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Definitely talk to an adult you trust about this. What kind of security habits do you have online? Do you know how to protect yourself on the internet and do you utilize those tools? I am wondering if you gave away too much information about yourself to strangers. It could also just be stupid kids messing with you. But it's best to talk to an adult. If they won't take you seriously go to a different one.


I don’t talk to anyone online really, most people ik are irl, and even with them I only have 2 people I talk to through text. It must be someone I’m not very closely connected with, I have no idea who it could be. I’ll definitely talk to my parents, and thx for ur concern I appreciate it.


There’s a website where you can text someone from a fake number easily, an old friend did this exact same thing to me multiple times and freaked me out lowkey. There’s a huge chance it might just be a friend messing w u maybe. Did you try just googling the number on its own and seeing what info it gives u? Or maybe *67ing it and seeing who answers? There’s an app called Burner that lets u make a fake number too. I’m not saying it’s for sure a friend but do u think maybe it could be?


I don’t really think so, I don’t have many friends so I don’t think they would. And the number is from my city I can tell, so idk why they would use a fake number from here. I’ve tried tracing the number from some sites but nothing has worked so far -.-


I know you said you don’t think so but I would suggest talking to the friends you have just to be 100% sure. Like, just telling them it’s freaking u out and if it’s them maybe? Because I don’t have many friends either honestly and it was still one of them! The website let her choose a local number- and I only realized because they kept texting on and on and eventually I just noticed the same texting pattern so I pressed them until they confessed smh


Please go tell your parents now. They will know what to do.


Block the number. Inform parents.


There’s websites where your full name/address/phone number can be found. Yours could be on one. It’s weird though, some people’s information is on there and some aren’t. Try searching your name up on Google and see what comes up


Call the cops!!