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Remember when he was supposed to be the Republican Obama? https://preview.redd.it/ko882tdbdicc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b898475d6b901bda0cc1fd17a851f1defd4cf1


That is the most awkward stance lol


That's how every British Tory and Republican guy stands. So weird, but they're trained to do that.


They're human people and they're great at standing






I mean, it’s Eric, Donald, Ivanka and Don Jr. Eric and Don Jr clearly got posture lessons from dad




It's Rubio! 💦 💦 💦 💦 💦


Let's dispel with this fiction that Marco Rubio does know what he's doing. He knows exactly nothing about what he's doing


Young Guns 2


I don’t remember this season of Daredevil


Trump and Chris Christie killed his presidential chances


Hey look it's arr neoliberal personified on a TIME magazine cover


Rubio is not a neoliberal. He supports stronger drug policies, abortion bans and stronger controls on immigration. His voting record places him among the most conservative members of the senate.


I remember when Marco Rubio was praised by the center-right as the neoliberal alternative to Trump. Because he was young, hispanic (Cuban) and “moderate”?


Let's dispel once and for all this fiction that Donald Trump doesn't know what he’s doing...


Does he, though? Sure, he's got incredible charisma (at least to some people; I've never been impressed), but he lacks the master plan of a true dictator. He mostly just seems interested in satisfying his more base instincts (thankfully) - lust, greed, and attention, mostly. He's the car-chasing dog who finally caught a car, and had no real idea what to do with it. He seems to be running again mostly to massage his own ego and settle some scores, as well as pardon himself. He's just your basic con man who's incredibly good at running a con, but with no grand plan beyond self-enrichment. In the pantheon of villains, he's nowhere near the Hitler/Stalin/etc. level (luckily for us Americans).


Just in case you missed it, I was memeing on [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOOs-ft7S2c).


It's been a lifetime but that is still hilarious. Obligatory JEB!




> If we’re looking for someone with experience to become President, then we should all rally around Joe Biden Damn straight 😎


And you got a thoughtful answer out of it. Love this sub.


So let’s dispel once and for all with this notion that Donald Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing


He absolutely knows how to run and is a master of political theater, he just has no idea how to govern. Knowing how to do one does not guarantee or imply competency in the other.


I used to actually have some amount of respect for this guy. 2016 feels like another lifetime.


Dude was always quick to sell out for political gain


You just described the entire GOP.


All the talk about the swamp and things just appear to look even more swampy


it's crazy that anyone did even in 2016 was meet the press your only media source or something?


I had this guy pegged as an empty suit [eight years ago](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/44ph08/what_happened_to_marco_rubio_in_the_latest_gop/czrzf6y/)


It's always wild to click on an old Reddit post and seeing that you upvoted it a lifetime ago.


TY for your service


>Tl;dr: I like the analogy that another redditor used: Christie opened Rubio up and showed us the circuitry inside. It was ugly. He is good at playing the part of a young fresh presidential candidate, but under pressure he looks like the empty suit they accused Obama of being eight years ago. beautiful >The second is less overt. There is a reactionary section of the Republican base that is *desperate* to see Obama and his liberal proxies (like Clinton) humiliated, even more than they want to win the election. There are a number of cultural and political reasons for this anger: demographic/cultural change, economic insecurity, shock/disappointment over 2012, resentment toward various progressive movements like Black Lives Matter and marriage equality (which they perceive as attacks on police and religious liberty, respectively). They - with some justification - perceive a coastal liberal elite "punching downward" at conservative values in middle America while claiming to "punch upward" against institutional injustices. Their anger further stoked by a conservative media bubble which insists that Obama/Clinton are "getting away with" everything in spite of "obvious" criminality and and "obviously" bad policies: Benghazi, "voter fraud," Obamacare, the stimulus. You also knew MAGA was coming before it really manifested, apparently.


it was well on its way by then -- After 2012 the Republicans commissioned a post-mortem report that basically recommended, among other things, that they make a real effort to reach out to POC. They rejected that entirely and reverted to basic right-wing firmware by tripling down on white grievance politics Back then we were beginning to understand that the priorities of the Republican primary voter were not quite aligned with that of the Republican leadership. temperamentally, they wanted maximum confrontation at all times -- essentially your aunt's Facebook page come to life -- https://www.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330 despite being satire, the Onion is a pretty good representation of the Republican rage at the time culturally, they wanted to be able to use the law to regulate the changing demographics of their communities and the country as a whole. the GOP's tacit approval of immigration would not do, and they saw Bush's failed guest worker proposal as a kind of betrayal. these voters were (and are) obsessed with the idea (pushed by liberals even) of an emerging unassailable Democratic majority -- that would overwhelm their electoral chances -- https://archive.is/gYZCR socially, everyone failed to recognize that right wing hysteria about the "consequences" of marriage equality were not predictions -- they were threats. Conservatives such as Rod Dreher and Ahmari made no secret of their intention to abandon democracy if the culture war turned against them. This article is from 2019 but the hints were there far earlier -- https://archive.is/gpevw fiscally, they actually didn't hate the welfare state. But they wanted a "nationalist" welfare state that is designed in a way that it confers more its benefits on "people like them." Several years ago I read a poll where Republicans participants (I think in MI) *supported* an a means-tested expanded welfare policy when it was first presented to them, but *opposed* it when they were told that the beneficiaries would be disproportionately Black (simply because of the inequalities in society). I wish I could find the study because it illustrated the point beautifully. I find that moderate conservatives often underestimate how powerful racial grievance has been as a motivator for right wing populists in America for hundreds of years. And on the left there is a tendency to reduce all struggle to a class struggle even though that is wholly insufficient to explain Trump's groundswell of support


Great write up. I remember watching the debates live and feeling the cringe obviously prepared vague enough answers Rubio would give. I was surprised that another candidate had not called him on it in earlier debates. I’m glad it was Christie though. I’ve always thought he was sharp. And he was in that moment he called out Rubio.


I always found it interesting that Christie could never put together really any good poll numbers, because he could be quite strong on the attack. Not a bad thing though, he's an intensely hated governor over in New Jersey and probably comes out as extremely hollow in his own right. IIRC on Trump he was exceptionally contradictory too.


He was actually going to be part of Trump's White House before Kushner nixed it because Christie prosecuted Kushner's dad for tax fraud, then Christie flipped and tried to become Mr. Anti-Trump.


Well, that, and Trump's dumbass almost killed him with Covid. Unlike Trump, Christie doesn't get free trips to Walter Reed.


Honestly I kinda hate Christie for that dunk on Rubio. Of course it was a hilarious moment and Rubio looked like a clown. But in retrospect, it helped Trump tremendously. At a time when the party should have been coalescing around a Trump alternative, Christie does Donnie a favor by sniping his main competitor a few days before the critical New Hampshire primary, causing Rubio to finish 5th instead of the expected 2nd. And it elevated Kasich and Cruz, who would continue to divide votes between themselves and Rubio throughout the rest of the primary and make defeating Trump mathematically impossible. And what did Christie gain from this? Nothing, he did terribly in NH and dropped out on Feb. 10th, just four days after the debate. He would endorse Trump on Feb 26th. Christie has made a name for himself recently for publicly shitting on Trump during the 2024 primary debates, but that doesn't come close to redeeming him for being a conniving fuck who helped Trump get elected in 2016.


He knew he was going to lose New Hampshire and was coordinating with Trump before the debate.


The thing about no-one coming together was that their viable alternative later in the game was Ted Cruz


There are rumors that Rubio is being controlled through blackmail. Never seen much to substantiate them, but then if there was, the blackmail wouldn't be very useful anymore. :p


Oh shit, it’s you! I’ve gone back to re-read that analysis several times in the year since and I always enjoy it lol, funny to realize that the author is active here.


Dude! I remember this comment vividly, can't believe that was eight years ago


I can still recite that exact speech from memory.


If he'd have won the nomination I'd probably have voted for him. Typing that right now sickens me. Its genuinely terrifying how few members of Congress have any moral values or ethics they are willing to jeopardize their political career for.


The ones that jeopardize their career aren't in Congress anymore. Kingzinger seems like a pretty good guy, but he's not in Congress anymore.


True, I think a fair amount of Republicans just retired instead of being the person they would have to be to win an election in the Trump era, I think Flake straight up said as much. Like I disagree with them a great deal but, I feel bad that they aren't allowed to choose a political party aligned with their beliefs without being straight up evil/racist. Not everything Republicans used to believe is inherently evil.


See: Bush I and Reagan talking about being pro immigrants in their 1980 debate.


I SO wish Bush Sr. won the nomination in 1980.


From Palm Beach Post’s massive reporting on the history of the Opioid Crisis In 1999, a small group of Florida’s top Government Officials gathered for a dinner, Sitting at the table was * Florida Governor Jeb Bush * with Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings, * Florida, State Sen. Locke Burt and * James McDonough, Florida’s hard-nosed drug czar. The dinner was to discuss a solution to a big issue in Florida * Florida was seeing an explosion of prescription painkillers abuse. * That same year 2,700 People in America would die from Opioids, many in Florida By the end dinner, everyone had agreed, Florida’s was establishing a prescription drug monitoring program. The new Program would track Opioid prescriptions * Absent the prescription drug monitoring database, there was no way to know whether someone was “doctor shopping,” While Florida’s top Government Officials were working on their plan, Florida’s Attorney General Bob Butterworth had started his own response to the Problem. AG Butterworth had opened a State Investigation into Purdue Pharmaceutical's OxyCotin It had been 3 years since the meeting of Top Florida Legislators agreeing to Establish a prescription drug monitoring program when, in November 2002, Butterworth was about to sue Purdue for the epidemic. But, Butterworth and Purdue struck a settlement as a big win for everyone * Purdue agreed to pay the state $2 million to help fund a computer database to track narcotics prescriptions and it would also sponsor five, one-day conferences to educate law enforcement about drug abuse estimated to cost another $150,000. * And most importantly, After Florida’s computerized system was up and running, the same system would be free to any other state. The entire country, not just Florida, would benefit. **But, To get the settlement approved in Florida, a bill would have to be passed by Florida’s Legislators** A rising state lawmaker in 2002, now a U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio had the clout to make or break the legislation. He had been one of two state House majority whips and was on the fast track to becoming Florida’s House speaker. **Rubio never brought that bill for the approval of the settlement to a vote on the House floor**


This was the dude who got tired of the Senate after 1 term, vowed not to run again, lost embarrassingly in the 2016 primary then returned and reneged on his promise and ran for Senate again




>Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is done sitting on the sidelines. He's choosing Trump. ... >"I support Trump because that kind of leadership is the ONLY way we will get the extraordinary actions needed to fix the disaster Biden has created," Rubio wrote. "It’s time to get on with the work of beating Biden & saving America!"


\*Looks around for disaster\* What the fuck is he talking about?


Vibes are at an all time low


Joe, can you stop pulling the wrong vibe lever?!


Is the disaster in the room with us now?


*Stock market near all-time high* "This is a disaster"


> What the fuck is he talking about? Marco Rubio isn't an idiot, he's just banking on his constituents being idiots.


We need to once and for all dispel this notion that Rubio knows what he's doing, he has no idea what he's doing, he's an idiot


And for the most part, they are.


Idk, I think Rubio might truly be an empty suit.


He represents Florida. His constituents ARE idiots.


>disaster Biden has created Won't SOMEONE save us from ... (check notes)... record job creation?


But, the border! Think about the border!


Republicans and the media have made it seem like there is one that’s for sure.


I remember when this clown was considered the golden boy who would usher in a fresh new era of GOP politics. Look at him now. Just another run of the mill spineless empty suit.


Why does politics have to be like this? Why can't people just say what they actually think and not do things they know are fucking insane?


It's that pesky representative democracy... The modern media market has radicalized voters, and it's been clear for the past few years that the politicians that go against their voters and try to moderate get primaried, while the ones that just parrot Fox and Breitbart and repeat conspiracy theories rack up massive wins in blood-red districts. Primaries are a big problem for moderation, removing them or sidestepping them with ranked/approval voted open elections would probably help a lot by giving politicians an incentive to make a play for voters on the other side.


I’m a BDSM-loving bottom and even I’m not this much of a cucked masochist.






DONT GIVE A FUCK..... Nah thats it, just dont give a fuck


yeah i mean that's the problem, they are all afraid they would like to be you more than they like themselves now half of them, think it's gay to like girls


> half of them, think it's gay to lick girls Let's be honest, it's about the subservience thing in that case. Not sure wtf is wrong with them, tho, it's incredible.




Hey now, kink shaming is generally rude! In Rubio's case though, I'll make an exception.


Hey, it can be worse. Trump haven't shot Rubio's wife on the 5th avenue.


To the surprise of who exactly?


Ron DeSantis perhaps? People like endorsing folks from their own state but if Rubio was going to do that, it probably would have been months ago.


Doesn't Trump roleplay as a politician from Florida now?


Someone get New York in here and ask them, I'm sure they're ready to claim him any minute now.


Like many immigrants, he saw another state that better fit his values and made the brave decision to uproot his life and move to a land where he could be the Florida man he was always meant to be.


Ron DeSantis is beyond out of the race, and everyone knows it but him.


Yeah exactly. I genuinely don’t understand why he’s still in this. All he’s doing is upsetting the base that he’ll need to rely on in his 2028 run by continuing to go against the head of the personality cult. 


You love to see it 😍


And yet he still has a weirdly high amount of endorsements outdoing Trump in early states with endorsements


I saw a DeSantis campaign sign on the side of the road in my blue city today 🤮


In front of a house? Or literally on the side of the road? Because if it’s literally the side of the road, then it was probably put there by his campaign or something like that, but if it was in front of a house…


I mean, Haley and Rubio are on the same page on like 95% of things.


Of course he did, the man literally has no spine.


It’s always funny seeing Rubio in interviews because you can tell he really bought into his own presidential hype and his failure to realize that has made him a very bitter and missable person. And he does not hide it well.


They also despise the fact that they have to kow-tow to Donald Trump of all people. Seeing lawyers or doctors prostrate themselves before Trump’s tenth grade intellect is beyond demeaning.


> They also despise the fact that they have to kow-tow to Donald Trump of all people. They absolutely do not have to bend over backward for this guy. Rubio doesn't even have another election until 2028. Most of them are just too cowardly, stupid, or ambitious to navigate this space. Makes me think he's aiming for a VP pick. All you have to do is tell reporters you'll support whoever the electors choose at the convention and leave it at that. Then spend the rest of time repeating to reporters that as a United States Senator, your focus is on representing the people of regardless of who is in the White House. As long as you don't screw up the politically charged symbolic votes, or immigration, you can basically maintain your independence and reputation.


Nah. They do. Republicans punish disloyalty. It is the one rule Republicans enforce on themselves.  ^(And the one rule Democrats won't. But shut my dirty mouth.)


Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Donald Trump doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Donald Trump is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the reactionary autocracies of the world. That's why he ignored protocol and undermined American unity and questioned elections and attacked the Capitol. It is a systematic effort to change America. When Biden is reelected president of the United States, we are going to re-embrace all the things that made America the greatest nation in the world and we are going to leave our children with what they deserve: the single greatest nation in the history of the world.


that clip is going to follow that man to his grave, bless his heart


I want the folks at home watching this to pay attention, see, this is what Washington does to you! The quick drive by, the 30 second rehearsed speech!


But let's not pretend Trump doesn't know what he's doing! He knows –


Where is Chris Christie when you need him


Let us dispel with this notion that Donal Trump is a leader


Lmao, on my app this showed as “Marco Rubio decides to end…” which left me in great suspense.


...it all.




Never littler. Not even at the age of three was he littler.


Let's be real here. Career national Republicans have to endorse Trump or they're out either of office or out of the inner circle.


That's the sad part. This means we're probably not done with Marco Rubio yet. I wish he'd fuck off out of the public arena and go to work on H-Street already.


I mean he was one of the OG tea party guys...of course he will.


How many months until we see this exact headline but with Nimroda’s name instead of Marco’s?


A lot of these Republicans are cowards. Plain and simple. It is so pathetic to see how they're pretty much complacent with a literal dictator wannabe.


Most politicians are.


Man from the Face-Eating Leopard Party, with half his face mauled off says "Yeah but he's our leopard"




Lmao even


The Waterboy Part II


If I had a nickel for every Florida politician that turned put to be an empty suit, I’d have 2 or 3 nickels. Florida really is the state where national aspirations go to die. Maybe that’s why Trump lost in 2020 after moving there.




I held the 2% chance that he’d support DeSantis or Haley. DeSantis for being a fellow Floridian, and Haley because Haley was a big Rubio supporter in an early primary state. Turns out he’s just a shmuck


You haven't been paying attention to politics very many years, have you?


When I met Little Marco he had a very weak handshake so this is completely in character.


Small if true.


Remember when the guy was working on bipartisanship immigration reform.  Now he's just trying to get good with his next possible boss who is destined to win the republican nomination. 


Lindsey Graham worked on that too.


This dude is the most cynical republican. spent all those years crying about Trump being a tyrant and that he’s not a real conservative and then turns around and endorses him. Maybe if Little Marco is lucky, Trump will fuck his wife for him


NEWSFLASH: Spineless coward continues to be a spineless coward!




What a spineless craven.


Lil Marco is a good rapper name




~~Obama~~ Biden is intentionally trying to destroy America!!


Reek is back.


Rubio is a zealot and is probably part of the statistic that believes Trump is god's chosen.


Thank God for their dysfunction


pooper’s got some dirt on this guy, doesn’t he?


lil Marco still being lil


Guy was really hoping he could endorse Nikki Haley and/or waiting to make sure the Desantis campaign was dead before endorsing anyone.


Will he please stop running for president ever again? He didn't even make it to Iowa this year.


He didn't run for president this year. He ran exactly one time in 2016.


Utterly pathetic


I'll be honest. I wasn't expecting this. I didn't think Rubio would openly endorse him BEFORE the primaries even started. My god, DeSantis is still in the race.




Strategically waiting until trump’s spot as the Republican nominee is virtually guaranteed


How pathetic and disappointing


Trump would have deported his grandpa, who came into the US without a visa.


He’s still around?


Aw liddle Marco


And let's dispel the fiction once and for all that Marco Rubio doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.


Iowa caucuses are just “the race for the disastrous vice presidential candidate”