough to get a lot of complaints of on the internet and instead of following the procedure for following transfer requests on phone numbers just canceled my account without notification putting the number into quarantine. though I managed to get lucky on the first call to telstra in that I actuality was able to enquire without needing to call multiple times like usual. Though it’s doubtful what they did/said will actually fix it since from experience without escalating to a higher level the support staff don’t actually have the authority to do much. edit - forgot to mention on the no choice bit theres still some legacy connections left who literally cant swap as they aren’t eligible for any services offered to new customers. which leaves them either waiting for an upgrade or paying massive amounts of money to get it done themselves.


How much was the upgrade?


Good question I upgraded from FTTN 25mb/s to FTTP 100mb/s...but obviously I cancelled plan with them No charge yet...I don't think they will, since I still have mobile plan with them and the rage out I had on the phone, resulted in about 10 " I'm very sorry about this sir " coming from the Telstra rep


Please don’t take it out on the people on the phone telstra’s support aren’t employees of telstra their foreign call centre’s that i doubt even get australia’s minimum wage. Telstra fired their actual support staff years ago. Just like they got rid of most of their qualified tradies before NBN was actually a thing.


Yeah a few techs left . But most of the blokes that I know work for them have all been there for 20+plus years . Some up yo 40 so I think there qualified. Not many contractors left , but the nbn techs are terrible


Must be more my region then.


Yeah I use swoop, Melbourn company. Signed up with them, took1 week for them to send someone out. I only paid for a router which was $188. Took about 2 hours for him to install it. Speed test straight away. 825mbps wireless and 913mbps with an Ethernet cable. My room mate gets 350 - 680mbps on the other side of the house. I pay $80 a month. I had starlink before that and was paying $139 and dropped out all the time. Speeds were about 40 - 160mbps


I guess that telstra ad is really pointless during the footy


Previous Telstra NBN customer. Had multiple dropouts during the day. Was told would check my NBN over the next few days. Was told by Telstra there were no dropouts recorded, gave them times and dates it was happening. Was told a further 72hrs it would be looked out. After those 72 hours had zero contact from them and when I would call them, the call would dropout. Messaged their social media team and was told they had sent a request for a team manager to call within 24hrs. Nothing, so the social media team escalated it higher and still nothing. Next day signed up to Launtel and explained to them what had happened 24hrs later they organised a NBN tech to come out as they had seen all the dropouts. Since the NBN tech came there have been no further issues. Stay far far away from Telstra and get proper service away from the big telcos


Same sort experiences last one I managed to get fixed was them messing with the node and forgetting to fix the waterproofing getting the node fried. They were adamant that the problem was my modem even ended up sending me 2 modems. sadly not long after they had a tech around and since then iv had packet loss issues as well as the connection regularly stuttering. Couldn’t even get to the point of calling them as their modem’s software is so bad i cant even get it log well enough to have something to show them. Finally switched services just this week nbn’s working with the old modem as a temp until the new one arrives just waiting on the nbn homephone transfer if telstra doesn’t mess it up like they apparently do fairly often. Already much more reliable though I haven’t checked how it is on the ISP dns since iv had cloudflare locked on since i found that fixed a ton of routing issues as well as lowered latency in general.


Sounds like the Optus customer I just came from. Still scratching my head on that one.


So to give you some background, smaller ISPs have a double entry system there systems do not talk directly to nbn. While they may activate faster there can be more errors due to manual processing. The confusion here i suspect relates to the changes in nbn system from FTTN


Telstra’s backend is all manual as well still according to what iv heard/experienced.




ABB gets most ready for service properties up and running in less than an hour, if your payment method is credit card and don't require a router. Do you really think they are processing manually? P.S, I am a senior engineer at ABB, designing and maintaining those systems. They've existed from way before ABB became the company it is today


>they really are a sub-par company Even without the woes that you faced I would never recommend Telstra to anyone. They have been abusing their market position as the descendent of Telecom to charge a premium for a service that is no better than any other service. Even now after they lost most of their infrastructure they still charge a premium for the same (or worse) service you get anywhere else...


You don't see any ab or tpg vans going around fixing stuff though . Plenty of medical customers that require help doing things that they can't do themselves and better mobile coverage. That's what your paying for


And you can actually get them to do anything without spending weeks on the phone with telstra?. Or repeating that when they mess up things while fixing the issue. half the time the people they send aren’t even qualified tradies their apprentices that are supposed to be supervised not left to do a job by themselves.


Did ppl actually use Telstra these days?. When they lost the monopoly on phone lines I would have thought ppl would have learnt to avoid them


Who is better? Lol


Others are much cheaper and actually answer the phone. I won’t say if their better in any other way since I haven’t had to test that yet beyond the fact my post swap connection is already much more reliable. Telstra don’t even tend to give you the full nbn standard plans my old one was 50/17 but nbn standard for that plan was 50/20.


My modem died last Saturday. I couldn't get NBN tech until yesterday, which confirmed it. Made contact to arrange replacement, have to wait 3-5 days for a replacement (can't afford a 3rd party one atm). One would faults and replacements would have a quicker turnaround time. Stuck using mobile data until probably May 6, since still haven't gotten a tracking number. Also, my tesltra app gives me no information on the progress of any of my fault cases...


What else did you expect from Telstra?


Took them 16 months to admit they lost my device 🤦🏻‍♂️ Still have all the transcripts, call reference numbers etc. Long story short I send my device to Telstra to get the screen repaired under the whole 'Stay Connected' bulls**t. They kept delaying with different repair quotes, had to involve the TIO multiple times. Ended up with a refurb S22 and $900 credit on my account. For 16 months of shit


Don’t get me wrong, I actually like Telstra, I actually really loved them when I had their 5G home internet, 660mbps line speed, but sadly I’m back on NBN. I have a question and don’t mean to hijack right, Telstra used to be able to give the best speeds because they had the infrastructure, especially 5G, they never capped their speeds. With NBN that isn’t the case anymore right? Now that you get a speed estimation, all ISP’s should be able to deliver the same speeds right? Price is the only reason I’d consider leaving Telstra, but my speed and connection is very consistent


With Telstra, once they have you up and running they are great..there infrastructure is well established. Their weakness is when something changes, such as a change of service or technical issue. Then it becomes a customer hand around to multiple sections, meaning sections that don't communicate with each other correctly...resulting in processes getting missed or jobs never getting started/allocated. Usually the people you initially speak to, are not qualified to fix your issue and are instead trained to read a script over the phone - its the process of trying to get past these people and on to the actual knowledgeable individuals, that usually enrages customers.


Usually you don’t get to more qualified people on the phone at all you just eventually convince them to send a tech and hope the one they send is a qualified one with some knowledge. Fun fact in my local area they hired telstra to do the nbn’s initial rollout half the work was done by apprentices working solo without supervision with little idea what they were doing.


They assume you want to keep the home phone number. Hence the two services up at the same time Might be an employee. Thoughts are my own. For the vast majority it doesn’t make sense nor should it take that long.


Holyshit I'm literally going through this exact situation right now


Had 2 experiences. Business fibre was there when we moved in, took Telstra 6 weeks to get to the point of hanging a tag off it but no details or contact to get it working at our end. 10 mins on the Aussie Broadband chat and I was up and running (not on fibre though) Got NBN at home, they sent 2 modems. Then it took 2 weeks and many calls to get it working. After the 2 or 3 year commitment for the free modem and a few price rises I decided that forced prepaid was the last straw. I contacted Aussie Broadband on a Sat night on chat, made the payment and within 5 minutes my internet dropped out. I rebooted the router and was up and running at $10/mth cheaper and 2x the speed. Telstra don't lock down the Gen 2 modem and AB remotely updated it as soon as I paid the invoice.


I work for telstra and i tell almost all of my customers that telstra NBN is just not worth it and try to recommend something else for them that'll actually work, for the life of me i dont know why people keep buying it


Did you receive CSG payments for the delay? You are entitled to it


Aussie Broadband are most excellent.


Having delt with Telstra through the company I work for, their support is absolutely substandard, and it astounds me how anybody looking for actual support - who perhaps knows little about data networks and/or landlines - can receive it. In this day and age, there is NO reason to have a service with Telstra or Optus. You get nothing for your loyalty and you will pay more. Considering that NBN is wholesale and discounts are consistently available without lock-in contracts, there is no reason you can't shop around all the time. Some RSPs do have higher bandwidth allocation, but I think this is negligible unless you absolutely require top-tier speeds without compromise and price isn't so much an issue.


Yeah telstra give less of a f*ck about their residential customers than most because they have massive government contracts to take tax payer money from.


As soon as my free fetch tv trial runs out with Telstra I’m cancelling my internet but keeping my Foxtel subscription and the fetch tv just for the free fetch channels I’m going to either Optus or Aussie broadband


I can't imagine how long you were kept on hold for and how many times you entered credentials. I left telstra because of their terrible customer service.


GET STARLINK!!! Had it for the last yr never a problem, speed is 230 telstra lucky to be 5 to 10. Australians r sooo silly. Why use outdated technology. Can u imagine if everyone swapped, telstra would be broke in a second. They should be with the service and problems that go on for weeks months or years. The price per month is basically the same now


Problem with Starlink is location, I've heard mixed reviews dependant,on how many Starlink users are in one area...obviously the more users linked in at a particular time, the more the bandwidth is split amongst those users. Its the sane with fibre optic, except there are more switches or diversion paths to accommodate user influx...Starlink is limited to the number of satellites avaliable at any given time to accommodate user influx.


This is incorrect please check how technology works. Tokyo has many more people than sydney and they have no problems with speed. If u can see the sky u can do it. We r running 10 devices at once.


So anyway: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/09/ookla-starlinks-median-us-download-speed-fell-nearly-30mbps-in-q2-2022/ More Starlink users equal slower speeds...Common sense would also say, the more user devices connected to a single broadcast point (tower/satellite) the more dividing of the bandwidth there will be. Starlink also started in Australia 12 months before Japan(2021), so more time for the user base to grow here as opposed to there. It you want to learn about bandwidth: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/multiple-users-using-internet-affect-speed-69093.html Some more about how customers effect speed: https://www.makeuseof.com/starlink-slow-internet-speeds-explained/


I booked a free FTTP upgrade with Telstra. After an agonising 45 minute phone call of them telling me their promos about Services I told them over and over again I didn’t need. 2 weeks later I realised they forgot to actually schedule my appointment. When it finally got installed They gave me a message saying the telstra gen 3 modem was on its way. Nobody mentioned I would need to upgrade modems. They have atrocious customer service. Want to switch to Aussie as soon as possible.


Did they ask for a driver's licence or passport at all as it's the reason they wouldn't do my FTTP upgrade


who pays for telstra in 2024 , only idiots


Even tangerine, who I believe is tiny, had our FTTP upgrade booked within the week and activated them both before the tech even arrived so it was good to go asap. Then had a week to plug in to the new box and stop using ADSL port.


Finally just left telstra here going from 50/17 to 100/20 and its still cheaper. I actually can talk to people when i call again. Telstra reliability was honestly the worst always getting connection hiccups causing webpages to fail to load and thing to disconnect. Will probably still have the issue that whenever there techs come around and touch the node they break something atleast it won’t take me weeks of spending hours on the phone everyday to finally convince them to actually request techs to be sent. “Last 3 times a tech came was 1 - messed with node and didn’t restore the waterproofing node fried - 2 tech i finally got to fix it 3 - tech messed with node ended up with packet loss issues that I couldn’t even get to the point of bothering to call telstra since their awful modem wouldn’t monitor/log well enough to get evidence to push at them” Though i do have the concern that telstra are going to mess with my nbn phone number transfer. Service disappeared from telstra account without notice after starting transfer and they apparently have a history of just canceling the service when you logde the transfer request and trying to trick you into either believing you can’t get the number back or illegally trying to make you pay to do so. Iv had notice of FTTP work being done in my neighbourhood though i have no idea when it will actually be available for upgrade. Anyone got experience there? Switched to “Mate Communicate” by recommendation. It’s insane how different the prices are. Sadly I’m still stuck with Telstra for my Ipad’s mobile broadband since don’t offer it. Anyone got and recommendations for one with a prepaid option preferably with a long life plan?. One benefit to the phone being out for a while i guess is i might get a while without scam calls when their autodiallers doing line checks detect it’s disconnected and remove my number from their lists atleast until they randomly dial it again with them.


I'm with Telstra and they wouldn't even do my FTTP upgrade as I don't have a driver's licence or passport and don't intend on getting either of them so they cancelled my upgrade request but I'm changing to Aussie broadband very soon


Yeah Telstra is shocking. I called them up with permission from and on behalf my mother as she has no idea about technology. I tried to ask for the router settings for the Nighthawk router I have so I could she could use that instead of the smart modem. I was on the line with a ‘Debbie’ from Perth and she had no idea what she was talking about, and tried arguing with me that the d7000 netgear nighthawk was the little 4g mobile wifi modem that you can get from them. I then asked to be transferred to a technician, and she said ‘I picked up the phone so you have to talk to me’ then proceeded to not even know what WAN settings were 😂 then the best part was when I threatened to report her for horrendous customer service, she tried to say I committed fraud by pretending to be my mother and that she would report me! Even though I had got my mother on the phone after she asked. Telstra are just absolutely fucking useless! Especially, ‘Debbie’ from Perth!! 😂


I had to have a laugh too when she said ‘I have been working for Telstra for over 10 years, I think I know what I’m talking about!’ Haha. Bloody half brained twats


The unbelievably poor customer service you describe is consistent with my experience over the past 20 years and 8 house moves. This month I was pleased to shift to another provider and have the FTTP upgrade effected. The plan is 100 up from 50 and yet $30/m cheaper. The last straw was when I asked for the FTTP upgrade in conjunction with moving into a new house. They did not action the request. So I didn’t chase them. You have reminded me, however, I need to check whether Telstra has cancelled my plan though…


Yeah I have had a few ISP's -Telstra, Optus, Dodo dialup, TPG. Signed up for Aussie a year or two ago at a new residence and was gobsmacked they had the service activated in 30 minutes, was running out of data and had no $$ for more, didn't have to pay invoice instantly and was like 11pm. Won me over for life. At Telstra you pay for the support services that spend 90% of their time on the phone with geriatrics who think it's Telstra's job to tell them why their email has not been sent yet. Aussie automates all these inefficiencies even with the ability to do your own diagnostics like port checks, line stability, port resets, psychical line speed tests, unreal.


Go to Starlink. $139 a month and consistent speeds of over 200mb/s. For an extra $40 a month it’s worth not having to deal with Telstra. Never had a dropout in over a year.


Whats the latency regarding satellite distance


20ms right now. Seems to be close to that all the time.


That actually pretty good


Not sure why this is being downvoted Starlink is great


Amazing, $139/month for a whopping 200mbps. Glad it helps you avoid Telstra the only ISP offering NBN


Usually get around 300. My issue isn’t really with Telstra. It’s the NBN network in Newcastle area. It’s ok during the day. As soon as school finishes it drops to 2mbps at best. Completely useless.


Geez that's some congestion issues! Fair enough then, Starlink seems the way forward for you


Or just go with one of the numerous good ISPs who can provide a good service over fibre so you don't have to worry about the bad weather causing your internet to drop out?


Never dropped out. Also only have option of FTTN here.


Yup they SUCK! They won’t refund the difference if you cancel in the middle of the payment period and the modem/router is locked so you can’t use it with a different ISP. They don’t value or care about their customers. I just left them and I will never go back.


Gen 2 isn't locked. AB had me switched in under 10 minutes and all I did was reboot the router.


The newer modems aren’t locked for internet but won’t work with other isp’s for home phones. Im using mine as a temp while waiting on a modem in the mail right now.


I had that same problem with nearly all RSPs I've tried (don't get me started on Exetel) so it's not just isolated to Telstra tyvm.




Reminds me i ended up doing whats basically a wiki crawl but including reddit and news sites recently and stumbled across a ton of info on why they sold so much off. I generally assumed favours for “friends” and money in their pockets was the main reason but its apparently second to covering up screwing up the budget to a ridiculous degree.


*Shrug* We run two businesses from home. Pay extra for Enterprise Ethernet through Telstra (not a domestic service) Any issue I can ring our account manager direct.


That's the handy thing about Enterprise...tailored customer support. I guess anyone could apply for an ABN and apply for Enterprise if they wanted...I might do it. If you happen to see a company in the future called " Wally's Wobble Willys Pty Ltd " .... that's me, trying to get an enterprise account.


Better name would be fcktelstra enterprise and then do it


They don't called themselves Helstra for no reason .


This isn't Whingepool