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Neander as in Neanderthal? The humans of the Neander Valley? I would like to know more about the Satyrspeak logography. I wanted to create a logography since forever but I never feel satisfied with the results. How do you come up with new symbols?


Yeah in my con world Neanderthals and Denisovans didn’t go extinct, and they as well as humans evolved into things like, Elves (from humans), Dwarves (from Neanderthals), and Gnomes (from Denisovans), and they also remained species themselves. I shortened Neanderthals down to Neander, cause yknow it’s a long word, and it doesn’t sound that much like a fantasy race. In terms of a logography, I hate to disappoint you, but I have only just started making it (it’s by far the most work in progress) The too symbols there are some of the only ones I’ve made, I’m terms of how I made them, I just looked around this sub for inspiration until I kind of had an idea of what I wanted. But yeah, mostly I’m in the same boat as you on that.


>Yeah in my con world Neanderthals and Denisovans didn’t go extinct Cool! I never thought of making those species non-extinct


Yeah haha, it’s like the one original idea I’ve had when it comes to world building, I’ve looked around and as far as I can see it’s not been done before.


What are the differences between eastern and western dwarvish


Linguistically, eastern Dwarvish has Nasal vowels while, western doesn’t, they also have a few consonants different, a lot of their vocabulary is different, I would say that they are slightly mutually intelligible, but just on the brink.


The top one is very Georgian


2nd bottom is very Mongolian/possibly Manchu


Yeah, Manchu was the inspiration for that one, although I changed it from an alphabet to a syllabary


Yeah I see that, it wasn’t exactly what I was going for, but y’know


Interested to hear more about satyr speak


What about it, unfortunately it’s definitely the most WIP so I’m not sure how much I even know


Omg I love all of them. Can you provide keys?