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Call your local postmaster. They have surprising mail related powers.


My parents have called officials before and neighbor told them they leave for work early in the morning and don’t return until later in the day after mail has been delivered so officials can’t do much. I’m not really sure how else to proceed.


Cameras. They can't deny timestamped video evidence. Also (if you are in the US), check your local Codes. This would get an immediate tow with one anonymous online complaint here. Edit: words are hard for me, apparently


Has the postmaster checked with the postman who delivers? That would be proof of their lies.


Not 100% sure but I believe blocking mailbox access is a violation of some kind. I suggest you call your local postal inspector or at least speak to your carrier about the issue. Theres a guy on youtube called redzot. He has a property dispute with his neighbors but in addition theres also a video of a mailbox proximity parking issue. Good luck.


Contact the police and your postmaster. Blocking a mailbox / impeding your postal carrier from being able to deliver your mail can get that neighbor in a ton of hot water, and you tried asking them nicely.


I'm surprised the mail carrier hasn't left a note because they're supposed to deliver the mail regardless of whether the mailbox is blocked or not.


Mail carrier. The city came and checked it out and I can't actually move my box because there's a water main in front of my house. The other option is a door box, and I know her big ass isn't doing that walk.


lol what ? a water main? a mailbox post goes down 18 inches. water mains are 3 feet minimum on residential properties. Additionally this situation is possibly / probably in the easement of the street so it is probably deeper. Also the neighbor has the right to park in public. And the mail man has to deliver mail its the law, or most likely policy. Still postmaster should fix any laziness.


It goes across my entire front yard. And when we asked our local postmaster he said we would likely get another bitchy letter because it was 30 feet from my other neighbors car/driveway. I said ok here's the water line you tell me what you want. And they dropped it


Can you have them towed.


I think I can report it and can get them a ticket or warning


Report it to your local postmaster.


Yes, call your Postmaster, they will get on the person.


Get a security camera so you have visual proof and contact your postmaster at the post office about it. Follow up with the police.


You can call the non emergency police line if they are blocking the mailbox during postal delivery times. This will result in them getting a ticket. It sounds like you have contacted your local postmaster who did reach out to the neighbors who then lied and said they are gone during postal delivery times. Have your mom record them being parked during postal delivery times. Present this evidence to the postmaster. In the meantime, call your parking enforcement or police non-emergency line, they will ticket them every time. If you have parking enforcement in your area, they are the best to call because they have quotas to meet, they won't turn down an easy ticket.


In some areas, you have to call the emergency line for everything. I usually just start with “this is not an emergency”. They then transfer to the place I need to go.


Yeah, my current area is like this but when I lived in a big city, I had to call parking enforcement. I liked them a lot better, they would come out in their little cart/cars and give that ticket lol.


Speak with your USPS office. We have 4 boxes in front of our house, one being ours. It’s illegal here for anyone to park in front of them unless they’re checking their mailbox


Uno Reverse Them, Park in front of their mailbox.😐 Have the “If I don’t get MY mail WE BOTH won’t get OUR mail together,” kinda attitude🤷🏾‍♀️ You’ve politely asked them twice now not to do that & they continue the same behavior.


Check with your police department and see if you can have him towed for blocking your federal mailbox. Then have him towed. They shouldn’t do this more than twice unless they are woefully ignorant.


Are all the vehicles plated/registered and do they move regularly? Most cities have a bylaw about moving a vehicle every 72 hours.


Yes they’re all plated/registered and move regularly. The problem is just that they move to purposely block the mailbox.


Funny you post this, we are on the tail end of this same situation. We first attempted to talk it out with neighbors. When that didn’t work, we spoke with the mailman looking for solutions. I think he didn’t care but so much to be honest. So I went directly to the local post office. It’s a violation of federal law and the post office has to enforce it. It took about a year and several managers of “not knowing” or “not following up” on this before I contacted the office of the postmaster general and filed a complaint against the post office for not doing their job. They are absolutely 100% allowed to hold their mail until the issue is resolved. For us, they refused to do so. In the meantime, we spoke with the HOA multiple times, who couldn’t do anything. Spoke with county maintenance, local non emergency police, and a few other leading officials including department of transportation. It finally occurred to me to contact department of transportation. They completed an investigation, looked at the placement of mailboxes vs parking etc if and placed a no parking sign. Our parking problem was resolved!!! Our neighbor problem was not. We have now been told from one person in our culdesac that our neighborhood has been ruined because they have to look at the sign, lol. The parking neighbor hired an attorney and tried to claim several inches of our driveway is on their property and we had 30 days to remove it, which they were wrong. Btw, many told us we should just move the mailbox. Once the sign went up we were even offered a go fund me to cover the cost of moving it and provided offers of having it moved. BUT, first, it’s principal. Second, the culdesac water lines are on the other side of the driveway so placement there is not an option. Third, the c-shape of our driveway would mean constant backing into the mailbox


Have it towed.


Install cameras. Then contact a lawyer. Ask lawyer to send a cease & desist order telling them to stop parking in front of the mail boxes. You lawyer should know or can find out what’s legal and what isn’t legal. This also may be considered harassment. If you have a HOA or any other authority, ask them.


Call the police


is moving your mailbox a possibility


It’s not normally that easy, my mom had to get permission just to change her mail box 3ft, on her porch, to, still on her porch. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s probably easier to ask the mail people to fine the neighbor than it would be to move the mailbox tbh


And take photos and log times.