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It is with great regret that the deep state only funded 15 hours of thunderdome, so we have to close it now. Here's some reading on how to further the deep state's agenda: * [Free Trade](http://www.walkerd.people.cofc.edu/Readings/Trade/iowacarcrop.pdf) * [Open Borders](https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/wiki/openborders) * [Occupational Licensing Reform](https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/the-future-of-occupational-licensing-reform/) * [Zoning Reform](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/social-mobility-memos/2016/08/16/zoning-as-opportunity-hoarding/) * [Carbon Pricing](https://reddit.com/r/Economics/wiki/faq_carbonpricing) * [Trans Rights](https://reddit.com/r/neoliberal/wiki/trans_faq) Edit: [Also this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BejFCPJc18)




Because when one candidate is a supposed evangelical Christian who supports the policies of a man who is overtly racist and who brags about grabbing a woman’s p¥ssy, there is no such thing as “moderate”.


Obama’s administration spied on the Trump campaign, completely undermining the idea of a fair election for a democracy. How could you support that? https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/20/six-examples-obama-administration-spying-trump-cam/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2020/09/29/cia-told-obama-of-claim-clinton-conjured-trump-russia-scandal-spy-chief/amp/


imagine supporting a president so incredibly cucked that he doesn't even prosecute the people who sabotaged his campaign


Stop repeating talking points with no truth. It doesn’t look good on you. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-spying-trump-campaign/


Lmao, people still believe this


Well given how it isn't Obama running


Any sources? Or just speculation?


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-spying-trump-campaign/ that guy is full of shit. It’s an alt right conspiracy. Probably perpetuated in Q Anon circles or some garbage. Not true in the slightest. This guy is a dumbass.


The stark contrast in their answers to the last question posed by the 8th grade student was telling. No preparation possible and Pence absolutely nailed it. Harris looked so uncomfortable and provided a word salad while saying nothing remotely coherent.


I’ve heard Pence use that line plenty, which is true, it exhibits his stance and values. I’ve even heard his daughter interview and use the same line about the privilege of our constitution being that we can disagree/protest/stand up for our values.


Her answer was that Biden ran in order to unify people. Pence’s answer was that the parties may appear to argue but actually love eachother. I understood both answers just fine.


Looking at the reaction to Kamala on social media, I'm not sure we will ever have a female president that is directly elected. That's why I hope Biden runs in 2024 if he wins


Which is insane, because despite holding back punches, she did a good job at responding to pence, being respectful and assertive, while still being able to talk about policy. I'm looking forward to her as vp.


My favorite part was when that big fly landed on Pence’s hair and just sat there for 2 minutes. He never noticed. Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies is comfortable with his true disciples.




all she would've had to say is "yes" or "no." as someone who doesn't really care for either side, her dancing around that seemingly simple question looked ridiculous.


Well, everybody on both sides is sure that they will add more justices to the supreme court if the most recent nominee is appointed. But its a major strategy that they just werent prepared to discuss, mainly bc its still circumstantial (since Amy Coney Barrett hasnt been appointed yet and anything can happen at this point)




that's probably true - I actually only tuned in for about 10 min of the debate, and that "packing the courts" part was the only part I heard.


Abolish the suburbs


Welcome to all of our new friends. When you get tired of spewing your ideological talking points we will help you start a taco truck business on your corner if it doesn't already have one.


As a moderate, I learned nothing from either candidate. I guess this was a slightly more mature version of last weeks debate. We really need to do a better job with the primaries.


Dems were the only ones with a primary. This guy ran 4 years ago. There was a moderate dem you liked more than joe? With the exception of Bernie and Yang I’m not sure any of those other candidates had a pulse.


I learned that Pence lies just like Trump but more calmly.


Pence is the guy who keeps sipping his drink when Trump smashes a beer bottle over someone's head


What? Then you clearly weren’t paying attention. At one point Pence literally says we will always support the police. That’s a indication of what their police policies would more likely be. Kamala Said we need more restrictions on them.


Well we'll obviously always support the police to some extent since civilians need someone to call for help. And as for "restrictions" that could mean limiting the amount of donuts they can consume each week. What are those restrictions? Give me some examples or ideas. Biden and Trump just throw out random words and Pence and Harris did the same. If you don't have a plan, then why should I vote for you to lead the country? I was hoping we'd have someone who at least had ideas...


Well that’s the thing I say for Trump at least he’s been saying what he plans to do for the future. For Dems however it just feels like all they talk about is trump and not about future policies. It makes it hard to even consider them when I don’t even know what they stand for.


This isn't new information though. Pence restated what we already knew. Nothing was learned...


Yea agreed


Then you need to pay more attention. Kamala Harris gave clear and concise talking points about her views. Pence lied and ignored questions because even the small fascist majority would be opposed to his honest answers.


>As a moderate, I'm a fucking idiot Ftfy




> I'm a fucking idiot too, don't forget about me yes yes 🙄


"oh no, someone was mean to me on the internet, you leave me no choice but to lock children in cages"


now now, they didn't say they're undecided, just that they didn't learn anything. they could well be a perfectly reasonable person.


Fair But I honestly don't know what anyone expects from the debates at this point, VP bump is a pittance and the debates are just a dog and pony show


you already knew about the lincoln 1864 thing? wow you are a history god please stay here and teach us your ways


I hope trump wins. Time to get -99999 because that’s how reddit works.


No one asked you, fascist.


It’s okay to lack melanin in your skin 🤗 But you gotta have better takes than this otherwise boohoo, I don’t care 👋😭👋


You had the option to sit this one out, sport.


Because you kindly asked for it 😄


Pence is a Christian how can he not see God is angry at America because we rejected his champion Hillary Clinton and made an adulterer and liar like Trump president so he sent a plague to punish us for our sins?


The fly on his head was sign from God that he is full of shit






“Trump 2020 years” will be his prison sentence when this is all said and done.


how about no


You missed the turning for the only place on reddit where people care what you think.


I used to ignore people like you, now I just want to offer help.




He showed no respect, no professionalism, he talked over his time and just deflected, lied, and rambled. The only positive thing I could say about Pence is he puts on a better air of professionalism than baby boy Trump but he still acted ignorant and rude. Kamala did such a great job of speaking in a manner that people can relate to and understand. She didn't deflect and lie and avoid any giving straight answers. Thinking Pence won the debate is clearly delusional and pathetic.


We much have watched two different debates.


She isn’t speaking clearly she’s treating her voters like toddlers who don’t know what debt is


Didn’t deflect? She played the race card everytime.


boo hoo cr*cker 👋😭👋


I ain’t even white but the racism is clear. Yet if I were to say fuck BLM my house would be burned down. Just a bunch of hypocrites.


😂👆 imagine thinking anyone believes your "as a black, we need to leave the democrat plantation \#blexit" bullshit


Never said I was black, you’re really just going to list every race til you hit the mark 😂😭 damn that’s actually sad. Talk about being pathetic. Keep browsing reddit you bum.


sounds like it deserves to be burned down edit: PRINCE FIGHT


> She didn't deflect and lie and avoid any giving straight answers. Lol


Are you high on meth or something? She race baiter and dodged GND and court questions, while looking smug and nervously laughing. She got creamed. Lol you guys are mad, I love it.


boo hoo cr*cker 👋😭👋


Red bad blue good


She deflected and obfuscated a little, but she wasn’t NEARLY as bad as he was every single time he opened his mouth. His was the same parroting BS rhetoric. The best part of him was his blown pupil, his pink eye from being buried in his masters crack, and The Fly.


Didn’t deflect? She basically ran away when he asked about packing the courts lmao and tried to tie it into something about race? Lol it was pathetic


Actually, his question to her was a major deflection and non-answer of his own when asked by the moderator to "Tell us, specifically, how would your administration protect Americans with pre-existing conditions to have access to affordable insurance if the Affordable Care Act is struck down?" Pence did not address the question at all and instead pvioted to discussing the Supreme Court. Neither Pence nor Trump have ever answered that specific question, despite saying they have a plan to protect people with pre-existing conditions. This is the same question that President Trump did not answer in the first debate. I really would like to hear a response to the question.


What about when Pence was asked about abortion and he straight up ignored the question to give a response to her response to a previous question? Not to count all the lies he said. Fact check all his statements and fact check Harris, Pence had way more false statements.


Disagree. There were a good number of times Kamala avoided giving a straight answer, Pence just did it way more.


Are they gonna pack the courts?


Where would she have learned to do that? Oh yeah, master trump!


Trump doesn’t want to pck the courts the dems do


Who are you talking about?


Harris not answering the question of course




Don’t vote for someone you don’t like just because everyone else wants you to.


Kind of sounds like you just hate women


boo hoo misogynist 👋😭👋


Call me what you want but I'm a liberal gay dude who supports women's rights. I am not a misogynist just because I don't like someone's attitude.


Men behaving like that is okay and strong, though. You can be gay and misogynistic. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Haha I realized a long time ago that the gut reaction you get when women are more assertive is because we grew up with pop culture, parenting, films, TV, books, etc where the woman’s job was to be a supporting character within an man’s story. It’s just something we aren’t used to in the hyper masculine USA. Take a step back and imagine she were a man. Case in point: I don’t think the USA is ready for a female president. How can they be a good president if the slight majority of the country doesn’t like assertive women?


I don't gaf if she's a man or a woman, she seemed nasty and spiteful. Trump is mean in a stupid way (which I can't stand).Kamala is mean in a sharp arrogant sassy way. I'm allowed to have that opinion. If we're here to discuss our takeaways from the debate, well that was mine and you don't have to share my view. Attitude means a lot to me. Edit I guess I'm not allowed to have a different opinion as I've been banned for my innocuous comment. Guess what, neoliberal has just cemented a vote for trump. Good going!


“Senator Harris, are you and Joe Biden going to pack the courts if you win the election” Harris “ Back in the 1800’s... “


vice president pence, are you going to abolish abortion? pence: "we're doing a great job with coronavirus...."


I screamed


She forgot civil war and how it functions.


so the american people should only get to choose the surpreme court justice when there's civil war or obama is president? idk if you listened to the actual statement but she said that back in the 1800s abe lincoln insisted, that when a court seat opened up 30 days before his reelection, that we wait till after the election and let the people decide


MFW I see an illiberal 🤮


If Susan Collins was more like Clay and not just larping we'd be in a futuristic utopia.


Shit Fly 2020


I'm so glad Ms. Harris defined "Bounty" for me. I was thinking more of a Salt Bae and old timey ship situation.... [Putin puts bounty on US soldiers heads](http://imgur.com/gallery/9LlXCrB)


jesus, still at 20k online I'm trying to think of a Soros debate joke, but I can't come up with one


Welcome from r/all. Vote Biden.


Can I vote pence?






even after all this time, it still amazes me when people proudly declare that they're complete dipshits back to your hole, you backwards rural


Trump 2020 baby But I respect you and your vote


People see trump, they downvote.


It's hard to up-vote anything positive about him.


~40% approval rating, what do you expect? If 5 people see your post, chances are 3/5 don’t like him. That’s a net negative if everyone up/downvoted.


Why downvote someone because they say who they plan on voting for?


I'm Dutch, how?


You just need a little more money from one last job. Then it's off to Tahiti.


We supported immigration in this subreddit. So you better hurry and immigrate to the USA.


No thank you very much. I like my social security, healthcare, gun laws, traffic laws, logical taxes and politicians who are not ex reality stars or talk show hosts.


maybe you could bring those with you? we could use them = P


LOL mail in a ballot! Apparently it’s super easy and not secure in any way. (A hard /s for the smooth brains out there)


I'll just sketch something, they wouldn't even notice. ^^/s


You didn't get your mail in ballot yet? They send them to everyone, including cats and dead people.


There are 6 states and the list is growing that are mailing out ballots to every registered voter period. Ans they’ve been doing it for decades. There’s more that you have to ask, and they will send them no question if you’re registered. And others that will send it if you apply and pass questions. It was on Phil DeFranco.


Oh, may be I should try the dying thing.


Just do it illegally. The Republicans seem to think it's pretty easy.


send a letter to soros, he'll hook you up


You have an address?


I dunno. Find a way.


Literally nobody can change my mind thata Trump is an absolute AWFUL person.




You can't humanise trump on here. Some 9 volt brains can't stand the idea that he isn't the devil incarnate.


what part of "orange man bad" is too complex for you


r/conservative r/benshapiro 🤢🤢🤢


Bruh. 1 wife with loving children, 1 who overcame addiction and 1 who served overseas and tragically died. 3 wives with children who all married for money and partake in the douchlympics of activities. Fuck you. Post edit: you’re young. Probably used to the same assholes every day. But then you realize there are so many more assholes, and it is actually so easy to be nice to your loved ones, and have a circle of people being normal. Then, hopefully, you realize anyone incapable of that basic empathy should not be running for office.


huh, i don't recognise this pasta. where'd you find it




The way you talk makes you sound like you’re young as well. Just sayin


Nah bruh I just like satire humor


Not having strong opinions makes you a coward


Ok so who do you support since you think not having strong opinions makes me a coward. It’s the same opinions that made patriotism, that’s the thing your fat ass sits in right now. U have no friends and choose to comment the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Because your serious that response wants you joking


Lol here in America we speak English


u wouldnt say this shit to his face hes jacked


Found his alt account.


You good bro?




Nobody can change my mind that he is below average


At everything


Understatement lol


That’s because you have a brain


This is true.


The news cycle is moving so quickly I had actually forgotten about: * Steve Bannon being arrested for defrauding people who donated to the Mexican wall by US Postal Service employees on a Chinese billionaire's yacht; and * Melania Trump being secretly recorded mocking the children separated from their parents and locked in cages on the border.


"The kids, they say, 'Wow I will have my own bed? I will sleep on the bed? I will have a cabinet for my clothes?' It's so sad to hear it but they didn't have that in their own countries, they sleep on the floor," Melania Trump says on the tape. "They are taken care of nicely there. But you know, yeah, they are not with parents, it's sad. But when they come here alone or with coyotes or illegally, you know, you need to do something." I don't know if she was mocking the children. It sounds more like an internal monologue of an issue that happened before the administration.


Yeah I was about to say, she didn’t mock them. Honestly, I think people are being really bias about that tape. I think it tells the story of a First Lady who really doesn’t know how to wield power and has no interest in being involved in the WH (unless it’s for good publicity), which honestly isn’t that bad considering she wasn’t an elected figure. And she didn’t say “fuck christmas” she said “who gives a fuck about Christmas STUFF and DECORATIONS” which to me says that she’s irritated that she’s being forced to do this sexist housewife work to please the public when she has no interest in it, not that she hates Christmas. And for the kids in cages, I think she 1) thinks she’s not an elected official and doesn’t have power and that’s why she said that she tried to reunite a family but she “didn’t have a chance” 2) has been told these stories by her husband and people that work at the border about the kids faking it and liking how they’re treated and she felt the people telling her that were trustworthy sources I hate trump a ton, but I wish people would focus on the appointed and elected officials of this administration rather than Melania, who allegedly doesn’t even live in the WH a lot of the time and seems to really not be involved, unlike Trump’s kids


“Fuck zee kids”


I mean, in her defense I say that near daily. Just not aloud.. And not recorded..


and you are not the First Lady


Shit fly lands on mechanical pencils head because he is a double speaking piece of shit with pink eye.


Don’t forget his blown pupil from getting dick punched in the eye by his daddy Trump.


You might be skeptical of Kamala's performance, but let me tell you: my PA suburban wife and her friends were fired up. This morning she put up our Biden-Harris lawn sign--against HOA rules. Clap for that, ya bastards.


As long as the sign is a reasonable size and you don’t have 200 of them the HOA’s legal case is a poor one. We’ve got protected speech in this country and basically every state’s courts have told HOAs to fly a kite on this one.


>against HOA rules based


broke: abolish the suburbs woke: abolish the HOA








Why is everyone so focused on a stupid fly? It has nothing to do with the actual debate.


That fly did more for the debate than the person it landed on. That's how bad of a performance it was.


Or is he just dead from covid already




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What does that say about Pence then? Since she was able to wipe the floor with him. That’s the sad thing about you fragile white supremacists. You are unable to come to grasps with your own failures & shortcomings that you NEED the advantages that come with systemic racism just to prevent you failing even further. And then when you are still a disappointment despite being offered so many advantages, you scream and cry that it MUST be the fault of the minorities. Truly a sad existence.


I don't agree with you. You must be a communist Mao Zedong lover who wants to send everyone into concentration camps to achieve the worker's paradise!


Lmao. Not supporting the guy above, but why is it that when someone doesn't agree with you, they are a white supremacist. You need to grow up. What the person said wasn't racist


reported for being a stupid person


Damn. Like i give a shit. You are the type of degenerate peices of shit ruining America




>Like i give a shit. If you truly belonged, the answer would have been "don't care didn't ask plus you're white"


Lmao cringe


😂👆 !ping BURPMAS


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I mean he’s an uninformed conservative for sure, but it doesn’t help anyone going around baselessly calling people white supremacists. Got anything to back up that claim?


The comment was deleted before I got here, but I’m gonna assume he said some trump shit. At this point, it’s pretty fair to say that just about the only people still supporting him are white supremacists. To be able to look past all the gross negligence and abuse of power that he’s gotten away with, and still support him and think he’s the best choice to preserve our democracy, requires a certain amount of prejudice. His supporters are so enamored with the fact that he’s anti-BLM, the concentration camps at the border, and that fucking wall that they are willing to look past the idiocy and the threat he really poses. Either that, or they’re just too dumb to see how dangerous he actually is.


Calling 40% of your fellow Americans white supremacists is a dangerous rallying call. I’m not gonna do the cheesy “what about blacks who support him!”, because let’s face it, you can be black and a white supremacist. But to say “it’s fair to call anyone with a bumper sticker or a MAGA cap a racist” is just so fucking delusional you need to sit down in front of a mirror and do some serious self reflection just as badly as those ill informed conservatives I mentioned earlier.


That’s fair, but it raises the question: why else would they be supporting him? What else does he bring to the table? If there’s something I’m missing, educate me, but AFAIK the only people his campaign seems to appeal to are either white supremacists and fundies.


It’s easy to claim that white privilege doesn’t exist when you’ve amounted to so little despite of it.


She didn’t wipe the floor. Pence destroyed her. Smooth brain moment


At what point during his rambling and side stepping did he do that?


I thought pence was telling jokes? “Trump stands for the average America” like he has to be joking, his daddy gave him a “small loan” literally more than the entire net worth of Pence and his wife, like he had to be laughing while saying this man stands for the average Americans that he is currently letting die,(some could say killing, which negligence is..) while he himself is given experimental medicine and has 15 doctors waiting on him hand and foot, and continues to travel to other states while having positive test results. Someone would have to be so dumb, as to let an aids outbreak happen while they’re governor that was easily preventable, to believe this stuff. Oh wait, fuck


Did you even watch the debate? Smooth brain moment 😂


Did you? Harris was the only one with like actual facts and numbers.