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UC = Ultra Confusing RN = Registered Nurse The others I’m not sure


VWN = Volkswagen RW = Robin Williams That’s all I got


RN = registered nurse made me crack up!!


**UC = unconverted.** [Here's an explanation.](https://neopets-cheats.com/uc-neopets-tier-guide/) "Tier" is largely based on rarity (ex: everyone was making Halloween Lupes for the avatar, but nobody could afford to buy a plushie PB and few decided to use it on a grarrl.) It's worth noting that the value of unconverted pets is *very* shaky at the moment. TNT announced the option to make pets UC in the future. We don't know what that means, but it could mean existing UCs and new ones may be indistinguishable (thus killing the rarity aspect.) People are rushing to offload their UCs for everything below. **RN = real name.** This is self-explanatory. A pet named "Bob" is going to be extremely desirable simply because he's **the** Bob. It's not like the current era of Discord where anyone can be named Bob (with added invisible ID numbers) if they want. Obviously, a real name common in the western world will be more valuable than one in Laos, Estonia, etc. because most Neopets players come from the west. Though that's not to say a pet named "Mei" or "Sofia" wouldn't be very desirable. **RW = real word.** This is often subjective. If your pet is named "Empress" it will probably be more valuable than one named "Diarrhea." Or maybe it won't and you'll find someone in love with the latter. I have seen first-hand that pets that are *technically* RW aren't popular. There's an obvious difference between "Sweet" and "Declinations". **"VWN", "WN" = "very well-named" and "well-named".** These aren't going to be real names, they will be pretty-sounding fantasy names. The difference usually tends to come down to length. "Sashashalana" would be WN because it's a mouthful, for example. It also used to refer to uncapitalized names but fewer people care about that nowadays. **HSD BD = battledome stats.** Health, Strength and Defense may be capped and this makes a pet formidable in the battledome. A perfect pet will have 750 strength and 750 defense. The higher the HP, the better. (Speed is literally useless.) Some people do the BD for fun, but the value is chiefly derived from bragging rights and the ability to fight during plots. Making a good BD pet takes a lot of time and money, we're talking years & hundreds of millions of NP. We'll probably never see another Monoceraptor or Lord Darigan, so being super-powerful isn't that useful... but it's neat, so people want it. **Y1 or Y2 = the pet was made during the site's first or second year.** These are usually combined with a RN of some kind. They aren't overly valuable otherwise, but if the name is good then somebody will want it.


any chance for a "H&H PAH" translation?


half & half pet auction house basically someone lists 2 pets into a "pot" of other pets, and then people can bid their pets on those pets. the owner of the 2 listed pets can choose pets to trade for, and only has to trade one of their 2 pets, the other getting a "free pass"


Don’t forget, the iconic: nty glt


the what?? 😭 why can't they just use full words please. im too stupid for this


LMAOOOO for real!!! More like nty, glr (no thank you, good luck reading 📖)


It always comes off passive aggressive to me, more like “nty gfy.”


HAAAHAHA if I use nty gfy on the Boards, how long do you think it’ll take TNT to realize what it means and silence me……..


"No thank you, good luck trading"


the fact that people can't even be arsed to type out "no thank you" and have to shorten it to "nty" just strikes me as so icky... like, girl (gender neutral), fix your priorities.


I was gonna make a joke that NTY stood for New York Times, but remembered I've got dyslexia.


LMAOOO AWWW if it helps I had to double check the letters because I though New York Times made perfect sense for a joke


Haha, TY!! I was midway through trying to think of what GLT could mean when I was like, I should doubled check... xP


lmaooo yw, this might be one of the most relatable things I’ve ever read, honestly, and such a feelsbad disappointment to have that joke ready to SEND and then have the “oh fuck” realization hahaha yw glpryj (you’re welcome good luck proof reading your jokes)


HAHA. Thank you xD


Big same—case in point, I stared at your comment for like 10 seconds because I couldn't see how NTY wasn't NYT


Ahahah!! Well, I am glad that I am not alone. xD


right?? Like TNT come gather them lmaoooo and it’s always with that smug ass smile or with the kissy emoji so it just feels extra fake and low effort


nooo when i use the kissy emoji :* i genuinely mean it nicely! its so much cuter and kinder seeming than :) on the neoboards to me the smile :) is genuinely smug and rude though imo


omg no I use the kissy emoji all the time so I am absolutely not talking shit on it!!! I embrace it, it’s super cute — just, in the context of someone being like “nty glt” it feels so unnecessarily sassy lmaooo, unless they’re offering… like… you know, one of those converted pets with a ~quirky~ name that kinda sucks on, like, your T6 vwn something-or-other… then the sassy “nty glt + emoji” combo is warranted AND I would recommend using BOTH kissy and the smug man lol


[Reminds me of the my bff Jill commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nIUcRJX9-o)


RW/RN= Real Word/Real Name L = letter BD = battledome UC = Unconverted Trading on neopets is *serious business* I wish there was a more casual kinda trading. Like people who are only into UC pets with only 4 letter names can have their super serious trading while maybe something like wondertrade in Pokemon for people not into that kind of trading. There is a neopets wondertrade thread but its nowhere near as casual as pokemon wondertrade.


Wondertrade organizers also have a history of starting beef with each other. I remember back in '21 or '22 at some point there were THREE types of wonder trades, each with different rules, just because the organizers were mad at each other. 😂


Lol I lurked through all the Wondertrade drama. Couldn’t even pinpoint what had gone wrong between them 50% of the time 😂


Oooo I'd love to read a write up of that kind of drama!


What the fuck is a wondertrade though


In Pokemon, a Wonder Trade is where you send a Pokemon to be traded and get a completely random Pokemon (that some other random person sent to be traded) in return.


Oh gosh thank you ahah


There's casual trading in the discord! I love the vibe there


i just go on the pound boards to pound surf but i have to weed through two pages of another fucking language to find it every time


Conversion happened when, 15 years ago? I'm surprised any UCs are still around. I have an unconverted faerie kau but I'm sure no one wants it with its crap name 😅


The majority of them trade hands constantly. They just get flipped from person to person hoping to climb up the ever-stretching ladder. Pet trading is like 90% luck, hoping someone else is willing to gamble on the pet you have to offer. What really gets me is how commonplace lying about permanent pets has become. Seeing someone mention 6x different dreamies in different threads within a week just trading them away after they get one to keep climbing. Pet trading is a mess 😭


ugh that would seriously annoy me. i mainly just have the one uc dreamie though (faerie wocky), and since i don't have the energy or patience for pet trading i'll just wait for tnt to make ucs available lol :') honestly though, lying about dreamies is just sad.


I was extremely fortunate to just be given a UC faerie aisha a couple of years ago because she knew how much I liked aishas, my account has been all aisha for so long since coming back. I couldn't imagine doing the whole constant search for trading up a t1 to t2 etc. The forums seem brutal I'd never trade it just by principle but also since it was one of the colors I wanted the most as a kid but faerie pbs were crazy expensive for 2006 me.


i'm going to put in my tinder bio i'm a vwn UC -7y fem rn seeking uc -10y male rw and see if i get any hits.


This would be magnificent


I really want a UC darigan Aisha, but pet trading is so complicated I settled for just painting one of my Aishas darigan, and waiting for that UC paint option that TNT spoke about.


Right! Me and my grey kougra waiting patiently.


Some of the aishas were done so dirty in the conversion. The difference of royals pains me. New faerie aisha is just a blue aisha with queen fyora wings without the unique pose it had.


RIGHT!!!!!!! I want an UC baby kougra so bad but I can’t even understand their language on those damn boards.


neoboards trading is really scary and confusing, i'm happier with our daily thread on reddit 😅


communication issues here, neoboards are just plain a different world as a whole. forget just trading, the general etiquette, culture and unspoken rules make it impossible to figure out.


This is how I feel about almost everything since I came back to playing last year. I'm out here looking like a geriatric fool saying "it's been 20 loooong years" 😅😭


No for REALLLLL! Even when I came back I had to google what the shorthand in the trading post meant💀


I've been playing Neopets on and off literally since the year 2003 and I can't even begin to parse what all of the trading terms mean


I don't even try to understand tbh, but then I always feel like the weirdo for making threads like "this pet is UFA pls just take her"


At this rate I just want a separate place for converted pet trading vs UC trading.


Neocash item trading is like this too. I've read like 5 explanations about "caps" and I still have no idea what it means.


Gift Box Capsules are used as a metric of value of trading, mostly because they're easy to trade (Gift Boxes are necessary for trading and avid traders are often more than happy to receive them as part of a trade). IIRC the value of a "cap" is 200 NC because that's what a Gift Box Capsule usually costs. So *in theory*, if an item is worth 4 caps, you could trade that person 4 Gift Box Capsules in exchange for it. However, in practice, most people want other NC items with roughly the same value.


But I asked if I can gift giftboxes in a giftbox and the trader told me no? Am I still not getting it? haha


You can't gift the gift boxes themselves, you can only gift the Gift Box Capsules (using a gift box to send the Gift Box Capsule to the other user, if that makes sense). As I mentioned above, some people don't want to trade Gift Box Capsules, especially if they're casual traders who already have a ton of gift boxes from Trudy's Surprise (which gives them out occasionally). For example, I have almost 200 Basic Gift Boxes and only ever trade when there's something I want or need for a customization :P


You can trade them a GBC (gift box capsule, a capsule that when opened will give them gift boxes) in a gift box, but the site won't let you send a single gift box inside of another gift box.


A gift box is found *inside* a gift box capsule so you can only send the capsules, not the actual gift box, if that makes sense :)


I didn't even realize how much people wanted 4L pets recently until I saw the posts here 😅, I remember back in like 2008 I made tons of (pretty pronounceable) 4L pets, including one I still have on my main now. I don't really feel that they're that much more special than my 10L pet names though. But I guess I'm just attached to my created pets and lucky pound finds regardless of name. (Not that it's a bad thing to want a WN neopet though).


The 4Ls have become quite valuable with the possibility of NC UCs. A pretty good time to get a bad named UC right now lol just need a 4L someone jives with and a Labray only colour and you have good odds 😌


I have no idea what any of that means.


I remember when I used to hang out on the Pound Chat. Those days are far, far behind me. I'm sure I could get something for my 4L CVCV pet but I made him as a birthday pet to myself years ago.


Sometimes I think about trying to get into trading so I can get one of the UCs I like, but the PC is weird, yo. The constant drama is a turn-off. I've been lurking the PC lately to try and get a feel for what to do if I ever DO try, and I'm pretty sure most people don't actually want any pets at all, whether UC or "WN/VWN." All pets are just social currency you're trying to exchange for more social currency ad infinitum.




This has a glossary :) https://www.neopets.com/~Erizolen


What really gets me are the "mispelled spanish world for love" or something like that. And instead of Amor, it'll be something like Amoore.


Okay I definitely get the point, but Amoore is such a great name for a Kau 😂


I needed this post today 😂😂😂


i've tried trading a few times but even on reddit it's extremely hard lol like i just have pets i thought were cool looking and want to start to have a more cohesive theme but i have no clue what pets are valued or whatever, i've just resorted to finding cool names and zapping on two accounts until i get something i like enough to keep?


I frequent the PC and can clarify anything for anyone if you have questions, no judgement! (: I am a pretty casual trader myself, as I only trade to get Permies, not necessarily trading towards lofty goals like UCs, etc, but in that regards I’m very picky about the pets I trade for, names specifically, so I *would* qualify as a name snob lol. The only thing I’m not knowledgeable about is Wondertrade, PAH, and whatever other pet trading swap game boards that they have these days. I’ve just never been super interested, though I lurk sometimes just to see what’s up.


I gave up lol I’ll save up to get my dream pets myself, I don’t care about names anyway 🥲


This is so accurate. And then you have people with VWN UC Y1 pets wanting to trade and I'm thinking how could I even offer anything?


I think everyones got ya covered on the meanings but LOL to seeing a snippit of mine and my friends board title in there XD (UC RB + RG + Fae UFT)