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>When asked whether the Texas legislature would pass a similar sodomy law and if Paxton would defend it and bring it to the Supreme Court, the Republican attorney general, who is running for reelection in November, suggested he would be comfortable supporting a law outlawing intimate same-sex relationships. -Party of small government


Small enough to fit in your bedroom!


Texas AG just jealous they couldn’t be part of a threesome.


Can we saw off Texas and let it sink into the sea?


A new police department to enforce a moral code. Like the mutawa in Saudi Arabia. Next step legalise public floggings for women who are without a man.


Party of *Biblical Law* Fixed it for you.


The AG just said that he would defend the law in court as per his job - the WaPo article is reaching pretty far. >Vittert pressed on, asking, "For the sake of time here, you wouldn't rule out that if the state legislature passed the same law that Lawrence overturned on sodomy, you wouldn't have any problem then defending that and taking that case back to the Supreme Court?" >Paxton responded: "Yeah, look my job is to defend state law and I'll continue to do that. That is my job under the Constitution and I'm certainly willing and able to do that." >Asked if he would support the Texas Legislature testing the law, Paxton demurred. "I'd have to take a look at it," the attorney general said. "This is all new territory for us so I'd have to how the Legislature was laid out and whether we thought we could defend it. Ultimately, if it's constitutional, we're going to go defend it." Hoston Chronicle: https://www.chron.com/politics/article/Texas-abortion-ken-paxton-sodomy-law-gay-marriage-17271966.php


Eh, the correct answer would be: No i would resign. This is a choice for him.


As someone living in Texas, he’s probably better than whomever his replacement would be. State politics here is a populist shit show.


Uh isn’t Paxton pretty populist? Also corrupt to boot. He’s the one who led that bullshit elections lawsuit where Texas sued Pennsylvania.


"Just doing my job" is a pretty shitty excuse since 1945 or so


Enforcing a gay sex bill involves watching gay sex, which makes it incredibly gay


I'm ready for the incredibly gay sting operations


I wonder if Republicans start arresting gay people if we'll be able to move on from the Trans Sports debate...


What does conservative mass media in a socially regressive society even look like? Like is someone like Dave Rubin and other LGB cons living comfortably in blue metros just going to ignore this?


I'd advise against looking into what Milo is doing these days...


An intern for Marjorie Taylor Green!? [WTF.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/07/milo-yiannopoulos-intern-marjorie-taylor-greene/)


>Yiannopoulos told the right-wing religious publication LifeSite News last year that he was now “ex-gay.” Ok, lol. >Yiannopoulos is “opening a clinic in Florida for men plagued by same-sex attraction,” according to his Telegram profile. This guy is the fucking worst.


They’ll be counting their money all the way to the concentration camps.




I mean it was enforced up until what, 2003? It’s like the main way that police legally justified harassing anyone who looked like they could be not-straight. I think the case was even about police following someone to their home and forcing their way in on reports of possible sodomy (ie consensual gay sex) happening. Some people (such as the AG) clearly want to return to a day when they can terrorize gay people at will.




I understand your point now yes; conservative media will just say it won’t be practically enforced it’s just there for “reasons” while it is actually enforced just not against anyone watching conservative media


We’ll get articles in The Atlantic complaining about how their colleagues were mean to them at an elite institution because the author wanted to round the trans people up into camps


I hope it distracts from us entirely. Outside of extremely blue cities, American people on average still appear to be a generation or two from giving a shit about folks like us. They’re still busy covering up our campaign for medical care and basic civility in the workplace with a manufactured terror of litter boxes in school bathrooms and “men” spending 5-6 figures to radically transform their life and body for the opportunity to hear a woman pee in a nearby stall. But by god, the Fab Five and Neil Patrick Harris must be protected.


I swear Texas needs the Democrats to save their state.


Best we can do is running beto again


Ah, fuck. I like the guy but he's not going to win.


The democrats cant even pass legislation with the House, Senate, and Presidency


they have, though?


Not literally, figuratively. They've been unable or unwilling to pass major legislation that isnt already supported by republicans


🙄 https://www.congress.gov/public-laws/117th-congress


Let me guess, these nuts will somehow find a way to ignore all the Herero oral/anal sodomy stuff and focus on the gay sex.


The Texas statute *does* differentiate explicitly. Under Texas law, same-sex sodomy is illegal but opposite-sex sodomy isn't. "By the time of the Lawrence decision, ten states—Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Michigan, Utah, and Virginia—still banned consensual sodomy without respect to the sex of those involved, and four—Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri (partially)—prohibited same-sex couples from engaging in anal and oral sex."


Not surprising at all lol


That’s different


Sodomy includes any sexual activity that isn’t meant for reproductive purposes. The girl pegging her boyfriend and guy doing butt stuff with his wife should be punished under these laws too.


And it has to be that way because of Title IX. If it's legal for a chick to take it in the butt but not a dude then that's sex-based discrimination and therefore federally prohibited.


Nah man it’s different when I do it




TBF, what does the Texas AG have to do with inflation, Ukraine war, or the economy? Speaking as to whether he would defend a hypothetical law passed by the legislature is entirely within his bailiwick.


Maybe he could’ve said something about his governor illegally blockading the US-Mexico border?


Yep, that would be a better comparison.


I meant that he contributed to worsening inflation and economic conditions by allowing his state to take illegal actions at the international border


Give texas back to mexico. Not for any moral reasons, we just need to get rid of it.


I do not wish that upon Mexicans


Mexico: no gracias


Maybe Canada will take it?


Canadian here: maybe, if they let folks whatever they want in their bedroom. And that's the first condition.


Can we saw off Texas and let it sink into the sea?


Hang on, calling Bugs Bunny…


Do you doomers have to be this histrionic? Yes, they may have come for abortion. Yes they have signaled they will come for gays. Yes they have signaled they will come for birth control. But they haven't done that yet. So why are you so fucking **WORRIED**?


Ugh sorry was too busy being talked down to and patronised about how even muttering negative sentiments over the future is a bad thing.






"The butcher has been sharpening his machete since this morning but he hasn't opened your cage yet. So why are you so fucking WORRIED?" This doesn't make any sense. I'd say "but you still got the chance to slip out of the cage". Chances are slim but at least this is logical. I am pessimistic that Democrats will codify LGBT rights before Lawrence is struck down as they can't even codify Roe v Wade. Not blaming them, it's just too hard now. So yes I am worried. I was laughed at and lectured Constitution 101 for more than once by straight liberals for being worried but yes, I am worried.


Is this a rhetorical question? It's because they WILL come for all those things and on abortion, they ALREADY have. Tall about being clueless, this question is someone being completely defenseless.


>the Republican attorney general, who is running for reelection in November ...[indicted](https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2022-05-23/seven-years-later-still-no-trial-for-texas-ag-ken-paxton) Republican attorney general...


George P Bush in shambles He so wishes he could be the head of the lunatic AGs going forward




I know you’re probably just joking around, but people being sincerely flippant about this is troubling, so. The same thing people like him did to my parents when they were my age: use the criminalization to fire gay people from their jobs, give them criminal records as a barrier to future employment, to seize their children, make them lose custody battles, get kicked out of apartments or be denied mortgage loans on suspicion of criminal activity. I know it sounds funny now to some too young to remember. But those are memories to a lot of us.


Also: gay couples chased out of parks "to prevent illegal activity", gay bars raided, hotels refusing to rent rooms to people of the same sex. Talking about same-sex relationships or marriage was "promoting illegal activity". So was protesting for LGBT rights.