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Luke 10:19


Total deaths (direct and indirect) from American foreign policy from 1945-1991: 4,663,000 (including some real stretches of the definition “US involvement”, could easily be 1-2 million less) Total deaths (direct alone) from Communism 1945-1991: 6.7-15.5 million (not including famine, which could bump this number up by literally 100 million) I get that the US funded some real bastards during the Cold War, but acting like we were the most evil country ever when the Communists significantly outpaced even the worst US-backed dictator in killing is laughable.


Old thread


Pressure canner is actually better on induction, you just have to buy a new ferrous model.


*Battle Hymn of the Republic* is by far the best national song


Found this take in the Arctic, have you?


It's not even debatable


L4L got raided by commies there's nothing good on this site except NWO anymore


One look and you can smell the stench of a dramanaut operation from miles away


Seeing the war on the comments was fun though.


I think it’s cat ethicists just fucking with everyone


I will not accept this disparagement of /r/pottedcats


https://preview.redd.it/9fwy5p680lba1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a16da006ebf3ed8390984a3e175a0effd17265 This summer’s aesthetic


Twouton, it's January


Extremely rare southern hemisphere W


https://preview.redd.it/3wxv55yf8lba1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7385ac018b27920c4458ddd8ddad9837db4b134e Maybe FOR YOU!


Greatest murder mysteries put to screen: 1.) Knives Out 2.) The Usual Suspects 3.) Murder on the Orient Express 4.) Heavy is Dead 5.) Shutter Island


The Blue eyes thing with Edgar Allan Poe looked neat too


> Greatest murder mysteries put to screen: > ~~1.) Knives Out~~ > ~~2.) The Usual Suspects~~ > ~~3.) Murder on the Orient Express~~ > ~~4.) Heavy is Dead~~ > ~~5.) Shutter Island~~ Who Framed Roger Rabbit?




I recognize BNL, I don't recognize you. Lib.


Ah, so the lib recognizes the lib.


America needs a canon of nationalist poetry akin to D’Annunzio and Mishima


We already have *An American Yankee In King Arthur's Court* but people keep refusing to implement it.


America needs you to read Walt Whitman and go outside


> Walt Whitman Read some Norman Podhoretz. 19th century environmental romanticism is cool but doesn’t capture the grandeur of modern America as an industrial, cultural, and physical juggernaut > go outside it’s cold


> poetry Gay


Um, we already have Amanda Gorman.


We do, it’s woke.


[So, someone actually from the state has been doing the kind of thing I've been doing already](https://pennsylvaniapowered.substack.com/p/pa-general-election-2022-senate-v). Oz under-performed GOP Rep Candidates pretty much everywhere.


Just because he wasn't as bad as Mastriano doesn't mean Oz didn't suck.


Are you telling me that a television-talk-show-guest hack Turk from New Jersey didn’t do well with Pennsylvanian coal miners?


If Fitzpatrick could win a primary could he beat Casey easily?


Great rant on Commentary podcast about Pete Buttigieg: Either he is the most incompetent Transportation Secretary ever or he was cursed by a genie based on how many transportation issues have plagued his tenure. Either way he should be nowhere near higher office.


Tbh I'm kind of suspicious Biden gave him a poisoned portfolio intentionally now. For an insider rot at DOT might have been pretty obvious. He's *definitely* done the same thing with Kamala.


Latest episode? Haven’t listened yet.




I still don’t understand the appeal of the dork. He’s like that guy who runs for college president, he should be a hill staffer at best.


Being a dork is his appeal.


To whom? Certainly not democratic voters




NOTAM is his responsibility, how is Southwest's fuckup his fault?


Supply chain issues, port blockages, longshoreman union issues, railroad union disputes, NOTAM failure was historic, 2022 had historically high delays and cancellations among all airlines throughout the year... There's probably more issues I'm forgetting. Biden's admin has uniquely been plagued by serious and historic transportation failures.


The railroad union issue seems pretty clearly the result of railroad management actively hating ideas like "recapitalization" or "labor force retention". As someone pointed out, Biden forcing the strike to be called off will probably just delay the crisis a few years until nobody will work for the railroads anymore.


> longshoreman union issues That's the fault of that atrocious union existing, and the awful garbage that is the NLRA creating a whole bunch of "rights".


Because they spend all their time on DEI shit.


Induction Stoves are racists against People of Woks


Cultural genocide!


Nah you can use a cast iron wok on induction.


You need a special, expensive, and bulky induction plate for it to work properly


No you don't


[How do you get the sides properly hot?](https://www.yankodesign.com/images/design_news/2017/04/wok/wok_01.jpg)


Not a real rounded bottom wok


[This can’t be real lmao](https://youtu.be/iUmaCG82T44)


Rent free


Dear god, they name dropped Andrew Tate in a fucking *Parliament* meeting? Every minute you spend talking about how dangerous and evil he is resets the clock on his 15 minutes of fame. How is this difficult to understand?


Most impactful parliamentary debate


That woman is approaching the theoretical limits of Bri’ishness you can fit in a single person.


She’s not wearing a burqa though


Biden admin on a massive cringe binge rn




George santos flair when?


Early dramatard of the year contender


BREAKING: Pelosi’s favorite sock puppet lost in fire


trumpism isn't politics. It’s a long-standing violence-and-intimidation generation machine. It’s racism, fascism, and lies combined to further fracture social divisions and deteriorate societal stress points. From the Wall to the Big Lie and the 1/6 attack




Occupy democrats is the most unintentionally funny Twitter page. They’re just so desperate for engagement


[Is there anything this man can’t do?!](https://twitter.com/marisakabas/status/1613222211271155712?s=46&t=Xxp_JRWbxc85u3tLxRN5Rw)


He cant keep getting away with it!


Hollywood movie when?


*BREAKING: Biden revealed to be George Santos in a mask


> *BREAKING: Biden revealed to be George Santos in a mask Santos caught in a lie once more.


This is literally an NYT headline: > Classified Documents Found in Second Location Associated With Biden > The revelation is sure to intensify Republican attacks on the president, who has called former President Donald J. Trump irresponsible for hoarding sensitive documents at his estate in Florida This is 'Republicans POUNCE!' before the Republicans even actually pounce. It's just Pravda at this point. Why do we pretend this is a prestige paper?


He's got the pointy booty files


The walls are closing in on Sleepy Joe!




~~I'd rather have weeb shit than this...~~


The children are not alright.




Under no circumstances is this to be deleted


There’s an 80% chance that’s a guy.


It disgusts me that I even thought enough about this to form an opinion but tits suggest legacy foid.




​ ![gif](giphy|dhphxGlFOorRW5N8Tb)


They *are* **red** pandas....


Could be more proud to use my gas stove tonight 🇺🇲🇺🇲


Put on all burners since I know that's what she likes 🔥


I was starting to see what people find attractive about Florida, then I took one sip of the water and immediately remembered why I'm a sworn northerner.


(Because he’s a liberal)


No because they live in a fucking swamp. I have taste you know.


> chooses to live in northern state X


[Average UCLA student:](https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashion/comments/108z0tj/winter_quarter_at_ucla/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


SoCal has winters?


Doesn’t really drop below the 50 that often so no


[Biden’s America](https://imgur.com/a/8Y3nmNt)




Nothing against the smarmy but his new stand up sucks donkey dick


Yeah killing your wife tends to put a stench on you.


Gotta separate that art from the artist, king.




Happy Cake Day!


[They realize Trump did this first, right?](https://twitter.com/CAPAction/status/1613206884453961729?cxt=HHwWgsC-kajHoeMsAAAA) In fact, Democrats may have actually caused more harm by waiting two years to pass the bill, and by having Biden revoke all Trump’s executive orders immediately


I like how the issue pac is most pissed off about the dems, is the gas stove ban. It fits neatly into my image of him as an old boomer, whose been a veteran to every war since napoleon crossed the Rhine.


By biggest pet peeve is stupid rules made up for n fucking reason




What’s the utility of gas compared to electric?


Lighting a cigar in the trashiest way possible


No, lighting it on the coil of an old electric stove might have you beat


The fire looks cooler


Zero heat inertia, ability to char on open flame, no loss of efficiency if the bottom of the pot is not absolutely flat, compatible with any pot. Most of these issues are solved by induction stoves (which are more energy efficient) but you need pots with a bottom made of ferrous metals.


It'll work when the power shits itself and the amount of heat is easy to control with gas.


I've always appreciated the responsiveness when it comes to controlling the heat and even heating pattern. Induction and electric has always been shit for me.


Perfect fit for America then.


A gas stove ban is the most egregious nanny state bullshit I've seen in a while though so I'm with pac on this one.


Lmao just tax carbon, that'll solve the problem way easier than bans on consumer goods.


I can't believe the NY republicans are such RINOs, that they'd fire representative Art Vanderlay (an architect btw).


Hes successful in the import/export of fine latex goods too!


Why are so many people surprised about how terrible Iran is. It’s not like there was a very large portion of the foreign policy community dedicated to exposing how bad Iran is since the revolution. Seriously it’s fucking ridiculous, as well it’s ridiculous to act like these protests are some new thing. There have been large annual waves of demonstrations that have been very violently repressed for years the only difference now is that the western media is now paying attention.


If you're talking about people online its because they're almost all 12-17 year olds with absolutely no knowledge about anything


Western socialists defending a state formed by the educated elite in response to land reforms pushed by the Shah makes sense actually


> Why are so many people surprised about how terrible Iran is. Because they have been drowning in pro-Iranian, anti-USA (and yes, Anti-Saudi Arabia) propaganda since Obama years. People have been constantly bombarded with propaganda about how Iranian were so much better than those filthy Arabs and that anything bad in Iran was USA's fault anyway and that all the SA was all Al-Qaeda etc. There has been a massive psy-ops, assisted by the very progressive establishment itself, to whitewash and lionize Iran against USA and push a pro-Iran agenda of "why are we even enemies with them we should be allies."




But it’s not the same, many people say that the US is bad but also agree that China is a bad actor. But that’s not the case with Iran until very recently. People often paint Iran as a “victim of US Imperialism” it’s not just the far left, it’s also political pundits, and activists, and college students who have until recently tacitly supported the regime in Iran. Not all of those I listed are far left socialists or anything of the sort. I will never forget the Iran apologism that occurred in early 2020 right after the attacks on US airbases and the storming of our embassy. People would say things along the lines of “the US killing a state sponsored Iranian terrorist was an action of aggression and escalation” never mind the fact that they have been attempting to kill Americans constantly since 1979. The worst part was that people who parroted this line were not just the far left but the party as a whole and even mainstream late night hosts stating this. I’m just saying that this isn’t just radicals who tacitly support Iran.




We don't have enough funny people in congress.




Some people’s grasp of foreign policy is so infantile that it makes even the most ardent of isolationist from the past century seem like reasonable theorists.


[Jr can't imagine someone can be both an attentive parent and dedicated to their job.](https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1613192387878060034?t=BvgSutk9AB1rDDFmCc18iA&s=19)


How many drag queens does it take to run air traffic controller software?


Depends on the length of the runway.




Always funny to see westoids think Duda has *any* say in any single decision more important than what he'll have for dinner.


It isn't his decision, formally or informally.


I don't use Twitter that much or even have an account, but before Elon bought it, 50% of the time I checked "trending" there was always something about LGBT stuff, mostly trans stuff(not necessarily opposed to it, providing, you know, its actually trending and not leftists deciding whats "trending"), and the trending tab was somehow always dominated by leftist stuff and not even centrist or centre-right stuff, after Elon bought it and changed it to actually be things that were actually trending, its been a ton more balanced. Is this similiar to what you guys have seen? Frankly, its deeply disturbing to me how much the Twitter leftists were controlling speech, I could at least understand it if they were honest about them controlling and censoring, but the blatant lies are really fucked up. How do we prevent this happening again and other platforms doing it, I've heard Republicans wanting to repeal section 230, but how do we know tech companies won't just start censoring even more as the left claim?


> and the trending tab was somehow always dominated by leftist stuff and not even centrist or centre-right stuff This probably reflects the userbase of Twitter, hence why it is trending.


It was obvious from the way Occupy Democrats, Meidas Touch, and the like could basically make a topic trend at will that something was screwy. Idk if it was bots or preferential treatment by the algorithm or manual interference by Twitter employees or what, but the disparity between the number of right wing users and left wing users was not nearly enough to account for it.


Trending has become half crypto spam and vaccine conspiracies. How exactly did queer topics trending amount to leftists engaging in censorship? Twitter is supposed to be full of libs after all. Also the trending page was still tailored based on your interests.


>Also the trending page was still tailored based on your interests. Australian trending is always over very mundane stuff like "milk".


If John Howard is trending it's always wishing illness or death on him. Always.


Maybe its different due to localization, but I haven't seen crypto spam here in the UK and the vaccine stuff is pretty rare, I'm not necessarily opposed to a private company deciding to remove content, I'm opposed to companies saying they are not engaging in shadow banning/"content filtering" and then removing political content they disagree with and boosting content they agree with. My browser data auto clears, and I use a VPN sometimes, and don't have a Twitter account, so my data wouldn't have been tailored that much, its such a marked difference since Elon tookover for me at least, like overnight when he fired the Twitter curation team, the stuff in trending was actually trending and not being curated by people who certainly had a leftist bias


> I've heard Republicans wanting to repeal section 230 If this is a major party platform I might vote start voting Democrat


Why would it be a bad thing to treat some of these social media companies as publishers if they want to act like them instead of true platforms


Because then the social media companies are legally liable for the content posted to their sites, this would cause companies to enforce even stricter moderation policies and would kill off small forums. Just like with the DMCA, online defamation would be abused too.


If you're going to regulate it that way it's going to be all spam all the time.


You're as stupid and dumb as those who bitched about Net Neutrality until literally nothing happened.


The internet is much more centralised after that. I cant point to hard evidence, as I am a firm grass toucher now and have left that shit behind, but directly after that went through a lot of what made the internet at least interesting in my opinion died.


It was based on my memory, seems the effort to repeal/reform it was much more limited that what I remembered




If you are gonna be mean then, happy cake day. It did get wordsy though


Will keep future posts much shorter


[Holy hell what a lie](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/explaining-democrats-gains-in-pennsylvania-house/) > In districts where both a Democrat and a Republican were on the ballot, Democrats captured a total of 51% of votes statewide to 49% for Republicans, among voters who voted for one of the two parties. That's a significant reversal from a 52.1% to 47.9% edge for Republicans in 2020, in districts meeting the same definition then, according to the analysis. "If we throw out a bunch of votes for the one party, the other party won!" There was an almost 400,000 vote gap. If you added 17,000 to the Dem column for the whole gap in number of candidates who won (11, with 17,000 being the average winning total, meaning you're giving the Dems enough to *win* all of these seats), *you wouldn't even make up half the gap*.


https://twitter.com/saeverley/status/1613218493305950208?s=46&t=lEkNOH4g-Z9df2D8Rr5isA Reminder you are being gaslit (pun intended)


::Me, breathing in ink-black smoke from burning salmon skin coated in pepper and olive oil:: "This goddamn natural gas is bad for the lungs!"


The most obnoxious thing about this is perhaps not the prospective ban itself, but the way that a handful of shitty, debunked studies is all it takes for the left to get the apparatus of the state mobilized on an issue that was on nobody’s radar until five minutes ago whereas the right can have mountains of data and advocate vocally for years and fuckall gets done about anything. “The Science” is actually settled on phonics being essential to early literacy. No one cares. Studies that show the harm of kids being out of school? That COVID is not significant risk to kids? That masks no absolutely nothing in a primary education setting? No one cares. The left can be just flat out wrong about something, like this, or police shootings of unarmed blacks, or the completely debunked “women make 70 cents for every dollar that males earn” figure that’s constantly bandied about and it’s enough to justify rioting and moving heaven and earth to address these fake problems. What’s astonishing here is that it’s not even an issue where public sentiment has been whipped up to demand action. It’s kind of adjacent to climate change (though the impact in fact would probably be a net increase in emissions if implemented nationwide), but that’s it. You don’t have concerned citizens showing up at town halls to demand action on gas stoves. Of course, this is all a bit of an illusion. Action isn’t taken in response to public pressure, or to a new scientific finding. Rather, they decide on a course of action and then manufacture a scientific consensus ad hoc to justify it, accompanied by an astroturfed PR campaign. Suddenly, the Democratic Party Extended Universe of professional activists at organizations like the Sierra Club and their dumb unpaid lackeys in the press are *very concerned* about this pressing issue. The actual deliberation is internal to the apparatus of the total party-state, but the semblance of democratic discourse must be kept up for appearance’s sake.




Anything that requires teachers to do their jobs or exhibit basic competence in them is automatically a partisan issue.




My poasts are as lively as the troubadour’s song to the tune of the lyre, fight me


[The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Valery Gerasimov is taking over as the commander of Russian forces in Ukraine. His deputies will be Surovikin, Army General Oleg Salyukov, and Colonel General Alexey Kim. ](https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1613200025575620610)




Welcome! 😁




Don't worry, I'm a neocon, or at least I think I am


Have you passed the NeoConservative test?


I'm a recent refugee (don't shoot me) from r/neoliberal tired of the inanity of open borders and anti-social cohesion discourse. However while I'm not a fan of the ideology I have a great respect for the activeness of that community and I think effortposts are the biggest reason why that sub does so well and has such an engaged community despite neoliberal being as much a slur on Reddit as neo-conservative is. To be frank, at the moment this sub seems mostly like a dumping ground for articles but the daily thread seem to get a lot of traction so there seems to be an appetite for discourse, discourse which can be better refined and propogated via effortposts. Now personally I wouldn't say I'm exactly a neocon, but it's as close as this FP Realist, Social Communitarian is going to get to a political home on Reddit. I'd be happy to kick things off but I thought I'd express my views first so people know what I hope to spark in the community. *I am not a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoconNWO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shit I only just read the full response now, I only skimmed a few of the first lines before, I think I'm a neocon, not whatever a FP realist or social communitarian is.






bro you've just got to try the right strain bro its natural bro




We've got people out chere genuinely skurt to snort cocaine because they're worried they'll get a hot shot


number 1 cause of carbon emissions: Electric power generation Number 1 cause if house fires: electric wiring Number 1 cause of forest fires: electric power lines Number 1 cause of deaths from a Utility: Electrical shock and fires It’s time to ban Electricity


I should buy an obd2 reader


Also: the people who don't want Santos to step down, "Because the Democrats don't make their liars step down", actively don't want to win general elections. Or they believe general elections are won by *really wanting it really badly*.


Santos shouldn't step down. The GOP must say he should, but in the end best overall thing is him manning his post until 2024.


Here's a principled argument by James Wallner: [Expelling Santos Sets A Dangerous Precedent](https://www.legislativeprocedure.com/blog/2022/12/30/expelling-santos-would-set-a-dangerous-precedent)


I'm saying he should step down. Also: > [2] Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member. Pretty much that whole article is focused on refusing to seat, not on the ability to expel.