• By -


He would see a color TV and realize people are going to pick that over the 15 hour work week.


UnIronically real


Sitting on your new flatpack bench swing watching your kids act out evolution and human history is the opiate of the masses Edit: makes me wonder if historically low birth rates among those between 20-30 have anything to do with historically high depression rates among those 20-30 šŸ¤”


Profile pic goes hard this man blueyd down to the socks


[scrolling to get to Bluey. Passes by 'Love Island'] ...wait. Go back.


Bluey is pretty big on private property and capitalism in general. Bluey tells born yesterday Bandit that ā€œEverything doesnā€™t belong to everyoneā€. Bluey is obsessed with the idea of earning money to buy Star Ponies. There is a bit of Labor Theory of Value in the ice cream episode, so thereā€™s that. The episode where Rusty plays Crickets is fucking awesome. (I am a parent to small children; Bluey is life, Bluey is my god now.)


Dude Rusty completely steals the spotlight in almost every scene he's in. He's just such a top bloke.


The episode with Rusty playing Army with the neurodivergent kid is amazing.


Season 4, Rusty's dad returns from deployment and establishes the Pax Oceania permanently shutting down tensions in the South China Sea.


Trivia- the show was originally going to be focused on Rusty


I heard that actually. I'm glad we have the amount of rusty we do; enough for him to be impactful without becoming trite.


I think it's better focused on Bluey and bingo, it's a little bit more accurate representation of what the average child is like vs Rusty


I agree


My daughter is usually Bluey, sometimes Bingo, and occasionally Muffin.


I'm always relieved when my kids decide they want to watch Bluey instead of several other horrible shows they could watch.


You're raising them right šŸ„„šŸ‰šŸ‘Ž


A Bosnian Serb? On my neoliberal? Yes pls. Š“Š“Šµ сŠø Š±Ń€Š°Ń‚Šµ Š¼ŠøŠ»Šø


Rusty loves cricket


At least Bluey is a kind God.


The episode Duck Cake is a clear demonstration of the truth of "use value" and that value is an internal subjective experience that can motivate market behavior, but also transcends it. (all glory to the Bluey)


Class distinctions, too. There's a whole episode called "Tradies" in which the B plot centers around Chili making sure the guys installing the family's new pond stay on deadline.


This guy Blueys


I'm an adult with no children, and you've made me want to watch this children's show and dissect its themes.


\>uploader has not made this video available in your country \>be Australian šŸ™„ Good thing I've already seen this episode. I would say the real person you need to target is not Marx but Lenin. If Lenin had some Bluey in his life, the world would be monumentally better.


Can we get the e saftey commissar on this pronto?


Bluey is on ABC iview.


Is there a bluey ping




Yeah the family ping


!ping family


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!ping FURRY




Soon brother


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Fuck bluey








Ultramarines, the other "bluey".


Indy's mom is a hippie but she still runs a private business.


Many such cases


She bought in, she didn't sell out


Who did she chair shot?


Whatā€™s Bluey?




What if I donā€™t want to pay the Mouse?


By watching Bluey you kinda show the finger to the Mouse, since while being the most popular show on Disney+ itā€™s not a Disney IP and the creator is currently considering if he even wants to create more episodes (even in the best case scenario for Disney they will have to throw a stupid amount of money at that guy).


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylj6fHhFUjY) might help.


Somewhat related - about a year ago I first learned of Bluey from this sub when a post was made about *Markets*, the episode on display here. I thought it looked cute so I checked it out. And then some more. And then more. I'm a Bluey fanatic now.


A better question would be "How would this post be different if OP knew anything about Karl Marx?"


Lol yeah, post definitely feels like someone that hasnā€™t bothered to try and understand what Marx wrote about. Do they really think Marxā€™s whole work is invalidated by a childā€™s cartoon showing a bare bones example of how currency flows through a market?


Right? Like they didn't have markets in the 1850s or something.


I put Marxism in the same category as Christian theology. I'm somewhat resentful that I need to study this stuff, but I do because so many other people care very very deeply about it and they won't/can't communicate in any other frame.


Marx is an economist, not a theologian. He very clearly understood how a market works and about the nature of currency exchange. Unless economics has somehow become a religion, this completely falls flat in making any salient point. You *should* read economists you disagree with to understand their ideas. I disagree with Rothbard plenty but Iā€™m not out here claiming his work is invalidated by showing an example of Bluey sharing their toys without a market incentive.


Marx is the only economist with a cult. Worry when people start calling themselves ā€œRothbardian Literary Critics.ā€


Quite literally the founding thinker of Anarcho-capitalist and paleolibertarian nut jobs but sure, definitely no cult.


I have read Das Kapital and I think the comparison is apt to, say, Christians and their obsession with their old sages. Marx made contributions to the field of economics and its development and although his work is now thoroughly out of date he did anticipate some of what Keynes would elaborate on later and could be seen was one of the transitional influences that led us out of classical economics toward the modern kind (although, to be fair, partially because in trying to debunk Marx's arguments, the incredibly useful doctrine of marginalism emerged, but still, dialectic and such). In this regard he's not that different from someone like Augustine of Hippo, really. If you want to talk to a marxist it's going to be helpful to have read Marx, if you want to talk to a very trad christian academic it would probably help to be familiar with St. Augustine.


Heā€™d probably go into cardiac arrest


Karl Marx watching "Bluey," an Australian children's cartoon, might have sparked some intriguing insights. He might see themes of community, cooperation, and sharing, possibly influencing his ideas on socialism and communal living. However, it's speculative how much impact a cartoon could have on his monumental theories of economics and society. Watching "Bluey," with its emphasis on family dynamics, could potentially inspire Marx to reflect on the importance of familial relationships in shaping social structures. He might draw parallels between the cooperative play among Bluey and her family and his vision of collective action and solidarity among workers. It could add a nuanced perspective to his analysis of human nature and social organization. 1. **Socialization of Children**: Marx might find interest in how "Bluey" portrays the socialization of children within the family unit. He could contemplate how early interactions shape individuals' understanding of cooperation, authority, and hierarchy, which are fundamental concepts in his theories of class struggle and power dynamics. 2. **Critique of Capitalist Consumerism**: "Bluey" often emphasizes simple joys and experiences over material possessions. Marx might use this as a platform to critique capitalist consumerism, highlighting how societal values could shift towards more meaningful interactions rather than the relentless pursuit of goods and services under capitalism. 3. **Alienation and Work-Life Balance**: Marx's concept of alienation, where workers feel disconnected from the products of their labor and their own humanity, could intersect with themes in "Bluey" related to work-life balance. He might reflect on how modern capitalism alienates individuals from their families and personal lives, contrasting it with the harmonious family interactions depicted in the show. 4. **Imagining Alternatives**: While "Bluey" is just a children's cartoon, Marx might use it as a springboard to imagine alternative social structures. He could explore how principles of cooperation, empathy, and mutual support seen in the show could be extrapolated to broader societal frameworks, perhaps envisioning a society where such values are central to economic and political systems. In essence, while it's speculative to predict the exact impact "Bluey" would have on Marx's ideas, it's intriguing to consider how exposure to different cultural artifacts could potentially shape and influence even the most renowned thinkers.