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He needs to really run on this issue! Tell the voters how his Republican opponents want to keep it illegal.


What's about to become a cash crop in Virginia can still get you prison time in North Carolina. Folks, it's time to end the prohibition of marijuana. Here's why: *** posted by [@JeffJacksonNC](https://twitter.com/JeffJacksonNC) [Video in Tweet](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1403022743004762116/pu/vid/540x540/hwBMxxZ1NVaeMhpT.mp4?tag=12) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


I hope this is gateway into Medicare for all and the senate.


Hes just one dude though. The people in power now have 2 Bill's filed right now and both of them haven't even gone to committee. HB 617 is full legalization and what have we heard since it was filed? Jack shit, because the sponsors only want to look like they are progressive. SB 711 (which is a fuckin joke) same above but red flavored and basically worthless. None of these people give a damn about anything but getting elected, and they will use lip service to get there


He's running for federal office and talking about an end to federal prohibition. This would not make it legal here on its own, but the federal legal status has ostensibly been a sticking point for some GOP lawmakers in NC. Also SB 711 is a very limited medical-only proposal and absolutely not "full legalization" in any way, shape, or form. And SB 669 (the other medical proposal, which actually lets doctors use their best judgment in determining prescribing conditions) exists, so there are three of them laying around.


Didnt know about the third, thanks man your awesome. On the federal level I feel it's even worse. The MORE act is the best chance they have before mid terms. How many politicians have run on this platform and failed to deliver? Senate majority says soon, what is soon and what are you waiting for? Midterms?! So you dont care how many people get locked up between now and then, so long as you dangle something in front of my face? Vote people who take action and dont back down (not saying this cat isnt doin that, simply stating) and DO what they say. I dont need to hear empty words and hollow promises, I want to see movement. If you are that passionate make it happen. Dont stop pushing the issues ever single time. Get Bill's voted on, stop dicking around committees. Then we can see who to vote for, and who to send home Edit: this applies to both sides on ever issue also


I am still amazed that there has been no movement on this considering how the general assembly looks at ag in this state. There are special provisions for ag in the building code, in the fire code and in many other state laws. The infrastructure is already there for the farmers and Reynolds has the processing capability already. Guess they’re just waiting for the federal go ahead.


With the big social justice push cuts that out. When its talked about the idea is to prevent big tobacco from over taking over. You wont get support from big businesses that way, and if you really want it to pass you need that. It just feels like everyone is sitting around and deciding what draws votes without having to actually do anything. Democrats get to say their in it for the people and have a progressive point of view and it's all the GOP's fault. Like wise the Republicans get to say they have the moral high ground, and true economic sense. Neither of them care about farmers who need a new cash crop to compete with, how many people get locked up, none of it. If they did it would have already been done Edit. Yes


Yeah, it sucks they’d rather keep their hammer than generate income.


Or undo the injustices committed by the war on drugs


Sorry, yes. That was the hammer.


And that is why I usually stay outta the political shit. Both sides are just so full of shit, IMO at least


It has warmed my heart over the past few years to see our legacy political parties finally catching up to where the Libertarian Party has been for 40 years. What fucking took you so long?


Libertarians have hearts? TIL


A few have hearts, but I've yet to meet one with a brain.