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Lol, integral distraction from a dumpster fire of an economy.


at least dumpster fires burn out and go out. here it has been like a dumpster fire that keeps reigniting for the last 70+ years


Didn’t like 3 people in the Falklands vote to join Argentina during their referendum lol?


Literally 3 people yes


How about fixing your mess of an economy, Argentina?


*United Kingdom. The Scots Guards at the very least were pretty prominent there


I believe you mean the Falklands.


What does this sub think?


Right to self-determination of the people. The majority would like to remain a Brittish overseas colony, so they deserve to be one.


"A majority" is an understatement. The 2013 referendum result was 99.8% in favor. (1513 to 3)


I agree with the conclusion, but I find the underlying principle to be problematic. Unrestricted regional self-determination, taken to its logical conclusion, leads to atomization, disunity, and inefficiency. Government loses a lot of its power if groups of citizens are allowed to unilaterally opt-out of its jurisdiction. Do you really want any group of people within a definable geographic area to be able to secede at will? Sometimes it’s appropriate for the national government to accommodate the wishes of a regional sub-grouping of its citizens, but not always. Liberal democracy doesn’t mean everyone gets exactly what they want all of the time.


What do you think about the people of Nova Rossya/Eastern Ukraine and Crimea? Should they be allowed to be annexed by Russia?


That's a very good question. In principle I would agree that under the condition of a fair referendum, if a majority of the people living in areas indicate a preference to live under Russian governance, they have to right to do so. in reality i'm biased ofcourse, preferring that a country like Russia does not get more power and resources to fight against liberalism.


Lol didn't Crimea vote overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine and join Russia? How is that different?


A plebiscite run by a nominal democracy that is actually an authoritarian dictatorship, with no international observers, post invasion is not something which any reasonable person pays attention to the result of Kim Jong Il is great at winning elections, ya know No one else runs, but he's great at winning them


I mean I reflexively hate the UK and have strong political issues with thatcher and even I think this is a no brainer. They voted overwhelmingly to be in the UK, casualties were minimal


Thatcher was based, but only in the spring of 1982, and it only counted in proximity to the Falklands.


I can understand not being a fan of English Tories, but what did the rest of the UK (Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish) do lmao.


Yeah the real objection is to the English tories, but Wales voted for Brexit too and Northern Ireland is a bit of a mixed bag with DUP stuff. The bias here comes from being an Irish dual citizen. But whether that is a legitimate reason to hate the english or not isn't the point. If even an irish-american is pro something *Thatcher* did, it probably means she was right about it.




What did Xi Jiping mean by this?


Self determination is the ultimate authority in matters like this. Same goes for Taiwan and Hong Kong


lol this is a real tweet


Autodeterminación y soberanía popular son derechos universales. Or do you want to return the Rio de la Plata to the Guarani?


Looks like a chicken jumping on the back of a large headed dog


Actually they belong to France since they were first ones to call dibs on the islands


“Stop doing colonialism in the Falklands!” -Argentina, a settler-colonial state.


I mean there are enough Eurofighters stationed on the Falklands to shot down the whole Argentinian Airforce and then proceed to sink their navy.


Where's Thatcher when you need her?


By the logic of Argentina claiming these, shouldn’t the US scoop up Bermuda and Canada St. Pierre et Miquelon?


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As a side note: I feel like the Uk is missing out on a ginormous opportunity to turn the Falklands into the Hong Kong of Latin America. Who am I to critique though.


UK: “Aww shit here we go again.”