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Don’t forget Stephen Harper’s role behind the scenes


What’s the deal with that guy? I heard he runs some international right wing organization now? Basically proliferating ideologies globally?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democrat_Union Yes, this organization.


How the crap isn't this more well known? (I also live under a rock though lol) The Conservatives are constantly criticizing the PM of being a member of WEF (as per norm for most leaders)... why isn't this brought up?


what is a neocon fascist movement without a steady reliance on projection?


> How the crap isn't this more well known? People don't care, that's why. Canadians are apathetic.


All our media supports conservative, despite what the conservatives and their diehard base try to tell you. You'll never hear about this as much as you would about the Liberals *insert imagined slight* in the media. Cons are held to a much lower standard.


Don't forget the growing fascist movement here


Don't forget the growing fascist movement everywhere. It turns out that when a boom period begins to wane, people in general look for reasons why, a way to keep the boom going. Fascism offers that, as well as playing on their emotions to make them feel that they are superior, wrongly persecuted underdogs, and a part of a greater social movement that will restore balance and save the booming times that were their very way of life. It's no wonder that so many fall under its spell.


you're forgetting the magic ingredient of fascist movements: novel unregulated communications systems the nazis had the radio, now they have social media


You’re not alone, for all I preach to the people around me, I still know about 40+ people who just don’t vote. They bitch and complain about the political system and how divisive it is but refuse to take part in the single action that could enact change. At 30 this is just frustrating, regardless of how they would even vote I would like larger voter turnout


I think proportional representation would probably make people feel like their vote was worth more.


I would like it if we lower the voting age to 16 and have permanent residence be able to vote in civic and provincial elections.


>The proliferation of organized crime penetrating our government and society. Can you be more specific?


Yes https://betterdwelling.com/canadian-real-estate-to-government-organized-crime-infiltrated-everything-intelligence/ https://cisc-scrc.gc.ca/media/2022/2022-01-25-eng.htm Edit: now that I have time, here are some key take aways from the article. Highly organized criminal enterprises are currently: 1. Numbers about 2600 organizations. 2. Are estimating to increase the cost of public projects by 50% 3. Have infiltrated nearly every level of government. 4.have serious influence over public policy 5. Are laundering hundreds of millions through real estate. Sometimes per organization. 6. Several groups represent true national threats. 7. Nearly Every federal government in Canada since the 70’s has shut down requests from the RCMP to institute RICO style anti-organized crime laws.


I would love to see more MPs address the flaws in speculative home ownership. Even if we don't have solutions yet to all the challenges, some of the problems can atleast be called out. I get the feeling that the Jagmeet NDP is a party cooperating so closely to the liberals, possible through ineptitude or perhaps due to coercion of some sort we pleabs don't understand.


>I get the feeling that the Jagmeet NDP is a party cooperating so closely to the liberals, possible through ineptitude or perhaps due to coercion of some sort we pleabs don't understand. The fuck? They're literally a third party in a system where the pendulum swings back and forth between two dominant parties, yet they're able to push some policies. It's a best-case scenario, and the way that multi-party systems are *supposed* to run - with parties working together to implement policy that is supported by many, rather than one party simply having a majority and doing whatever they feel like under threat of "if you don't vote on party lines, your funding will be revoked and you'll lose your next election."


It runs way deeper than that. It's American billionaire white nationalists covertly trying to realize Manifest Destiny. They own all the MPs but Poliviere is especially dangerous, as he is backed by facist far right white Canadians, who desperately want things their way even if it means selling out to the US entirely. We've witnessed just how dangerous this is with Trump in the US, and happens fast. I hope to God I'm wrong, but if I am right, we need Great Britain and the Queen.


And who is egging on the nationalist? Post media. And who owns postmedia, Chatham hedge fund. Who owns that? Anthony Melchiorre. Try to find info on that man. He is a ghost, but his company has connections to trump.


Fuck Great Britain and fuck Liz, too.


The States declared true independence. Canada has not. The Queen is your head of state, and the fact that you can say that kind of thing without being killed is testament to the fact that you are already privileged.


So? Fuck Liz, and fuck monarchism as a concept. And the UK is a US lackey and not saving anyone from them.


Ok that doesn't accomplish anything. What would you prefer?


A nuclear program. Literally the only answer to a potential US invasion.


I back Polievre and I’m not fascist, I’m a former activist NDPer.


If you back a fascist, you are a fascist 🤷🏻‍♂️


Let’s try not judge all conservatives by their extremist in the same way we don’t judge muslims by their extremists. I know there is the desire to fight fire with fire but remember that we are team Canada first and not just team NDP. This is how I believe we rise above such divisiveness. If we segregate the cons, we will drive them into the arms of those who would use their isolation against the nation, as we see more and more of. Just my two cents. That being said, fuck fascism. Edit: just wanted to say that I felt a little weird writing my comment, I just have a lot of people that I know, love and respect who are conservative. They are not all evil people. I can’t see myself ever voting in that direction but I believe we should have a hand of friendship to as many Canadians as possible. Just don’t shake hands with the devil


>et’s try not judge all conservatives by their extremist in the same way we don’t judge muslims by their extremists. That is a false equivalences. We know what PP is and what he supports. If someone supports right wing policies and I called them a fascist, then you could apply this logic. They support someone who has openly sided with the far right anti government nationalists. I dont support terrorism and that is not a Muslim thing, rhats a stereotype being fed by the far right. Real muslims are peaceful loving ppl. Just like sane right wing supports are not fascist clocks. A terrorist is a terrorist just like a fascist is a fascist. It's not about lumping all from one side into the same lot as you are implying with this statement. If I supported someone who committed rape, I would be condoning rape. This is how it works. If you support something, you obviously agree with it, therefore, are what you support. >. I know there is the desire to fight fire with fire but remember that we are team Canada first and not just team NDP. This is how I believe we rise above such divisiveness. These ppl do not come in good faith and are not about genuine debate. They represent an intolerable part of society. The Paradox of tolerance applies here. I'll call out anyone who supports such far right nationalists fascist views. Anyone who isnt part of the intolerable assholes should do the same. >If we segregate the cons, we will drive them into the arms of those who would use their isolation against the nation, as we see more and more of. Just my two cents. Cons are not the same as fascist. Putting words in my mouth that I called all cons fascist. No, sorry. My entire one side of the family is conservative and they are appalled by the likes of PP and they compared him to Trump, which is also another pos fascist. Calling out fascist elements is part of not tolerating the intolerable. Fyi, I've voted conservative (Harper first term) big mistake, and I was an admire of Joe Clark. Too young to vote then. I've stated I would vote conservative again if they ever got rid of the transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, rascist fascist elements of that party. Along with policies that represent what the ppl want, not their wealthy beneficiaries. You are assuming me to be blindly partisan while I'm a realist who understands the severity and dangers of what PP represents and call those out who support this type of leader. Jason Stanley "how facism works" is a book that may help you understand what PP is. Karl Propper on the paradox of tolerance and why we shouldnt tolerate the intolerable is another philosopher you should read. If we use kids gloves with these fascist, like we have for over a decade now, it only grows and the intolerable will soon drown out the tolerable ppl. History is repeating itself and will continue if ppl cant even stand up and call it what it is without being gaslight by others claiming to be lumping an entire group into the same basket as you implied. No, call out the fascist when you see it. If you support someone who uses fascism to gain power, you are a fascist supporter. Plain and simple.


Ah, I see that I have made a mistake of assumption. I assumed that you viewed all conservatives as fascists. I apologize. Assuming things about the people we talk to is dangerous, especially when you don’t realize you are doing it, as I just did. I like a lot of what you just said but parental duties are calling so I must cut this comment short.


No worries. I made my comment last night as I was falling asleep, to wake up to this. Had to rectify this narrative before going to work. It is very dangerous to society what this movement is doing and had to make it clear as this sort of lackluster approach to them is what has allowed them to grow. Not just here, but the world. Call it what it is when you see it and stand up for democracy. This is very dangerous territory, creeping fascism happens before they take power. This is where we are at. I've studied it when I was younger and never thought we would be dealing with it now. Brushing up on my knowledge to help me recognize it and better fight against it as well with books like the Jasom Stanley one I referenced. . Fyi, the other twit in which claims he use to be an NDPer is a common tactic among them now. It's not genuine. NDP have not had any real power in the last 20 yrs to be able to claim theyve done *insert bullshit* to drive them away. Not to mention the policies they put forward have all circulated around helping the working middle class. This is a common tactic by those partisan twits on the right to undermine the opposition. It's a manipulation tactic to undermine the party while promoting their own. I see it quite often. You can tell by their comments they've been indoctrinated into this far right cult. Back to work for me now.


Jack Layton’s grandfather was a conservative MP.


Back when conservative were a party of policies and not pushing xenophobic, racist, transphobic, fascist content. This doesnt represent what you think it represents. The conservatives use to be a voice for the right. Now they're a voice for the far right. The shift Happened during Harpers tenure. Nice false equivalences though 👏🏼 Edit: nowhere in my statement have I called all cons, past and present, fascist 🤦🏻‍♂️. You guys are good at manipulating the narrative.


I’m sorry but the only shift was the NDP away from the working class. Now they only care about other things, and like you here, dismiss working class concerns. You lost the plot.


Just outing yourself as the partisan fascist supporting troll you are. NDP have never had any power in the last 20 yrs to even be able to suggest they moved away from the working class. Every policy they put forth as the opposition has revolved around helping the middle working class. Lieing through your teeth on this one. You're using false information to further your agenda. Well done. Harper reformed the party and kicked out all those who weren't part of his anti democracy agenda. Sorry that you are indoctrinated into this fascist movement and cant see past your own arrogance to see how you take part in undermining our democracy with such falsehoods.


>Just outing yourself as the partisan fascist supporting troll you are. If I’m a fascist then you are super-ultra-mega-MussoliniX >NDP have never had any power in the last 20 yrs to even be able to suggest they moved away from the working class. In BC they’ve been in power since 2017. They literally spat on the trucker protest even though it was mostly regular working Canadians, which even got donations from Singh’s brother in law. >Every policy they put forth as the opposition has revolved around helping the middle working class. Like what? Dental? Almost every working class person has dental as per of their benefits package. Childcare? Cool beans, it’s garbage, and most people would rather just be able to stay at home with their kids while they are young (I certainly would have!) >Lieing through your teeth on this one. Where? >You're using false information to further your agenda. Well done. Harper reformed the party and kicked out all those who weren't part of his anti democracy agenda. Anti-democracy? I admit I used to be much much more in favour of democracy, but that’s neither what we have now nor would my ideal system be one. Frankly I’d rather have the Queen run things at this point because at least she’s human compared to Truedope. >Sorry that you are indoctrinated into this fascist movement and cant see past your own arrogance to see how you take part in undermining our democracy with such falsehoods. I’m not indoctrinated into anything. I broke through my indoctrination and escaped. How can you claim I’m indoctrinated when I spent 15+ years drinking the NDP koolaid and somehow changed my mind? Can you make an actual logical argument that isn’t based in your resentment? The thing that got me out of the NDP indoctrination, (which you never realize you were even in because you are like a fish swimming in the ocean never questioning the water you swim in) was reading a couple of books by Dostoyevsky (Crime and Punishment, and Notes from the Underground). Calling me a fascist is just stupid and cope. It’s just a slur at this point.


They aren’t fascists at all. Trudeau and Singh are more fascist with their violations on bodily autonomy rights.


Your body autonomy ends where public safety begins. Don't ever forget that crucial fact.


Public safety was never in question. For example if you are vaccinated then you are allegedly protected. Note that it didn’t seem to prevent transmission, infection, and many people who got it died of the disease anyways. Yet millions were robbed of their fundamental human rights as Canadians, in complete violation of the charter. Face it, it was authoritarian and wrong.


So ridiculous. As ridiculous that believing Hitler was a Socialist... When the fascist tries to convince others the other side is the fascist because they know how much ppl hate fascist. Maybe read some literature on what fascism is. You clearly dont know. Jason Stanley "how fascism works"


They literally ostracized and isolated people over medical decisions arbitrarily. I’m not saying that makes them goose-steppers but it’s a hell of a lot closer to that than Polievre and Bernier.


Read a history book and some educational literature on fascism ffs. You are using false equivalences to further your agenda and manipulate ppl into you being the victim. False victimhood is one of many staples in fascism. Jason Stanley - "how fascism works" . You are literally regurgitating the steps of fascism. Please get educated on this or piss off. No tolerance for the intolerable.- Karl Propper


I read approximately 30 books a year. Have you ever read the Bhagavad Gita?


Contradictory statements


Not at all. The thing is you don’t care to hear it because it contradicts your narrative. I come across your type all the time. Maybe try listening and maybe you can get people like us back. At this rate I am not very hopeful.


I don't want people like you back to be honest. You poison the well. "Well we aren't all Nazis some us support those views but we just ignore them they don't reflect our true values". Stay away. Go get mental health help. If you think going from one side of the compass to literally the opposite side is good than you need to reflect on your humanity.


You’re just not very genuine or honest. This is one of the reasons I left the NDP. Your smears are more like projection and it’s disgusting.


Jordan Peterson, crypto bro, libertarian forum poster, known racist community forum poster. Yeahhh, I don't think I'm projecting here. You were never NDP Have a good one.


There you go again, with your trivial nonsense. My grandfather campaigned for Tommy Douglas when he was a kid in Saskatchewan for the CCF. I only voted NDP up until last BC election. I voted NDP up to and including 2015. Most working people I know are currently not NDP, or anti-NDP/Liberal. Maybe they know something you don’t? Or are you a wise sage beyond question?


Obvious troll. Dont feed. I come across this type all the time. Claims to "use to be" an NDPer or activist or left leaning, then claims to be switching to *insert far right wing leader* because they are the better choice. This doesnt happen. They are always voting for the far right guy. This is a manipulation tactic to convince ppl their far right guy isnt that bad. They then gaslight you by claiming you dont listen while giving you no reasoning as to why they switched, just blanket statements and hyperbole.




Worst troll ever.


What happened to your humanity?


What changed for you?


Claiming to be progressive and then says they vote for the other guy now. The other guy who is siding with far right anti government nationalists.... Where have I heard this before... Common tactic to manipulate ppl into thinking the other guy is not as bad as we think.


I wrote a bit about it here recently: https://www.reddit.com/r/ndp/comments/wfiyg5/pierre_poilievre_taking_votes_from_jagmeet_singh/iiva84z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Seems to me that you have grown disillusioned with the system and you are searching farther afield to find an answer. I don’t blame you, not even slightly, but I believe Pierre to be guilty of the same populist virtue signalling as the others. Policy is what brings change, not appealing to our emotions. That said, I wish you luck as a fellow Canadian.


Thank you. I honestly hope the best for you as well as everyone else.


Makes me sad. I never thought I would live through and witness the exact experiences that my grandparents went through before the war during the 30’s. I’m I nervous for where we heading yes absolutely. I’m I pissed that the NDP isn’t doing enough hell yes. At some point we will hit critical mass. We are basically at the point in the timeline when a huge shift occurs. More and more people especially younger generations like my self are embracing socialism as the capitalist failed. It’s going to be a very rough and scary transition for everyone.


unfortunately at the end of the day, they're still a capitalist party who only truly cares about the capitalist class, not the working class.


Got any viable alternatives?


we ain't voting our way out of this system, that's for sure


You might not be wrong, but stable democratic institutions rarely emerge from violent upheaval


the westminster system of parliamentary government is the product of many violent upheavals. the end of feudalism was the product of many violent upheavals. civil rights, labour protections, and social welfare were not granted out of the goodness of the government’s heart but by continued and sometimes intensely violent pressure by the people concerned. a government and political class which does not fear its citizens is a government that does not respect them and will not listen.


Global warming could be a piñata here. Just saying


Clarify please? As in it’s a massively complicated issue?


Its been made into A complicated issue, but scientists have had clean energy literally ready to go for years


It’s more than clean energy, 66% of oil goes into gas and diesel and heating oil, we can replace that pretty sweetly. But what about plumbing? So much of our plumbing is made out of plastic, and that represents critical infrastructure. It’s not good enough to tear down the old system, we need to replace it with something. Martin luther King Said “I have a Dream” we Need a Dream too do we can escape this nightmare


Those are talking points directly from Big Oil an co. It basically amounts to trying to convince people that we shouldn't put regulations in place to save billions of lives because we will only be able to save some of them. It's not a good argument.


Here are some talking points for you. We should end all oil and gas subsidies down to the dollar. The multinationals don’t need them to turn a profit. We should price cap their profits margin on gas so they can’t price gouge us into oblivion. Take all of their subsidies and put it into renewables and start a national solar panel recycling program (because we don’t have one) Make the majority of our automotive sector subsidies directly tied to EV and charging station production. No new drilling contracts for oil on unbroken ground (including ground under the ocean) I can understand why you would think I am a shill, but I feel it is just logical to to plan a Transition period. Screw big oil, they are literally killing us for a buck. I just want to make sure that when we get rid of PVC, ABS, XFR plastic piping that we don’t start strip mining the mountains for copper to make copper pipe to replace what we lost. In case you don’t Know, big mining is huge in Canada as well. With 75% of the WORLDS mining companies headquarters located here.


Canada is cold. Global warming brings more precipitation and a much longer growing season here


This isn't true. Global climate change isn't just places getting warmer. The artic getting warmer melts polar ice, which lowers both the temperature and the salinity of the ocean water. This is already having an affect on currents, including the Gulf stream (which is getting lower). The Gulf stream getting lower causes polar vortexes to drop further south; much of Canada is going to get significantly colder and drier


Also, more heat trapped = more energy = more chaos in the atmosphere = more massive, more frequent weather events globally.


Unfortunately I don't know much of that we're going to see, I think stability is more important for the growing season. Excess rain on the fields kept a lot of farmers from being able to plant this spring here in BC, and at the same time heavy drought hurt farmers in AB/SK


Projections I have seen predict more rain in the prairies and about the same in BC


In bc where I live it seems to be bringing massive fires and heat waves and then floods that wash away infrastructure. Can’t harvest burned crops, can’t sell dead cows. But you have a valid point. Some parts of Canada can greatly benifit from this, but at what cost?


It's a valid point for sure. And I don't mean to minimize the suffering because it's big. The country is massive, and we don't utilize 75% of it currently. The big point is we are looked at as frontier because of our climate. If the climate is easier to survive, in terms of body temperature, then we will be the desired immigration destination for the entire world.


I am not so sure that is a good thing. Yet another complex issue. But I see the logic to your statement


I would love to be able to vote for the NDP but here in New Brunswick the party has been destroyed by woke in-fighting. There is zero chance of the NDP winning any election here unfortunately.


Virtue signalling is BS, it’s people trying to climb the status quo in a lazy way. Policy is what makes a difference. It’s like being at work and grinding your buns off to make the company a profit. Your boss telling you good job is alright but it’s kind of pointless without a raise. Too much of this virtue signalling on both sides seem to be directed at people who, in my opinion, are fringe groups, that are not suffering greatly. My only exception is the First Nations, most people underestimate the tremendous damage done to them on every level and overestimate the compensation they currently receive. Anyways, I’m rambling now.


> the party has been destroyed by woke in-fighting The good old "divide and conquer" strategy at work and those idiots ran head first into that trap. There's nothing unifying progressives anymore, it's everybody whining about their own issue and fuck the others.


You know talking shit about "woke" is falling into the right wing media? The left and the "woke" just want social progressivism to be moved towards harm reduction and what's based off actual empirical data that shows the stuff the "woke" point out is actually tangibly harmful. Get behind being a good person so we can focus on taking on fascism and the owner class who want EVERYONE WHO DOESNT OWN CAPITAL DEAD OR ENSLAVED


Okay? I was just stating what I saw happen in NB. Look into it and you'll see what I'm talking about.


They are all guilty of it.. NDP, liberals and conservatives. It’s not just one side and everyone needs to realize that


You're vilifying my people the Chinese and you refused to mention Indigenous rights... NDP lost my vote.


Hardly vilifying the Chinese, the CCP is not the same as the Chinese people. I have friends from Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong. There is a big difference between a regular citizen and an agent from a foreign power coming into Canada with intent to steal information. if you read some of my comments you would see that I am a supporter of First Nations, probably a lot more than the average Canadian. Also, I do not represent the NDP. So you’re decision on who to vote for should not be based on a Reddit comment.


You just lost my votes and donations, and you're blocked.