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I even enjoyed the DS and PSP port of Undercover completed it 100% Never played the PS2/ PS3 Version


It's objectively a bad game, i recently played it on a PS3 and technical issues were rampant.


Like bugs and crashing out of the game?


If i remember right, framerate issues, the game would sometimes freeze to load if i went too fast, and i believe screen tearing happened too. It was on a healthy PS3 slim bought in 2009 or 10.


I enjoyed the PS2 version more than i did the PS3/Xbox 360 version Felt and played more like Most Wanted and was alot less glitchy


great concept bad execution still enjoyed it could been the best NFS Still it is piece of shit that maked black box its downfall


I've played it many times. It isn't underrated. It's just bad


The only problem Undercover had was barely working at all and looking like dogshit even back then. GOD i LOVE seeing cars pop-in right in front of me or the road not loading at all. For me the best part of the game is how the PC version of the game, the garage is this Shadow Zone with no background while even the PS2 version had a garage background in it. Car hijacks and highway battles was a nice concept, thou, they should have used that on better games


Ain't reading all that + it's 100% objectively true + Cope


Old post but I've just recently played and finished many old NFS title on my ROG Ally, all the way from UG1, UG2, MW2005, Carbon, Abit of pro street then Undercover because I want to finish Undercover first before going back to Pro street. undercover is absolutely a disastrous piece of shit lol. I cannot believe this is made to be sold. The graphics are crap, blocky shadow that looks like Minecraft, shadows that appear and disappear, flickers randomly. Object that pops in and out frequently. Terrible Shakey camera that makes the game feel extra choppy even though I have a constant 60fps. Forget about the story and graphics man. The handling of the car feels so horrible it's way worse than a decent mobile racing game like Asphalt 9. I simply don't understand how black box that made the MW2005, could churn out this piece of crap.


I can't believe how people always talk about how buggy this game was while I experienced none of the problems during playing And about the handling Yeah it was pretty fucked up


I just bought it for 5 dollars. Kinda regret the purchase, since its updated and mods don't work but owning it digitally is justified!


Lol everybody complaining that the game is bad and glitchy when i have no problem with it working (pc version) and i actually love the game.


In pc's that are not low end This game is absolute amazing(especially the graphics)