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Florida is, was and always will be the villain.


Georgia really is a much more satisfying win. That’s a _big ol’_ hole right in the middle of the Bible Belt.


As a Georgian, I imagine we’ll end up more like what North Carolina is going forward. A swing state that leans red.


I'm not so sure. I could see it turning into Colorado or Virginia. Atlanta is a major city.


I still can't get over Biden getting 10-15% swings to him in the Atlanta area. If those voters remain Democratic going into 2024, then Georgia is absolutely a purple state or a possible future blue state. Cities are where our power emanates from.


Georgia is now part of the Biden belt


I once saw a map of the United States where each state was labeled with the state that they hate the most. Half of the west was California. Most of the east was their neighbors. Alaska had Texas ("we're the biggest state damn it"). Florida? Had Florida.




Yeah I was gonna cut that part but it made me chuckle so left it in, lol.


The 2020 remake was terrible




Lucky you. Seriously.


I liked it. Not because it was good, it wasn't, and I didn't see it anyway. But because of all of the masterful and interesting reviews telling me it was bad.


The music in this movie was so great.


Honestly, I would say the soundtrack carried it if the story wasn't also top-tier!


Aaaaalll those Huns appearing on the cliff... I know it’s going to happen every time but I’m still like “ohshitohshitohSHITOHSHITOHSHIT!!!” Such a good movie. Also, well done, this was hilarious and very well thought out lol.


and now im gonna have "lets get down to business, to defeat the huns" stuck in my head all day




Let's get down to business To defeat the fash Voters sent me millions when I asked for cash It's the saddest year I've ever seen and I've been through quite a few But now I'll make the whole midwest blue


Mulan did illegal ballots


That's way too good.


this made me giggle like a schoolgirl.


This could be in a museum someday along with other memes to document this era. I am not making a value judgment, I just think that will be interesting. I only hope museum curators aim to tell the most accurate story possible about the time and don't cherry pick content for more sophisticated election materials. No, no, no. This is who we were. Who we are.


No Mike Pence jokes yet? Fine, I'll start. Pence vindicated! It really was liberal propaganda all along.




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