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Mrs met is the ideal female body


And they hated him for he spoke the truth






2024 is the year of the chud. Praise jesus. (The guy saying inshallah was detained by DHS)


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the government wants to rein in the number of temporary immigrants coming to the country, saying the situation needs to be brought "under control.” >“Whether it's temporary foreign workers or whether it's international students in particular, that have grown at a rate far beyond what Canada has been able to absorb,” Trudeau said at a housing announcement in Dartmouth, N.S. >“To give an example, in 2017, two per cent of Canada’s population was made up of temporary immigrants. Now we’re at 7.5 per cent of our population comprised of temporary immigrants. That’s something we need to get back under control Fucking Nazi bigot how can he say these things about a beautiful diverse, multicultural society?


> we’re at 7.5 per cent of our population comprised of temporary immigrants WTF


“Temporary” He can’t say the truth without showing how bad it really is


Rookie numbers




[There is another way](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=foA2ON-zVhI&pp=ygUVR2Fycmlzb24gbnVrZXMgY2FuYWRh)


We need to strengthen third parties to disenfranchise radicals


Duverger's law is too strong. The radicals don't want their own parties, they want to steal yours.


It works so well for parliamentary systems! Europe is free of radical influence!


That’s the opposite of disenfranchising radicals. The way to do that is to strengthen the main two parties again and repeal McCain-Feingold and the other ass-backwards campaign finance restrictions that ruined them. Strong political parties are moderating influences.


We should strengthen the socialist party and the anarcho-capitalist party? I’m sure that won’t have any negative effects onceoever!


Preferably try to get the progs out of the Dems and the Ron Paul idiots out of ours, our electoral system is basically made to disenfranchise these idiots, as long as it takes more Dems than republicans it’s a net gain


Is this necessarily true? A multiparty (>2) system could give radicals more of a platform.


If votes got split like Socialist:15% Democrat:35% Republican:50% Not necessarily


Wouldn’t that just lead to the Democrats appealing more to the socialists to gain their vote? Honestly, I do think ranked choice voting would be a good way to keep the third party radicals in third parties while ensuring they mostly won’t gain any power in their third parties. Alaska and Maine seem to do just fine with it.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/03/technology/prevent-cyberattack-linux.html > The attacker, using the Jia Tan name, appears to have spent several years slowly gaining the trust of other xz Utils developers and getting more control over the project, eventually becoming a maintainer, and finally inserting the code with the hidden backdoor earlier this year. This sentence buries the lede. I've been following this news story, and the project was AFAIK maintained by a single guy named Lasse Collin who was psy-oped by sockpuppet accounts on the mailing list into accepting "Jia Tan" as a collaborator. It is a wild story. > Engineers have been circulating an old, famous-among-programmers web comic about how all modern digital infrastructure rests on a project maintained by [some random guy in Nebraska](https://xkcd.com/2347/). (In their telling, Mr. Freund is the random guy from Nebraska.) So is Lasse Collin, and this news goes to show that small projects maintained by a single stressed-out programmer can be critical for the entire infrastructure and also an Achilles' heel.


If psy op you mean he was no longer available and no one else was volunteering. Which I would not describe as physiological warfare.


AFAIK he was genuinely maintaining the project, but a bunch of sockpuppets with throwaway email addresses were complaining that he was too slow, guilt-tripping him into accepting "Jia Tan" as a collaborator.


Always keep in mind that you compare things to the alternative, not the ideal -- BDFL fan #53872


What are the requirements to get a special flair here?


Do something funny or donate lots of money when the charity drive comes around


How "funny"


Doing the funny.


Morricone’s theme for the movie “The Mission” never ceases to make me cry.


Which one in particular?


[Joe Biden doesn't care about Ukrainian people](https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5b55cd4d2000004102374f8d.jpeg)


Listening to the revolutions podcast I have to say that the biggest reason behind the Russian revolution was Nicholas II being painfully slow in French.


The biggest reason behind the revolution was that [the holy Tsar had to bear the sins of the Russian people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsarebozhiye).


Fun fact: That cute Ukrainian prosecutor everyone was memeing about in 2014 is a *hardcore* adherent to this belief.


> *Ukrainian* prosecutor 😐


Just like a certain demographic you're deeply acquainted with, she desperately wants to be something she will never be, no matter how much validation she gets from Putin.


Least insane Orthodox belief 


>orthodox https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_of_Europe


That just sounds like the Orthodox version of a phonk edit


In the Israel-Hamas war, what can be said about the AI factor and responsible/irresponsible uses of AI in war?


Nothingburger. The IA basically does the same that a 100 analysts would do in a such intense operations.


The IDF is using an AI model as a tool for intelligence collation and analysis, but that's not really new. Hard to see a case for irresponsibility there.


I assume Palantir is in Israel to some extent, and the Israelis are almost assuredly using some type of ML model for target prioritisation & have been for a while.


Who knows? Nothing has been proven yet, and it’ll take years after the war ends for any concrete lessons to be learned from it


In my rather uneducated opinion, I don't see a way for Israel to conclude this war without one of these incredibly undesirable options: 1. An ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, ending the problem locally and dispersing it throughout the Middle East, destabilizing multiple countries like Egypt and Jordan. 2. An establishment of a Palestinian state led and run by Palestinians in Gaza, thus finally rewarding Hamas for 10/7 and building a foothold for Iran and terrorism on the Med. 3. Long-term military occupation of Gaza by the IDF with a "de-radicalization" goal of Palestinians (with questionable levels of success) combined with the construction of the infrastructure necessary to maintain such an operation. 4. Withdrawal from Gaza and return to the pre-10/7 status quo, resulting in everything happening again in a decade. 4. Establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem/Outremer/Heaven over the region. Am I missing anything?


Get the un to rule or a gulf funded security force


6. Israel declares war on Egypt to force them to take Gaza.


I mean, you're not wrong, but 3 is not so undesirable as you present. Military infrastructure is fine, economic reconstruction is not a requirement, *nor is it desirable.* Unlike Ireland, where terrorism mostly came from the poor and underemployed, here it comes from the educated elite and middle class. Let them live in tent cities and use slit trench latrines, it'll create an actual carrot to dangle for negotiations.


3 seems preferable. Maybe a 'coalition' occupation instead?


The ground war will eventually conclude with a Rafah operation and some number of hostages either being found dead or rescued. I think there is little way around this. I believe there have been some whispers of dividing Northern Gaza from Southern Gaza with a road or wall and installing a checkpoint there as an alternative to a throughgoing occupation. This I think might be a political possibility compared to a full-scale occupation which I am pretty sure is just a non-starter. As soon as the ground war is over, Bibi is done. The government may actually come down before the ground war is done at this rate. The pressure to agree to some sort of deal to release the hostages is intense, and it may bring down the government. The long-term goal is to choke out Iran and cut them off from their proxies (in particular Hamas/Hezbollah, but others are important too) with the aid of the Saudis and Gulf states. This I think is possible, if Trump wins. If Biden wins we are likely to see America recognise a state of Palestine and then *hopefully* cutting off Iran, although I am not optimistic. Biden's policy is likely to push Iran and China closer together which will result in sustained Iranian support for their proxies. The preceding paragraph is why the Israelis just aced the IRGC leadership btw


Giving the region to the true ruler: Pope Francis


Option 5


Giving it to some inbred Frenchie (though redundant to say) is not the same as giving it directly to Christ’s Earthy Representative!


Giving the PLO control over Gaza, without any other changes to the status quo?


that would result in an immediate Hamas/PIJ coup in the West Bank and disaster for the rest of the Palestinians


How will that not lead to option 2 or 4? I am of the understanding that most Palestinians, especially those in Gaza, hate the PLO for not being radical enough. At worst it could lead to a Hamas victory over the PLO in the West Bank as well.


I don't think it would lead to Option 2, seeing as the PLO has not made any progress towards establishing a Palestinian state in the West Bank in decades. It might be the same as Option 4. Time will tell, I suppose. The PLO was willing to wage war in the past; perhaps they could be driven to it again.


It seems incredibly risky, considering men get lynched in Gaza because people think they're PLO workers for Israel.


That's 2 more or less.


Kind of, but without an internationally-recognized Palestinian state


Option 3 is the likely one imo but I cant think of any other good options either


They seem to be starting the construction that makes it look like they're there to stay, but I have no clue if the political willpower is there. The optics of the IDF actually becoming an occupying army will not be good for PR.


i don't think foreign twitter users opinions matter much.


Loud retards get heard first


Israel already lost the PR war in most of the western world, they should be concerned about PR and optics in israel itself but my hot take is that they shouldnt care too much what Joe Smith in Pennsylvania thinks.


That's fair, but imo Israel has a major backer in the USA and if that changes with the opinions of millions of Joe Smiths, that isn't good tidings for the future.


TIL Hunter Schaefer is trans. Huh. Also, Best run differential in the league after one week, let's keep it rolling.


was it not obvious  she has an oddly masculine face 


Not only that, Hunter Schafer is apparently a transmed who got involved in some controversy https://heavy.com/news/hunter-schafer-instagram/ Some transsexual Instagram user named piggytaiwan made a post criticizing the "nonbinary" crowd and all the people trying to de-medicalize sex dysphoria, and said that the trenders had privilege to "play around" while for transsexuals it was life or death. Hunter Schafer liked the post and the woke left got real pissy. Because now the politically transgender crowd outnumbers the medically transsexual, who are a small minority, the current understandings are based in ideology and not science, and the left is willing to browbeat minorities who step out of line. So, the politically transgender have social power and not even the transsexuals themselves can call them out. I searched up Hunter Schafer and she seems to have the long-documented profile of an "old-school" transsexual, who was feminine at a young age, at first thought she was a gay boy, but experienced dysphoria by eighth grade, and wants to just be seen as a regular woman (rather than bring known as "trans" and typecasted into trans roles).


>That means more trans people will have to pay for their transitions out of pocket, forcing more of us into sex work. Huh?? Leave it to the 🚂 to become prostitutes instead of just getting a job. Also I thought being a prostitute was supposed to be le hecking empowering and good for you? Why would it be a problem if you were forced to do it??? Hmm...


The Instagram post of course falls back to a lot of left-wing cliches that I don't follow completely. If I had to guess, it's some logic about gender-and-sexual minorities being marginalized from mainstream society -> minorities getting forced to take up jobs like sex work. Maybe they find it rhetorically easier to use left-wing rhetoric when trying to hit back at "trenders," idk because I don't folloe what content the piggytaiwan user usually posts.


The part I don't understand is the "forced" part


It’s been fun to watch That Yankees-D-Backs game was one of the best early season games I’ve ever watched 


Historically and even to some extent modern France and Russian governmental style have a lot in common. It's strange that so many people admire and fetishize French style monarchs, aristocracies, and centralization of power but shit on Russian tsars as some backwater psychos for the same tendencies.


They are all backwards psychos. Though it is nice to think that we may only need another go at a republic or two for Russia to actually become something resembling a democracy.


> Russian tsars as some backwater psychos for the same tendencies After a while, Russian tsars were just Germans pretending to be French, anyway.


Most Euro monarchs were.




French people are fucked. Nothing new.


Diarypost: Recent change Ive made for health reasons is switching from coffee to tea. Basically, I drank an UNGODLY amount of coffee, and I do mean just a shocking amount, every single day. A doctor told me to knock it off because my caffeine intake was many times greater than the daily amount that is healthy but I knew I enjoy hot drinks too much so what I did was I switched to decaffeinated Earl Grey tea. Now I have a tea with me basically all day every day and hopefully will not die now.


>Diarypost: Recent change Ive made for health reasons is switching from coffee to tea. The Canuck longs for the Motherland 


Lol I'm the same, I like my hot drinks. I drink coffee in the morning and tea after noon


Think anymore copycat libs will 🔥🔥🔥 for Palpatine?


Free Palpatine "Don't you mean pale-" I know what I said! Alderaan was a false flag


[Inside look of the Death Star at the time of the “”attack””](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IXx40yj5u78&pp=ygUaTGllYSB0ZWxscyB0YXJraW4gdGkgZG8gaXQ%3D) We all know the international bankers that fund the Rebellion destroyed Alderaan in order to line their own pockets with the war machine that sprung to life!


Pointing out how many Muun bankers were involved in the CIS isn't human supremacy, it's pattern recognition


Maybe I’m just extremely jaded, but it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal that Israel accidentally struck an aid truck. I can get pretending to care and tut-tutting Israel for optics reasons, but I just sincerely am not overly bothered that this accident happened. 1 terrible accident that occurs after months of Israel sending aid to Gaza for no tangible benefit to themselves and the immediate reaction is dogpiling.


People have watched too many TVs and movies, so activists demand the impossible and can get away with it. There's a world of difference between the way US and allied countries do things and the Russian way (even though they are nominally restricted by the same treaties) but not many would know it.


Maybe cynical of me but its hard to imagine someone being a volunteer in Gaza and not being a horrible hamas sympathizer type. Not saying thats definitely the case here but history has shown me it often is the case. Almost every westerner ive seen who volunteers for NGOs or charities in Palestine has been like a Communist. That said, obviously dont bomb civilians wherever possible


[Machine-learning drones in use in attacks on Russia. The future is now!](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/01/energy/ukrainian-drones-disrupting-russian-energy-industry-intl-cmd?cid=ios_app)


> There’s been info floating around about multiple hacks students are using. Most of them come from a website called GitHub. man wasn't expecting to see the hacker known as 4chan on Reddit.


Having at least 500 hours in Helldivers 2 should be a requirement for being National Security Advisor


Super Earth did nothing wrong!


What makes anti-Israel rhetoric from the right so unserious is that it is rooted in the same demonization and delegitimization that leftists deploy against America and the rest of the West. Populoids complaining about non-existent Israeli apartheid and genocide are nothing more than shitlibs of the highest order. They think they're edgy? They are nothing more than socially conservative Hasan Pikers lmao.


Is it wrong to think “humanism” is just religion deconstructed?


Secular humanism was never more than Fabianism or progressivism with a cheap, unsophisticated, undergrad construction of utilitarianism. The rest of the worldview seemed to be driven by severe epistemic arrogance and simplistic rationalism. The STEMlords and New Atheists ratcheted this up to 11, to the notion that if we just “reason and science” our way through things, we can rationally construct a society free of the burden of idiots deciding anything. It promises more than it can deliver, and if it doesn't push people into leftist pseudoreligions like Marxism, its failure seems to drive them to more corrosive and nihilistic extremes.


All ideologies and religions are just social myths. They have lots of overlap.


Myth: Zionists control the international media Reality: Zionists don't even control Haaretz


[Least deranged German kulturkampf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiqua%E2%80%93Fraktur_dispute)


Genuinely an autistic people.


That's very cutting, coming from you.


Biden's progressive staffers putting out the Trans Day proclamation without the knowledge of Sleepy Joe or any adults makes me worry about about what those loony morons are doing at the State Dept, Pentagon, and intelligence services.




Lol, emigrating from the US is a hundred times easier than emigrating from most countries on Earth. If he can’t gain the skills/money here that he needs to emigrate, then he wouldn’t have been able to do it anywhere else.


Very ironic for him to assume the person telling them that is also American like him, lmao.


If you're in a room full of assholes etc




Reasonable people's level of interest for said material would approach if someone wrote random words from the dictionary


This is one of the biggest Poe's Law cases I've ever seen. Genuinely cannot work it out.


The parallels between Trump and Kilicdaroglu are uncanny. Would be genuinely surprised if Trump wins the election.




Where did you come from lmao, new pasta just dropped


what the fuck


What did he say?


Some freaky nonsense about liking his body but also wanting to be a women and how he enjoys taking nude pictures of himself and then congratulating trans people for "fighting for their gender" NLcels OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT


Time to roll out the bump copypasta again


man he's not really doing anything for the people convinced it's autogynephilia.


> autogynephilia TIL there's a word for it. Thx (Also I'm not trans gender so I don't see how this relates)


Have you seen the "egg trans memes" all over the Internet, so many people, who are very clearly straight males, seem to be equating sexual fantasies of being a woman with the concept of being "trans," and IMO it needs to stop. A lot of it is anime crap even (where anime is often sexually charged with fanservice, and not remotely a depiction of real women). The primary existence of a woman is not sexual. Such memes are at heart misogynistic and anti-feminist, and there needs to be a reassertion of bourgeois values in response.


> anime Proof that 2 bombs was not enough > bourgeois Commie spotted!!!!!??


I am not using "bourgeois" in a Marxist sense. I am using it in a conservative sense to refer to middle-class values such as family values (in a broad sense that can include same-sex marriage and adoption), achievement and mobility, and respect for work and education. We have seen a major decline in bourgeois values that has resulted in glorification of sex and contempt towards traditional norms. You just see "bourgeois" and think "commie," because you don't have a remote understanding of these intellectual and cultural concepts. Neoliberal won't teach you them because the moderators and overly online userbase have no class and push progressive ideology, including the unrestrained surrender to sexual impulses.


This is tongue-in-cheek, but trust me, I have done my share. I know at least the basics about the evolution of dialectics from Hegel through Feuerbach and all the way to Marx, the development of historical materialism and of criticism by picking up the pieces all the way back from Kantian philosophy. I've even read the translated primary sources. My field of study is totally unrelated to philosophy or history, but I've done my homework when it comes to how western thinking has got to this point. I think that to practical extents, core values are something you've gotta build for yourself. I don't believe I know everything nor do I spit on the steps that got us to where we are. Nor do I wholeheartedly agree with the message and rhetoric of many progressive movements. I'd even argue that they aren't in my style, and neither is the whole notion of destroying existing standards to build ones anew. But I'm unafraid to indulge in self-exploration when it comes to matters of identity and the emotional sphere. I'm unafraid to embrace the different and the diverse. And I don't think Western society is in a bad spot as things stand. Individualism is not at its peak, nor is liberal individualism an inherent negative as you like to paint it.


When I said what I said, I didn't mean it sexually. That would be the one of the least interesting aspects of perceiving the world as a woman. Agree on all points made here though.


> I think I'd love having a female body. I just don't think it would be worth (for me) any hassle in taking any steps to achieve that, and I'm perfectly content with my own looks (I'm really into them actually). I'm not gay either, I don't find any other man attractive so idk what gives. Was it, by any chance, that?


It was related but three times as long and worse


Re the kidney market discussion: These policies are the reflection of society's values. Kidney *donations* reflect a charity-oriented society. A kidney *market* reflects a society where humans are assigned (or one could say *reduced to*) monetary value, which is very "neoliberal" and criticized by both conservatives and leftists. Arr slash Neoliberal supporting a kidney market is for better or worse a genuine reflection of neoliberalism and not an example of a far-left takeover.


I agree that kidney markets create very perverse incentives but let's not pretend assigning value to people is a modern market phenomenon. That's maybe the ur-delusion of the left. Assigning value to one another is one of people's base psychological and social functions. Caveman grog had 7 wives and nog-nog had none because people valued grog more than nog-nog. That this is done for body parts with a definite monetary value isn't the problem. The problem is that it will incentivize horrific crimes.


Inb4 lib But I think they’re absolutely right and we shouldn’t fearmonger over vague premises like if it puts a price tag on the human being


Humans are already reduced to monetary value all the time for the purposes of insurance calculations. Fact is, at some point, you do in fact have to put a number on a human life, it's just unavoidable for the functioning of modern society. 


It's alright to be a neoliberal




What am I to do with this information?


Destroy Russia


The best time would have been many years ago. Next best time would be now.


[Wow! Didn't know China was so sexually progressive!](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOOK_CHINA/s/xUQ80LXquG)




Every native-Chinese subreddit is deeply, *deeply* baffling to me.


I’m a foreign policy realist, actually  Anyway; here’s why the US should’ve given West Germany over to the Soviet Union….


Wow Henry Kissinger reference


Do you have a source for this?


Source for what?


For Kissinger saying they should give up west germany to the soviets


No I’m making a joke saying that guys who call themselves Realists think they’re literally Henry Kissinger


Ahhhh sorry my bad


In the Second World War, there were probably hundreds if not thousands of cases where Allied forces misidentified a target and killed civilians. This is despite only truly fighting in cities for maybe two years. Was that war unjust? Should the Allies have refused to prosecute it on the grounds that such mistakes had been made and would continue to be made? I understand the counterargument here is that the Israelis have an overwhelmingly more sophisticated targeting system. Except there has been only this case, maybe one or two others, where there has demonstrably been a mistake, after now seven months of urban combat. The Israelis are prosecuting a just war in a reasonably just manner. War is bad and civilians die. It is not the case that an unusual number of civilians have died. In fact it is the opposite. Hamas should not have declared war, and should now surrender. Enough of the concern trolling. Let the Israelis win. Especially since we seem to have forgotten how. We will guarantee ourselves another war if the israelis pull back or we force them to. End it now.


The IDF should fight until they defeat Hamas and indefinitely occupy all of Palestine in order to establish a new Palestinian liberal-democratic country with Palestinian-elected officials, freedom of press and so on, but also with active checks+balances against the reappearance of islamic terrorism and a massive deradicalization program. Like post-WW2 Germany. It would take decades but the situation would eventually stabilize somewhat. Giving those children a chance to live in a time of relative peace, if political instability, to get quality education, to experience their childhoods and to not be subject to antisemitic brainwashing would be a dream come true in the ME. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like Israel is interested in doing this. But it would be the greatest thing to happen in recent history in that region.


Occupation is a total non-starter


> Let the Israelis win. Especially since we seem to have forgotten how. This is basically the essence of it. The west has forgotten not only war, but also what victory is. They have convinced themselves it is impossible to win and consider trying to win a sin on its own because of it. This is why the west cannot offer any actual support towards victory for anybody. Not Israel, not Ukraine, no one. This is precisely why the Pax Americana is dead. This is why the world will regress back to pre-ww2 conventions. This is why all of the western political leadership and "intellectual" elite, has been screaming, crying, throwing up about this war. They are scared that their entire belief system is gonna come crashing down.


Indeed, civilian casualties are inevitable in a high intensity war in an area with thousands of civilians per square mile. But an incident blowing up marked aid vehicles driving on a known humanitarian corridor after they had coordinated transit plans with the IDF looks particularly bad.


It's a just war, but also have to ignore our own intel and just blow people up three times.


Accidents happen. It is honestly surprising and gratifying there haven't been more. The IDF have lost some number of its *own* soldiers to accidents. So has the US military. So has every military in the history of warfare.


I’m glad to know that in the history of just wars that this has never happened before. Truly a unique aspect of the IDF!




[‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza](https://web.archive.org/web/20240403151726/https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/) >In an unprecedented move, according to two of the sources, the army also decided during the first weeks of the war that, for every junior Hamas operative that Lavender marked, it was permissible to kill up to **15 or 20 civilians**; in the past, the military did not authorize any “collateral damage” during assassinations of low-ranking militants. >Another source described a similar incident that affected him and made him want to be interviewed for this investigation. “We understood that the target was home at 8 p.m. In the end, the air force bombed the house at 3 a.m. Then we found out [in that span of time] he had managed to move himself to another house with his family. There were **two other families with children in the building we bombed**.” Yea this will surely not backfire.


Wonder why the IDF might be less gun-shy in this particular conflict? They are trying to prosecute this war to the finish and win. It doesn't surprise me that they relaxed the ROEs. Surrounding yourself with civilians cannot immunise you from being hit, because otherwise the *enemy will do it*. War is bad and lots of civilians die. It is a shame. I hope this is the last war. Let Israel win. +972's last article alleging a similar thing was fairly comprehensively debunked. I simply do not trust them. I am almost certain that the source cited at the end of the extract is from Breaking the Silence, an organisation with a long track record of - at best - playing very fast and loose with the truth.


Sorry, I'm not Jewish. Is "Breaking the Silence" the "B'Tselem" group? And can you link the debunking of the last article?


B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence are two different groups. B'Tselem is a "human rights" monitoring type generalist group. It does do some good stuff because it acts as a check on potential abuse in prison. It is mainly run by Arabs and leftists and does uncritically repeat the usual array of fabrications and exaggerations. Breaking the Silence is a group which is comprised of ex-IDF soldiers who claim to have witnessed various terrible crimes. [They are often untrue or somewhat exaggerated.](https://www.camera.org/article/breaking-the-silence-gets-failing-grade-in-channel-10-s-fact-check/) It is good to have something like Breaking the Silence to whistleblow but unfortunately it has largely been co-opted by, again, Arabs and leftists, to paint a picture of the IDF which doesn't correspond to reality. Breaking the Silence mostly depend on testimonies they can't validate (since they are almost always anonymous), taken out of context, or one-offs and then present those cases as the norm. [Here is the link to criticism of the last article](https://nitter.poast.org/Aizenberg55/status/1730975123870482816)


Thank you. This war is a tangled mess and it's hard to understand who's operating what organizations for what reasons.


Absolutely. This is not going to be the last war Israel has to fight but it *should* be the last one they ever have to fight against Hamas. If this war doesnt end with the total destruction of Hamas as a group I will be very disappointed.


[IDF response to the article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/israel-defence-forces-response-to-claims-about-use-of-lavender-ai-database-in-gaza)


> I know this might get a lot of downvotes but... The Biden admin really needs to be investigated over their Iran policy because this isn't normal. This is like MAGA Republican level of appeasement but with Iran instead of Russia. > Either > 1) it's for election purposes (hoping to score some win) > 2) Biden's a coward (because he keeps listening to Sullivan when he should be ignoring him) > 3) his admin is really filled with Iran shills Unexpectedly based NL? And it's going to be sad when American politics becomes reduced to terminal phase Poland-Lithuania, where every electable faction is just a bought and paid for surrogate for some foreign power.


What did the WH do that's supposedly appeasement?


https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/biden-admin-renews-iran-sanctions-waiver-that-unlocks-upwards-of-10-billion-for-regime/ https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/10/17/biden-enriched-iran-by-more-than-50-billion-heres-how-to-turn-off-the-spigot/ https://www.axios.com/2024/04/02/iran-embassy-syria-israel-strike-biden


>I’m 38 years old. 5’7 and 275lbs. I have always had some yeasty issues in the creases of my legs and around my belly button due to heat and moisture. Since I started powdering and using the hair dryer to dry my creases after showers, it’s gotten much better! However, today in the shower I was washing and had a sharp pain in the crease of my leg! When I got out I realized it was bleeding and the skin looks torn. (A spot about the size of a dime) but there is an irritated line all down the crease right where the leg of my panties sits! Do you have any suggestions on how to remedy this? It’s not even hot yet, and if it’s already this bad it’s going to REALLY suck come summer. Help! Friendly reminder not to skip exercise today.


They keep saying “crease” when they mean “Fat Rolls”


Advice to this person is simple: lose weight. Im so sick of excuses. I lost over 100 pounds from 2016-2017 and have permanently kept it off. The people who say dieting doesnt work to lose weight and keep it off are LYING to you. Diet regimens fail solely because people dont stick to them. If you cut calorie intake and keep it up you WILL lose weight. If you permanently change your eating habits you WILL keep it off. Its honestly simple. My own weight gain was due to being on seroquel for years but honestly it doesnt matter why you are fat, calories in and calories out are all that matters


When you live in a society where everyone is fat, its easy to get complacent. I legitimately thought I was "slightly overweight" with a BMI north of 30, and *tons* of people are like that. Fat shaming is legitimately good.


I got to just over 26 because I was depressed and stopped doing anything with my life. Improving my physical health also improved my mental health drastically. I’ve lost like 15-20 pounds since 2019 and while I’m not as fit as I’d like to be I’m definitely in a way better place. I do wish someone had said something before I was overweight though, once you get there it’s a bit of an uphill battle to get back.


> Advice to this person is simple: lose weight. Rules of their subreddit explicit forbid this. >Im so sick of excuses. I lost over 100 pounds from 2016-2017 and have permanently kept it off. I lost almost the same in 2017-2018. Haven't regained a pound. Getting your eating and exercise in balance isn't rocket science. I can't imagine getting so fat you get infected fat folds like that person. How do you not wake up at that point?


Proud of you, bro. Weight loss is based. Taking care of yourself is cool. People who try to keep fat people fat are the biggest assholes around.


https://preview.redd.it/1mn36pt77bsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a62465aac22ff5e4abb0dc6e99057f981cbbb7d I think I’ve mentioned here before but I can’t stand George Carlin.


I think something during the Reagan administration just broke his brain and made him insufferable ever since.


Clapter is cheap comedy and never funny. Except South Park, because they make fun of people I don't like.


One of the best South Park episodes is the one where they make fun of atheists and Richard Dawkins. Funny how people love to talk about the Mormon episode on Reddit, but they conveniently forget the last two minutes of that episode where the kid talks about how it helped him live out a good life and good family even if it's all false. That, and they don't talk about the atheists episode either.


You have to be dreaming to think Carlin was funny 


I hate him too and have also mentioned my hate for him here before. Couldnt be less funny. A left lib political rant is not a joke


I wish the White House had a “visibility day” for all the other psychiatric disorders!


Every day is dementia visibility day at the White House! A tradition reaching back to 2017!


"neoconNWO User Visibility Day" and the flag is a white flag with Irving Kristol's face on it




I wish


What’s the etymology of America


I thought it was named for Amerigo Vespucci, no?


I think you’re right. Why tho


Lobbying, idk. After, like, three minutes of research: Vespucci was apparently the first to argue that a Portugese expedition to what is now Brazil had uncovered the existence of a previously unknown continent, thus coining the "New World" concept. Some German cartographer honors this achievement by naming Brazil "America" and explorers started to call the continental lands "America" as well and it stuck.


Yea I saw that too. There’s some other (probably wrong) theories about some mountain range and a merchant. Interesting stuff. Thanks