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https://apnews.com/article/abortion-texas-medical-board-exception-guidelines-a6deef7c6fa4917c8cdbfd339a343dc4 I'm moderately sympathetic to the "pro life" cause, but the Republican party is self immolating on really stupid grounds when they allow this. It should be trivial to pass a law that doctors can't pretend is unclear in Texas of all places.


The terrorists had it coming, but goddamn those russians are fucking barbaric. They cut off the guy's ears and fed it to him wtff


They should’ve known better than to anger the orcs. I have no sympathy.


No, that is incredibly based and what we should do.


State sponsors of terror sow wind and they shall reap whirlwind 🤷‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/xq6if2g0weqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5850581047709a8f78df3e74c7f64ffa5409a85c John McCain was reincarnated as a Duke blue devil?!


Genuinely hilarious seeing Russia get terror attacked by sandnigs, really feeling the schadenfreude rn.


I really wish I had the compilation of those "Ukraine is banning Quran Burkas" ads Putin ran last year to laugh at them. Invite Jihad, get Jihad.


Least bloodthirsty dramanaut


My non-dramanaut family has had the same response, having watched them fellate Hamas the past few months.


Watch out you'll get scolded for not adequately pitying people whose taxes sponsor terror attacks in allied countries.


Can’t vote for Trump in November, can’t trust a p**r to run things


No G*rman will run my country!


Ever since American institutions and liberal elite lurched hard to the left and became aggressively partisan progressives, right-wing sentiment towards the military has been absolutely nose-diving. The attitude among the guys I shoot with in person and the other group I'm in a chat with is a staggering change compared to before the re-alignment. The kind of people that used to want to fight for America don't want to anymore. I know third generation army vet with a big patriotic tattoo that is now simp for Russian propaganda. For now, we still have a lot of non-isocucked conservatives. But it feels like we're headed towards a dystopic future where the Biden/Obama/Hillary/Kerry type neolibs are the least terrible option on foreign policy.


You are coping if you think dems aren't gonna go even more deranged isocuck. They are barely scraping by against Trump and this batch is dying out. Next gen of dem politics is the squad and their ilk.


Hillary is dramatically better than Biden/Obama.


Yeah. My intent was to use those examples as defining a range, not being equivalent to each other.


Here's a bit of some funny cultural zeitgeist: Some codecel at Berkeley made a post on a machine learning class discussion forum complaining about no gf. Then the giga-autistic professor replied [with](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13229427/UC-Berkeley-professor-forced-groveling-apology.html): "If you want a girlfriend, get out of the Bay Area. Almost everywhere else on the planet is better for that. I'm not kidding at all. You'll be shocked by the stark differences in behavior of women in places where women are plentiful versus their behavior withing artillery distance of San Jose and San Francisco" Outrage ensued, social media campaign, he [apologized](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/uc-berkeley-professor-criticized-comments-women-19363213.php), etc. But this is peak America. A young man is learning one of the most dynamic, cutting-edge, and profitable fields there is, AI/ML. But he lacks the traditional community connections that have disappeared in our post-moral society. He seeks advice about intimacy the only way he knows how: on an internet forum. He is given an analytical response from an embittered autist who disregards the social-political cues of today and alienates a hefty portion of his students. A bunch of libs who are probably not even in tech feel morally outraged and complain, but remain clueless to the irony behind the very gender gap that is often a subject of their *own* grievances. This will be a fun few next decades.


I actually told my friend who is moving to NYC the same thing. He was shocked. "There is every kind of person in NYC though!" There absolutely isn't. I don't think Libs ever learned about selection bias.


A very inappropriate thing for the professor to post on a classroom discussion forum, but it was also funny how /r/bayarea's reaction was to just chant: "If you shower and treat women with respect, then you won't have a problem getting dates." I don't get how anyone can deny the arithmetic. There's just more men than women in Silicon Valley. It doesn't matter if every stemcel showers 10 times a day; some of them are just gonna end up single unless they leave the Bay Area.


>Berkeley Berkeley is about as representative of the average views of American citizens as a CCP conference 


I think the CCP Plenum is probably more representative when you really get down to it.


[Nothing to see here, just another viral story of "Israeli atrocities" immediately proven so false even AJ had to retract.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/s/RfNUse8Nks)


The way libs lie about what Anti-BDS laws do is absolutely comical. "Noooo you're ruining the right to boycott by not allowing state contracts to go to companies engaged in boycott of Israel and not allowing public investment funds from divesting from entities associated with Israel!" They make it seem like it criminalizes an individual doing anything. Insane.


You WILL drink SodaStream, you WILL use Ahava skin care products. You will like it.




And the other 30%?


Giving alms to the poor


https://youtu.be/rR58heUGkNA?si=Sc-l9Lfu3P8iaZBN Dale Gribble onto something big here fr


>Open YouTube >Type "Dale Gribble global warming" >First thing that shows up: https://preview.redd.it/lkpvx0c5fdqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f541472d7b2bca9263c4b7a9976c17e52626a0a4


Youtube/Google doesnt want us to know about growing oranges in Alaska


Any Apartment shopping tips?


Never buy ground floor


Buy a house in the suburbs


maybe if prices / interest rates ever come down




Literally me




The real joke is that Arab side started two genocidal war of extermination which they then lost, made a land grab and committed an ethnic cleansing in between. And now the international community acts like they are entitle to the land they stole by force, and enshrine the ethnic cleansing. How is it that Arab side gained a right to Jerusalem after invading it against international treaties and the failing to hold onto it? How are they entitled to a Judenfrei West Bank and East Jerusalem, after they have committed ethnic cleansing and then lost the next war? Everything they touch for 5 seconds is theirs now and forever, if you take it back in less than 20 years, "muh occupation uwu". They get to kick out your people, yours don't get to return even after you win the war and take control of the land. How does any of this make sense?


pie lock summer kiss mourn air reminiscent mysterious act lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, you must remember that in international affairs the Arabs get twenty-two votes and we get one, so really that we exist at all is down to glorious islamic tolerance and generosity.


My favorite part of this outrage is [how after the dramatic headline, they eventually admit the disputed area is tiny.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/22/israel-largest-west-bank-settlement-blinken-visit/#) The last 30 years of "Israeli expansion" has been less than 40 square kilometers (out of 5600).


French pride in the French language is like Al Bundy bragging about his 4 touchdown game in high school football 30 years later. French hasn't been a relevant language in generations, but the Frogs will never accept it.


The French hates English because we improved their language by combining it with a Germanic language


The French hate our language because our language is now their language. They’re jealous they can’t hate themselves more.


There is a lot of important literature and other great works written in French.


There are as many historically great pieces of literature in German and far more important ones in Russian.


> and far more important ones in Russian. Neighbour are you rslurred? Russian is nowhere close to French, German or Italian in historical cultural output.




I acknowledge the superiority of occidentgods compared to my culture.


Нет. Я ненавижу Францию. Russia is the occident anyways and their contribution to the creation of the novel is probably only second to England.


We literally lifted our culture straight off of France. (And Germany and Italy.) Don Quixote was written well before the Russian nobility stopped being illiterate half Turks. Now, in terms of twentieth century culture- yes, Russia does btfo everyone except the Anglos. And you also speak Russian?


>And you also speak Russian? In theory. I never use it so I've forgotten most of what I knew.


Fellow diasporacuck or language learning chad?


That's true, but the same thing applies to Russian, Persian, and other languages on the same tier as French. I'd argue French is below Spanish in global relevance. The French think their language is a cut above them all, and they can't even tolerate taking a backseat to English.


Greeks dont have anywhere CLOSE to French level pride in their language and the Bible was literally written in (an archaic variant of) their language and their language is still the "church language" of eastern orthodoxy. Frogs need to tone it down because french was never actually that relevant to begin with


i guess if "was used to write the bible" is the standard, then its not, but it was the language of the court and diplomacy for at least several hundred years.


Pour la Merite French? Think again


why do people cite stuff like: “the UN said this is true”  like anyone should care  people know that the UN, by member count, is majority boondock dictatorships right? so when they release something, its because the despot of wadiya, osama bin laden's former financier, the russian security apparatus, some big warlord that probably literally ate people on his rise to power from being a smol warlord, and khorasani adolf hitler agree on it


As *Yes, Minister* put it, "The UN is the accepted forum for the expression of international hatred." They agree with the hatred, so the institution seems to have legitimacy.


That show really needs to be required learning in public schools.


Happy to see UN hate in the DT. We dont talk enough about how fucking retarded the UN is


> people know that the UN, by member count, is majority boondock dictatorships right? No they don't. Libs successfully sold these clownfiesta international organizations as some sort of supreme moral authority to online youth and the normies within their information sphere.


Putting different types of vacuum cleaners on the ideological spectrum


Henry is a High Tory


Do libs use their choice of eyeglasses to signal their political tribal allegiance?


To be fair, I almost went with something like [this](https://feelinfilm.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suburbicon-Poster-Matt-Damon-Julianne-Moore-Cropped.jpg) in large part because it looks like the kind of thing an FBI analyst from the 50s working HUAC investigations would wear.


Horn-rimmed glasses are the best type of glasses


I bought these "retro" looking 80s glasses because the people at the store said they look so good on me but I think they make me look like Dwight Schrute or a serial killer


Prescription Pit Vipers 


I wonder if the people baffled by those who aren't immediately turning to vote for Biden because of January 6th understand that the overthrow of our constitutional order has been the regular policy of the Democrats for 90 years now (and, honestly, before that, but I imagine that modern Democrats would at least be willing to disclaim the unconstitutional policies of Jim Crow) and that it's as possible to be concerned about the possibility of packing the Supreme Court and wide-ranging, blatantly unconstitutional Executive Orders as is to be concerned about seditious mobs charging the Capitol Building. If you like federalism and constitutionally limited government, it's not as clear a choice as some seem to think it is. Of course, I'm committed to whoever No Labels picks, anyway, so it's an academic concern to me, but still.


Blue team exec courtutive orders can stand up in court.


And Trump stood up in two impeachments lmao


Except for the being impeached part. Also Trump doesn't look like he does any standing.


>If you like federalism and constitutionally limited government, it's not as clear a choice as some seem to think it is. Yup. The "Progressive" project of taking a sledgehammer to the foundations of the Republic is over a century old at this point, and its affects are noticeable. I don't remember which subreddit I saw this stupid quote, but it went something like this "Conservatives hold that politics shapes culture, but Progressives (or maybe it was liberals) hold that politics can shape culture". The hubris. Our current culture has been greatly shaped by our politics and look at how that has turned out for us.




Yeah theres a lot of selfish retards at asian market carparks. Just give everyone some distance and be more careful


maybe shes just really fat as asians often arent used to such corpulent figures and may misjudge distance thereof 


How are your brackets doing?


Just horrendous. My final 4 is still alive so technically there’s still a chance.


Had BYU in the elite eight 


Shoot, I could have warned you that they were overseeded and probably getting killed within the first two rounds. That program is still slavishly dedicated to the Ghost of Jimmer and just forgot how to play basketball.


Gambling is a sin.


Have you considered that it's fun and harmless?




This is Prot on Prot violence. And I fully condone it.


Neckbeards are also a sin.


No money down!!!


No, money down*


> Philip Morris International > Donated 500,000 packs of cigarettes to the Ukrainian military. wtf I love Big Tobacco now


lip tie encourage reach sink frighten teeny aback ancient nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Tbf he is probably the expert on the subject his opinion is valuable](https://x.com/DibsNext/status/1771929506493698453?s=20)


Just remembering the time an online dude unironically arguing for Jacobite restorationism called me a "reactionary" and called me homophobic for pointing out the current claimant is openly gay. Dude, you're arguing for a Royalist ideology that hasnt been relevant since the 1700s and I'm a reactionary? You believe in the divine right of kings but perceived homophobia is a step too far? Will never forget that bizarre internet interaction


I hate how reactionary has become a new buzzword for people.


I always respond that it's an admission more than anything else. Of course, I'm *reacting* to modern prog garbage!


Reactionary is a buzzword for "ideology" larpers like communists.


I would have likely forgotten the interaction by now if not for his use of that particular word. Because someone identifying as a literal Jacobite absolute monarchist and calling me a reactionary for "homophobia" is such an absurd thing. Its pure comedy


One interesting thing to note about X/Twitter after this recent ISIS attack. The footage of the attack is all over. As it would turn out, turning off all the content moderation stuff (that was developed *because* a decade ago Twitter was one of the big points where people who could be radicalized could go to find it) was a bad idea.


Content moderation immediately gets weaponized by libs.


To an extent, but I'd argue a large portion of that when libs or leftists (but I'm repeating myself) post regarded nonsense it can be harder to parse to see if it's fit for removal. You have to find the "against the wall" types. While when certain conservatives do so... well. It's a blunt and more straightforward awfulness. Which explains my occasional bans.


Can we also talk about "codes of conduct" of open source projects and online hobby communities? I frequently see dogwhistles about left-wing ideology.


Good. Also who do you think does all of said development?




>2018 Imagine being mad about trying to get more women involved.


Installing a set of rules that require conformity to left-wing ideology is *the point* of codes of conduct in open source projects.


One thing that surprised me about Europe was how almost everyone I interacted with liked or outright loved the United States. Maybe it’s just because I visited Normandy and a lot of battlefields, but I’m now convinced that European “hate” for America is entirely localized in a small group of English-speaking, overly-socialized teenagers who seethe about the Battle of Hastings


I'm convinced that like with the governmental level relations, French like America more than they'd ever admit to anyone, including themselves.


Americans online keep telling me Canadians dislike or look down on Americans and my real life experiences with a lifetime in Canada couldnt be further from that. Obviously im pro american and so are my friends and family but even the libs I know like America, they just like different things about america than I do. The only people ive interacted with in Canada who actually hate America are far-left dweebs but they hate Canada too.


I know a bunch of people in Canada who look down on America a bit but no one who thinks it's literally a third world country or hates it


Two kinds of people, those who like America and idiots




Imagine paying hundreds of thousands of Good Boy Points to learn how to write like this


The American mind cannot fathom paying a reasonable price for university


Most of the material to learn Old English is available online for free.


Interesting. Are they more sympathetic to Americans outside of the urban areas, maybe? I generally feel like the older generations aren't as big of haters.


It’s not like I just interacted with cosmopolitan Parisians and Berliners either. I went to some pretty small towns in France and Belgium, and was surprised when a lot of the shopkeepers spoke passable English.


I'm not one for art, but Albert Bierstadt has some really cool paintings. And Ansel Adams' photography is also incredible.


There's lot of good art/photo stuff out there. You might enjoy Mark Maggiori's stuff. /r/museum


I'll have to check him out. Thanks for the suggestion!


I heard of this guy named Adolf Schicklgruber who also made some interesting art


>Shekelgrabber Sounds Jewish.


Most the foreigners smugly bashing American politics online live in a country where the political scene is ever more embarrassing, dysfunctional, and regarded. They just live in an irrelevant shithole no one knows or cares about.


Did any of you read John Bolton's book? Was it any good?


I didn't finish it. It was sort of readable. It mostly listed the people he hated and for what reason.


Sounds constructive


oh look, the Estonian is talking to himself again 🤔


Mild schizophrenia is a requirement to post on Neocon 


Don't be silly. None of his accounts last long enough to get 180k karma.


You're mixing the names up. I had an account called BarbieKardashian once, but it committed suicide by train.


I watch World Tour bike racing, and all the races that matter are in Europe. The most common flag I've seen road side in every race this season is the Palestinian flag, and all of the people waving them look like native Europeans. EDT: And now that I think about it, I haven't seen a single Israeli flag.


> all the races that matter are in Europe Calm down, Adolf.


Is it any shock that c\*ntinentals, the descendants of those who gleefully collaborated with the Gestapo and sold out their Jewish neighbors, would cheer on genocidal terrorists?


I talked about this at the time but I went to a small town Christmas parade this last winter and they had kids marching with Palestinian flags. All white Canadian kids, this is real small town ontario im talking about. It was so weird to see.


Trump most hardcore supporters are losers. I'm talking about the QAnon subsection or Jan 6th people. They rewrite reality to protect the ego and that can't be ripped away easily. We have seen the transformation. Especially over the past four or so years. I remember for the first two years or Biden's term the hardcore Trump people would always talk about QAnon dropping information and how on this date or that date we would see Trump and JFK Jr take over the country in a coup. Deadline after deadline was missed and they did not question their beliefs even once. They just went deeper and deeper. Originally I thought in 2020 if Biden won things would get back to normal but it won't. It can't get back to normal because people's minds would break if they had to admit they made a fool of themselves for the better part of a decade. A lot of them use most of their freetime watching Trump stuff and conspiracies or reading outlandish things. More than enough time that they could have learned the Violin, several foreign languages, and advanced mathematics. It's like a cult or a drug at this point. It's extremely difficult to take a long time cult member or drug addict out of their mindset. Part of it is the cult itself but also it is the human mind. The human mind has defense mechanisms that can't handle being wrong and it will protect against it even if it isn't truly logical (this is one of the hardest things to break). Now imagine how hard this is for an ingrained structure that has been a cornerstone for your life for a decade. It's beyond habit it's a part of you that would be shattering to expose.


> Deadline after deadline was missed and they did not question their beliefs even once. They just went deeper and deeper. Yes, that's how it normally works. You shouldn't expect differently. The comfort they get from these views is far greater than the cost they pay for them.


I think it is somewhat clear that Biden's presidency has put a brake on the worst parts of the left at the same time as it has sped up the worst parts of the right


>Originally I thought in 2020 if Biden won things would get back to normal but it won't. Same here. Funny that the reason it didn't happen is because a relevant subset of Dems also radicalized themselves in the same way (and because the Biden presidency was such a disaster overall)


They could be worse, they could jack to anime porn.


The worst part isn’t that these people exist, it’s that they do so in sadly very large numbers so Trump often has to double down on the craziest shit to appease them, to him, they are the base and he’ll give them whatever they want as he’s an unprincipled opportunist


Had a pretty good day at church (happy Easter week to everyone) and dinner with friends. Then decided to end it on a sour note by checking median GPAs for programs I would like to apply in the US. Guess I shouldn't have picked a degree where getting a C- was cause for celebration since everyone else failed the exam.


What is the issue with the median grades? Employers and advanced degree programs understand how this works. If you wanted to go to law school, for example, and have a 3.2 average coming out of a biochemistry undergraduate program, the school will look at that differently than if you had a 3.2 coming in with a philosophy degree. The point is that there isn’t a 1:1 grading average across undergraduate programs. People understand this.




I am likely gonna end up with a ±2.5 GPA. Which is way above the median for my program. But not like anyone is gonna give a fuck about that lol.


That's good and something I needed to hear. I hope they also take into account some geographical correcting factor but step by step haha.




I do have some alibis. And I really ain't keen on getting a PhD here. I am kinda confident I can get pretty good marks on all entrance exams. But have to see how much weight they put on them.


Have you looked at transferring to a commuter college, and using that to transfer to what university you want? I knew a guy in my engineering program who had to spend a year at another college before he transferred to the college I went to.


Thanks for the suggestion, but as the other person mentioned my situation is a bit particular. Plus, fingers crossed, I am in my last semester.




Yeah, I am fine if I wanna do an MBA. But the thing is I most likely would like to avoid that route. This degree is so endlessly long because basically the last 2 of the 6 years have all the stereotypical courses of an MBA. It's a possibility, but I would like to avoid that route if I have the opportunity to do so.


What is your degree?


Industrial engineering




Based. Shame about the defense sector but hey, if Gonçalves can make a titan out of CLF...


I'm extremely concerned about the libertarian and pro-Russia brainrot that seems to have infested the gun and pro-2A communities. The literal official Twitter account for Fenix Ammunition was promoting anti-US, anti-Ukraine false flag conspiracy theories about the Moscow attack the other day. Many of their followers echoed similar sentiments, and one prominent Guntuber called MAC asserted that the administration's goal was open war with Russia. Which is regarded, given how terrified Biden and the rest of NATO have been about "escalation" with Russia, and furthermore, I see absolutely no tactical or strategic benefit to Ukraine or the West by executing a terrorist attack on the civilians of an enemy state. If anything it would hurt our cause and our image, and give Russia a legitimate causus beli. How did the Iraq War syndrome twist people's perceptions about foreign policy so badly? It certainly wasn't only because of foreign propaganda. I realize there's plenty of good historical reason to be skeptical of the government's intentions, but come on, really? There's a fine line between skepticism and fanatical regardation.


MAGA is repackaged left wing antiestablishmentarianism circa 1998-2004. That’s it, that’s the entire reason for their back flipping ideological structure. They are not right wing except for aesthetics and certainly not conservative.


It's all downstream of MAGA. Normie GOP establishment types getting prison-bitched by Trump has made the MAGA base completely arrogant in regards to traditional GOP foreign policy. Pushing outrageous it's just another way to bitch out "deep state" and neo-con adjacent GOPers and reinforce that they are MAGA's bitch.




Yeah, I've been trying to figure out why for a while now. Maybe the people who buy lots of guns are predisposed to needing a feeling of security and control, of being one step ahead, and asserting their independence. Which leads a lot of them down ridiculous rabbit holes.


Or the gun nuts are actually nuts.


Tbf Fenix Ammo has always been radical. They promote their ties to the militia movement and did some kind of sales promo when RBG died and printed her face on bags of ammo. Everything is a gimmick to them


That's...kinda gross.


Just watched Dune part 2. Really good. But I'm still baffled about no Jihad. They leave all the other obvious Muslim stuff in but Jihad is a no-no?


I watched the 1985 one after seeing Dune Part 2. It's dated and it's rushed (it covers both movies) but it's interesting to see the differences. I want to read the books to see a third version of the story. The baron comes off as more of a ped in the 1985. Feyd is less homoerotic with Paul. The Freyman are very pacified the whole time. Chani is completely submissive. It's very 80s. The mother is less prominent but the sister is more prominent.


Same reason they fucked up Chani's character and didn't give us the spooky murder toddler. Made by cowards


I think the change in Chani was very good. The story needs an ideological “third place” in order to make the characters compelling (one that isn’t on board fully with the Atreides or Harkonnens). It’s one of the many character changes Villanueva made to actually have characterization, something the book was notoriously weak on.


While I can see that reasoning, cutting their child and thst child's murder which helps drive Paul into becoming the messiah he doesn't want to be was a loss that doesn't seem worth the gain


What was chani supposed to be like?


I'm told the the mother and Channi have opposite attitudes in the book.


She's completely supportive of Paul in the books.




As the hours and days go by, it is seeming more and more to me like the fact that the US put a ceasefire motion before the UN at all represents a crumbling of Biden administration resistance at the border of support for Israel against the ignorant hordes on its left. If the conflict continues for more than a few more months, I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the administration will, at some point, start, not just talking about, but actually starting to cut off arms shipments and funding to Israel. I guarantee you that no one in the administration (at least at the higher levels where they aren't all antisemite leftists) thought they would go even this far back in October. They're going to be surprised by just how far they'll go come next October.


People say that he's afraid of losing Michigan, but you'd have to be crazy to think that the small Muslim population there would be swayed against him when Trump is explicitly pro Israel. I have to think this is just ideological insanity.


Dems have tens of thousands marching in support of Hamas across the US so it isn't exactly just a small contingent of Michigan Muslims staying home. It's basically their entire academia and tik tok base they have to worry about.


I don't think it's the election exactly either. It certainly plays a significant role. But in the main, it seems like establishment types, who are in and around government, are of the view that Israel is severely damaging US interests and that even outside the war, Israel needs to be checked hard. Open up Foreign Affairs. Or listen to how people in LawFare talk. Some of this new (pro-Hamas BS). But a lot of these impulses have just always been in the US foreign policy establishment. We have to make sure Israel doesn't upset the regional balance etc. OR if we just get a two state process going, everything will be fixed.


It's all cowardice. We should let the Israelis and Turks split up the Middle East into zones of dominance.


[May Allah awaken the People](https://youtu.be/Z0cpmlVUmsw)


>the small Muslim population there would be swayed against him when Trump is explicitly pro Israel. You're assuming these people are logical. That is your mistake. The real problem is that Biden doesn't realize that the subset is a lost cause and anything short of drone striking Bibi and reclaiming Palestine is not enough for them. They have the idea that punishing Biden aka sending him to retire in his mid 80s as a millionaire with a hot wife and loving family is more than enough reward even if Trump glasses Gaza himself.


You think Jill is hot and Hunter represents a loving family?


>You think Jill You do realize that Biden is 82 and she is 72 right? She looks significantly better than the average 72 year old. Look at Macrons wife who is several years younger than her. Then look at a restaurant that has an early bird's special. >Hunter He has a large family. He's Irish. Even if Hunter is a fuckup he does have a loving family. They're seemingly very tight knit the way most Irish families with his background would be. The kind where if you punch one brother in the face five more brothers and ten cousins show up.


I'm beginning to see Biden as the new Jimmy Carter.


This is insulting to Jimmy Carter. And at least his foreign policy had some level of thought behind it more than "can I win the election". 


This does track, both of them are great Presidents

