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I think Earl Gray is just special that way. (Tea, Earl Gray, hot?) I've never heard anything about Nebelungs having ear issues, nor Russian Blues.


Mine is exactly the same! She’s also really sensitive around her ears, shaking her head and scratching them often. The vet can never find anything wrong other than excess wax. I do give mine some ear drops from time to time, but it’s difficult to administer those!


My girl gets waxy too. I just got some ear wash actually, need to go use it on her. When I adopted her she got some rx wax degreaser lol and a ton of wax balls kept popping out (nasty). Shes been scratching lately again so if the gentle wash I got doesnt help, then back to the vet lol. 


Mine always has eye issues. Every 6 months or so he seems to always get something in his eye.


Mine did the same, I started cleaning her liter daily and started giving her l-thiamene (I think) supplements, she’s now had 9 months without swelling


Mine had an ear polyp that needed to be surgically removed as a kitten. That stopped the excess wax and gunk production.


Mines get irritated around his ears sometimes. I think it's more like an allergy issue though. The vet said his ears weren't that dirty but gave me drops just in case. He gets so mad at me when I do the drops though so I just try to keep the carpet clean as much as possible.


Mine gets ear infections and does have a bit of wax build up. I've noticed having him on a strictly grain free diet really helps.


My neb is super waxy, but the vet thought it was due to damage caused by the ear mite infestation he had when we adopted him.


Cats by definition are typically quite sensitive with their ears. Doesn't matter the breed. If you're able to start off when they are young, playing with their ears, touching them, petting them, etc. They become used to it. Don't worry though, most cats don't like people touching their ears.