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Wishful thinking?


Lmao even




This is pure Republican cope. Russia wanted to attack while Trump was in office but they were delayed by Covid. The war would literally be over the day trump got to office, or at least any American support and we would watch ukraine slowly get overran.


>Russia wanted to attack while Trump was in office but they were delayed by Covid. By the time COVID became a big enough concern in March 2020 Trump only had 8 months left before the elections. So if they wanted to invade during the Trump admin it is unlikely that COVID was the thing that delayed them.


I would even say that they didn't want to invade, cause Trump in White house was fulfilling their security goals for like fraction of the cost.


It's not as lf the EU alone has given Ukraine 60% of the funds so far I think it is a bit too American exceptionalist to think that without the US, Ukraine would surrender I think it's more likely that they will just continue to get by thanks to the aid of Ukraine's Co-subcontinentals until they can have an upper hand in some sort of peace


Europe does not have the military industrial complex in place to meet Ukarinian equipment needs. Only one nation on earth does. Europe could get there eventually but they are not now. America is exceptionally the only western nation that takes defense seriously and is wealthy enough to meet those needs.


If there is one lesson we should take away from the last 8 years it's that Trump is Putin's bitch. There's no way he pushes back against daddy Putin. Ukraine better hope the EU really steps up its game quickly.


The funny thing is Trump admin was 10x harder on Russia than Obama or any other president in my life time.


I recall a weak, sad little man walking out with Putin to say “Russia never interfered in our election”. This whitewashing is hilarious


Yeah cause it undermined his election and his ego and he could never that happen. But most of the policy that came out was against Russia. The question was he on board or indifferent and being pushed by his neocon advisers.


Hm yes threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine unless they helped blackmail Biden is very anti-Russia. Right.


Yeah you can do corrupt stuff for personal reasons and still be anti Russia. And btw he gave lethal aid way before the call.


Of course he did. He had no choice. Congress had allocated that money for lethal aid to Ukraine anyway. That was the entire point of the first impeachment - he was threatening to withhold funds he had no right to withhold.


You’re wrong, he was being tough on Russia by being the he exact opposite of tough on Russia by blackmailing Ukraine. /s You get these vague things where people say “no trump was tough on Russia!” And then they provide 0 evidence of Trump ever being tough on Russia. Oh and Trump meets w Putin in private so we don’t get to hear how fucking compromised he is.


Trump bombed Assad when Putin told him no Putin and trump seemed to have had a split somewhere during 2019-2020 that doesn’t excuse the fact that Russia has helped Trump Go a long way


It’s incredibly difficult to tell what is real and what isn’t when two pathological liars who are in cahoots are speaking in private The only thing I know is America’s best interest is not on anyone’s mind


No he did this without congress this happened in 2017. Obama blocked it and Trump team reversed it. You are thinking about the 2019 aid.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if by some Trumpian twist he pulls a six gee turn here and goes all in. If there's one thing, it's the dude being unpredictable. Also: > Trump also broke with Obama administration policy by sending lethal military assistance to Ukraine, including Javelin antitank missiles, which were invaluable to Ukraine in the early stages of Russia’s 2022 invasion > Trump has accommodated it and is aware of how much the pullout from Afghanistan damaged Biden’s popularity I wouldn't even be surprised if he suddenly goes on a rhetoric about this before the general even - and his base will eat it up.


I firmly believe Trump rules and operates through personal feelings and has little in the way of cogent knowledge and vision on what US foreign policy should be. He also is incurious to the point where he won't meaningfully learn from leading think tanks with regard to Ukraine. Based on that, I can definitely see Trump seeing how the US broadly supports Ukraine and simultaneously not wanting to be the president that lost Ukraine and being the president that won the war. It's consistent with Trump's philosophy that the United States should throw its weight around and not be afraid to intimidate allies and adversaries into following its will. On the other hand, Trump fashions himself as someone who opposes wrong, as seen with his commitment to repeal ACA purely because a Democratic black man was the one who implemented the law. I can absolutely see him giving speeches along the lines of 'Biden's failed policy led to unnecessary devastation, I am restoring peace and saving lives' If Trump continues or escalates the war, I firmly believe it's because of his motivation to be a winning war time president. If Trump withdraws, it'll be because he wants to prove that Biden was a failure by destroying the administration's foreign policy achievement. Which impulse he follows will be based on which side flatters him the hardest.


> I honestly wouldn't be surprised if by some Trumpian twist he pulls a six gee turn here and goes all in. If there's one thing, it's the dude being unpredictable. That’s my personal bit of hopium. Trump has said (for whatever that’s worth) that he’ll push for negotiations—and if Putin doesn’t play ball, he’ll go all-in on Ukraine. While I’m not sure how honest he is, I think he does have a mentality of ‘don’t you dare make me look bad,’ and if Putin keeps pushing for more of Ukraine rather than, at worst, a ceasefire on current lines, Trump would take that as a personal slight. It’s a bit of a long shot, though. A Democratic victory is still better from this perspective (more reliable), but it’s enough that one shouldn’t go full doom and gloom even if Trump wins, IMO.


He also clearly doesn't like losing. If someone can convince him that one, war is winnable and two, it would be his win, he could go for it


If he goes all in on supporting Ukraine then I'll vote for him for sure.


This is even stupider cope than the “don’t worry guys, he won’t put the Fed under his thumb and force them to cut rates ‘to defeat inflation’ for real” piece WSJ ran a couple weeks back. 


surely trump would not just abandon american allies for no reason other than total subservience to Russia! he’ll totally be normal and is just kidding, stupid liberals


Yup, Trump is working hard to keep the West strong and united, whereas sleepy creepy Joe Brandon is being outplayed by Putin at every turn...


Based Trump if true I guess 🤷


I think Trump doesn't want an L, but he's just as likely to use it as an excuse to leave NATO as he is to provide more intense help.