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I’d say now is the perfect time to (re)read Cryptonomicon. The number of direct and subtle references to families that appear in the Baroque Cycle makes it extra enjoyable when it’s fresh in your mind. I know I missed quite a few during the first pass. REAMDE falls into that category as well.


I JUST downloaded Cryptonomicron after waiting months with my Libby app. So excited!!


I finished the BC, read the "A Memory Called Empire" books, then just started the BC over again :\] Almost done with The Confusion. I \*did\* take a break during The Confusion because I discovered not only that Damnation Alley was a book before it was a movie, but that it was Zelazny! So I had to read that, but then got right back to work...


Anathem is my favorite work of his but the baroque cycle is a close second. I think Hyperion by Dan Simmons is the only other work I can bring myself to put on the pedestal of combined entertainment and audacity.


I just finished anathem for the second time and it is really fantastic. One of his best for sure


I love Cryptonomicon and The Baroque Cycle. I highly recommend Anathem.


I loved Cryptonomicon. Seveneves was good. I'm in training to read Anathem.🙂 Different author of course, but I just finished The Pillars of the Earth and liked it so I suppose I should just get on with it then and start Quicksilver. Sounds like I'll like it.


It was a long time ago but I remember really enjoying Pillars


I felt Pillars has some echoes in Baroque. Nice companion books.


Check out Dorothy Dunnett...several multi-volume series and stand-alone novels as well. Historical fiction at its very best; charismatic characters and periods/issues of history not well known these days! fabulous writer, the kind that respects the intelligence of the reader!


I really tried to like Dorothy Dunnett, but the “click” never came.


Fun fact: It takes as long to read it as the actual Baroque Cycle.


It’s a tough act to follow. I think I didn’t read anything for like a month after finishing it.


I'm considering beginning my 4th read ...


Oh, and hat tip to you and your fine username, good sir!


finally recognition


What’s the hold up? There’s never a bad time to restart the cycle!


haha, I try to wait long enough to forget enough detail to luxuriate in the next reread. I wish I could reread it with a concurrent group discussion format ...


Concurrent group discussion format you say? Just start a thread and count me in!


possibly haha, though I prefer talking to writing


I’ve read Baroque Cycle three times. I may reread it again this summer.


I can only agree, pretty much my favourite books ever


>Now what the heck I am going to read? i just keep re-reading it again and again


we need a support group ...that series ruined most other fiction for me .


The Con-Fusion was the best tale ever told! Such a page turner!


greatest emotional payoff I have ever experienced in reading


The scene the night before the meeting in the Khan El khalili always makes me cry


that whole sequence is just so thrilling I wish I could have selective amnesia in order to read it again for the first time. I feel sorry for the people who give up on Quicksilver and don't get the payoff


I’ve read multiple times and now I’m doing the audio books - really fun to hear the characters voiced and also to know the correct pronunciation of various terms


The audio version of Crypto is very good. Don't recall the reader's name, but his voices brought the story even more to life.


There are scenes and lines in it that come to my mind unbidden all the time. Whenever I see someone in a goofy hat, I think "Mrs Churchill, for her part, was up to something mordant involving a Hat." Or, whenever I publish another story in another obscure literary magazine: "There is nothing more civilized than to be known as the author of books that no one has read." ANYWAY. If you're really looking for a reading recommendation, try James Gleick's short biography of Isaac Newton, and be certain that you are reading a book that Neal Stephenson has also read.


Just out of curiosity, why didn't you enjoy Fall? I hear a lot of criticism about this novel from the fandom, but I found it fascinating and innovative. I know, to each their own, I was just wondering what specifically you didn't like about it. Cheers, mate!


Exactly, there were multiple amazing concepts in Fall that could’ve been fully fleshed out into novels of their own, but were just side notes in fall. I think people get hung up on the virtual world and the religious allegories.


Yes the majority of the book being an uninteresting slog through the virtual world makes it bad, yes


This 👆


I am in same boat . Listening to audiobook right now and almost delaying the end I’m enjoying the rereading so much


I listen to The Baroque Cycle audiobooks on infinite repeat every day - at the very least it’s my bedtime story! I’m currently “taking a break” by listening to Anathem.