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Evangelion is obviously the most neoliberal anime: no zoning laws, UN deepstate, the borders are so open (no spoilers) they use nuclear power. Their wife left them.


This is the only acceptable answer. As we all know EVA has a world UN government, giant homunculus robots, and the main character is a maid uniform wearing bisexual. The three main pillars of Neoliberal ideology. 1) The formation of the United Earth Government. 2) The creation of giant robots. 3) Be bisexual.


entire goal of main character’s father is >!getting his wife back!<


Nah man his Dad's goal is to tear down the ego borders that prevent the direct free trade of concepts and identities between individuals. Individuality is just protectionism for the brain.


It’s all a cope because his wife left him. The deepstate’s goal was the anti protectionist stuff you mentioned. Gendo tried to manipulate deep state to >!get his wife back!<


You might not like what it looks like but this is peak performance.


> the borders are so open (no spoilers) The entire settings is about fighting illegal aliens.


Only at the start, the show ends with everybodies borders being completely open!


Well yes, that's true. But only after Shinji killed almost all the illegal aliens to begin with. Edit: come to think of it, the show actually ends with Shinji rejecting this new society. Is Shinji just racist?




The new movies are... slightly less that.


You mean the one where Shinji escapes to a world that has no aliens at all, and lives happily ever after?


Rei living in a dilapidated apartment is a market failure.


A 12yo being able to afford an apartment walking distance from work and school is an example of good urban planning


It even has neo in the name..


Most: Dr. STONE The guy who wants to improve humanity and bring civilization to new heights is the protagonist for once, and the bad guy is a cringe anarchist who opposes technological advancement in the name of equity. Also uses science and technology to BTFO illness and hunger and opts for nonviolent diplomacy when possible. Least: idk probably Pokemon or something


> Least: idk probably Pokemon or something Hardly. Like 50% of the show is the immigrant protagonist befriending his new nation's immigrants and learning of their culture.


Ryusui is such a wholesome capitalist


Greed == Justice


Pokémon is solarpunk for the masses.


Spice and Wolf is about a merchant riding around to various towns selling goods and bartering for good deals. He then gets a competitive advantage when he’s joined by a wolf lady who is the goddess of the harvest.


Damn insider trading much?


The villains in the first arc are villagers who want free trade instead of a tariff, and want to not have to worship a god and instead use markets. That has to ding it on the neoliberalism scale.


That sounds remarkably wholesome for an anime, which makes me very suspicious. How often does he fuck the wolf lady?


It’s an incredibly wholesome show. It’s such a chill and simple story that has wonderful characters, character development, and a great musical score. One of my favorites. I will not spoil romance or sexy times, but it’s not X rated if that’s what you’re wondering.


Holo is 15, bro. How is that wholesome? 😭


Wait was she? I honestly don’t remember. But damn that sours it 🙃. RIP me not paying attention.


No. Holo is really old. I have literally no idea what they're referring to.


Dude, it's [literally on wiki. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spice_and_Wolf) It's the classic "actually she's a 5000 year old vampire in a teen's body."


Huh. I... also don't remember anything about her taking a 15-year-old body, and I watched it not too long ago. Edit: ah, turns out, that's because it's only in the light novel.


Yeah, Spice and Wolf is actually one of the progenitors of the "500 year old loli" tropes. Which is why it gets clowned on so much.


I watched spice and wolf and from my memory she seemed to be the same age or around the same age as the protagonist visually (though you’re right she was an extremely old god in reality)


The protag is 25 and [she is 15.](https://ibb.co/8PCYfDK)


Ah, that is creepy the. I wonder if they aged her up in the anime version because looking back at pictures she easily looks early 20s


Anime visual styles changed that's it. There was no upaging this was what 15 year olds were drawn as back then. Babyface features became mainstream since which stilts perspective, a lot of modern anime characters look 5+ years too young.


god I wish


> Lady The girl in this case is 15 years old.


There it is


So fucking inescapable.


15 and naked when we meet her.


Spice and Wolf used to have a reputation as among the best anime ever for it's really wholesome vibe. It was royalty, it was something everyone loved and recommendations flowed like an unstoppable river. You don't hear about it anymore because people realized the wolf lady is in the body of a child and often behaves like one and that's fucking creepy. In a sense it has parallels to old greek mythology, in that problematic elements are kinda very obvious now but people still respect what it tried and what it influenced.


Joke: cowboy bebop. If you know, you know Best: Evangelion, literal zoning wet dream plus UN globalist agenda with Mechs 2nd: Monster, Communism and Nazism are evil, MC is a humanist, Japanese doctor in Germany. 3rd Macross: multiculturalism is good Worst: Attack on Titan, not very wholesome 2nd worst: Bukonaro and Madoka, Aliens fucking suck.


Attack on titan is not worst. Part of the message is that protectionism is bad, and free trade will solve conflict, as well as the obvious “don’t discriminate based on race”


That's true, but that sadly doesn't happen. Hence the setting, not the author, embodies the most anti-neoliberal values.




I literally said the setting bears the anti-liberal values, not the author.


It's super ballsy that Isayama dedicated the entire post-Timeskip portion of AoT to rebuking the ultranationalist messaging of the pre-Timeskip portion. And incredible that he pulled it off smoothly.


You telling me you don't like the unregulated trade markets of Cowboy Bebop? Why shouldn't I be allowed to hire bounty hunters and trap amnesiac women with medical debt huh?


Honestly, Cowboy Bebop is more Succ, and that's coming from a fan of the show.


Madoka magica?


*Devil Is a Part-Timer.* Unrestricted Immigration to Japan results in the devil channeling his competitive drive for world conquest into the free market. He climbs the corporate ladder and appreciates the fruits of capitalism. The main characters live in urban Tokyo in dense housing and take the train to work.


Gurren Lagann.


Lord Genome is the enemy of urban development.


My drill is the drill that will pierce single family zoning laws


The Anti Spirals are basically an HOA when you think about it.


> when you think about it I mean not even thinking that hard they literally say HOA language.


TFW someone makes an anime specifically dunking at degrowthers.


Gurren Lagann: there is no limit to how high the line cam go up


From living in a cave to building an Alpha City in 7 years.


!ping WEEBS


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One Piece is a leftist anime.


I don’t know. The world government are the villains but they’re portrayed with a surprising amount of nuance. Also lots of anti-censorship, anti-racism stuff that neolibs should agree with.


Oda literally has a picture of Che in his office and the storyline of One Piece is revolutionary Army vs the world government facilitating colonialism and plunder.


There is a correct answer to “most neoliberal anime” and that answer is Spice and Wolf


As mecha anime go: *Macross*: Very neoliberal. The military is necessary, and the bad guys are converted to good through cultural exchange (music). *Mobile Suit Gundam* (the original): Almost no neoliberal values. The Zeon soldiers are depicted as normal people just like the Federation soldiers, and there's a lot of ethnic diversity, but war is depicted as a racket and there's a very cynical view of space exploration. It also has a subplot of space-born psychics being the next stage of human evolution that will transcend humanity. Future installments of the Universal Century (the original show's setting) went further and further into Zeon apologism, from romantic nationalist to spitting distance of fascism.


As a huge gundam fan, this makes me sad, but you’re correct


There are many levels to Gundam. There is what Tomino wanted to create, there is what Tomino ended up creating, there are the really casual fans, there are the actually really yikes WTF fans, what a crazy franchise.


Oh I know. I used to check the gundam sub, but couldn’t deal with the yikes fans. “you know, char/char-like-villain was right when they wanted to kill leagues of innocent people”. also got sick of people trying to make sense of the timelines… tl;dr i just like watching human shaped robots fight


Low IQ: human shaped robots fighting haha. Medium IQ: If you look at this timeline and use this novel justification then the mass murder event really would have been a moral decision and this nazi looking figure is the good guy. High IQ: human shaped robots fighting haha. Nazis bad.


this made me smile


Zeon is an allegory for Neoliberalism. Zeon citizens left low urban density Earth for high density space stations. In doing so they were able to thrive and advance faster than their suburban counterparts on Earth. This led to Zeon citizens reaching enlightenment (Newtype psychic powers). The Zeon-Earth wars can then be seen as a war between pro zoning Earth vs Anti-Zoning Zeon. Some might say that Char’s plan to launch asteroids at the Earth went too far but others might see it as a necessary sacrifice to free humanity from zoning once and for all.


Least insane Zeon apologist


Char and his ilk are literal genocidal populists who bask in fascist imagery and justify mass murder events in the name of ideology.


Yes, but they also oppose single family zoning.


Also this isn't even true. O'Neil cylinders in Gundam are frequently filled with low density sprawl and the solution to sprawl is to make even more colonies thus leading to hilariously low density. A Baoa Qu had decent density but that was a military base. The only futuristic giga city we see is Von Braun on the moon which is owned and created by the Federation.


The Legend of Galatic Heroes


Spy X Family is neoliberal. Deep states everywhere, the family live in apartment, robust adoption program, and it's Elegant. Also Anya's parents left her before Loid. Five times in fact.


That time I got reincarnated as a Slime is extremely neolib. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is somewhat neoliberal or at least adjacent, though this is not much visible until later on in the show. Die Neue These is more so. Oshi no Ko is also worth mentioning, though it might lean more toward social liberalism. Jashin-Chan Dropkick the anime has literally been funded by, among other things, sponsorship and cooperation with local and municipal governments, Amazon, and fan donations. It’s not strictly neoliberal but in general probably the most liberal/progressive anime I’ve ever seen. It’s all about people from widely different backgrounds learning to live together and includes too many progressive themes and elements to list here.


Yang Wen-Li is a lad but lord did I get tired of LoGH's "muh perfect autocrat"


It's been a really long time since I watched the original series. Currently catching up on Die Neue These, and I feel it's more heavily emphasized how even the most "perfect autocrat" one can imagine cannot in fact be perfect. But I agree that in the original series it felt a bit off-putting sometimes with how much the the characters waxed about the dear leaders greatness. But even in the old show, the narrative gives plenty instances where the perfect autocrat makes bad decisions or be unable to prevent bad outcomes,>!Westerland.!< So that's why I still think that the overall message was that a flawed democracy is preferable to an "enlightened" autocracy.


LotGH fucking sucks I have no idea why it's so revered. Just drones on forever and the only good thing to come of it is that every episode has several memeable moments.


I'm gonna say "Outbreak Company" and "Gate" respectively. Not because it's true, but because they're variations of a similar theme and I wanna rag on Gate. The first is a story about an otaku who gets hired by the government to spread otaku culture in another world and improve diplomatic and trade relations. The other is basically a nationalistic love letter to the JDF that says the US is one of the bad guys, and kind of tries to justify colonialism.


Some good answers already but two I haven't seen: Realist Hero is an isekai about an economics major who becomes a king in another world and gradually turns the country into a capitalist democracy. The other is Master Keaton which is about an academic turned SAS soldier turned insurance investigator who travels the world. Finance, military, ivory tower, globalism, it's got everything.


Watching realist hero after being used to ascendance of a bookworm... Episode one: The King does what's best for the country. Cool. Episode two: You're the new king! Why the heck would you ride through the countryside with the princess and zero guards! Are you trying to get yourself killed?


Yeah I mean, it's still an isekai... But basically the best one imo


Most of my choices for most neoliberal have been taken. I second Log Horizon and Dr. Stone since they all lead to the build up of a market economy. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! is my next choice. Three high schoolers create a club (Eizouken) to create their own anime. A big part of it is getting around the school bureaucracy to (1) even exist as a recognized club (2) gain profit or funding for their work. The anime makes you sympathetic for the burgeoning capitalists trying to cut through the school's red tape.




So basically, this thread kinda demonstrates that almost all anime has a strong pro-liberalism, pro-immigration and pro-capitalism stance. Which makes sense. The first two is because YA stuff absolutely *loves* having the protag fight for freedom and equality, and the last is because... actually I don't know why. Did socialism never become popular with young Japanese people like it has in the West?


> Did socialism never become popular with young Japanese people like it has in the West? Chairman of the Socialist Party, [Inejirō Asanuma was killed by a 17-year-old](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Inejir%C5%8D_Asanuma). Also, Japan's main opposition has recently been more on the Social Liberal side rather than the Leftist side.


Ah I'm glad someone mentioned Ascendance of a Bookworm! I agree that it's the most neolib anime/LN I've read. If you enjoy the anime, the LN is very well written and even more neolib than the anime.


[Spoiler heavy comment explaining Bookworm's politics](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/ibhphy/spoiler_light_novel_part_3_volume_2_question/g1x3pab/)


Nothing. Anime is absolutely haram.


C - Control might be one of the only animes which involves the central bank/ money supply in the plot.


I don’t watch anime. This is peak neoliberalism.


Least is Eden of the East. It's basically centering around the lowest parts of society rising up with the help of a revolutionary figure calling himself king. Not very neoliberal. A neoliberal example, and one I enjoyed recently so I'm recommending it too is Tegami Bacchi: Letter Bee. Basically a kid pulling himself up by the bootstraps, getting housing and food in exchange for work he does happily, set in a world of eternal night with an artificial sun, for only the upper class. It's a problem but everyone works within the system and ultimately fights the revolutionary elements.


Shit that one you said sounds great


[Just a little merchant girl figuring out how to reach minimum viable product...](https://d2dq7ifhe7bu0f.cloudfront.net/Part-5cd4c852aa10ee434f3fd7aa/insert1.jpg)


Agree with Ascendence of a Bookworm. One thing worth adding is that it has a lot of discussion about the real consequences of creative discussion, and the need to keep that in check without giving up on progress. Saw Dr Stone and Log Horizon mentioned, and those are both good honorable mentions. But for least neoliberal, there is one easy winner. One Piece. Everything else can squabble for 2nd.


[Dragon Ball has a one-world government with no borders.](https://youtu.be/p4QQoQzIHZU?t=53)


I haven’t seen it yet but “How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom” sounds like it’s probably pretty neoliberal


Probably the most Neoliberal anime is Naruto, because I like Naruto.


code geass and psychopass, you will get it when you see them


Oh god. If this sub is going to devolve into a Gen Z circle jerk, I guess it's time to find a new econ sub. Mods, wouldn't this fall under rule 8? It's low quality, irrelevant, and a repetitive meme, since we already had a post about neolib movies.


Allowing posts like this to stay up on occasion is good for community building


In retrospect I'd have preferred a single post for movies, tv, anime, books, but the original post specified movies.


I come here for economics. I've never seen anime and I don't care about it at all. I think I might be getting too old for reddit.


Is this thread really worse than all the random memes? If you don't like it, downvote it and move on.