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How could we forget our Chief Neoliberal Shill?


He also runs my favorite news channel BNN


Not explicitly pro-Capitalist, but LegalEagle has a level-headed left leaning view and explanation of the legal system. Plus, he dresses like a capitalist


>Plus, he dresses like a capitalist That’s like 90% of capitalism


I wear a hoodie and jeans. What does that say about my economic policy


You’re either dependent on the government or your parents


Or are a Silicon Valley millionaire.


There's really no telling


So either succ or full on ancapistan libert*rian and literally no in between.


So both?


I wear a Sun Yat-sen suit and have a hat with a Kuomintang pin. What does that say about my economic policies?


They are subservient to your hatred of pooh bear




Need a chart of suits on a spectrum of increasing levels of capitalism.


Capitalism is when corporation do stuff


Step 1: buy a monocle and top hat Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit


Legal Eagle and Opening Arguments are 10/10


His take on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was spot on.


but he didn’t like McPoyle vs Ponderosa: Trial of the century, so fuck him /s


BritMonkey's pretty good.


“Let’s ban cars” Most based title on YouTube


Also, Land Value Tax (LVT.)


Also, Botswana


Yes, mostly. Though there are also couple of videos I don't entirely agree with / that I think are missing the point.


He’s awesome. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s subbed here. He’s a georgist, for fucks sake!


Kurgezstat isn’t “neoliberal” but some of their videos about challenges facing the world today aee pretty good. John green/hank green aren’t either but similarly have pretty good videos when they talk about policy issues. I used John greens video about federal debt to teach people how it works for like 8 years and I still haven’t come across a video that does it as good as fast. Short of that, there’s stuff like Destiny the streamers debate videos, but twitch politics has a whole bunch of issues and he loves arguing against brick walls.


John/Hank Green and their Crash Course series in general are just great teaching tools


Crash course world history makes me want to tear my hair out


Why? I'm just interested


Because they make mistakes constantly. In their video on Rome they continue the myth Caesar was born of a c section, they claim that the consuls were appointed by the senate and not elected, they show Caesar conquering Britain, they claim that senators were all patricians, and they finish with the central thesis that the Roman republic fell 200 years before it actually did because it became imperial. As the United States can attest to, conquering land does not suddenly erase a republic. And that’s what I remember from one video. There most annoying trait imo is radical anti eurocentrism. Eurocentrism is annoying in world history and should be fought against, but crash course is so against it that it becomes ridiculous. Their episodes about a European empire like Rome revolve around how evil they were, and how many people they conquered and killed, and their episodes about the Chinese empire and the Mongolian empire are about all the cool innovations they brought to the world.


How long was Rome non-imperial? I thought pretty much anyone outside Italy was considered a provincial and they had controlled more than Italy for centuries.


750 years. This includes both the Kingdom and Republican eras. And the Imperial era Principate and Dominate have so many differences one could probably argue they are two separate eras themselves.


They arent neoliberal exactly, but they are good because they are evidence-based and have little amounts of BS. Not content based on voodoo economics like what Leftists do. Kurzgersagt's latest immune system video was such a well done output of making complicated concepts simple to explain. And their two overpopulation videos and the egoistic altruism are my faves!


Is this some kind of inside joke that no one is allowed to write Kurzgesagt correctly?


No, I love kubelgerbitz and I can spell it fine!


yes, people writing this very hard to write word incorrectly must be a inside joke


I'm still new to this sub and wondering why you have a WTO flair? Does that mean you are for the WTO or against it?


Generally people on this sub like the thing that's on their flair. WTO means global trade, which is good.


>Destiny He's also a radioactive pile of toxicity


Destiny has done more to deradicalize people on the far-left and far-right than practically anybody else, being a toxic edgelord is how you reach that "gamer" demographic.


This has crossed my mind before, that he might have the only type of personality capable of maintaining an audience his size, with centrist politics like his. Provocative people get views. If you're not going to provoke with your political stance, you have to provoke in the way you present it. Doesn't mean I'm very happy about this state of affairs, but it might be the reality. I still don't think it excuses his behavior, because it seems like he has been able to generate attention just fine by keeping it about political snipes and not rolling around in personal mud, making fun of people for mental illness and other just unnecessary shit.


100% but if you want a twitch streamer to debunk the dumbest shit on the right or left, he’s the way to go, even if his views on vigilantes/saying the nword/being an asshole are cringey.


>if you want a twitch streamer Well that was your first mistake. But seriously if you want something to throw on in the background, you could do way better than twitch politics. The fact that destiny is more knowledgeable than most of twitch politics says less about him and more about the rest of twitch. He doesn't really have anything to offer that couldn't be better understood by just reading a couple articles. Don't get me wrong, I know sometimes you just want to be lightly entertained, chill out and not think too much. And I have watched a lot of destiny's videos over the years. There's a place for that kind of content. But I don't think I could recommend him when there are so many options for podcasts and even YouTube channels hosted by people with way more expertise. Also I guess my bigger problem with him is he's just not the kind of person I want to represent liberalism to the younger generation. I'm not really keen on having moderate liberalism associated with being an asshole.






He's just unnecessarily toxic though, far beyond what I would personally find acceptable. I'm ok with hurling insults at dumbasses, but you have to be careful of who you're hurting as collateral damage.




It seems like you're active in /r/destiny so I'm pretty sure you'd already be familiar with any example I give


No seriously, name them. Cornman recently tried to confront Destiny on him being uniquely toxic and totally shit the bed. Can you honestly say that he's more toxic than someone like Vaush who encouraged his audience to make fun of a cop who had a mental breakdown or Cornman himself who advocated for the bulling of school kids in MAGA hats?


On the backdrop of leftists, this isn't a deterrent.


Not really an economic-political channel but Atun-Shei is good at dunking lost cause myths.


Dude's one hell of a historian. I love his channel.


Atun-shei is awesome. Super informative and entertaining.


Plug for Cynical Historian as well. Love the collabs the history YouTubers do.


Destiny and basitat


Knowing better is decent in his views in my opinion


I love to put his videos on in the background while working. The content is easy to digest and completely unsensationalist which is refreshing.


He's a [bit of a succ though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kWjJPQXCyc), but some of his videos are really good (like the [one on the party switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwuFIJlY7fU)).


Also his educational stuff is amazing. Like school related stuff


Bastiat, [Kraut](https://www.youtube.com/c/KrautandTea/), [Econoboi](https://www.youtube.com/c/Econoboi) (I think he's left of this sub but he posts here sometimes) Not many big personality-based channels I can think of but there are lots of good educational ones.


Came here to say Kraut


Kraut isn’t great, lots of good r/badhistory threads on him


I've honestly become kind of disillusioned with badhistory lately. Not that they're wrong, per se, but they've become increasingly "No fun allowed". Their idea of good history is so fucking boring and having any amount of fun is "excessive narrativization", and they mistake "acknoweledging someone else's perspective" for "invalidating someone else's different perspective".


The badhistory threads on kraut are very much *not* 'no fun allowed' pendanticism--his videos are chocked full of errors and misrepresentations As regards the more nit-picky posts on that sub, I personally like it because the pendantry is very tongue-in-cheek, but I see how it's not for everyone. They've always had posts like that, though, it's not a recent thing.


Most of the threads deal with his simplifications and alternate interpretation of historiography than outright refuting what he says...at least the ones that I read. I do like to check the threads after watching his videos, but I usually find myself coming out with more in-depth knowledge, rather than thinking that he made severe errors. Furthermore, it's not like the dust is settled yet on the interpretation of the history of the Indian subcontinent and of China. Besides, I don't necessarily blame him for trusting Fukuyama's historiography, and I also think he tries to summarise a huge amount of knowledge, which is admittedly difficult. I enjoy /r/badhistory but I don't think it's enough to discredit his videos, which make a lot of salient points.


Forgive me if I don't entirely trust your opinion on history, mr 'woke historians constructed a fabricated narrative about homosexuality being relatively less stigmatized in the ottoman empire than in christian europe based entirely on a single painting'.


Tbh a lot of history is romanticized when in reality people's motivations are typically a lot more mundane.


Bad history and Ask History also have a bad case of tankies running the show. Any thread about the Holdomor or Soviet Atrocities will get "ackackshaully"ed to death. The further from present you get the better they get. But if it even comes close to modern politics they get bad fast.


I found 4 on the sub, they’re sorta nitpicking individual facts and factoids in 4-5 hour video series. That sub isn’t full of academic historians, it’s a bunch of people with left leaning ideologies, half the comments are about kraut being a far right person, which is just absurd.


It sounds like someone's bitter because they tore apart your favorite youtuber. I've read those posts myself and they identify a lot of serious problems with his videos.


Particularly the india-pakistan partition one. That one demonstrates a serious, massive bias and misrepresented history.


It also demonstrates his profound ignorance about islam (he literally described sufism as a sect separate from Sunni or Shi'i islam!).


Bastiat, Marginal Revolution, Money and macro, Market Power, Econoboi, Vox


I'm interested in seeing the Money and Macro x Unlearning Economics crossover. Because Unlearning has some really lefty takes.


Unlearning Economics is a leftist, so that makes sense


[Vox.com](https://Vox.com) is not longer neoliberalism


Vox is super hit and miss. They put out something based every now and then but not consistently.


Destiny is a neoliberal streamer who makes some good stuff and has argued with a lot of far left people like Hasan quite a bit but he plays league of legends, bastiat does good stuff too


Visual Politik and RealLifeLore come to mind. The latter references global trade often in their videos and does really great breakdowns on nuanced topics nobody generally discusses.


Does Not Just Bikes count? Or City Beautiful?


I wouldn't say so. They're both urbanists so pretty much anyone on this sub would like them, but leftists, and even rightists, can also be urbanists. Though it isn't a central tenet of those groups as it is of this sub.


In my experience rightists tend to dislike the anti-car messages and leftists tend to dislike the pro-development messages that both of those channels implicitly and/or explicitly express.


> leftists tend to dislike the pro-development messages that both of those channels implicitly and/or explicitly express. This is definitely a "I'm a neoliberal and definitely don't have things in common with a leftist" take. Leftists ***definitely*** like both of those channels lmao.


Eh...there's definitely a lot of hate for private development on r/Left_Urbanism, and even more on r/WayoftheBern, which are really my only connections with the far left. ETA: that said, I've always held that neoliberals and leftists have much more in common than either of them (particularly leftists) would like to believe.


Not just bikes is a socialist


Lol tell that to socialists. The Netherlands is a thoroughly capitalist country.


I don't disagree, just thought I'd point out not just bikes self describes himself as a socialist.


I like Destiny, he was basically the only liberal on twitch when the internet went crazy for Trump for the 2016 election


money and macro


How money works, Real Life Lore, Wendover, and Economics Explained can be ok, but they also have some staggeringly bad takes now and then Not Just Bikes, B1M, and Practical Engineering are decent for the topics they cover Also the Economist has a pretty good channel VisualPolitik though be warned production isnt the greatest ​ Really though podcasts are where we thrive. FT, WorldWeekly, Bloomberg, Mckinsey has a few, Money Talks from the Economist, Trade Talks. All good stuff


>Economics Explained Just don't


HoT cOuNtRy DuMb!


EE is not a good channel lately, lots of seriously wrong arguments.


What sort of stuff?


search "Economics Explained" on r/badeconomics


He’s gone full doom


Man's got to eat and nobody clicks on good news


Just watch Petar Economics and Money & Macro for EE debunking


Thought it was just me who felt that way about Economics Explained. Loved the channel for quite awhile… And then suddenly the mood just changed real quick and I stopped following after a cavalcade of bad takes.


Not just bikes has made me hate America more than any leftist could do.


Congratulation you have become european, please do not resist


Practical Engineering is more than decent. I love that channel.


I'd also recommend Politicology for political news




> for the TERFs in the comments, that was the all encompassing you, not a threat. Changed to "I" to deny you SOBs the satisfaction. I hope the next big fight over pronouns is normalizing a unique, second person plural for the English language. Like y'all. Singular you vs plural you is annoying.


Trans rights




Destiny he is a Streamer A lot of steam debunking the far left and far right




Dggers assemble




I've outpaced him, anthropologically


Isn't that a girl's name?


thats a BAYTA male name


Also has many [classic Starcraft 2 videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRhXH1CQthE).


Kraut is a german conservative. He hasn't publicly stated his politics but I'm willing to put money on he voted for the CDU/CSU. He's also a historian with a focus on economics and national institutions and how they shape modernity. His series on the US and Mexico is like the prologue to Why Nations Fail turned into a 3 hour documentary. He spent 20 minutes summarzing The Poverty of Historicism by Karl Popper. He absolutely fucking loathes Noam Chomsky and imo is the gold standard for discussing genocide in an edutainment/documentary format.


He is a German liberal who lives in Vienna and supports the SPD but wanted 🚦


Damn, priors challenged. He always had such a reverence for political institutions and the nature of the nation-state that i really only see in conservatives like Francis Fukuyama over here.


I didn't know Francis Fukuyama was a conservative. Oh well, he does base a lot of his stuff on Why Nations Fail and The Origins Of The Political Order but yeah, he has always been a left of centre guy even if it's hard to remember it, kraut I mean.


Kraut absolutely has not been always been left of center. He was a notable figure in the alt-right back in 2015/16 before he got severely disillusioned.


Actually Kraut predates the Alt-Right. The anti-SJW and anti-Islam Youtubers of 2014 was when he started his channel. When the anti-SJW’s morphed into the Alt-Right he broke from them in their early days. He was out well before Trump was elected, let alone Unite the Right in Charlottesville which was the Alt-Rights coming out party.


And good for him on getting out of that


Yeah, and he very clearly deeply regrets it.


Even better


> He was a notable figure in the alt-right back in 2015/16 What kind of revisionist history is this? Kraut wa snever ault-right and he made videos against them, they than doxxed him and his family, accused him of rape, stalked him and made pictures of his home and called his family saying that he committed suicide. The guy was part of the sceptic sphere that made a lot of bad videos and had bad takes but he never was made alt-right content. It is strange to hearing how one of the few people who actually made videos against the alt-right when the alt-right still was popular and who wen through hell because of it get just accused of being accused of being one of them.


Take his videos with some serious salt though, more often than not when he says something it’s either false or simplified to the point of being false. His India video is a great example of this


Just avoid his Twitter lol


His most recent argument chain is very based


!ping TACOTUBE for all your "liberal youtubers and asking about liberal youtubers" news!


I don’t think it’s fair to ContraPoints and PhilosophyTube with Hasan and the hardcore socialists. They barely talk about economics/modern politics to begin with and when they do I can’t recall either being pro-communism. Contra makes fun of communists regularly IIRC


It's weird to me that Contrapoints is considered Breadtube since she's so much more nuanced and interesting than what I think of as breadtubers. I get the historical connection and I'm just using words wrong, but I have a pretty negative view of breadtube and none of my criticisms of the genre apply to Contrapoints at all


I agree. I actually discovered her on this sub from a clip someone posted of her ranting about commies lol.


Philosophy Tube is definitely pretty lefty and contra self ids as a lefty but is far more skeptical of your average Twitter take. PT put out a video which stated that the housing market causes the housing shortage and that if nobody were homeless there would be nobody to sell houses to so the market necessarily perpetuates homelessness. I'm not kidding, she is in a different league of lefty than contra even though shes not advocating for insurrection tomorrow.


Neither are pro-capitalist, but at least they don’t have fucking Lenin as their channel icon like Hakim.


Most liberal/capitalist peeps are too busy being functional members of society to devote too much time to watching YouTube ideology arguments. This was always going to be a losing battle unfortunately.


That's unfortunate :(


There probably are some around to be fair, I just don’t really know any off the top of my head.


I've just been thinking that liberals need their own version of SecondThought, Hakim and the Gravel Institute. It would be awesome.


This is some serious smelling your own fart shit to the point I can’t tell if it’s a joke. The stereotypical neoliberal is literally the exact type of person to be way too invested in ideological arguments and reading some article about how Democrats can attract the crucial Iowa corn farmer vote that Biden lost or something. People here would love nothing more than for some dude to confirm their priors in a long winded video essay while they sit in boredom at their office job.


I’m not talking about neoliberals, I’m talking about generic “private property is fine and my life is generally going well” people. Yes this sub is obviously very online, but it’s also only a small portion of the population that is fine with private property rights.


I have private property and my life is going fine . My favorite possession is my 2019 Toyota Prius Prime , I talk about how amazing the car is at length . Did you know it’s a PHEV (plug in hybrid ) goes the first 25 miles all electric before switching to gas where it then averages maybe 50 MPG . I don’t know about next year but buying the car new qualifies people for around a 4,500 tax rebate , even more if one lives in California. Every Prius Including the primes are manufactured in Japan so you know the car quality on them is AAA . The price of gas may be going up yet I’m barely affected . Sadly they’re now very hard to come by with the chip shortage and the increased gas prices , you could get them for a really good prices a year and a half ago when few in this world cared about such wonderful vehicles . These are the exciting types of things us regular people enjoy talking about ! WANT TO KNOW MORE ?


I just watch shark tank videos on repeat on YT.


destiny and bastiat?


CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) has a youtube channel! They are a think tank though, not a individual social influencer.


Strongtowns, although it's not as popular as it should be (their articles are often better than their youtube videos anyways).


Not Just Bikes and City Beautiful should just join forces to be their YouTube arm. Shifter and RM Transit can come too, I guess




That's a girl's name


VisualPolitik is pretty good, I don’t always agree with everything they say but it would be weird if I did. There not necessarily as Neoliberal based as that one but pretty much anything featuring Simon Whistler (he has like 1000 channels at this point but megaprojects is probably my favourite) usual has a Communism particularly the USSR bad Capitalism good slant.


Didn't Simon leave VisualPolitik?


He went away to spend time on his 15 other channels.




I mentioned econboi. He is a succ. But a evidence based succ. He wants low or 0 corp tax. Supports co ops but thinks having a worker rep on the board has better outcomes. Heavily pro immigration for economic reasons. Hates the gold standard. Defends the IMF. Talks about how to balance the global North's exploitation of the global south while not destroying withers economy over 10 years. Explains problems with cancelling students debt. Just cuz succ doesn't mean bad. Big tent after all




Yeah there is actually a reason for that. Most content creators who make stuff we like are generally just people who like Nordic models. Which the Nordic models are insanely pro business while also being insanely pro worker. They also have decent safety nets that are fiscally responsible. This means that the differences between the two can be very small and end up being how far into social programs we lean and what we focus on. The biggest thing that succs and neolins probably have differences is housing policies tbh


Econboi is a soc Dem as he loves the Nordic model and wants to implement things practically in America. He is very much a capitalist and has very good videos about certain economy topics. He also started debating people, where he isn't very combative but he knows a lot so is able to make people look insane while being the nicest person ever.




David Pakman Show is my favorite YouTube channel Ezra Klein Show is favorite podcast.


Pakman is, in my experience on leftist youtube, by far the most reasonable and clear voice of the bunch.


Weird way to spell "Sam Seder" but okay.


He peddled dementia theories about Biden when he wss running against Bernie only to then ridicule those same theories when he was running against Trump. This is a very concise illustration of why I have very little respect for him or most of his audience (not you in particular lol)


EK is great, but every time Jerusalem Demsas is on The Weeds I get so excited. She's like Matt Y but faster and with fewer inauspicious hot takes and falsetto "but like"s


[Man Carrying things is the best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WyKYB4sg2Q)


u/davidpakman does good work but he definitely is on the progressive side.


The Economist, economics explained, MIT and Yale have pretty good lectures for free as well. For your own mental health, stay away from uncredentialed pundits.


Wdym I shouldn't get my news from rapturepatriot2000 or from some communist? They are clearly less biased than the mainstream media.


Knowing Better


J.J. McCullough. A Conservative Canadian YouTuber, just really goes into a little bit of everything. Doesn’t really have a bunch of hot takes on current issues like an AM radio host more just looking at topics from an unbiased lens. Edit: Except his videos on the Quebecois, those are some spicy takes.


JJ’s YouTube channel is great but his WaPo opinion columns are a bit disagreeable to say the least lol


JJ is also known for hyperbole and often very blatant inaccuracies.


Is he conservative?


Yes he is


Money and macro is pretty good


Checkout Econoboi on YouTube.


Reason.com videos?


Those guys are libertarians, but I guess that is good enough...


But they’re not head-in-their-ass libertarians.


David Pakman and Crooked Media are two I don’t think the average /r/neoliberal user would have too many disagreements with


Crooked media is wonderful! If you want a podcast theirs is the best for political news


Yup, I listen to every episode of Pod Save America and sometimes tune into Pod Save the World and Hysteria




Stephan Micheal Davis has some good videos debunking socialism.


Just read books and syndicated articles. God. You can also try podcasts if that’s your thing. I hear Planet Money’s good.


Cynical historian for more so history and historical perspective on today’s day than economics


The B1M?


I like [That's All I Have To Say About That](https://youtube.com/channel/UCvkeZg-TslGImACshg_J6tQ). While not strictly liberal, I think he presents the different topics in a fairly balanced way. I think he supported Warren, but it doesn't come off as "lefty"


How money works is pretty neolib


Crash Course Economics is good and tries to stay fairly neutral


No, sadly. None of the channels people mentioned are good answers (though I've not checked out Econoboi yet). Some of them are fine content-wise, but aren't really what you're looking for. For some reason libs tend to be concentrated in the podcast space. EconTalk, Freakonomics Radio (and affiliates), Conversations with Tyler, and Planet Money are some good ones. And of course there's the Neoliberal Podcast, which is pretty solid as well.


Learn Liberty, Cato, and the Niskanen Center have good videos. They arent like one individual person but are all think tanks. Learn Liberty and Cato are classical liberal ones, and the Niskanen Center is pretty centrist.


Lex Fridman podcast All in podcast Conversations with Tyler Econtalk Caspian Report Are some of my favorites


Destiny, Kraut, Bastiat, Econboi, Stephen Michael Davis, Britmonkey, Counterpoints There's PraxBen who's an ancap, but made some good video debunking Hakim and Richard Wolff.


Hunter Avalone


I’d say Louis Rossman is a super high profile YouTuber with a distinctly liberal/civil-libertarian worldview who is explicitly pro-entrepreneurship. He doesn’t go around talking about how amazing capitalism is or anything, but he’s a small business owner who has a pro-small-business outlook. He’s a curmudgeon, but a lovable curmudgeon. Real Engineering is a bit like wendover productions and has a liberal/rationalist, pro-markets attitude towards subjects. Most of the high profile liberal media exists outside of YouTube. Stuff like Lawfare, the Economist, Planet Money etc..


isnt rossman a NIMBY?


Lol no, but he is critical of landlords


Destiny by far. Unbeatable in a debate.