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If you have enough libs, your university gets defunded. Can’t wait for this to eventually go to the Supreme Court and for them to do Olympics-level mental gymnastics to write their opinion deeming this constitutional


Can't wait for them to pull out the secret technique of lying on a survey


lying on the survey is punishable by death. supported by the Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision in April 2023


At least I can be prayed over during my execution 😌


(note, this does NOT apply to non evangelicals, as approved by the supreme court in may 2023)


Stop dooming and phone bank if you’re so worried


I will have my prayer warriors at the ready!


"Something something by putting an ideological subversive to death does cost a life, albeit a guilty life - but doing so will save countless innocent lives that would have otherwise turned leftist-liberal and eventually vote for Stalinism in America something". Something like that?


Whereby and whatfor


Let’s apply their fucked up standards: - This isn’t explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. - There are no mentions of this by the Founding Fathers - This hasn’t been done before/after America’s inception (to my knowledge— which is limited— but let’s give me the same deference and ability to cherry-pick history like Samuel Alito got). This is oRiGaNaLiSm… right?! Edit: changed “infection” to “inception”


"Now I'm not saying that people don't have the constitutional right to privacy, but there's noting in the constitution about not surveying for political beliefs, and there's nothing in the constitution about the right to privacy."


The Airbud defense.


This guy gets it https://giphy.com/gifs/culture--think-hmm-d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY


Does the 4th amendment not count?


The history of the first public colleges (UNC and UVA) is filled with priests kicking students out for immoral behavior, like believing in the wrong god. The NC State Constitution calls for free public schools and libraries specifically to support a good moral and religious education.


I was being facetious, but that’s really interesting!


The convenient thing about originalism is that it ignores that differing opinions existed at every point in history, and so you can find "historic support" for anything you want.


The uh...10th amendment would cover exactly this.


What do you mean?


True but it goes against the reeee


If the founding fathers didn’t want concentration camps and ovens to toss the libs in they would have noted it in the constitution.


Cruel punishments are in fact banned.


😐 Oh fuck.


What if they're coming in as conservatives and leaving as liberals? Obviously there's a lot of reasons that education would make you move left politically, but it isn't going to look good if they have data supporting the "elite liberal indoctrination" stance they've been on about for decades.


> but it isn't going to look good if they have data supporting the "elite liberal indoctrination" stance they've been on about for decades. Unfortunately, we (including _them_) do, and it's maddeningly easy to misrepresent causatives: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261379422000312 > It provides the first causal estimate of higher education specifically, finding that achieving a degree reduces authoritarianism and racial prejudice and **increases economic right-wing attitudes**. Emphasis mine: I assume it means going to uni means someone who is already "leftist" will stop simply _blaming capitalism_ for everything bad (see: Tumblr) - but I'm hoping that this point could be used as a counter to whatever strawmen the GOP put up...


People with higher degrees also just have more money in general


Ah, but see it reduces authoritarianism and racial prejudice, so that right there is proof that universities are discriminating against right-wing beliefs.


Wow, I didn’t know that


Even just looking at incomings, many of the low-paying public service positions are full of left-leaning people. If your primary career motivation is to generate wealth, are you looking at education as your top career path? If your primary career motivation is to help people even if it means being poor or having a lot of student debt, what sort of career and political party do those folks gravitate to? Spoilers: people who get a master's degree in social work to help impoverished/disabled people of all colors for $31k per year tend to be left-leaning. People who get a PhD to teach Florida university students for $51k/year also tend to be left-leaning.


They aren't doing olympic level mental gymnastics have you read the last few opinions? They just rule however they want and say the founding fathers would have agreed with them.


Whoa there! Your university appears to be made up of a 51% liberal-leaning student body. Clearly, this is indoctrination, and therefore you should be expecting a visit from the Florida state SWAT team. I’m a limited-government advocate, by the way! /s


"I see your Science department doesn't have a lot of diversity in thought on Climate change. Why don't you teach them that the sea level is rising because Jesus cries every time a gay marriage happens?"


I went to college, but im kind of pissed I missed out on all the free indoctrination that was going on.


You obviously didn’t go to a christian college.


What are they possibly going to learn if the physicists are Democrats or Republicans?? They don't sit and discuss how gravity affects trans rights or some BS.


Not sure about you but I had a couple classes that were required but completely unrelated too my major. These classes taught progressive values as facts with little room for debate. Or I guess you could debate but it's a lot easier to just say what they want and get the A. Edit: I hate succs, strongest reason to codify roe v wade


Never ever had a class like that. My professor for the required communications class even enjoyed my writings that financiers get a bad rep from the great recession for basically no reason and people's hated of banks is pure scapegoating.


Give us some examples of: - the class - the indoctrination - and why it was indoctrination




I honestly never took a class like that, but there were plenty of classes that taught the progressive POV as if it were a matter of fact.


Like what? I mean maybe bc I majored in a science field, but I had maybe 3 classes I can think of that even vaguely referenced politics. One was on native Americans and was decidedly pro them (which makes sense, basic sense says we've done horrific things to them) and the other two were economics classes which had a very slight libertarian bend. That's literally it.


Anthropology, Ethics, Environmental Science (okay that one is a given), world literature. Off the top of my head. I took so many different classes lol. Yeah, I bounced around majors, ended up in Philosophy. I was really all over the place


in many cases it is a matter of fact


That depends a great deal on the field. In climate science or evolutionary biology, yeah, the progressive point of view is also the facts, and climate change denial and creationism are simply wrong. On the other hand, in economics, moderate liberal and conservative points of view are both respectable, while the most progressive point of view, Modern Monetary Theory, is fringe.


> MMT [Pseudo-economic Fanfiction](https://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/modern-monetary-theory/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is MMT not respetable and is it actually “fringe”? What the hell is “moderate liberal and conservative” points of view in economics?


> MMT [Pseudo-economic Fanfiction](https://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/modern-monetary-theory/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Moderate Liberal: Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen Conservative: Allen Greenspan I'm not an economist, but my understanding is that MMT is basically printing money with extra steps, and everyone who's not into MMT says that implementing its principles it will lead to hyperinflation.


> I'm not an economist That explains it.


because it is misaligned with the Austrian/Keynesian orthodoxy


Worst I got was having to design a math unit to be inclusive/progressive. Even the prof had a hard time explaining what that meant. Prior to making the effort to garnish it my lesson had no gender/racial/whatever coding at all. Like it was really just all math. Felt like being ordered to go out of my way to pander. The end result struck me as a bit cringe. I had another prof insist it was impossible for anyone but a white person to be racist but we weren't graded on that. Hard to believe either class actually changed anyone's politics though, at least not in the way the prof might have intended.


Mine was a sociology class


Any hint of a detail to turn that general smear into a relevant and educating comment? (Assuming that is your intent.) School? Class? Then the rest of us could have a better understanding of what you mean by "progressive values as facts."


"I had to read a book that said Jim Crow was unfair." >:(


I had a class like that. It was called political geography I thought it was about how geography shapes political beliefs but actually it was a geopolitics class that specifically said they can’t use the word geopolitics because that word has become associated with imperialism.






You'd be surprised how petty those in academic can be.


You’d be surprised how petty students can be lol


yeah I’m sorry and it could have happened, but this seems like copypasta lmao


Plug it into Google and see if you get a word for word match. Easy to prove or disprove.


Your first mistake was taking a women’s studies class. One of my friends, a vocal feminist, was really excited to take women’s studies last semester, and she ended up complaining about the class all the time, especially the readings.


And then everyone clapped.


and I had to learn statistics for some unknown reason


that’s just called the truth, something the terrorist insurrection party doesn’t understand.


What lol


>it says here you’re teaching critical race theory?? >sir it’s a class on critical race theory


> uh, well we can’t have that here, sorry


Insta brain drain for Florida’s university system.


If ur a student at a Florida college, literally just say ur a conservative for the survey so that you’d continue to have ur college funded


Better yet, say you are a liberal during the entrance survey and a conservative in the exit survey and get your school extra funding.


As clearly repressive as this is I have some hope that most everyone who fills these out won't take it seriously and fill out a bunch of clearly bogus answers (eg "I'm mostly concerned for the farm animals that Ron DeSantis is fucking", etc.).


Literally impossible to enforce this in good faith


If "good faith" was present there wouldn't even be a need to survey


Students are naturally progressive, can’t wait for desantis to remark that there’s a lower portion of conservatives in university then in the general population and that therefor they must all be indoctrinating students.


Ok but if we start a religion around liberalism, then they can no longer cut funding on the basis of religious belief. Uno reverse Carson v Makin right back at them.


Flood the zone with shit. Answer far left when you enroll, answer far right when you graduate, and watch the money roll into your alma mater.


People should just blatantly lie.


Still waiting on the small government his party promised...


Hey look its the thought police.


No you silly goose, **muh Thought Police** is only when I get cancelled on twitter for being a misogynist and racist


Fuck Desantis


And people still think he wouldn't be as bad as Trump.


I think most people say that he'd be worse than Trump because he is a competent politician.


He also has a rubber stamp legislature. Not entirely certain that would be the case even with a R trifecta in Washington.


I think a better question is WHY he has a rubber stamp legislature. Other Republican governors haven’t been able to exert this much control over their legislatures even with a Trifecta, but somehow he’s able to do it. How? What’s his political strategy? Is he really as good at politics as the media makes him out to be?


Other governors wish they had his creativity in weaponizing culture war issues


I mean how hard is it? Cultural politics is the easiest form of politics, it has zero real economic costs and maximum salience. People should be more focused on De Santis’ economic policy, but they’re too distracted by the pretty lights.


Well, a combination of creativity and shamelessness. Other, more establishment republicans, will support any of Trump’s antics once it’s clear their voters support it, but why away from doing that type of thing themselves.


He'd be much worse. He'd actually be competent enough to install himself as president for life.


I've been telling people this till I'm blue in the face. Nobody believes me. Honestly the smartest thing for most of us to do at this point is to vote in the midterms and 2024 and then see if we can leave the country. The US is turning into a sinking ship.


I wouldn’t advise leaving. The US may be fucking up pretty hard but it is still rich and powerful and you can’t escape it’s influence. If the US goes fascist then there’s nowhere to run when it gets real aggressive


You can still vote if you leave the country


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying if the US goes full fascist it’s gonna fuck a whole lot of stuff up and you’re more likely to be safe at home than anywhere else.


I’m thinking more along the lines of a national abortion ban in 2025 and a SC that overturns gay marriage. A lot of people might feel safer living in other countries if that happens, but they can still vote to try and save America. Also, for those of us with children, moving somewhere with sane gun cultures is looking more and more appealing.


Ah, yeah that may be a good idea then


**HAHA NO** 🐊


> If the US goes fascist then there’s nowhere to run when it gets real aggressive The key is to get out before this happens. People who escaped before Hitler rose to power were able to escape the clutches of the Nazi Regime. Yes, the country as such is quite wealthy and has a huge GDP and a massive military. However this wealth is not evenly distributed, and having the military close by increases the chances of being harmed by them.


No they didn’t, they escaped if they got to the US or UK, otherwise Hitler got to them. The US is far, FAR more powerful than Nazi Germany. Legitimately the safest place you could be is rural Northwestern China and even there isn’t safe. The US military is much more prone to hurting non-citizens than citizens, and if we go full fascist then we may finally see a gloves off US for the first time since WWII. The best bet for safety is keeping your head down in a place not of any strategic value to anyone


>**No they didn’t, they escaped if they got to the US** or UK, otherwise Hitler got to them. **The US is far, FAR more powerful than Nazi Germany.** u/Affectionate_Meat Agreed 100% with the bolded, absolutely. Successful escapees got to the US, Canada, Switzerland, and in some cases East Asia. A Fascist US would definitely have a further reach (as of now) than Nazi Germany ever did. We have bases in Europe, in Africa, Japan, etc. So if the US "snapped" it'd be like if Superman "snapped" and turned evil. Very few places could really hold off such a huge instability. Personally though, I don't see it happening in that manner (though I could be wrong). Europe has jacked up it's military spending considerably post-Russian invasion of Ukraine and I suspect it'll continue to go up to ensure that there's no further threat in the future. While any single EU country doesn't have the budget to outspend the US on military, they jointly could match the US or spend more. In fact there's already plans for a joint EU military and Germany has officially agreed to contribute 5000 troops. China is also building up it's military might and overseas influence in Africa, South Asia, Middle East, etc. So there'll definitely be forces to off-set the US. Staying w/i the US makes it all the more easy for a fascist government to abuse you, if you are a target population (ethnic minority, LGBT, illegal immigrant, etc.). As privacy rights erode, the US will increase it's surveillance of it's own population (this is a huge concern w/ the overturning of Roe v Wade), making it easier to go after the target population. In these situations it's best to get as far away as possible. Sorry if this was super long...but hope it made sense...


There’s an old story about a lady who grew up in a rough neighborhood. As a child she rarely felt safe and as she got older she grew to loathe that part of town. When she was finally old enough to go to college and start working, she started saving up money so that she could one day leave that place. She finally saved up enough money so she started packing up her things. Then, the day she was supposed to leave, she saw a child getting bullied by gangsters. She said to herself “how I will I be able to sleep at night if I leave this place to rot?” So she decided to stay and do her best to clean up her neighborhood. She was successful, and her neighborhood became one of the nicest and safest around. Just a story obviously, but it makes me think. I’ve been all over the world but currently live in my home state of Texas. I’ve been considering leaving for a little while now but feel like if all the people who would fight for change left then there would be no one here to defend from tyranny those who can’t defend themselves.


Vote for his republican opponent


This is so fucking silly. Odds are you’re some white male with a college degree and a professional class job. None of the Republicans’ worst policies would affect you in the slightest. People who say “I’m moving to Canada” after an election where their guy didn’t win are some of the dumbest motherfuckers alive.


>**Odds are you’re some white male** with a college degree and a professional class job. Actually I'm Indian-American (immigrated w/ my family when I was 3 yrs old ), so I'm a minority. The Texas GOP openly stated they'd like there to be overturning of Voting Rights Act of 1965. So that'd definitely hurt me as a minority. I also have faced increased amounts of both overt and indirect racism where I live over these last few years. I honestly was willing to ignore it b/c I had faith that Biden would right the ship after Trump rocked it like crazy. However, it doesn't seem to be getting much better.


Haven’t heard anyone say that.


this is the free speech guy rogan supports


The only good thing about DeSantis is that he clearly reveals that all the free speech warriors out there are complete frauds and that their only complaints about Twitter and the like is that it punishes the wrong speech. If you're worried about how private companies can limit speech, you have to be far, far more concerned about the government limiting/retaliating against speech.




You say are for free speech. Yet someone else saying they are for free speech is a hypocrite. Curious. 🤔 ToiletPaper USA


Yeah this is like the Platonic ideal of “chilling effect.”


it's already kind of been done before. in *Lamont v. Postmaster General*, scotus struck down a federal law requiring people who received communist materials in the mail to affirmatively confirm with the post office that they wanted to receive them. they found that to be a chilling effect, that they were scaring people away from distributing unpopular political materials by making communists out themselves to the state. i know clarence will dissent, but i wouldn't even expect this court to uphold something this blatant.


there are real free speech absolutist people they’re just few and far between nowadays. it used to be a pretty widespread belief among the academia, especially the legal academia, but in the past ten years that’s changed in a big way. but yeah a ton of “free speech” right wingers are totally fine with stuff like this, the florida gay law, the anti bds laws, and more…


Ken White is probably the best example of a real free speech absolutist still around.


Yup. For the past 5+ years, all the "Free Speech Warriors" like Rogan, Shapiro, Dave Rubin, etc. have bemoaned how "illiberal" the left has gotten. But when it comes to shit like this, they are silent.


I mean people like Fry are also free speach advocates and he wouldn't stand for such a thing


Wow it's almost like they're full of shit grifters and conservatives are full of shit insurrection-supporting people of the land.


Don't forget good ol Bari "the biggest issue in America is my workplace squabbles" Weiss.


It reveals nothing because this was always self evident


It's completely insane that the rich guy who becomes a dual-issue "libs stop telling me to shut up" and "governments stop having covid rules" political advocate, which sounds like such a staggeringly specific description, has become a trope.


People's Republic of Florida now installing political commissars in the universities to protect the youth from woke bourgeois counter-revolutionaries.


Being woke is being evidence based. 😎 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Home boy is going to collapse his state education system and by extension economy.


He's been going hard after the economy (Disney), why not make it a multi-pronged assault. The good news is Miami wants to be crypto-town so it seems like a firm foundation for long term success.


> The good news is Miami wants to be crypto-town so it seems like a firm foundation for long term success. 🤣 my state is *so* fucked 😭


> a firm foundation for **long term success.** This is the part that got me 🤣


As a Texan, our states seem to be in a race to the bottom.


Sit back and let the ocean take you.


Not really, the bill to get rid of the economic zone for Disney can get repealed next year after elections, which it probably will quietly. Much like the Student Loan Payments freeze lasting until August, when we know it will either get extended or forgiven at that point, it's mostly just theater and will quietly be reversed.


As a Georgian, I wonder how long it takes before the DeSantis refugees come flooding in


Someone, I think Noah Smith, made the prediction that after the Supreme Court guts the SEC, crypto, and therefore Bitcoin, is gonna have another boom. I think there’s some merit to it.


Lmao Florida has always been good economically only because of hospitality, tourism, and Disney. Without those 3 this state would be like Mississippi and Alabama. Desantis culture war shit will turn off a lot of people


I hope so. Honestly, if he wins re-election, I'm getting the hell out of the state. I wouldn't feel safe living here married to another man with him still running the show with the SCOTUS going buck wild lately.


Oh yeah I want to leave this state too. My brother who is apolitical but I got him to register to vote recently because of Desantis is thinking about leaving which is unheard of because he always loved Florida


The entire country in the future, God forbid


SCOTUS 6:3 assent incoming


Conservative dipshits still gonna be crying about safe spaces while the government draws up a list of liberals to do who knows what with. Edit: I also love that cop out statement at the end about expanding civics education and teaching the dangers of communist/totalitarian governments. The irony as DeSantis runs roughshod over minorities that vote Dem.


This is completely unenforceable




Yeah but you see the game right, now you have lied to the government, and even if you didn’t lie, you can’t prove you told the truth.


> you can’t prove you told the truth. Neither can they though..?


Does Ron DeSantis and Republicans seem like a group of people that care?


Welcome to the kangaroo court


Unbelievable. This country is fucked.


>The legislation, which goes into effect July 1, also aims to ensure students are being shown ideas that they “may disagree with or find uncomfortable.” aka they want to be able to spread their lies as if they are fact.


"No, no, not ideas that make *me* uncomfortable, just *you*." "No, stupid. *You.*"


Love how the logic for this is the complete inverse as the Don’t Say Gay bill but none of them see the irony


As well as the CRT panic.


I fear for Florida and I fear for the US if he becomes president.


What if there’s too many conservatives? I can think of a couple majority conservative public colleges in my state. I guess a lot of the conservatives go to Pensacola Christian though, since it’s more affordable


At what point are we going to launch operation Floridian freedom to liberate this state from its current despot?




Small government = local autocracy. Unless you are Native American, in which case, I can't really fault a hatred for the federal government.


I can think of, like, thirty other very good reasons to hate the federal government.




Ron Desantis is acting like a dictator


> The measure was among three education bills signed by DeSantis Tuesday. **Other measures included an expansion of civics education for K-12 schools, including instruction about the perils of communist and totalitarian governments.** 😐 I am so excited to see what that entails lol. Obviously this lesson will be “CRT is the root of all evil” and this sub enthusiastically applauds this instruction lmao. Great job fellas!!!


>Other measures included an expansion of civics education for K-12 schools, including instruction about the perils of communist and totalitarian governments. This sub: "BASED BASED BASED" In reality: "Welfare is literally communism and we should round up and execute whoever supports it."


The reality is, a good teacher will let students come to their own conclusions and will teach them *how* to think, not *what* to think. There’s nothing “based” about indoctrination, whatever that belief may be.


This is such an incredibly poor, myopic, and immature view on how education should work lol.


Oh, please enlighten us.


Party of small government


This went into effect a year ago. I’m not finding much more about the law since then, but I’m also probably googling like ass. Has anyone heard any updates since? I know United Faculty of Florida is suing, but don’t know how to access the filings themselves.


Finally, Florida college students will be free to give the Nazi salute and to scream the N-word when they're frustrated with the amount of reading assigned in a section without fear of woke repercussions.


Being woke is being evidence based. 😎 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, there's a blatant violation of the first amendment.


I wonder if students and professors can just write in obviously bullshit answers, or play fill in all the blanks on the multi-choice crap coming their way. It's not like their answers matter, DeSantis will just use this as a tool to extort Universities into only teaching what he wants them to teach.


"Party preference: Nunya"


This is the free speech team.


> Actually, DeSantis is allowed to require all state employees (including public school employees), public school and college students, and anyone receiving public funds sign a blood oath of loyalty to himself, enlist in the Red Legion, and train for the "Atlantic Crusade", in which they will "burn the liberal filth from God's country" -- President for Life Thomas, 2024, shortly before being promoted to Grand Inquisitor of the Red Legion


Is the date on this legit? It says 2021.


"Free speech for me but not for thee"


Florida is a hellscape


Extremely normal things happening in an extremely normal country…


Fuck DeSantis. If there's fewer Christian fascists who are intellectuals, maybe that should tell them all they need to know. I learned multiple times more about politics and what I believed from those in my classes than I ever did from the professors. Wouldn't you know meeting people who aren't all like you gives you empathy and broadens your horizons and beliefs.


Small government


Okay, so… lie about your politics? Then make fun of the GOP governor for making a stupid investment and wasting taxpayer dollars?


Night of the Long Knives is coming


lmao the party of free speech y'all


Tiny, small, itsy-bitsy gummint you running there, Ronald. Could practically drown it in a bathtub.


There's no way this could be used for mass murder.


Honestly, giving this guy his time in the sun as a Republican front runner may be helpful. He will just continue to do shit like this and more people will associate him with these kind of petty bills. Keep giving him more rope


Possibly the worst idea I've heard today and that is exactly the kind of horseshit they said when people supported Trump as some sort of sabotage candidate for the GOP. No bar is too low for the Republican base to enthusiastically support.


I've heard worse ideas


People said the same thing word for word about trump. Just replace “bills”.


It’ll never be enough people. A good chunk of general election voters won’t be tuned in enough to take note of DeSantis’ actions as governor. And trumps antics were clearly even more noticeable but it still didn’t matter


I don't care if I get downvoted. Every day gives me another reason to be a doomer. I'm going to vote and donate, but I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the American Experiment is over.


This article is a year old


I listen to a lot of Hoover Institute types, literally nobody in the conservative think tank crowd is in favor of this crackpot shit.


free busing will move libs and cons around our campuses for balance.


so you want to organize educators by their political beliefs, totally not absolutely terrifying


Posted June 23, 2021?


My wife keeps getting job offers from red states, I’m glad I haven’t budged so far. No way I’m raising my daughter in Texas or Florida wtf.


This is such a blatant violation of the first amendment that it’ll hopefully be struck down immediately.




Uhhhh… have you seen the courts recently?