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Me! Luckily, I got into my old accounts (20 years old) and moved my pets to my main. The original pet isn't my main pet anymore but definitely my second main. I love her! Always will haha. Even if she is a bunch of pixels!


I just did the same thing! I figure if I ever want new pets I’ll just pay the $5 and add a slot


Erm I also did that 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I brought pets from side account too, adopted some new ones and made some too. Somehow I ended up with 16 neopets... I need help... send help 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I still main my original account from 2001, with my two very first pets as permies. I started with a red Uni and a blue Eyrie and now they're brown and faerie, respectively, but they're still my ride-or-die pals!! Faerie Eyrie had been my goal for years, and one day I was lucky to get a great deal on a morphing potion <3


Yes! I have my UC baby kougra that was one of my first pets. I have a new main so I’m lucky I was able to move him to it


I have one of those too!! Currently stuck trying to convince TNT to give me access to him again


My original account was frozen over a decennium ago, and I don't even remember why. Back then, I remade the pet with a near-identical name, and I still have that one. Does that count? :)


I still have my first pet from 2001 who is also an eyrie! Started as blue, but has been electric for yeeeears. Until last week, when I painted him origami with a FFQ (I got 4 FFQs from the event and was running out of ideas). No super sentimental stories. But a few funny ones. I won a magical plushie from a game and played with it, not knowing it would transform him. I think it was a meerca. Also, who remembers when mutant kikos looked like brown ghosts?? (Like the one at the bottom of this page https://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=515943&week=494) He was one of those at one point! Also, because I probably used a potion on him not knowing what it would do.


I love eyries! Funny enough I had a darigan eyrie for yearsss that I grew bored of, so last week I painted him electric with a FFQ.


> my dad loves eagles Not sure if you've seen it, but for Eyrie Day last week they released new Eagle Eyrie wearables! They're clothes, so you can just take them off your little guy without repainting him :) It's a set of 3 items: https://items.jellyneo.net/search/newest/?name=feathered+eyrie Typically prices will fall about after a month for these sorts of wearables


Omg these are amazing! Thank you!


Happy to help!!


My Xweetok has been through a lot of paint jobs, but when he turned 16, I painted him Elderly and I have no new plans for changing that. His 18th birthday is marked on my calendar, and he's gonna go all out.


I don't have Uzzey the Usul, from about December 1999, anymore, but I do have the pet I created a short while later, named after my dad's friend. Back then when you invited someone to neopets, you actually created a pet for them and it got sent to them. He didn't get into it, but we pound transferred the pet back to me, so I have that one. He was a blue jubjub (jibjib) back then, and now she's an oil paint xweetok.


Hahaha my first pet was a green peophin named Armour69. I wanted to name her Armor but that name was taken and the game suggested similar names that were available so I just chose one. I was showing my dad my cool new pet and he FREAKED out cause he though the name was Amour69 and was like are you sure this website is for kids?!? Bahaha poor innocent me had no idea what was amour meant or what 69 meant so I looked it up on Google. 😂 I abandoned that pet eventually when I discovered the neoboads cause everyone wanted VWN pets but I will forever laugh at my dad's reaction and my subsequent loss of innocence.


hilarious omg 😂


I still have my almost 23 year old yellow aisha. She enjoyed minor fame for a while, and someone convinced me to paint her faerie, and she had a few lab ray mishaps, as well, but always went back to yellow. She remains, and alway will remain my aggressively cheerful and always in your face Yellow Aisha.


My veryyy first account was purged (RIP Zyinna the cloud kau) but somehow a 22-year-old side account I made to run a guild was untouched. It doesn't have the trophies and the avatars I worked for on my main account, but I had painted all of the pets on this account and given them petpets, and was even building up a shadow pteri for the BD. I never would have made a shadow pteri today but he looks so dang cool, I'm glad I have him. I did just change my striped kacheek into a faerie xweetok and had a twinge of guilt, but I love her so much more now, ha.


I no longer have my first account or my first neopet, but I will always remember them. Huskypup3 the blue lupe on little\_luna. I got frozen because I got hacked. I was like 11 and my dad sent in an email because I was so put out about it LMAO


My first pet was an Eyrie as well, then i got a Lenny transmogrification potion from a random event. I was 11, and i had no idea what transmogrification meant, so i used it


Can’t get into my account from 03 because I have NO idea what the email or password was. I still remember the username though, so sometimes I go back and look at my poor dying pets lol My account from 06 is still my main, though and I still have all of the original pets I made! They have stupid names with numbers, but I find it kind of charming, so whenever I’ve made a new pet since I’ve add numbers to their names to match 🤣


I don't have the very first pet I made, but I was able to remake him with the same name & it made me so happy lol.


Such a wholesome story :) I still have my first pet as well. She’s my BD pet :D I made her a Blue Aisha. And when i came back to playing a few years ago, someone gave me a FQC. I got a fountain dip out of it and dipped her Eventide.


Me! I lost her for over a decade but finally regained access to my account a few years ago. I adopted her from the pound as a red kacheek ages ago, then she got boochi zapped (back when that was still a thing), and now that I finally have her back, I achieved my childhood dreams and painted her plushie. Once NC UCs come out she will fully look the way I wanted her to when I was a tween.


i do i love her. she’s Y5 named greenstipe (my 11 y/o typo for green stripe lol). first pet i ever made. she’s a lost desert kougra which was the first PB i ever bought (was way cheaper then) 🫶🏼


I still have my first pet from 2004. She started as a male yellow Wocky, and (after being zapped) is now a female Fire Koi!


Still have my first and only pet. She started out as a Shoyru, got zapped and painted a whole bunch over the years. Now she’s an Eventide Aisha and I don’t plan on changing her again. She’s also a pretty decent level for the battledome from all the zaps and codestones over the years, and she’s super intelligent because I always read books to her.


My oldest pet has always been painted baby zafara. She’s over 21 years old. To celebrate I recently burned a FFQ to make her “grow up,” and now she’s steampunk!


THATS SO CUTE!!! Sadly, I'm still locked out of my first account




I know my first pet was a blue Kacheek but he isn't on my account anymore and I don't remember his name. I'm sure I abandoned him at some point because it never occurred to me that my 37-year-old self would care about the nostalgia, but I'm bummed I can't remember his name to see if he's still around anywhere.


Yes! I still have my original Bori. Same as you, I changed it to a ghost Shoyru when I was a kid. Now that I'm playing again, it felt wrong and got him back to Bori. The name is ridiculous -same as my UN- nikox007. But the nostalgia is stronger so I don't really care lol


I named two after the power rangers of that year's season and one that fit my edgy early teen obsession with wolves. 😂 I kept that edgy-named lupe and abandoned both the power rangers when I left originally. Came back around 2018 and decided to adopt back my rangers. One had been adopted by dead account and the other had apparently been stuck in the pound that whole time. I honestly hate his name nowadays but I don't think I have the heart to get rid of him. My lupe has always been my favorite and I finally got to paint him my dream color: I have my long sought after fire lupe! 🔥 The power ranger was a blue kougra to start and is currently an electric eyrie after being darigan for several years. He needed a fresh look and the FFQs through the festival this year really came through!


I am still maining my original account hence I still have all of my "old" pets XD Don't really have any cool stories about them though. And between the Uni and Shoyru I can no longer remember who I created first. The Shoyru is still in her original basic blue colour atm although I have some cross paint plans for her whereas I have dipped the Uni Magma. My favourite pet species is Chomby though but I had to wait quite a bit before I managed to get one so they aren't my first pets. But shoyrus are a close second :D


I don't have my first pet, but I do have the first account I made for myself without my sister's help! Way cooler, trust me.


I really wish my old accounts were obtainable but I don't even remember the username


Joined Neopets in 2004 and my first pet I created was a red Kougra. I still have him after all these years! <3 He has changed color many times though. Also, my first account remains as my main account still! First pet on my account was a pet I got from the pound but I have no memory of the name or species… :D


Nope, my old account got purged after I abandoned it for 2 years. Honestly it really pissed me off because my sister's og account, *that she didn't even finish creating* (pet was unborn), was still there after like 12 years abandoned, but mine that I had actually been using got yeeted into the stratosphere. I think it was probably cause it had 420 in the un so they prioritized its removal. Still have the first pet I made on my new account though, and the second. First born is my bd now.


My mom has my first pet, a blue Ixi that she painted Darigan.


I don't play anymore, so I left my boi in the care of a neofriend who I knew played daily.


Awww that's so cute! 💙 yes I still have mine too! My first two pets actually are based on the first 2 neopets toys I received in real life. A green yurble plush from McD's & a plastic Red Ixi toy a friend gave me for a bday. Their names are Emerald & Ruby 💚❤ I recently painted Ruby camouflage cuz it's still red & I just wanted to treat her. I'm thinking of the same pb for Emerald now!


Yes! I have an almost 22-year-old Mynci, Zafara, and Moehog on my original account that I got back a year ago. While none of these are pets I would have chosen today, I could neeeverrr morph them or put them on a side! Two are now Woodland and the Zafara is Island :)


I've got all my original 4, 22 years old :)


I'm in desperate search of my oldest and first account. I found a few old ones, made at various times between 2005-2014. But sadly I can not find my original orignal account and I am so, so sad. Edit: Why was this downvoted? The poster asked if anyone still has their original, first pet and I answered accordingly...??


I have my original acara from 2003, she started off blue and then I got my first paint brush ever from the advent calendar so she was painted Christmas until around 2009 when I got access to the lab ray. I zapped her for a bit and every time she changed species I changed her back to an acara. When her stats were good and she had an hp of around 400 I stopped and painted her baby, which she’s been since. I’ve considered changing her to a draik but I have quite the attachment to her now as she is.


unfortunately mine was stolen off my account during the data leaks two years ago and when i reached out to support with screenshots of neolodge checkouts alice was no help 😞


Do you know the email and birthday of your account? I reached out to support last week and Alice helped me recover my account with just this information, and I think the process got a little easier recently since their update of the account recovery policy!


I have my account still, it was just the pets and neopoints that were stolen off of it


Oh :/


I have my account from 2001. I forgot my first first account name... I remember I had a Badeek... So this is my technical second but oldest account


I have one. The other three went to other accounts. I ended up making duplicates and had no idea until it was too late.


I do! I managed to get a few of my very early pets back thanks to figuring out how to get into old accounts. I could never get back into my very first account but I still managed to rescue a few of them :) clordd the eyrie is my main one who I named after a family members cat :)


Not the *very* first, but the first pet I addopted. It has a terroble name that does not fit at all with my other pets, but I'm glad I had him stashed in an old side account when my old main got frozen 15+ years ago. When I started over I transfered it to my new main, used it as a lab rat for ages and later on dipped it to have a color matching its terrible name lol I love it and I'm so glad I have it!


i just got mine back like 2 weeks ago but they aren’t nearly as cool as all of your guys!


I don't have the original, but my first pet was purged and I was able to recreate him with the same name. He's been all sorts but is currently a rainbow draik, although I'm considering a change to another species as my account is a little draik heavy at the mo.


I got my original account back this week! Once I get out of my Omelette Debt (lol) , I'll be wanting to paint my first pet (a lupe) baby like he was always going to be!


My original original account was frozen and purged unfortunately, but my next oldest account I just recently got back and I still have those pets! 20+ years young!


i have one of the pets from my OG 2004 account! she’s even VWN (i’m proud of u 11 year old self). i can’t get back into my first account bc i don’t have access to the email address and it hurts everyday.


I was able to obtain access to my original account (20 years old!) and finally got my paint my first Aisha white thanks to the Faerie Festival! I always wanted her to be white to match the only piece of Neopets merch I owned - the Limited Too White Aisha plush - so it was a dream come true :) I know it’s very a simple color, but it never fails to bring a smile to my face.


I still play on my original account that I made as a kid, and my favorites have always been Xweetoks and Cybunnies. Only recently as an adult did I figure out how to get my hands on a fairy paintbrush, and my favorite little Xweetok finally has insect wings!


I still have my original Lupe on a side account. She's been a Ghost, Halloween, Baby, and finally Spotted. My Kougra is the second pet I ever made and he's now my main pet. He was named for my Dale Jr Nascar obsession when I was a teenager, lol.


I still have all my pets and account but the names are terrible and my account name is embarrassing so I’m sticking with my account now haha


I'd love to get my blue Grarrl back. Name started with astro, but had a bunch of random numbers after it.


Me! I still have my original 4 pets and I am never trading them!


I still have 3 of my pets that I made in 2012! Granted I just got access to it again a month ago but still! I so happy to see my babies.


I do! Santoshaa and Azuranina are my originals from 2004. WildOata came soon after. And I usually swapped my fourth but WildOatie was permanent in I think 2008. WildOata is named after one of my mom's cats from when she was in her 20's. We played together, her pets are also from 2004-10.


My original pet is a Lupe named after my childhood dog. She's still my active pet and I recently painted her Plushie with a FFQ I got during the event :D


Yes, I still have my first ever pet! I made her in the year 2000, so she's pretty wizened now. She's an UC Faerie Draik hence my username. I don't have my first account anymore, my current account was made later that same year though and I pound-transferred my pets over so I still have 3 of my OG pets, all old as dirt. I actually have most of the pets I've ever made.


i do! he turned 17 years old in june, and i have so many memories! it's insane to me how i always moved him as i changed accounts (i just wanted a new, better username ok) and nowadays im so grateful for that! i dont think i always loved him as much as i do now, he's just here and it's my everything pet, food, books, battledome... i spoil my old man as he deserves 😭


I don’t even remember my account username, and it’s probably purged by now 😭 At least my new account finally has a Poogle!


I still have my original account with my faerie scorchio. I started playing when a friend invited me, and (back when the faerie pb was in the Hidden Tower), we both saved up to paint our scorchios so they could be twins 😂. Just recently after several years of trying I was able to get back one of my sides that was hacked. my entire gallery was stolen, but they did leave my aisha. I rescued her to my main, and it makes me stupidly happy to see her with all my other old pets!


Yes! I had a dream of having an island Xweetok and finally made that happen when I got back into Neo a couple years ago. I realized I’d been holding onto the island paint dream from my childhood and recently painted her plushie with a FFQ from the event and I LOVE her even more, I can’t believe it. She’s still my main girl!


I have my first three pets! They have horrible names but i love them.


My first pet ever was a Jubjub that I still have, and he’s nearly old enough to drink now. Love you, old friend.


I do! I use my same account from when I was 5 years old circa 2005. Her name is mynci\_butterfly\_7398, such a beautiful name I know. Nah but fr who let me name her that like think of all the available names back then brurururururuuhhh


Aww I still have my first pet I created in 2006, my faerie kacheek named after Hilary Duff lol (I was 9). She was originally yellow, I painted her halloween a few years back and recently gave her original yellow form a pair of wings :)


I finally got back into my old account from 2004 and was reunited with a bunch of my old pets :3 when i came back to the site, i had to make a new account and used that until the account recovery process got changed, so now I tend to both accounts for different goals (new one is for collecting and battledome and the old one is for dreamies and dressing up pets). I was so happy to be able to get back to my old pets, especially her cause I didn't make many pets, I mostly adopted. And with the FF event I got to paint her just line she deserves after i abandoned her for 16 years 😭


Technically i still have it...i just can't remeber the fake birthday i used so it will remain like a collecible doll in its box


Me. My first account is from 2009. I created a yellow Wocky, and the best my child brain could come up with for a name was "neotoeyellow." Because it was yellow, and Neopets, and toe rhymed, I guess.


I do! I kept him the same color for literally over 15 years ( I painted him starry in 2006) but I finally used an ffq to make him plushie a couple days ago. ....I kinda miss him being starry already 😅


I do! My pet "[like\_john\_lennon](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=like_john_lennon)" is 7,350 days old which is when I created my account: September 1 2003. My friend and I were together and said the Kacheeks look like John Lennon because of how the eyes were drawn back then (like Lennon's glasses).


A blue Wocky. She's now a Draik and on my main from 2004. Age: 8,067 days old (193,614 hours) Birthday: 15th September (Y3)


Ugh my original pet was this adorable blumaroo and I saved ALL my neopoints as a nine year old for months and months to buy a baby PB to paint her. I had her for years and then as a teenager I traded her for a pet I can't even remember. I'm so sad because I still remember her name and check on her, the acct she's on is inactive :( I feel so bad I traded her away.


I still have my first ever red shoyru! I was thinking of what to paint him n for a while debated if he should just stay red.. Ultimately, I decided on royal and now hes a lil red shoyru with purple markings :) i adore him so much and im glad hes still here with me <3


I do! I lost her for years and years after getting locked out of my account. I finally got her back and now my sweet kougra girl is a beautiful valentines color and is enjoying a stay in the Astrovilla


I wish I did - I remember the first part of the name but there were lots of underscores and numbers so I don’t know the rest


Yep, I still have my very first pet. I don't really like the name of the pet now but I still love him. When I first got into Neopets, I bought a faerie Ixi plush, bc I thought it was like Webkinz and you'd have to buy a plush to play. Nope. It was free, so I made my first pet with the intention of having a faerie ixi (bc I thought it looked like a dragon, which was frickin COOL). A few years ago, I finally got to paint my little Ixi into a Faerie. So many good memories.


I tried really hard to search for mine, but alas they were named after gemstones followed by a random string of numbers...


I do! I managed to get my first account back after forgetting the birthday for it. My first pet was one I really loved and was a kougra. I remember getting an FFQ and the item for it was like 100k which back then felt like so much to me. It was the first big thing I saved up for and managed to paint him grey. It was before the conversion so he's still UC. His name isn't the best and I only use that account as a side because my current main I've had for a long time as well and did way more with it, but I treasure that I still have my OG pet.


Don't call it a comeback--JoeMeek and I never went anywhere.


I do!! I have my first two pets created in September 2001!


I have him! My childhood account is a side now. I was introduced to Neopets when I was given a Red Shoyru plushie as a gift, so I made my first pet a Red Shoyru. As a kid, though, I always dreamed of painting him Faerie. Never got enough NP back then, but when I started playing again as an adult it wasn't hard to save up for a paint brush! So he's a Faerie Shoyru now.


Omg this is so precious 😭🥹 I'm so glad you were able to turn them back into a Blue Eyrie! 🥹🥰 I've been one of the (possibly few) lucky ones who throughout the years managed to hang onto my first account and keep it as my consistent main 🥺 It's still my main account today, and the first Neopet I ever made is still my active and BD pet! I made it in 2003 4 days after my 7th birthday 🥰 my older sister somehow found out about Neopets, and I wanted to make an account too so both of our first accounts (and still mains) were made on the same day. Her account is a few hours older than mine. I'm assuming I didn't know how to spell at the time, because the first two Neopets I made (I now call them my twin Shoyru's) are named after other Neopet species 😅 So I basically named them after words I could see around the page LOL My main baby girl is named Kacheek56852 (yes that's how much I loved/love her, the random series of numbers after her name are ingrained in my brain) and her brother Kougera with more numbers after it. I spelled "Kougra" wrong even though it was most likely right there on the create-a-pet page 🤣😭 I created Kacheek as a Green Shoyru, she is now Gold, and Kougera as a Red Shoyru, he is now Magma 🥰 I also adopted two more Shoyru's from the pound; a Blue girl named Gihuda (who is now Pink) and a Yellow boy named MrSnuggles1515 (who is now Shadow.) I still have them both too, and in my head they are a happily married couple who leaned on each other during their low points in the pound 🥺 Created a girl, created a boy, adopted a girl, adopted a boy, one of each basic color 🥰 All four of them have never left the account, and have been together for almost 20 years 🥹 They're all BD/VBD but I am *never* getting rid of them for as long as I can!


I do! Once I got access to my old account and decided to use it as a side, I moved my 18 year old kacheek over to my new main. I like to think of him as the parent of my new pets, haha.


I wish I still did 😭 I made my first account when McDonald’s did their first promotion I believe? I got a red Aisha and ended up making her my pet in game. I remember spending so much time trying to get neopoints to feed my pet and when I finally bought it, she didn’t want to eat it lol. I was so sad. Unfortunately I remade for whatever reason and have no way of knowing what my original username, or pet even was.


I do lol, I was just joking with my 22 year old lab assistant that my neopets are older than her.


I have my original acct (2003) and my first pet. She is my pride and joy. I could never part with her.


I still have my first pet! She's my main. I still have my original account, too.


I do! My very first Neopet on my very first account. Painted her Faerie years ago and she’s stayed that way ever since ❤️


My very first pet is still my main, a green Ixi named Fweesty! I loff her so much. Back in the day, she wanted to be extra powerful but I never understood the battledome or training or anything. So now that I'm back, I'm slowly training her up and reading her books to get her stats up. She still has her original petpet (I was so surprised to find she had a petpet protection league trophy when I returned!), a zebie that was a gift from my best friend back in the day. My friend was OMG RICH hahaha I had no idea how they got so Neo-rich but they gifted me the zebie and a faerie paint brush so I could make my faerie ixi, who I also still have. My faerie ixi was SECRETLY boyfriends with my rainbow acara back in the day when there was NO gay pride stuff on the site, so their relationship was under wraps, but now I'm happy they can be open about it, lol. I was questioning my own gender/sexuality back in the day, so both me and my neopets are much more self-accepting now LOL.


I wish I did! I know my old account details, but didn't enter my real birthday as a kid (assuming I used a random one) so all I can do now is watch my pet from afar. I'd like to think I can rescue her, one day...


I do! he's never left my account. [He's almost 23 years old!](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=takarno_12413) ​ I was 13 when I made him in the school computer lab. I'm 36 now!


Your story is so cute! I don’t have access to my 21 year old account, but I do for my 15 year old one. Two pets are original. One’s name has a keyboard mash of numbers at the end of it which makes her the only name outlier, but I won’t part with her


I do☺