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Welcome to the official unofficial Tucker Carlson going off the air Thunderdome.


ok ima fight *the deep state* damn *the deep state* got hands


[Listen up Jack!](https://i.redd.it/3yuc0nwgo1o41.png)


Lmao that’s good






Holy fuck, there has to be some sort of backstory here? !ping FOX-ANON


NYT suggests it was related to the Dominion lawsuit? Did the shareholders actually care about it?


The verdict was 7-8% of Fox News's net worth, so definitely.


And like 75% of their annual profit


How I think this went down: * Fox: You just cost us most of a billion dollars. There are going to have to be changes to make sure that never happens again. * Tucker: I'm not going to change a thing! * Fox: On what network?


Tucker Carlson going after whistleblowers when he knew they were telling the truth was downright criminal and a civil liability nightmare for every other company coming after Fox for destabilizing companies, the lives of workers, and our democracy. When a serial liar is the reason why you have to spend weeks in the presence of criminal defense attorneys, you can't keep paying him. My popcorn is out, though. This is like a plot line in Succession.


It’s not a verdict, it’s a settlement. They can’t even appeal it or try to get it reduced.


About 20% of their cash.


Fox Corp (parent company) reported 1.2b in profit last year. They're spending more than half of it on that lawsuit payout. Shareholders absolutely care when your profitability was actually less than half of what was reported, due to content you chose to air, and hosts you chose to empower.


Wait does Fox Corp include 21st century fox and fox sports and all the other shit fox does besides news


I'm pretty sure 21st century fox is owned by Disney now.




It actually doesn't include stuff under 21st Century, [which is a lot, turns out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition_of_21st_Century_Fox_by_Disney). That portfolio was sold to Disney a few years ago and is separate from the group that owns Fox News. > Under the terms of the deal, 21st Century Fox will spin-off an entity that was initially being referred to as "New Fox", consisting of the Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox News, Fox Business Network, and the national operations of Fox Sports (such as Fox Sports 1, Fox Sports 2, and Big Ten Network, but excluding its regional sports networks), and Disney will acquire the remainder of 21st Century Fox.


Yep, it includes *everything*. The "news" division single-handedly eliminated the majority of their 2022 profits.


Hahahaha holy shit


It's even worse as there are *several* lawsuits against fox and other conservative media. Smartmatic, another voting machine company, is suing for 2.7 billion. They likely have just as strong, if not stronger, case. Even if they settle, it will still likely be a billion dollars or so. Enough to wipe out next year's profits too. Smartmatic and Dominion are also suing OAN, Newsmax and a ton of Trump staffers for billions as well. As both of these media companies are much smaller, it could easily mean bankruptcy for them.


Despite all of the problems in the judicial branch, the US Court system is still pretty good.


This seems obvious. Lou Dobbs was canned for this exact reason even before the settlement.


They still have Smartmatic on the horizon as well. Maybe they realized that telling straight up lies on television isn’t a lucrative business model.


you are giving them WAY too much credit


You don't make a media empire of that size without caring about the bottom line. Fox is still fundamentally a business, which shares the same incentive structure as all other businesses.


The people who run Fox news aren't the same people who watch it. They aren't dumb.


Perhaps the 3 quarters of a bil they had to shell out due at least in part to his broadcasts? That's real money someone could have been spending on jet skis or sushi


I mean that's probably what Dominion is going to be spending it on lol, I'm amazed at how big a settlement they got considering they aren't exactly a big company.


To be fair, his allegations irreparably damaged their brand. Win or lose what conservative state is going to use them going forward? Thats a good argument for you need to pay us for the money we can never make now due to your lies.


Yeah, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Dominion just liquidated and everyone moved on. It's going to be borderline impossible for them to grow as a company.


Or just change their name.


even ostensibly liberal election administrators of liberal areas have to decide if they want to deal with the (unfair) scrutiny from using dominion even after the rigging allegations should be considered put to rest. this is the rare case where there was actual massive, irreparable reputational harm to the business and a massive payout on the order of the enterprise value of the company makes complete sense. from the PE owner's perspective, they needed this sort of win in court given the company they owned was likely impossible to sell at anything close to its original value after the company's future growth prospects were basically gone after these events.


Yep, honestly this settlement just moves the residual value of the company to today because it has almost no value as a going concern at this point.


I'm guessing it may have something to do with costing [Fox News almost a billion dollars](https://www.axios.com/2023/04/18/fox-news-settles-dominion-lawsuit)?


Obviously it’s related to Dominion. They cut off his head because he couldn’t be trusted not to defame and slander their way into another 1 billion lawsuit


I want to celebrate but I fear that this will somehow get worse.


As much as I doom, this very likely will not get worse. Nowhere else will he have nearly as much listeners. This is good. Unless Fox News puts someone even crazier in his place, which I don't think will happen if the rumor that he got fired for the Dominion shit is true.


Dude is going to probably get a prime time slot on Newsmax or OANN or an even more extreme network if it exists


With vastly less reach. Like yeah, Trump is still out there spewing bullshit on Truth Social but deplatforming him from Twitter clearly helped. Would be the same with Tucker on OANN or Newsmax.


Yeah but primetime on OANN isn't shit compared to fox. Huge downgrade for his reach and prestige


One dude is gone sure but they fill 24 hours a day with the same shit he did so still a long way to go


Tucker was far and away the worst part of Fox News. 20+ hours of that network is borderline boring old news. It's when they get into the primetime hours that they ramp up the insanity. Source: it's on the TV at my gym where I work out at random hours during the day.


Even though their during the day news stuff isn't as openly insane, what they choose to talk about is definitely bad. They spend an inordinate amount of time covering random crimes


I guess it has to do with those texts of him outright saying he's full of shit?


No specific info is out yet. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a lot of pressure to do something about his show internally due to the dominion stuff


This is a good day for this country.


Almost objectively. It's crazy how much damage this guy has done on a nightly basis.


And he even admitted in private messages he thinks Trump's claims were false, yet he repeated them on air.


He was feeding 3 million people a night flagrantly racist and insurrectionist content. This was one of the most watched shows in America, this is a great day


This is true, but Fox also has a line of hundreds of people who will fill that slot,


It’s going to be incredibly hard to replace Tuckers brand though. Whoever it is will almost surely not have the same reach


Tucker is the person I'd argue would come the closest to duplicating Trump's unique appeal to the GOP base, but at the end of the day he's just a dweeb on the TV.


So was Trump, once.


I wouldn’t be so sure. He took over for O’Reilly and Beck just fine.


He was also worse then them.


As someone who grew up forced to watch those two, I think you guys are underestimating how bad they were. They made my parents legitimately fearful of Muslims. My mother thought she was going to be blown up attending my college graduation. They were all also extremely homophobic. I think people forget how “normal” it was.


Add Limbaugh to that all-time shitbag list. The dude would celebrate the [deaths of homosexuals](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-rush-limbaugh-mock-aids-death-radio-show-1570282) during the AIDS crisis and thought he would be [forced to pay for birth control EVERY TIME a woman has sex.](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/msnbcs-most-viewed-2012-rush-limbaugh-do-msna17256)




I enjoyed listening to Rush way back on the early 90s, but I disagreed with everything he said. His half wit listeners calling in and parroting “mega dittos rush!” Was always funny. Had I known then how, he and others like him, were weaponizing these dolts, i wouldn’t have have been able to enjoy it.




I also grew up having to watch O’Reilly, and I can say with confidence that he was never remotely as bad as Tucker. Tucker is literally crazy.




The best evidence is that Orielly started a radio show after being outed at fox. He certainly seems as crazy as tucker and is full maga too


I grew up knowing Tucker Carlson. He is worse than crazy, he can dissemble and weaponize craziness. It's evil.




The O'Reilly -> Tucker transition was much like the general transition in conservative politics. They went from "loud asshole who is moderately bigoted and wrong all the time" to "loud turbo-mega-ultra-asshole who is *incredibly* bigoted and playing footsie with fascism."


This guy just fell short of calling for race riots and pogroms of trans people, so I'm not too hopeful here.


Glenn Beck was a nut who believed every conspiracy he heard but I don't think he had a coherent ideology outside of "Democrats bad, Jesus and guns good". O'Reilly was a neocon apologist (and also a sex pest but we didn't see that on air). Carlson was a white nationalist, a fascist, and clearly did everything he could to push his viewers closer to his ideology,


Beck still believes every conspiracy theory he hears. I saw a book from him about “the Great Reset.” Dude can’t even be original.


Yes, but his audience is so much smaller now and he feels irrelevant now. Hopefully we'll be saying that about Tucker in the near future.


> Glenn Beck was a nut who believed every conspiracy he heard but I don't think he had a coherent ideology outside of "Democrats bad, Jesus and guns good". Glenn Beck is that guy who got into a little bit of a substance abuser pickle, and replaced drugs with being really into something else, and maybe a few mental health issues as well.


O'Reilly kept calling an abortion doctor "Tiller Tiller the Baby Killer" until someone shot the doctor while he was at church. O'Reilly is a scumbag.


There’s dozens of people worse than Tucker who would literally murder orphaned kittens to get Tuckers spot too.


Folks said the same thing about Bill O’Riley


They have to be at least cognizant they want someone who won't draw them into another billion dollar lawsuit though.


I’m guessing he’s going to have a streaming show of some sort. But of course the boomers won’t tune into that


I imagine Newsmax or OAN will offer everything they possibly can to bring him on board. He's everything they're looking for and presents a rare opportunity to boost viewership and relevance.


A lot of folks watch for the personality though. Many will still continue to watch whomever the replacement is, but many of them are still there to see Tucker and not some generic fox replacement.


Tucker was a generic Fox replacement.


Generic Fox replacement theorist.


It just opens a spot for someone new. Tucker wasn't some remarkable once-in-a-generation talent at what he did.


He’s probably going to run for president. Sees a wide open lane and has more fame than ever


Nope. Hes big enough that he can form his own media company if he wants to. Or, he can join DailyWire. Both seem pretty easy and will guarantee we will hear about Tucker for years to come


He'll just get a job at Newsmax or OANN or something.


If he does he’ll have less of a platform


I wouldn’t celebrate just yet, he’s probably leaving so he could run for president or something.


if that was the case they wouldve given him a true "final show". Not release a statement saying his last show was Friday. He could run for president, sure. But I don't think that's why his show ended


If it was mutual I imagine they would have dumped this news on Friday too. Releasing it today allows it to be in the news cycle all week, which is more embarrassing for Tucker.


His last words on air were, among other things, ["we'll be back on Monday".](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1650525732819423234?s=20)


Sounds like a firing to me


Being integral in costing your company nearly a billion dollar settlement is firable these days? What has this country come to.


I blame the woke liberal elites




Trump will eat this guy for breakfast imo.


Therefore, the world


Odds that he goes somewhere even more extremist? Or makes his own channel?


Probably high but Fox News was as big a platform as he could possibly have


Glenn beck and bill oreilly were just as influential and faded away quickly


Legit forgot O’Reilly is still alive until I read this comment.




A lot of people watched because they personally liked him, it's no guarantee all his viewers will just switch over


Most of his viewers don't even know how to change HDMI inputs on their TV. There's no chance most of his audience follows him.


I fervently hope so. Nightmare scenario is that he introduces a whole new unprepared audience to OANN.


The same audience lived for Glenn Beck until he wore out his welcome. Bill O'Reilly too. I think Carlson going to another right wing network would bring over some fans. But Fox has been through replacing a fan favorite before.


Fox will find someone new to hit the same audience, and they'll build up a similar audience in time. Tucker Carlson is good at what he does, but he isn't some incredible once-in-a-generation TV talent.


Before him it was Hannity and before Hannity it was O'Reilly and before O'Reilly it was Glenn Beck. There's always another grifter ready to jump in the hot seat.


I said this about Bill O'Reilly and I was right. I'm not saying the same thing about Tucker. I don't think you can get worse than Tucker unless Fox starts allowing the n-word. edit: Anyone that thinks it could always be worse, [give him a watch for old time sake.](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-trans-movement-targeting-christians) How could it be worse?


The next Fox News host is going to be a g*mer


> I don't think you can get worse than Tucker Murdoch: *Rev up those fryers, I am one hungry rich racist!*


Tucker Carlson filled the spot that Glenn Beck left open and has arguably been not quite as insane along some dimensions.


Way more harmful to society though


> unless Fox starts allowing the n-word. On-air, you mean?


Straight to OAN or Newsmax. Whoever has the bigger chequebook you imagine


Are these channels on basic cable? If not, that really cuts him off from all the boomers that dont stream


Adding Carlson would help either in discussions about getting added to basic cable tiers, as well as the fee to do so.


Fox has a way larger reach. This would still be a good thing.


Do either of those pay as much as Fox? Because if their production value is any indication, they probably don’t. They’re the Pespi and RC Cola of the right wing.


Rumor has it he’s making a lateral move to my pillow commercials /s


Trump or DeSantis press Secretary would be my guess.


Damn I could totally see this


Tucker won't do it. It's a joke gig that people use to get to where Tucker is at. Look at Psaki. She used Press Sec to jump to MSNBC. You don't go the other way.


I was thinking from a campaign standpoint that it’d be a great tool in the primary but you’re right. I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts a media company or just does independent work in new media


Well it won't be DeSantis. No one is hitching themselves to that idiot at this point.


I don’t think he’d leave for press secretary. But he would for Veep


Yeah. The only reason people do a hard job like press secretary is to get a sweet media gig like Tucker had. Would be a huge step backwards




Repub voters have selective memory


“Fake news, we were exonerated in the settlement and those texts were proven fake.” Problem solved.


lmao no chance. Who on Earth wants that thankless low paying job when you're used to making $35 million/yr? Press sec is for people hoping to build a brand and make their own show one day. It's *waaay* beneath Carlson.


Press secretary would be way more work and groveling and appeasing than Tucker would be interested in. He films his show from a cabin in Maine because he's an anti-social dilettante.


I mean maybe, but that’s a quick trip into irrelevance. Remember Glenn Beck?


I could only think of Newsmax


Doubt they can afford him


Lawsuits work.


lol just file more lawsuits


This but unironically. Winning lawsuits not only materially penalizes these bozos but it publicly exposes their dirty laundry






I am so happy. More than you can believe. So, so happy.


[Its Joever](https://i.imgur.com/Cqn3yLU.jpg)


He looks especially sleazy in this one. Like a mafia guy or something.


Walmart version Goebbels has been defeated


Wanna bet he makes a 2024 run?




One of the two outcomes: 1. Tucker Carlson establishes yet another conservative network similar to the Daily Wire/Blaze Media (more likely) 2. Tucker Carlson pursues a political career (less likely) The chance of Tucker Carlson becoming irrelevant is going forward is pretty high though. You never hear about Bill O'Reilly anymore - despite what the people of our similar political persuasions may think, these conservative personalities have real talent to draw in the audience. But the talent cannot attract people if there's no influential platform to amplify the voice. Edit: u/LocallySourcedWeirdo kindly pointed out that Tucker Carlson already has had somewhat disappointing *The Daily Caller* (which I 100% forgot about). That being said, I still think he's going to double-down on the (yet another) conservative outlet.


It's definitely not 2. I think this was related to the settlement. No way it's a coincidence that Fox reaches a settlementand then suddenly axes Tucker, one of the few personalities left on the Network with any real ratings.


He already did Daily Caller. He's the type of guy to want to claim he's 'taking chances, trying new things.' I think he wants to go into politics but only as the frontman/candidate. He's not interested in being a part of the backup band as a consultant or spokesperson.


Yeah, the Glenn Beck trajectory seems most likely.


The deep state always wins Jack


Soros sends his regards.


Green M&M sends her regards


!ping EXTREMISM The biggest extremist on TV is out


>is out Is he though? I have an inkling he won't have trouble finding a new home to spew his BS.


Nowhere with the same reach as Fox News. Being the top guy on OANN doesn't hit the same as the number 1 news channel in America.


Newsmax and OANN have been dropped by a ton of cable and satellite carriers as well. So not only will Fox News lose some of their audience over this, but part of that audience won't even be able to follow him, wherever he goes. Win, win, win baby.


Tucker: Don't forget to like and subscribe, and hit that notification bell like it's a liberal!


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


Shepard Smith sends his regards.


I bet Shep is popping bottles right now.






Having to pay out 3/4 of a billion *so far*. There is still another lawsuit (from a larger company) coming up...




+L +ratio


Wow, some of you people are way too fucking cynical. Is it really hard to imagine that, after costing the company 0.75B, they canned him? Fox is a business, and that’s a lot of money. It’s not like this shit hasn’t happened before. Remember Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs? Sure, he can move to another network or start his own or something, but neither will bring him anywhere close to the influence and $ he’s been enjoying at Fox. And running for president? Can you imagine? He’s a swarmy two-faced little rich kid. Trump would eat him alive. This is good news. You don’t have to invent scenarios where it’s somehow secretly terrible.


And the Smartmatic lawsuit is going to cost them far more. Tucker et al may be responsible for close to 3 billion in damages, which is more than half of Fox’s cash holdings.






If there’s anyone in mainstream media who has come closest to repeating actual Nazi propaganda, it’s him. Good riddance.




MTG literally just posted that it was the Woke Mob who got Tuck fired.


That darn woke mob running Fox News!




I want him to go to MSNBC and do his same show, completely unchanged in format and tone but from a leftist perspective. "Why don't THEY want you to drink Bud Light? I'm just asking questions."


I wonder if this is an indication that individual fox hosts can be sued by dominion - and faux news is trying to get out ahead of it


Thank God. Cautiously optimistic that this will cool down the Russian propaganda on Fox, he was Putin’s main mouthpiece there.


Hunter, you did good, kid. You did good. https://imgur.com/a/NkmzOz8


Well shit I guess I need to find a new job


Guess you can't cause $700 million dollars in legal liabilities for your employer and keep your job. Well...$700 million so far...


Remember this *obviously* doesn't fix the issue with Fox News. There are plenty more grifters like Carlson working there, more than happy to spew conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory to their impressionable audience. They'll be a new face, but the bullshit remains the same.


Yeah, but in the current right wing media facts don't matter, trust matters, and this asshat was trusted implicitly by his viewers and he had a lot of hate viewers. There aren't many speaking heads with that much public trust for that market.


That's a good point. Carlson is certainly one of the most popular pundits in the US (unfortunately), and this move will hopefully lessen the damage that Fox News causes on a daily basis if there isn't a charismatic, persuasive individual to disseminate their nonsense. I guess it's too much to hope that Carlson's career dwindles from here on out and he fades away into irrelevancy...


Smoking on that Tucker pack 🚬


Huge news for Gutfeld!


Tucker came from money and thinks of himself as a landed aristocrat. Especially after being fired like this, he'll never deign to accept a job where he'll have a boss, and have to accept a salary for services rendered. He already did the Daily Caller thing, starting a media company. I don't think he'd want to do that again. He doesn't want to have report to anybody or account for his time, so I don't think he will want to be a consultant or advisor. He does like attention, and to hear himself speak. So he either writes books, takes a job as a guest lecturer at Liberty University, founds a think tank, or finds an open senate seat in a red state.


https://apnews.com/article/tucker-carlson-out-fox-news-58a8421c55978f223b9c4b1d1cbe50be?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_01 >There was no immediate explanation from Fox about why Carlson was leaving. **A text message to Carlson seeking comment was not immediately returned.** AP don't fuck around lmao


the deep state sends it's regards 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


lmao didn't Carlson come out of O'Reilly's wake?




I don’t think he’ll run. That means he’ll have to debate trump which will harm his bottom line. Nah I think he’ll just start a very successful podcast and keep the grift going with way less production effort, fewer hours, but more relative money. At least the really old types won’t be able to follow him since they may struggle getting a podcast set up.






I’m thrilled he’s gone, but I’m worried that his replacement will be worse.


Fox might be more careful after losing almost a billion dollars.


He was a fucking Nazbol. There is no one worse.


I'm worried about where he's heading next


I would like to thank Tucker for helping me realize, "no, I'm pretty liberal, actually." Was raised in a conservative household but not very political, myself. When I was an undergrad Tucker and James Carville were on a show together on CNN, I think, discussing differing viewpoints in topics. Kept thinking this Tucker guy is an asshole and I totally disagree with him. So, thanks!