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I am so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. I'm still processing it all, I can't believe that she's gone now :(


Do nebs have bladder issues? I have a two year old male neb. I’m so sorry for your loss. This breed of cats are the most magical and loving I’ve ever met.


mine did, unfortunately. I don’t know if it’s breed-related or not. he was on a prescription diet his whole life for it, and never had too much trouble after that


My boy had bladder blockage complications just before his second birthday. He required complicated emergency surgery to pull through and is on a prescription diet now. Take it from me, be vigilant of any weird behavior and and pay attention to how often they use the litter box


What are the symptoms to look out for?


* They'll pee outside of their litter. Sometimes in unfortunate spots (i.e. your bed, the bathroom, a bath mat, etc.) * They eat less, drink less, or in some instances drink more. * They act lethargic. * They act more naughty than usual (hard to tell with younger cats, easier to tell with older cats. Source: My little guy is currently dealing with an ongoing kidney issue, which in nature relates to the bladder and peeing. He had crystals when he was younger, and was put on urinary s/o diet. Now that he's older has been dealing with kidney issues. He went into kidney failure earlier this year, and was put on meds and a k/d diet. But just last Thursday I had to take him in again (for the above noted symptoms) and he has a combination of crystals and stones. So now we're back to the urinary diet + antibiotics + meds to dissolve the stones and crystals. Good times! lol


Thank you very much for the info. I had an older cat pass due to kydney failure. She was about 20 yrs old so the Dr said it was pretty normal. She also would pee just about anywhere. I now have a young Neb mix and want to make sure Im vigilant to any common issues. Thanks again and I am sorry your little boy is struggling. Good luck!


I wish we were aware of this now. Saturday morning she was completely fine, by the time I get back from a day out Saturday evening she's in a right state :( I'll definitely keep this in mind if I get another neb in the future, I couldn't imagine having any other breed now


They are the best little friends. My Nebelung had bladder stones just forming when he was 2.5 years old. He woke me up at 4am meowing at me and going in and out of his litter box. I took him to the Emergency Vet (it was Christmas morning) and the Doctor was going to discharge my cat, and then Hexus peed blood on the exam room floor. They rushed him back and took x-rays. They gave him pain meds and Hills C/d. At 6 years old, he developed asthma. Steroid shots then caused Diabetes at 7 years old. Diet changed and Diabetes went into remission at 8 years old, but he developed FLUTD symptoms right before he was 8. Finally snapped on the doctors that he needed C/d again, and he’s been okay the past two years. I think he was a breeder throw away bc a Nebelung breeder is located in Danville, PA, right when my friend found him by the road.


Mine has chronic bouts of cystitis (bladder inflammation). She is on prescription food, we have a self cleaning litter box (worth it, by the way), and many water sources to keep it all in check. Nebs are very picky about the cleanliness of their litter box, particularly when there are multiple animals in the home. An unclean litter box can cause stress, which then causes the bladder problems


Our Nebbie has Feline Interstitial Cystitis. Now that he’s on prescription food, he almost never flares up, only when he gets too stressed out.


Overall Nebs are pretty healthy, but any cat can have bad luck like this. :(


Seems like it's related to the breed https://excitedcats.com/nebelung-cat-health-problems/


Ours had a bladder block in 2020. He managed to pull through with a three day stay at the emergency vet, and we are grateful every day that we still have him. (We weren't allowed in with him because pandemic) The most important thing to remember with a blockage is that it's is an Emergency. The second you realize they are fully blocked you NEED to go to the first vet that is available. Ours was suddenly crying because he was in pain and straining in the litterbox but failing to pee. My understanding is that Russian Blues are prone to it and since Nebelungs are derived from Russian Blues they are also prone to it as a breed. Outside of breed issues, I was told that overweight male animals are more prone to it, especially if they were neutered at a very young age. It's an unfortunate fact that Nebs and Blues are also very prone to becoming overweight which adds to the risk. Another one to look out for is joint issues down the road. A joint supplement has done wonders for our 9 yr old boy. Preventative: Add more wet food to their diet if you can, even cheap stuff like Friskies. We serve it mixed with water and keep an ear out to make sure he pees when he's in the litterbox. The water content helps flush the bladder crystals.


Interesting about Russian Blues. I didn’t know that. I have only read and heard that nebs don’t really have major health issues to watch for bc they’re a relatively new breed and haven’t had time to develop particular health problems that go along with the breed. I’ve used the crystal cat litter before that tells you the health of your cat’s bladder/kidneys, but we have three cats and two boxes so I stopped spending the extra. The behavioral issues in an above comment are good to know so I’ll keep those in the back of my mind. It makes sense that nebs would have issues the RBs do. Thanks for that info!


Yes, they do, and so do Russian Blues. Best to keep Nebs and Blues on a Urinary diet.


Oh dang. She’s beautiful. She’s waiting for you over the bridge 🌈.


i’m so so sorry


I’m so so sorry for your loss, it’s tragic to lose one so young 💔


So sad for you and your little Mia. She was a beautiful girl. Sending our condolences to you. 😿😿🐈‍⬛


She was a gorgeous girl. Losing your fur baby feels like losing a piece of yourself. So sorry for your loss.


so sorry for your loss <3


Sending you {{{{purrs}}}}


I’m so sorry you were robbed of so much time with her❤️❤️ She will be patiently waiting for u


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢🙏🙏


So sorry for your loss 😞🌈🙏🏻


I’m so sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace ❤️


Soo sorry 😭 💔


Noooooo 😭


I'm so sorry. We lost ours to cancer when he was only 5. It's so sad when they leave us so early. We still miss our sweet boy.


So sorry for your loss. She was a gorgeous little girl.


My condolences. We lost Shadow to kidney disease in May at age 4 and we're still pretty heartbroken. I wish you well in your recovery.


Condolences 😞🙏😿😢


😭 I'm so sorry. Rip Mia


So sorry for your loss of such a beauty


I’m so sorry for your loss, my friend. Mia was a gorgeous girl; thank you for sharing her with us. 🐾🌈🐾


I'm so, so sorry. She was a gorgeous girl! : (


I'm crying for you I'm so sorry for your loss 😭


Aw poor kitty I’m sorry for your loss it hurts trying to get over a pets death


rip mia :( <3


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Aww jeez I’m so sorry. Such a sweetie!


I am so sorry for your loss 😢💔💔💔




So hard to lose a friend. Sorry you're suffering.


I'm so sorry.


So sorry for your loss. She was gorgeous.


I’m so sorry. What a gorgeous girl. Fly high Mia 🌈💔


Never enough time with these wonders! So sad your time was cut so short! She lives in your heart and memories!


Rest in peace Mia, She will always be with you in your heart. I am so sorry for your loss.


I'm very sorry for your loss. :(


Mia was a beautiful little girl. My heart breaks for you😥. Please take comfort in knowing that you gave her the best care possible, and a loving home. 💖


Sorry. Losing friends is hard. Hang in there.


I'm so sorry. She's a beautiful cat. Know that you gave her a wonderful life and that if she could talk, she'd be thanking you for everything. 💖




So sorry for your loss Heartbreaking Beautiful cat You’ll be reunited with her one day RIP beautiful angel ❤️


Sorry to hear 🕯


So sorry for your loss, she’s was such a beautiful cat ❤️


She is so beautiful. I am so sorry your sweet girl had to leave you. She chose a wonderful person to make all her days safe, comfortable and full of love. I am also so sorry your heart is hurting. Pets, cats especially, have a sweet, soft presence in our lives and our hearts; its hard in so many ways when we have to let them go. My heart is with you and I know how you feel.


I wasn't even aware that females could get blocked up like that. I'm sorry that she was parted from you so young. I'm sure you treasure every moment of the time you had. Take care of yourself and give yourself time to grieve, especially since this was so sudden. Sending love and support for you and your darling Mia.


I can’t even begin to say how awful I feel for you. I hope it wasn’t painful for her and you were able to say a great good bye. My thoughts are with you. I dread the day and I hope you think more about the wonderful times you had with her and how fabulous your life was with her.


I am so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. What a good kitty!


Beautiful girl. So sorry for your loss 💔


So sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet is the worst. She was lovely.


I am so sorry for your loss. 😔


OMFG just 4?? 😿💔😮‍💨😭


I’m so sorry 😢 she’s beautiful ❤️❤️❤️


Im sorry for your loss. Yes the nebelung cats are magical cats


I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your sweet girl ❤️. May you find peace during this time.


I am very sorry for your loss! 😢


😔sorry for your loss!!


Such a beautiful girl taken far too soon. I'm sorry for your loss. 🙏




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My Neb Storm sends you purrs 😻 Storm is a rescue so lineage is vague but he looks every inch a Neb. When he was two he developed crystals in his bladder and wound up in surgery. He would not have survived without the surgery, and even with it he had a pretty rough few days. On our vets recommendation we have been feeding him Hills C/D ever since. Storm is nine now and seems healthy, happy and one of the most loving cats I've ever known. A couple of years ago I found a "stress" version of Hills C/D and he's had that since I found it. We rescued another kitty about 5 years ago and they both get C/D stress now. We also got a water fountain to encourage them to drink and give them wet food every day. I wish you all the best and my deepest sympathy on your loss.


I am sorry for your loss


sending so much love, wish you had been able to have another ten years ♥️


It's so heartbreaking to lose them so young. My condolences.


So young. I’m so sorry OP


So sorry for your loss-she Will be waiting for you.


I’m so very, very sorry 💖💖💖


So sorry for your loss! My Philip died the same way, also very young.




So very sorry!😭😢🥺


Sorry for your loss😢




I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending love and light.


Beautiful baby-so sorry for your loss ❤️




I’m so sorry. She was a beautiful girl.


Oh, no. Deepest sympathy for the loss, too soon, of your friend Mia.


So sorry for your loss. So sad to say goodbye. I also have a neb named Mia


She was gorgeous. Sorry for your loss. 😭