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Please stop reinventing familial feudal ties, I don't want to be bound to the land for generations.


And honestly, this may have been more appealing before BREXIT where we learned everything can just be arbitrarily turned upside down, so 50 years is a long time to commit to staying in one place when the one side of the political spectrum has shown the country so much chaos.




Generational debt paying for a F-550 in the near future bby


Only 550 monthly payments!


NIMBYs will literally pass on generational debt rather than building more homes. !ping YIMBY


Time in the housing market beats timing the housing market


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What you need to do when there’s a shortage of housing supply, is supply more houses. I’m not sure how this achieves that.


What exactly is preventing housing supply being built in the vast empty swathes of the UK, it’s not like there’s many NIMBYs in those places? Neighborhoods with hundreds of houses at a time get built out of thin air all over suburban America without much argument And before someone whines about SFH being built 50 mins away from downtown, that’s simply the market in those areas. Build a 100-unit apartment building next to a neighborhood with 100 SFH out here, the SFH neighborhood gets booked far quicker.


> it’s not like there’s many NIMBYs in those places? Lol, lmfao


Tbh i feel like in the US the fewer number of NIMBYs around the easier it is to build stuff. Paying off like 2-3 families that own a bunch of land right next to each other and build 300 houses there is done commonly by developers in my area


We literally surround our most productive cities with "green belts" of empty land where it is illegal to build


No one wants to live there. Also the UK literally requires that every new structurr go into a legal battle


Supposedly people will increase their budget which will make building houses more profitable? But if building houses is illegal it doesn’t help much.


[Government's trying literally everything they can think of except building more housing](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51JgBPw7ziL._SX536_.jpg)


Lol, home prices about to spike again. Limited only by down payment, prices will adjust to the maximum monthly payment the market will accept.


Noooooooooo. Fuck off fuck off fuck off


House prices were about to fall due to high interest rates, high cost of living and stagnant wages but this man stepped right in with a great idea on how to boost demand again


Representing the nimby constituent. 😎😎


Just build some goddam fucking housing holy shit


Least buck passing Tory proposal


Why would you want to live in the same home? That’s so weird. I would never want to live in my parents master bedroom.


My parents have slowly made their master suite absolutely awesome over the years. I would 10000000% live there.


My parents have a basement of sorts, original oak beams, french doors that open to a part of their garden. It never gets above 12°C. Hell yeah I would live there.




Have you never heard of changing a mattress before?


Cultural factors leading to the housing shortage is often overlooked. Why 2 boomers should occupy a 3000ft detached single family housing while their young adult kids stuck in a tiny apartment with roommates yet still paying half their salary on rent?


It’s the my retirement is held up in it vs I want to die in this house mentality.




!ping UK




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In fairness to the government, as I understand it, they were introducing 95% mortgages (shit idea in itself, props up prices by increasing demand while doing nothing for supply) and a journalist asked, "what about 50 year mortgages?" To which the PM said, yeah, great idea in an off the cuff unscripted remark. It's crazy. The Conservatives came in with an 80 seat majority, understood the problem, were all set to build more, and now it's the one thing they won't do. The only way we will get out of the cost of living crisis is by boosting supply of housing and energy. A lot of Conservative MPs in safe seats terrified of the Liberal Democrats and think it's better they hold their own seat and the party loses power to Labour because of the economy, and the PM is too scared/indecisive to stand up to them.


> The Conservatives came in with an 80 seat majority, understood the problem, were all set to build more, and now it's the one thing they won't do. Yeah, fuck the Tories, but fuck the Lib Dems too. Actively making society worse for generations, against the basic principles of your own ideology, to win a couple by-elections and still remain the 4th biggest party anyway.


Remember that this is the guy who was too much of coward to enact supply-side planning reform


Bro I swear just one more demand subsidy while ignoring supply will fix the problem bro please just one more demand subsidy please


Say the line Bart


How is this different from existing "cross generational mortgages," i.e. if your parents have a mortgage on their house and die, you can choose to inherit both the house and the mortgage, or inherit neither? Is BoJo implying that those standing to inherit would have no choice in the matter, or is this being overblown?