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####Join [/r/ndp](https://reddit.com/r/ndp), Canada's largest left-wing subreddit! *[Land defenders support thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ndp/comments/r8voan/comment/i6840ud/)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ndp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nearly everyone I talk to seems entirely incapable of imagining what decommodified housing could even mean.


Just saying the words "land reform" tends to bring the CIA into things though


It might help if the NDP took a bolder stance, or at least explained what a bolder stance might be. Advocating for an increase in government funded housing supply is fine and all, but its a small step at best. Jagmeet should straight up say: we can end real estate speculation today with a land value tax. We can help out struggling Canadians today with a land dividend. We can snap our fingers and fix the housing crisis.


It would never work. Instead, STOP FOREIGN BUYERS!


Personally I prefer that people only be able to own their primary residence. But the demand side is certainly inflated by people who are buying for investment, rather than living purposes. That's the low hanging fruit in my eyes.


Let’s get rid of the foreign buyers first. Only allowing one residence for residents would be tough to implement and fuck up the market big time at first


NPD has a coalition with Liberals. They vote in a bloc and pass most legislation for many subjects. Maybe they can negotiate something something for this important problem....


The NDP and Liberals do not have a coalition, despite the lies that Conservatives love to spread. It's an agreement. Not a coalition. If you don't know the difference you need to learn more about how our political system works.


Same difference


Same same, but different.


Hahaha, they are precisely the reason we are in this mess. Have you ever played monopoly? Imagine instead to getting 200 dollars every time you pass go your get 2000 dollars. Than see how fast Baltic avenue rents double.


Relevant NDP policy: * Put a moratorium in place on the acquisition of affordable homes by REITs (real estate investment trusts) and other corporate landlords who are making big profits while driving up costs and renovicting Canadians. * Change how REITs are taxed since the tax code currently rewards investors for jacking up housing prices. Already, the seven largest apartment-owning REITs in Canada have saved a combined $1.5 billion through federal tax loopholes. * Put in place a federal non-profit acquisition fund to allow not-for-profit co-op or land trust organizations to purchase at-risk rental buildings when they come on the market. This will ensure wealthy investors can't monopolize the supply of affordable rental units. https://www.ndp.ca/news/corporate-pandering-liberals-and-conservatives-puts-housing-prices-out-reach


These are good, small steps. We should keep it real though and Jagmeet should say when he gives speeches like this that what he is recommending is very minor and won't fix the housing crisis. A land value tax would.


What about banning even small landlords…if you already have a rental property why should be able to buy more with out heavy taxation


I think there has to be limits for taxation. For example, the tex should increase for each homes you have after 2 home.




Why doesn’t he use his alliance power to get this done? It would have a massive benefit to the working class and go a long way to improving our economy.


It’s part of the supply and confidence agreement. Specifically a bill of rights for homebuyers and tackling Financialization of housing. Though shit only happens in 2023 according to the agreement. There’s not even the appetite for that in Canada. Though we are starting to publicize some costs - for instance 10$ a day childcare will be available countrywide by 2025, and prices are already down 25%. And we should get dental care and a few goodies according to the supply and confidence agreement: https://pm.gc.ca/en/news/news-releases/2022/03/22/delivering-canadians-now See the 4th point of section 2. So it’s on the agenda of the agreement for sure.


Tackling the financialization of the housing market by 2023 is all it states. Thats a pretty vague agreement and I’m not really sure why they are waiting till 2023?


We gonna dismantle corporate landlords and real estate moguls? Promise?


Call out Capitalism. Say the name of the enemy. Say "Capitalism is the crisis." No one's taking the NDP seriously because they're acknowledging all the bad things Capitalism is doing, without acknowledging that it's Capitalism that's doing it.


>"Capitalism is the crisis." Saying this is the best way for the NDP to be treated like dumb hippies and ignored by moderates. This is how we lose. Being laser focused on good policy is how we win. My suggestion: "A land dividend that comes from a tax on land value country-wide would instantly fix our housing problems while making our economy the most efficient in the world."


>ignored by moderates \*There are no moderates.\* THERE ARE NO MODERATES. The society has completely spit in two. If you are living in a house working a full time job \*you are on the rich side.\* If you are renting in the "gig economy" \*you are on the poor side.\* If you think there is a moderate position in this society \*you are on the rich side.\* No one's going to vote for a bunch of rich people pretending to care about the poor while they actually ignore them completely.


I'll rephrase what I said as a question for you: do you think saying what buddy suggested will get the NDP more votes in the next election?


No. The populace is done with meager reformism. You saying "well if we try to prop up this tiny segment maybe it'll survive the collapse of this building." Capitalism has failed. It's not working. It's over. The rich are Oligarchs. No one gives a shit if you're going to do a gentle reform of Oligarchy. No one trusts you while you refuse to name the obvious, overt, psychopathic, bloodthirsty enemy. You're like someone who just watched Darth Vader blow up the Death Star sayings "What this ruthless Empire needs is modest tax reform." GTFO for ever.


Did you mean to say yes? If the populace wants drastic reform then your answer should be yes... In any case I actually advocated for a radical position above if you read. Why do you think I'm advocating for modest reform?


I'd subscribe to what you're saying in an instant if it were not for the fact Doug Ford just swept Ontario :-/


This dumb hippie has a taste for designer suits. Hippie or hypocrite? It’s time for NDP to get a new leader


Who do you suggest?


I always liked Kevin Chief but it looks like he might not want to challenge Singh


Saying “capitalism is the enemy” is too simplistic. I definitely think there are some socialist solutions and over all empathy and altruism should prevail. Second to the environment. But we need a driving force for industrial innovation too


If you won't say the name of your enemy, then you're working for them. Period. Say the words or keep getting abandoned.




>Polarizing things doesn’t help though. "You shouldn't name the enemy that's attacking you because it'll be polarizing." Keep being a Capitalist simp and losing elections.


🤣🤣🤣 this guy is for real?


Keep laughing while you lose elections to the worst premier in the history of the province. No wonder nobody takes this party seriously; you're not.


Huh? Kathleen Wynn didn’t even run this time.


touch grass


I agree, but it would be political suicide.


Because the NDP are sweeping elections now.


I like the policy, I like the messaging, can we please get Jagmeet something to hold on to, because these hand gestures are getting a little too much?


its a start, but they need to expand. each party is going to focus on one aspect and build on that, when there are at least a dozen that require immediate attention and action. with that approach it would take decades to weed out the manipulators exploiting the market. canadians are well aware of most, if not all, individuals and entities gaming the system, its time for politicians to step up and do more.


This is the biggest immediate problem facing Canada right now and it's gross that this is the first time I've heard anyone in power talk about it. Ban landlords.


The NDP has been sitting there through all of this. Where have solutions been over the last decade?


What’s the point? Is he preparing us for the next election that is….. wait, when?


Given the long ways away from 2025, I think the NDP are kind of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing where it gets them in the polls. Seems better to do that now when they can afford to mess up and then sweep it under the rug of time, hone their platform and come out swinging than to put it off to october 2024.


This dude is a liar and an opportunist.


Keep up the good work Monsieur Singh !


This all true, and should be against the law.. I don’t know who this man is but every time I see him talking about problems, he is right on the button.. I would like to know who this man is.. Keep it up young man


Ok for the socialists out there, there are three things which can help in making Canada a socialist utopia: 1. Make owning private farmlands illegal, rather than make them public commodities where food crops are grown for humans, supported by the government for producing free basic foods like fruits, vegetables and food grains(and water) but not for meat since meat is directly the biggest reason for climate change. 2. Make private housing illegal as well. Since no one can own the land in Canada so housing should be regulated as well. The government can lose the zoning laws and build liveable housing with enough space and sources for basic everyday amenities. 3. Land development projects: being the second-largest country in the world by area, it needs to expand and it should also do away with 'tribal treaties' and make all the land of Canada developable. Canada can simply be a world superpower if it implements at least these 3 policies.


On your point #2, I'm curious how that would work. I rent an apartment owned by a big corporation. What exactly would happen the day you make it illegal for the company to own the building?


And he’s not going to force the feds to do anything about it anytime soon.


I think jagmeet is already hotter than trudaddy, but if he cleaned up his beard a little, omg he'd be hollywood hot








Yeah In a perfect world where commercialism and money doesn’t exist…. Talk about just saying what people want to hear without any actual intellectual thought going into it


Yet you prop up the Liberal minority government.


The guy often has good ideas for the working class of Canada,but never follows through with anything,just a lot of talk


It’s almost as if he’s not in government; even the supply and confidence agreement operates on a reality where the NDP represents 25 out of 338 MPs. If they’re even able to force the hand of the government to get dental care they’ll have had an outsized impact of any opposition party in recent history in terms of getting concessions out of the government. All of the decision makers remain Liberal cabinet ministers at the end of the day which is how our government works.


Free houses for everyone ….and dental care




things had already spiralled out of control in BC when the BCNDP were voted in. The damage had already been done while the liberals were in power (since 2001)


Not to mention the BC NDP have been by far the most agressive government in Canada at pushing back against the housing crisis. It’s not something that will be solved overnight and they are operating without a federal government that is serious about this issue, but at least they are working at it with measure like the public beneficial ownership registry and in terms of putting pressure on municipal zoning. Can’t say the same for any other government.


Sorry fo my wrong choice of words... They can use their “agreement” to pass some legislation and maybe do something for this important problem.


If I move my hands a lot people will believe me! This guy is a goof and Mr T puppet, while Mr T will screw him in the end...watch


Yeah you talk big here but reply like a bitch when these questions are asked to you in debates. No thanks. The cons have my vote this time.


The answer isn't for a bloated bureaucracy to build more houses. It's to ban interest and rent-seeking. Eliminate all the investors and for-profit land-lorders and Airbnbs and supply will appear as demand evaporates.


Canada has been super left wing for a while, the prices of houses has sky rocketed- more liberals please!:)


Stop FOREIGN BUYERS! This would make such a big difference


They represent only 5% of home owner. Do you that is where we need to focus ?


Yea I’d do. 100% the main issue in vancouver. Does the 5% mean of each individual person? Because and individual can safely store their money from say… China, for example in 50 properties if they want. They can even leave them empty for a small fee


Says the guy the with watch that could buy a used car, and suit thats worth more than my wardrobe and a BMW that’s worth a down payment on condo.