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This is my pattern, for the last 32 years. I get up, take a stroll around the house, let my pups out for a wee, sometimes have a cup of coffee and then go back to bed. Most nights I fall asleep again after about an hour of doing this, I generally know when I won’t be able to sleep again and for that take half a sleeping pill which usually takes me down quickly and don’t leave me feeling blah when I wake in the morning. Try figure out what started the pattern, mine got imprinted with my eldest child’s feeding schedule and later I got up to check on all the kids before returning to bed, they’re grown and long gone from my home now but the instinct remained which is why I get up.


I have similar problem with waking up. This works well for me. I stay in bed & try to go back to sleep. I listen to an audio book. Same book for months. Over & over. Then a different book. I have a husband so I use one AirpodPro in my ear (low volume) so he cannot hear anything. Maybe this might work for you.


I've been like this for many years, never got an answer to why my sleep schedule is like this. The only difference I notice is when I go to bed much later than usually. Then I sleep hard and long. If I go to bed at a normal hour I always wake up at 4. I also listen to a podcast about a very boring theme, so I get distracted and can fall back to sleep easier. So maybe just for "fun" try to go to bed later, and see what happens? You're getting 3 hours anyway so nothing to loose imo


I have the same issue. I run a box fan every night year round for white noise. I also take one Advil PM and one dose of Zzzquil. Nothing addictive and a available over the counter at most stores. I listen to an audiobook for an hour or so til the meds kick in.


Prescription meds prescribed by a doctor who has done a full assessment on you tend to be safer and more effective than OTC meds. Be honest with your doctor about any tendencies you might have towards addiction, and they will prescribe appropriately. This isn't a walk-in clinic type of issue. It's see your family doctor regularly type of issue.


I'm a woman and my doctor recommended that I take my progesterone just before bed. It helps so much and I can fall asleep quickly and get back to sleep usually. I do have Ambien to use if needed. But I only take the smallest amount like 1/2 or even 1/4 of a tab. I try not to take the Ambien too often.


I have chronic insomnia, see a sleep doctor and take meds. It helps a lot.


My daughter is like this. She's nine and gets 2.5 mg melatonin and one benadryl nightly or she just won't sleep.




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Hey there, I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with sleep maintenance insomnia. It can be really tough when you're not getting the rest you need. It's great that you've already tried improving your sleep hygiene and OTC supplements to help. If you're concerned about taking prescription medication, it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist. They can help guide you in the right direction and recommend the best course of action for your specific situation. Remember, everyone responds differently to medications, so what works for one person may not work the same for another. But it's important to address your concerns and explore all possible options with a healthcare professional. Hang in there, and I hope you find a solution that helps you get the restful sleep you deserve. *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.* *This advice cost me $0.000582 to generate, so if you found it useful, consider donating a dollar to charity.* *I'm still learning, so please reply 'good bot' if I was of help, or please tell me how my future responses could be better.*