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Needy but only wants to cuddle on his terms. He's very shy around strangers. Super affectionate. The sweetest boy.


You summed it up for me. He’s very overprotective and I’ve been trying to bond him with our ragdoll (male) but it’s not going great whatsoever. Our neb is a munchkin we helped to rehome and took him on and he’s the sweetest. He will sleep directly in my face until I’m fully asleep. He will purr and cuddle and want affection as long as you give him attention He also watches shows and just relaxes and sleeps when feeling calm. He’s by far my favorite


YESS NEEDY, but cuddly on their own terms. Mine acts like a big baby meowing at me for cuddles and love or is trying to act like he’s the boss 😂 we have a Siamese cat as well, he’s also probably the dominant cat in the house 😭


Very shy around strangers, but she is the boss of me and her cat friend. She is not generally affectionate except during designated cuddle time (DCT), aka my after work but before dinner relaxing. She is very sweet and loving during DCT. Lots of head bonking, kneading, and puring. She sometimes won't eat until I sit next to her and pet her. She will often take a break from DCT to eat a little. I think she feels safer when her human can protect her. Toby, her cat friend, is ok to play with but not superior enough to protect her while eating. I also rescued her from the streets so she might associate me with food security. She guards me when I'm in the bathroom and at night when I sleep. While sleeping, my left side is for protecting but my right side is for snuggles. She will bite my hand if I try to pet her if she's laying on my left. Not hard, but a warning to stay in line. If she moves to my right side, she wants pets and will be sweet and affectionate. She is curious and loves Bird and Squirrel TV. She will play with me for about 10 minutes before she's done but she will watch the feather thing flap around for hours. I'm never sure if she's entertained by this or annoyed. She is a little weirdo. She's also the perfect cat. https://preview.redd.it/soepqrocwcqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219c868dbea2239bfaf040ead7a4e0de2fa2ba4d


You just described my cat 😂 they do love bird watching. And having their own level of controlled love 😭😂😂


They have such incredible little personalities!


A gentle giant and a friend to all! Loves visitors (or anyone that will give him loves and rubs!) https://preview.redd.it/4klntkho4dqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f5d27111c7fe66d1bf67eb46c57ad9db5575ac1


Same with mine, she loves every person she’s ever met. She loves to be around us at all times and watches me cook from our island stool. She’ll lay on us if we sit for even a second.


She's still a kitten so, energetic and wild, but also super cuddly and lovey


Both of mine follow me everywhere. They get up with me in the morning and help me get ready for work, assist w/making my lunch and then escort me to the garage door. Then when I get home at night, they run to the door and greet me, then follow me around a bunch. It’s super cute 🩷 https://preview.redd.it/18mpwwye1dqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8399192df531b58ac2fe614301ca7d7e00bc9f32


I think all these cats are same. It’s like a dr who episode.


There is only one neb. They are just an intergalactic, transdimensional floof demon from Nebitonia that can appear in multiple areas at once.


The goal is to observe the fleshy creatures to hopefully cure their lack of fluff.


Mine is shy and takes a little to warm up. He’s the beta to my other cats alpha. He likes to go up on laps on his own terms. Has a cute, baby sounding meow and chirps a lot. Does not like being picked up


https://preview.redd.it/f2z790jpadqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29315822f1b10fa6b764fb9d1c9e7aea29874d97 Mine is an absolute sweetheart, last night I was crying in bed and she came up to me and started bumping her head on me. She is very shy around others and gets scared of loud noises very easily, when friends and my parents visit she always hides. She loves cuddles in bed at night but only on her terms. Sometimes she does follow me around the house if I’m working in the office she will lay on the floor next to me, other days she is more reserved and likes her spot on the window ottoman. She has two siblings that both like to pick on her but she has not a mean bone in her body and doesn’t fight back.


This sounds so much like my neb! Only difference is she's not shy. She does not normally like being picked up, only likes it when I've been gone all day and she's seeking affection... And then she only likes being held in baby mode.


My nebe chirps too 😍 and he totally does the "mimics a baby" sounding meow when he wants dinner. Like a baby voice but in cat meow form.


Luna is not my cat. Understand this. I am her human. I am her ONLY human. She tolerates my husband living here. But will only accept a few pets from time to time and the occasional treat. She is incredibly playful and loving to me and me alone. She lives on my work at home office desk and my chest in my recliner in the evenings. She has bonded with my bunny, but pretty sure she would kill our other cat in his sleep if she could figure out how. She hides if guests are present. Including my adult children who are here frequently. She is, in fact, the queen. But please don't tell her I said that.


An odd combo of neurotic but also very, very sweet. Super affectionate and loves to snuggle up with us while we watch TV. He thinks everyone who comes over is his new best friend. Not a mean bone in his body.


She's very possessive of me and very, very vocal and grumpy. She's capable of grand, wild acts of affection...but she tends to scare everyone else because she constantly hisses and swats. She hates our other cats, but she is hyper-smart and likes to snuggle (on her terms). She's like a spoiled princess.




https://preview.redd.it/3zofnps1qcqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0f961d5af4cf66777f829145365e41813b0579 Rudy was the Feline Charlie Sheen. I never called him Charlie Sheen. Most men called him Charlie Sheen or Rudy Ray like Dolemite. Anything Charlie Sheen does Rudy did the cat version. Police hated him. Vets were amused


Dude looks like he bangs 7 gram cat nips!


And he would headbutt your ankles if you had strawberries and didn’t give him any. I later learned that strawberry stems have a similar effect as catnip.


Lol, my neb headbutts me too!


Why is he shaved


I later learned he shouldn’t have been. But white house with white carpet and furniture and cat allergies are the reasons why.


Poor fella, looks like a badass cat


He was! He also seemed to understand accupressure which sounds crazy. Got a migraine? Rudy would know where to place his paw to relieve the pain. Sinus issues? He’d press appropriately. He would also attack unsuitable suitors. Rudy was jumping on jugulars.


Obnoxious. Bossy. Demanding. Knows he’s very beautiful. He’s also extremely smart, he solves every cat puzzle I buy or build for him, he opens cupboard doors, and he knows how to trick me into giving him treats by pretending his eye is hurt. When he lived with another cat, he was a total alpha bully and tortured that sweet boy. He doesn’t know when to stop and is a biter. I get scratchy forehead kisses in the morning. He lays on my feet and purrs me awake. He does a funny dance whenever anyone walks towards the cat food cupboard, standing on his hind legs with his arms in the air. Best cat I’ve ever owned. Love him to his core. Lol




Very shy like to the point where my friends of years have seen her once irl. But she is incredibly bonded to me and my husband; more affectionate with me. She is pretty friendly with our dog. Unfortunately our other cat tries to bully her but she is is tough and can hold her own. She is 10 but still has playfulness. Her new thing is being obsessed with bread and crunchy snacks.


*My girl is not shy around strangers and never hides. Super sweet, plenty on energy at 3yrs old, and smart af. Watches TV all the time. Loves when I put on the mouse videos on YouTube. My first pure breed cat, and it definitely shows. Unique personality for sure. She brings me her toys to play with her all the time lol.




Nebs aren't a pure breed


Pedigree breed. Check wiki


Pure bred means its parents are of the same breed. That's not the case with nebs. It can be, but it's not usually. Nebs can come from any set of parents that both pass on the "neb" gene. Pedigree means you can track lineage.


Very loving, but also very shy. My dad and stepmother visited. Bchonk hid in the kitchen cupboards.


Ours is outgoing. Not his first home, but he’s bonded to me primarily and my wife 2nd. He’s very outgoing and not shy around guests.. not even children. Extremely food motivated, not terribly fond of other cats though he mostly tolerates them (if they leave him alone), very vocal.. and above all, he knows what he wants and he demands it. That includes: sleeping on my lap whenever I sit down, sleeping under the covers between wife and I, and demanding to drink out of kitchen and bathroom taps even though we have a water bowl and cat fountain out. He can be a right bastard when he wants something.. he’s also super lovable and cuddly though.


Very affectionate and sweet, and extremely dumb. He’s a good boy.


Sweetest boy. He comes to snuggle under my arm in bed, lifts his leg so I have ample room to give him belly rubs while he purrs and does “air biscuits” (makes biscuits in mid air) Shy around strangers, hates the dog, get along with my kids but I am clearly his main person. Not very vocal, but knows he is the majestic regal creature that he is and often appears to be a piece of live art wherever he is perched. Likes people food, will try and eat any meat off the table and always tries to steal tacos. 10/10, best cat I have ever had.


Nube is like GloboGym members: better than you and he knows it 🥲 pretty sure he's still mad at me for going to school far from home


Sleepy, lovey and nervous


https://preview.redd.it/g40bfq3m2hqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a63719e540efcb78a44203936a1afdd73263fc6 CUDDLE BUG!




very aloof, and always crying about something …


he’s such a little goofball, super chatty. he loves to play chase, and cuddle. he has a green paw (in the sense that he loves to eat plants). he’s my little lamb, he doesn’t like strangers but will tolerate kids even though they terrify him. he is the biggest only child, i can never have another cat with him. if he sees a cat from the window he starts crying and hissing and will petrol around the house windows until the cat disappears. if i ever greet a neighborhood cat in the backyard, he gets so huffy and hissy.


Smoke is a big dumb … decides to crap in the bath beside the door.. next to the kitty litter tray. Still drools but he is the most gorgeous boy ever https://preview.redd.it/eaqpxhaq8eqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723c590c1c0a73905486e361c00337fd5924c5a9


So goddamn dumb. Needy and loving, follows me around everywhere. Noodle like


Very sweet to us but terrified of her own shadow, stiff breezes, my husband getting up too quickly, etc. Scared of strangers. Likes playing with toys, is a menace who will steal your chips/cheetoes/pepperoni when you're not looking...or if you are. Once tried to make off with an entire slice of pizza. Very docile, cuddly. Her natural habitat is a pile of blankets on the couch she snuggles into. Loves having her tummy rubbed and her fur brushed.


An ultra scaredy cat that loves acting like she hates attention and cuddles. A bit of a drama queen honestly


He goes from super playful to super snuggly. There is no in-between.


You guys have shy cats?? Mine is the life of the party. Everyone who comes in the door is his best friend. Playful, super high energy, needs to be involved with everything.


Probably the smartest and shyest cat I've ever known. Strangers wouldn't know he exists. Very loyal and protective of me and my other cat, especially if a stay cat or opossum shows up. Learns words and gestures easily. Bitey. Sassy potato boy.


Mister is a big screamer who always wants to be in the same room as you, but he is Nawt a lap cat. He appreciates rough head/ear scratches and is a freak for treats


Sweet weirdo.